Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thursday morning Palin-oscopy.

I have so many bits of bizarre, frustrating, and silly bits of information about Sarah Palin today that I thought, rather then write about her all freaking day, I would just serve it up as a plate of "Palin  hors d'œuvres" and allow you to, either just sample the ones that interest you, or devour the entire plate.

First up I have a very simple question to ask. "Just WHO in the hell would pay $25,000 to attend a VIP reception with Sarah Palin?  And is it any surprise that they live in Texas?"

Apparently if Mitt Romney were chosen as the GOP candidate in 2012 Sarah is open to destroying his chances just like she did John McCain's.

“Sounds pretty good,” Palin declared at yesterday’s Tea Party Express rally on the Common when asked about pairing up with the former Bay State governor - giving the idea a big thumbs-up as she left the stage after her headline speech.

(By the way there is a persistent rumor swirling that Romney is gathering dirt on Palin just in case she actually tries to challenge his bid for the nomination.  Mitt, call me!  I am pretty sure I can help.)

What does it mean when your PAC spends more money de-icing the wings on your private jets than you spent on actual candidates? And do you remember how Palin promised to donate that money form the Teabagger speech in Nashville.  Yeah not so much.

What's more, there is no evidence that Palin has kept her promise to donate money she earned from a Tea Party convention in Feb. Amid controversies surrounding the National Tea Party Convention, held in Nashville, Palin said she would donate her $100K speaking fee to campaigns, candidates and issues.

Kentucky Senate candidate dared speak ill of the Teabagger Queen's qualifications to be president and was immediately attacked by his opponent.  However isn't he just saying what the mainstream Republicans all know to be true?

President of Cal State Stanislaus claims that Palin contract was stolen but asks her to just release information about her speaking fee to put the controversy to rest.  So far she has refused to respond.

Let's face it folks Palin is NEVER going to divulge how much she is being paid.  Not until somebody forces her too.

And just to wrap up here is a Sarah Palin song parody. (Found at bottom of this link)


(sung to the Don McLean song “American Pie”)

A long, long time ago…
I can still remember
Palin’s slutty flight attendant style
And when she blew her only chance
With John McCain in the Big Dance
In light of the pregnancy of her child

In February she did shiver
When Levi sold her down the river
Bad news at her doorstep
She didn’t have no more pep

The allegations she denied
Of all those gifts that she did hide
She took Alaskans for a ride
As she cajoled and lied

So bye-bye Miss Alaska bye-bye
You were shady and darn lazy
With a crazy beehive
And your background boys were making turkey head pie
Then you quit on the third day of July
Quit on the third day of July

Did you quit the job you love
After talking with God up above?
Did the good Lord tell you so?
Are you still pals with Plumber Joe?
Do dead fish still go with the flow?
And can Todd’s sister score me some good blow?

Well you know that your prospects are grim
’cause you’re way way out there on a limb
You’re sure to have the blues
Man, you screwed up those interviews

You’re just a lonely mid-aged “hockey mom”
With real deep frustration and a man that’s dumb
You’re just a third rate school alum
Today your future died

We started singing
Bye-bye Miss Alaska bye-bye
You were shady and darn lazy
With a crazy beehive
And your background boys were making turkey head pie
Then you quit on the third day of July
Quit on the third day of July

Now for two years all you did was drone
Remember Sarkozy on the phone?
But just what will your future be?
Will you pester us like a has been queen?
Will you pout and whine like a spoiled teen?
In a voice that sounds so shrill and mean,

Oh, and when you leave Wasilla town
Take along your beauty pageant crown
And bridges that you burned
Oh, please never return
And those hits you took will leave some marks
A “Barracuda” is no shark
And you were always in the dark
Today your future died

We were singing
Bye-bye Miss Alaska bye-bye
You were shady and darn lazy
With a crazy beehive
And your background boys were making turkey head pie
Then you quit on the third day of July
Quit on the third day of July

Helter skelter you are sure to swelter
The ice in your veins may even melt-ah
Ethics problems coming fast
You’re landing hard on your ass
No throwing stones in a house of glass
When you’re starring in a demon cleansing mass

Now your thinning hair reeks with perfume
You’re a spaceman cuz you see the moon
Your fans would shout and dance
Oh, to your “drill baby drill” chants!
Katie Couric made you squirm and squeal
And that was when your fate was sealed
Do you recall what was revealed
The day your future died?

