Saturday, April 17, 2010

President Obama lays the Smackdown on Republicans arguing against financial reform.

It is clear that Obama has had enough of the lies and obfuscation coming from the GOP.  He looks and sounds determined to fix this country even if he has to do it while standing on a pile of broken, and barely breathing, Republican bodies.

Now THAT is the guy I voted for!

Somebody needs to get the Teabaggers in a room and make them listen to this so that they understand WHO is really working for them, and WHO is simply using them for their own selfish political ends.


  1. Rick Stelter5:46 PM

    Wow! This is the Barack Obama that I have been waiting for! He's hit the message out of the park!

  2. Ahhh I missed this. Glad you posted it. McConnell needs to put the country first for a change. Baggers should view this.

  3. Heck sounds good to me. Wait an see where it goes. Careful how many teabaggers you put in a room. They just suck all the intelligence out.

  4. LisanTX7:14 PM

    Thank you for posting this! I'm glad to hear that someone is looking after our wellbeing.

    I hope that McConnell can be widely exposed; what a jerk.

  5. wakeUpAmerica8:35 PM

    I'm happier with our president more each day. Hey, Gryphen, OT but what happened with " Sarah Palin's Real American Stories"? Did it get cancelled after one airing? One can only hope.

  6. Anonymous3:11 AM

    There has never been a day since President Obama was elected that I regretted my decision to vote for him. He is so intelligent, well-spoken, and determined to work in the best interests of Americans.

    The Teabaggers need to realize, once and for all, that their anger is badly misplaced and that the GOP is using them as a means to return to power in order to wreak even more havoc than they already did.

    The GOP has shown repeatedly that they are about party first and the country's welfare is a distant second or third. This speech has gone a long way toward exposing their hypocrisy and chicanery.

    Keep up the good work, President!!
    More people are behind you than you know.

  7. The problem with having the Teabaggers listen is he will still be black and they will still be racist.

  8. Lynne7:26 AM

    I tried to think of an appropriate comment to add here about the Teabaggers but I just can't. But I can say that I admire the President so much for how he fights for us all the time. I've never regretted voting for him either. Not ever!

  9. Anonymous9:31 AM

    quoting Bill Maher - if there is one thing the teabaggers don't like it's being called a racist, the other thing they don't like is black people.

  10. I am proud to say that I voted for this guy. Who knows if I'll ever live to see another president of his caliber in the WH.


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