Saturday, April 10, 2010

President Obama's Weekly Address.

Hey when was the last time a sitting President gave his constituents help on their taxes?

I am scheduled to finally do my taxes early next week so this information will come in very handy.

Thanks President Obama!


  1. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Good luck, Gryphen!

    We are able to use the free electronic filing for both the state and federal taxes and find it easy to use and fast for refunds!

    We got our refunds in less than a week from our state, but had to wait a bit longer (12 days) for the federal because - wait for it - we'd made a mistake and didn't ask for a large enough refund!

    That's right, the federal government made sure we got all the money we were entitled to - even though we didn't realize we were supposed to have it!

    Man, this never happened under Republicans!

    May you have such good fortune as well.

  2. i filed before i got to hear Obama's advice.

    i bet i can tell you what Grover Norquist's advice is - dont pay.

  3. I am finally getting my tax return done this weekend too. And yes indeed, Thank you Mr. President! Hey Sarah, have YOU filed your tax return yet. Don't forget all those credits you can take for your childrens' education. Oh, yeah being a political prop doesn't count!

  4. Polly8:41 AM

    I'm self-employed, so always owe taxes. I claim all my reasonable deductions, but guess what? I'm weird. I don't mind paying taxes! I reap the benefits of my taxes every single day (if not every minute). No potholes to ruin my car axels because of highway taxes; no huge fear of food poisoning (death) from groceries I purchase (USDA); no worries about my children having a decent education; no worries that I'll go to jail if I have debts (they do in other countries), etc. Did you know in Costa Rica they don't have house numbers, therefore, no postal service? You have to go to the assigned local bank or store to pick up mail? Just the simple process of mail is a blessing, I can send birthday gifts to my kids, and receive all kinds of junk mail - some actually good. :-) It is totally responsible to pay taxes. To be in a constant fury against taxes, is true socialism. Do people expect to get these amenities for free?

  5. Anonymous8:54 AM

    I love our President. He is such a contrast to the screechy, negative, hateful Palin. He is always trying to help, she is always trying to make trouble. He is always calm, she is always nearly hysterical. He always makes me feel like doing something nice for my neighbor, she always makes me want to board up my house and get my gun out. He is always thinking of the future she is always playing the past. He is like fine wine, she is like vinegar. I really hope the country wises up to her before too long. We can't possibly have that many ignorant, hateful people in the USA can we???

  6. I will be working on mine this weekend and the beginning of next week. Wish me luck, LOL

  7. We wrapped up our taxes last week. The saving grace for us was a new College tax write off for our son. The Bush admin had a "Hope" college tax credit that could only be used for 2 years, so quite literally, HOPE had run out for us in the Bush administration.
    But Obama has a new tax credit that can be used for 4 years, and because of it, we will get a hefty refund.
    On the flip side, the tuition keeps going up.
    But a substantial break is appreciated.

  8. OT: Sarah Palin About To Realize Her Greatest Nightmare

  9. Did a rough accounting of our taxes this year with the help of H & R Block computer tax software, cheaper than TurboTax or whatever else is popular.

    The $800 Make Work Pay tax credit was very welcome, but the Savings credit really did the trick this year IF I make a larger contribution to my IRA than I intended to make.

    In a nutshell, if I made a $1000 contribution to my IRA, we'd actually owe about $1100 in taxes because the take-out was so low and my extra self-emplyment income. This has happened before but never such a high amount, because less was taken out this year on our "real" jobs.

    But, I ran the numbers, and if I made a minimum about $1750 contribution to my IRA, not only did taxes go way down but a $200 Savings credit was available because it knocked our income down below the $55,500 threshold for being able to take that credit.

    So, scenario one, we pay out $1000 to my IRA and $1100 to the IRS (about $2100 total) OR scenario two we pay, say, $2000 into the IRA and owe the IRS like maybe $17.

    Guess which one we're doing?

    The hopey-changey thing is working out great, for me, thanks for asking. We made more money in 2009 than 2008 and I'm paying no more in taxes and being rewarded for doing something responsible with my money which will make it easier for me to not be a burden on your children and your children's children in my old age.

    Please tell me why on earth I should not like this president's policies?

  10. Anonymous11:46 AM

    We got ours done in mid February. Every one got a refund this year between new cars and extra deductions. It is very easy IF you organize ALL YEAR! Waiting until the last minute to get everything together may be a tradition, but it is silly and really ups your stress level.
    If you organize all year, and let's face it you KNOW what you need for the accountant or your tax software, you save missing something or forgetting to bring it with you.
    I love doing taxes, sorry I am VERY weird, mostly due to making sure the i's are dotted and the t's crossed. It soothes my inner OCD, control freak nerd big time.
    I also don't mind paying taxes and like to use the services I get from them.

  11. when was the last a sitting president gave his constituents help on their taxes?

    well, if you're in the top 5% of wealth in this nation, every single sitting president that I can think of gave them help.

    remember when W lovingly called them "The Base"?

  12. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Does anyone know the release date of Levi's book?

  13. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Many of the tax breaks President Obama explained will probably help 100 percent of the teabaggers and Palin followers. I suspect these folks are part of that 95 percent of Americans who benefited from the tax cuts last year. But are they aware of that? Because this group of right-wing underachievers probably aren't making more than $250,000 a year, they're also benefiting from the earned income tax credit and the child tax credit. If any of them have children in college (doubtful, but possible), they can benefit from the $2,500 American Opportunity Credit, but do they understand that the socialist president is behind these wonderful tax credits?

    I'm sure some of them traded in their pickup trucks last year in the cash-for-clunkers program, so they can write off those sales taxes. But do they understand that it was the Nazi-fascist-Marxist black president who made that possible? So what will they do when that juicy health care tax credit kicks in?

    I wonder how these folks will handle their taxes this year. If they follow their warped, incomprehensible ideology, they all should disavow and ignore the myriad tax credits, write some incoherent diatribe on their 1040, and return it, taxes unpaid. But I suspect they will file, willingly reap their deductions, and secretly marvel at the refund they'll get, thanks to the calm, rational, thoughtful, intelligent, duly elected president?

  14. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Was the President's Weekly Address removed? Just a white area now.

  15. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Polly - I like your attitude. Totally adult and patriotic. Cool.

  16. mother of all1:06 PM

    THERE WILL BE NO LEVI BOOK. He will do a PSA or pamphlet on co-parenting. I can hardly wait!


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