Friday, April 09, 2010

Sarah Palin is "the greatest living sound bite artist". Oh brother!

Every time I hear Palin run down our President it makes my blood boil.

When people ask why I have gone after her as aggressively as I have THAT is the reason.

On the day she talked about Obama "palling around with terrorists", and started fanning the flames of racism, I decided that she needed to not only be stopped but that all of her lies needed to be aired out for public consumption.  That is what I have been doing for the last year and a half and believe me I am not finished by a long shot.

And I am still amazed that people give her the credibility that they do.  I KNOW that she is an idiot, and an empty vessel into which GOP talking points and half baked ideas have been shoveled in by those who believe they can get their agenda listened to more effectively if it comes out of her lipsticked pitbull lips.

But WHAT exactly is coming out of her lips?

As Matthews points out she is nothing more than one talking point after another, with no substance in between.  And THIS is the biggest star in the GOP?  I wonder if this is how the Whig party met its demise?


  1. Anonymous4:46 PM

    While it is still a man's world, any attractive woman has the world by its b"lls at least, until reality sets it. Which reminds me, when will it set in? Just askin'

  2. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Gryphen - I agree! She makes me SOOO angry!! And the more applause she gets for spewing her hateful lies, the more powerful she seems to become.

    She has to be stopped! Someone has to have the courage to speak the truth about this vile, hate-filled person! Consider it an act of public service - ridding the country of a dangerous hate-monger!

  3. Anonymous5:17 PM

    "From now until November, whenever they say, 'Yes, we can,' you say, 'Oh, no you don't,'" Palin said.

  4. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Gryphen, you have noble reasons to keep on Sarah - but with all due respect, President Obama doesn't need any of our help (as evidenced by his statesmanlike bitch-slap with Stephonopolous the other day) - she is simply as Alec Baldwin stated, "That horrible woman."

    As an Alaskan, I first took issue with her when I heard she 'expected' to be given Frank's job in the U.S. Senate. Who the hell is this person and on what ground does she stand on?

    Her record was virtually unknown when she ran for Governor and her looks and opportunist taking of credit for bringing down the CBC was good enough for a beguiled public.

    She was cautious and pragmatic enough to get some traction as the State's Chief Executive, but to believe she always had her eye on 2008 defies logic. She can not be that crafty? Could she?

    When the press started digging into what made Sarah's 'executive' experience superior to Senator Obama, they found very little supportive evidence and a whole trash-load of controversy.

    is only one of the revealing articles that helped vet Palin to the American public.

    Meanwhile, the Palin antics in Troopergate became an iconic symbol of their M.O. The message was, be afraid, be very afraid.

    I sat in on a speech to a little group of small businesses. She was a rock star, the group adored her and this behavior was curious to me and my partner - "What are they clapping and cheering about? She didn't say anything?" It was uncomfortable. Sarah lives in a bubble, a bubble where her line of sight only shows her she is right and beloved.

    That she trolls the blogs (especially yours truly) and reads the horrific and insulting comments only gives me some comfort. Otherwise, Sarah still trumps us all in being a public figure and making more than six-figures at every sound-bite engagement.

    Keep on keeping on Gryphen, we need you to keep her from obtaining sainthood status and affecting public discourse since she's helped us all rule out POTUS.

  5. Anonymous6:08 PM

    A few priorities notwithstanding I can understand someone being conservative, but this woman is willfully ignorant.

  6. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Please don't ever give up , Gryphen ! by the way , has anyone seen Trig? When was his last public appearance ? To the good people of Alaska - please, speak up, before it's too late.

  7. Anonymous6:34 PM

    I don't think anything will bring her down. Her bots will rationalize everything she does, and the MSM won't report the truth about her anyway, even if/when it does come out. They are too terrified of pissing off Republicans and teabaggers.

    She's not going to give up the spotlight until she dies, and she will never be made to give it up, either.

    I enjoy reading this blog but I'm not under the slightest illusion that anything negative it reports about Palin will have any affect on her. It won't. Because of her backers she's utterly invulnerable.