We started singing
Bye-bye Miss Alaska bye-bye
You were shady and darn lazy
With a crazy beehive
And your background boys were making turkey head pie
Then you quit on the third day of July
Quit on the third day of July

Oh, and then that look upon your face
Not knowing a Supreme Court case
Forget about the Bush Doctrine
So come on: jack be nimble, jack be quick
Sarah Palin’s no “Maverick”
Cuz she’s just a “Barbie” to Todd’s “Ken”

As we watched you on that debate stage
Your hands were clenched in fists of rage
Everyone then could tell
You were praying for the bell
And as you hoped that you could land a right,
To salvage something of the night
We saw Biden laughing with delight
That day your future died

Joe was singing
Bye-bye Miss Alaska bye-bye
You were shady and darn lazy
With a crazy beehive
And your background boys were making turkey head pie
Then you quit on the third day of July
Quit on the third day of July

Palin’s a girl who has the blues
And she cannot handle interviews
She quit her job and walked away
She could not take it any more
She hightailed it right out the door
Just like a scared child, she up and ran away

And in the streets the voters beamed,
The good Lord had fulfilled their dreams
Sherry Johnston was tokin’
The “barracuda” broken
We did not really want to boast
But “Mama Bear” was finally toast
She’ll write about it through her ghost
That day her future died.

And we were singing
Bye-bye Miss Alaska bye-bye
You were shady and darn lazy
With a crazy beehive
And your background boys were making turkey head pie
Then you quit on the third day of July
Quit on the third day of July

We were singing
Bye-bye Miss Alaska bye-bye
You were shady and darn lazy
With a crazy beehive
And your background boys were making turkey head pie
Then you quit on the third day of July
Quit on the third day of July

Well that should be enough Palin-poop for one morning. Have a great Thursday everybody!


  1. Jeez just can't make this stuff up!!

  2. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Sarah has to hitch her wagon to someone else star because she does not have the brains to carry the ticket. If she was on top of the ticket, she would have to face the media and participate in debates which we all know Sarah is not wired for that. Sarah just wants to walk on stage, get everybody angry and participate in one VP debate and tell the moderator she may not answer the questions the way they want to hear it.

  3. Kat_from_HI6:40 AM

    I doubt that she would ever agree to be in the number 2 spot again. She KNOWS she's destined to be numero uno - Dog told her so.....

  4. Who would have her as a VP again? She cannot be trusted.

    Mitt is not going to put that albatross around his neck.

  5. After Obama took office I thought Palin would go back to Alaska and just do her %$#@ing job, poorly at best, but I thought she'd lay low for a spell. I was so naive. Couldn't stand her from the moment I first heard her speak. How is it that more and more people know she's an idiot yet she's making more and more $$ and becoming more and more of a monster with every passing day?

  6. If Sarah thinks Mitt Romney would touch her skanky ass with a ten foot pole--she's deluded.

    I think Romney is a pandering liar and he's got enough on his plate with having to defend his religion to the evangelicals, lying about EVERYTHING he previously thought, did, or implemented as a liberal republican governor of Massachusetts, plus that dog on top of the car thing (and you know how Americans are about their pets).

    But if Tom Tancredo runs maybe him and Sarah can team up and get white hoods at a discount rate.

  7. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Hope you got your taxes done, Gryphen!!

    Palin-oscopy - you sure have a way with words!

    Palin-Romney 2012 is the only way she'd agree to that...

  8. Anonymous7:02 AM

    When when when will her bots realize she using them on so many levels. When will they get it !!

    And please tell is if there have been any glimpses of Trig and that the truth will come out about babygate.
    I was hoping we would have proof already

  9. Ratfish7:08 AM

    Bumper sticker seen in Juneau:

    PALIN 2012 - 2014 1/2

  10. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Getting dirt on Palin will be like shooting fish in a barrel. Steve Schmidt is currently his campaign consultant. Schmidt has much more dirt on Palin than he revealed, much more!

  11. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Running for President is a full time job that costs over a hundred million dollars. It requires the organization of a major military operation, and the candidate has to stay informed, give interviews (real interviews), is subject to intensive investigation (Trig's birth certificate?). Sarah's finances will be raked through with a fine tooth comb. So will her political associations (palling around with T-baggers). The job pays a fraction of what she made last year. Ask George W. Bush about the hard work, and he wasn't much a president.

    Sarah cannot get through a speech without looking down at her notes or her hand. She has famously thin skin, and is quick to respond to any perceived insult, real or imagined. And, there would have to be some kind of shot gun wedding for Bristol, because she can only play the born again virgin for so long.

    Sarah is going to tease people with thoughts of running so she can keep the SarahPAC donation button up. No, she hasn't gotten that much in donations, but the PAC does pay for deicing, luxury hotels, other expenses that Sarah doesn't want to have to pay for. "Running" allows Sarah to have a presence at Tea Bag and GOP events. She is going to milk her fans for every last penny.

    Maybe that's a good thing. Then, they won't have enough money to donate towards the November elections.

  12. That idea gives me the creeps just reading about it...Mitt and Sarah.

  13. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Happy Tax Day! This special is on tonight: 'Saturday Night Live in the 2000s: Time and Again' filled with political sketches from Bush to Palin

    Read more:

  14. Anonymous7:28 AM

    The picture posted here of Sarah looks like the Ex Lax has just kicked in after a week of being constipated! Just sayin.'

  15. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Mitt doesn't need help gathering dirt on Sarah Palin. He's already gotten it all plus proof. Who's working on his campaign??? What would be nice is if he used it for the good of the country instead of an insurance policy for himself.

  16. ahe's a fraud7:44 AM

    Worth repeating:
    Sarah Palin is a liar and a fraud. That is fact. And she will always - always - carry that with her.

  17. nswfm7:52 AM

    Thanks for linking to lynnrockets blog of daily songs--it's one of my favorites.

    G, I'm hoping you help her jet a new home (jail) and new clothes (orange jumpsuit) well before Mitt Romney needs her for VP. Please expose this lying fraud and tax cheat well before then, Alaskans in the know.

  18. Anonymous7:54 AM

    There is a $75,000. ticket, too. Look at palin4life. there is a palin4life on twitter, too. Makes one wonder about exactly who palin4life belongs to.

  19. If she runs with Romney, she's going to have to release her income tax returns. Or maybe she's forgotten about that.

    Romney isn't going to want her on the ticket. And I'm not so sure those that forced John McCain into it will have the same power over Romney.

  20. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Ahh, now, wouldn't it be nice if SP could be 'out-ed' prior to the dinner in Texas? This may change the dynamics of the speech if it is proved that she is NOT the mother of Trig, that she lied about the birth and the trip from TX-AK :)

    This would make me very happy.

  21. Tyroanee8:10 AM

    Does Palin look like a rabid-cat-in-heat hissin' to the crowd...Or is it just me?

  22. Anne NC8:17 AM

    Her adoring fans would have a hissy fit if she ever accepted a V.P. nomination. They think that's far beneath her and that she should be ruling the country, if not the world. Those poor delusional $arah fans, do you think they can read the writing on the wall, that $arah is falling fast and that no matter what she says or does, she has burned too many bridges behind her? Those that like her may change their mind but the ones that don't decided awhile back that she was not only unqualified but the criticism aimed at President Obama depicted a sore loser and they want nothing to do with her.

  23. G Man--

    Isn't that red leather jacket one of the ones the RNC bought for Private Citizen of the ones she said were "not hers"? I recognize it from a funny bit from The Daily Show, making fun of that jacket as (supposedly) the jacket that Michael Jackson wore in the Thriller video....

    I can find you the link, if you want.

  24. Yes Bill that is a jacket that was bought for her during the McCain campaign.

    I know, I am shocked that she lied about returning those clothes as well. Shocked I say!

  25. quills8:37 AM

    Did anyone else notice that at the end of the first article mentions the "wild ride"? Interesting that author decided to refer to the facts about her water breaking, the long plane ride and drive to hospital...

    "Palin was eight months pregnant in 2008 when she visited Grapevine to speak at a Republican governors' forum. Her water broke, but she gave a half-hour speech before taking a plane back to Alaska where she gave birth several hours after the plane landed. Her teenage daughter, Bristol, had a baby later the same year."

  26. Certainly a lot of Palin Poop going on today. Good idea just to lump it all together Gryphen and then enjoy the rest of the day. Not that Mitt will be THAT stupid, but the Queen of Duh, should she decide to let herself be placed on a national ticket again would have to, OMG, answer unapproved, off the cuff questions. And I'm just thinking the questions thrown at her will be a little harder than "what do you read". So we know that is not going to happen.

  27. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Whatever happens, Palin knows she has to be second on the ticket. She is not smart enough to carry the ticket. Sarah is there for sound bites and to snoop around for freebies for her and her locust clan from the hills. Sarah has yet to face the real Sunday talk shows... America is still waiting for Sarah to take unscreened questions from the public.

    The next problem for Sarah is to find someone willing to take the top spot on the ticket. That person has to be willing to:

    1) Willing to put up with Palin.
    2) Re-educate her starting with the 2nd grade.
    3)The person on top of the ticket has to accept that they have to go through their presidency with a food taste tester in case Sarah has ambitions to move up the political ladder.

  28. Enjay in E MT8:56 AM

    As a private citizen, I can't help but feel the former half term gov. is entitled to "contract privacy". On the other hand, she is the one up on stage slamming the government & ELECTED reps;
    "as beltway elitists - wasteful spending - not representing Main Street" while specifying how big her personal jet must be.

    The Queen of Quit does not understand hypocrisy, like many t-baggers. Driving their economical American cars (built by American union workers)on Federal/State or County roads, protected & maintained by State/County employees. Holding their "anti government" rally on city land (land set aside to share for public use) mowed & cleaned by local govt employees and patrolled by police. No doubt there were a few restrooms (city water/sewer) or portable johns out there - did these t-baggers pay when they needed to use them? Fee to enter the park? Was there a drinking fountain available - with city water?

    City / County / State or Federal government touches our lives everyday. By the policies they have set for public safety. Water standards-schools-parks-EPA regs-highways-fire retardant clothing for children, etc.


  29. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Mitt would ask a Democrat to run with him before he'd ask Palin! Romney, Huckabee, Pawlenty, Crist and the rest of the guys who wanted to be McCain's VP all knew how bad Sarah hurt McCain. There is no way in hell any of them will choose her as their running mate!

  30. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Dirt on Granma Hitler? No way...

    Where are the many little Trigs? When will the rest of the story be told, Gryphen?

  31. Irishgirl9:47 AM

    Tyroanee said...

    Does Palin look like a rabid-cat-in-heat hissin' to the crowd...Or is it just me?
    No, it's not just you!

  32. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Okay, Gryphen, if you are giving us a palinoscopy, can I please have a palinectomy????


  33. Anonymous10:38 AM

    The Bush Crime Family plan is to keep promoting poor candidates so that at the last minute, Jeb gets the nomination. hat's the only way they can keep all their crimes since WWII secret.

  34. There is no way in hell Mittens will ever run with Sarah. If he panics and decides he needs to cower to DUH BASE, the religious fanatics and social cons., he will reach out to Mike Huckabee.

    I don't see him even going to that extreme, though.

  35. Headline: Mitt Romney pays Sarah Palin to stay away from him.

  36. Anonymous11:18 AM

    I too have a question, while Sarah is out crabbing for money (bottom feeding), who is watching and nuturing the kids at home? Is it Bristol? Isn't she busy with her own two kids while running a PR firm with her 12th grade education?

    It can't be Todd who is out and about racing and promoting Un-American Mystic Oil.

  37. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Anon 8:49, you missed a few:
    4. Be willing to tolerate Sarah ¨Going Rogue¨ during the campaign.
    5. Have a physician standing by when she messes up her hair, smears her make-up, and whines, ¨Iḿ fat! If I knew I was going to have to learn all this (foreign policy, the economy, etc...), I never would have done this. Iḿ fat.¨
    6. Babysit the drama queen.

    Anon 10:38:
    You are correct about Jeb.

  38. Enjay in E MT11:59 AM

    As perhaps another 2012 nightmare version may enfold -

    Jeb Bush/Liz Cheney
    Mitt Romney/Mike Huckabee
    Queen of Quit/Bachmann

    Please God --- NOOOOOOO !

  39. icstraights12:14 PM

    dsmyre: I thought that same thing! She knows she is so caustic to the GOP (and anything else she touches), she will keep opening her screeching mouth until they PAY HER to STFU and go home! Agreed: We need an scarahectomy here ASAP!

  40. Anonymous12:55 PM

    To 11:18, Molly, Sarah's younger sister, together with Sarah's parents, and when needed a collection of acquaintances, watch and raise the girls.

    Trig has a full time nanny.

  41. she cant run for anything. she cant pass the background check.

    And I am glad my handle is STILL relevant!

  42. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Someone should start a "Sarah Palin has jumped the shark" facebook fan page with a goal of 2 million fans.

    Shouldn't be hard to accomplish.

    It could be the anti-palin fan site to counter all the claims of her 'wide-spread' popularity.

  43. wakeUpAmerica1:33 PM

    Geez, you boneheads! She means that she would be open to him being her VP candidate, not the other way around.

  44. Anonymous2:27 PM

    I read that Steve Schmidt has signed on the Romney campaign...

    Now, Romney has ALL the goods on the Quitter Twitter.

  45. I don't like Mitt anymore than I like $arah, and I hate $arah. Mitt is a snake oil salesman.

  46. Do you think Mitt's magic underwear will protect him from $arah's "talents".

  47. Anonymous5:00 PM

    To Anon 12:55,
    Sarah’s oldest three kids were (are) a pain to the community. Now you are saying it takes a village of hill billies to raise Sarah’s rotten kids? I guess it is better than having the state takeover them rotten kids like they did with the oldest boy Track who vandalized school buses and was a drug addict.

    Mom is out grifting while daddy plays in the snow… it is a blessing that family is not living in the vp house!


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