    We all need to accept that.

  8. Here's a link that has the AUDIO of Palin's FULL SPEECH at the April 6th keynote speech at the Wine And Spirits Wholesalers of America's 67th Annual Convention and Exposition


  9. Anonymous6:51 PM

    I continue to be utterly amazed that thousands of people, in the same place, listen to this witless foghorn and actually believe that something that she says makes sense!! OR, has any basis in reality..

    This woman is an idiot !

  10. Anonymous6:51 PM

    What I dislike is the fact that Sarah seems to get away with saying some really awful stuff. No one (well, almost no one) is willing to call her out.

    In her New Orleans speech, Sarah used that same expression, "It is time to reload" and she claimed that it was not a call to arms but a call for people to come and discuss things. Neither the Tea Party nor the GOP have shown any willingness to talk, discuss, debate or even have a sensible conversation. Their tactic has been to shout things down. We all know what Sarah really means when she says "reload" and she doesn't mean to fire up a discussion group.

    It took Jon Stewart and Keith Olbermann to point out her stupid analogy of the playground bully and the weak kid willing to get socked in the face. No, Sarah, Hell No! Obama didn't say that he would not retaliate; he just said that he wouldn't use nuclear weapons to retaliate. Even that statement had conditions. It is hard to tell if Sarah just didn't get it, or if she is sent out with talking points written by people who intend to mislead and misrepresent what Obama said.

  11. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Anonymous 6:08 p.m. summarized my primary frustration with Sarah Palin - she is willfully ignorant.

    To me, that's tantamount to sitting around with your hands clapped over your ears, eyes shut, shouting nonsense so no stray noise might sneak into your brain and enlighten you or that some small grain of common sense might issue from your lips.

    Every clip of her this week - whether with Bachmann & Hannity or at the Southern Leadership Conference - grated on my nerves with the first wave of her wave, wink of her eye or syllable from her lying mouth.

    My goodness, I had hoped for some restorative, relative peace after being upset daily for eight years under Bush-Cheney, but, no - Ms. Sarah had to come along and do her impersonation of Dubya in a skirt.

    If anyone doubts that she is as dumb - okay, some times she almost makes him look marginally intelligent and ethical )a feat I thought impossible, just go to It still has a rich repository of quotations, video clips and articles about him that will stun you with the similarity to what Palin says.

    Mind you, she hasn't yet said something like Dubya said to the President of Brazil - "Gosh, you have blacks, too?" but she's close.

    No, Sarah has actually managed to make Dubya seem like a good natured simpleton. She is the acrid front person for the vilest human emotions, basest fears, and most secretly harbored desires of the willfully ignorant.

    There really is no reason - not even poverty - for the kind of ignorance she proudly displays.

    The sooner she is off the national stage, the better - unless, of course, her one trick pony show drains financial aid from any serious candidate. I don't think there really is enough money in this country for her to buy her way into the Office of the President. But then, I thought Dubya could never be President, either, and I certainly never, ever foresaw Palin's rise.

    Sorry for the rant, but every single time I hear that woman, I have to rant to rid myself of her stench.

    What I had originally intended to do was thank you for your dedication and relentless coverage of her because the truth will be her downfall.

  12. Anonymous7:16 PM

    OH ME TOO...How can people love someone so hateful? It's even more wild that Christians think she is so Godly????? What? How can you lie, cover up, and make your millions on spreading hate and be thought of as a good Christian Mother????? I'm just shocked that everything good is now bad, and everything bad is now Good.

  13. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Hey, at least solid positive thing has happened already thanks to you in particular: Trig is no longer the hottest fashion accessory in Palin's wardrobe.

    We can only hope he is getting the help and attention he needs, but at least he is dragged about like a sale bag of potatoes that she thinks is past its sell-by date.

    So, thank you (and others)for pounding away on that. You may have given that little boy (whichever one it was that was the main prop - nice to have a backup, right?) a chance to develop as best he can.

  14. Anonymous7:41 PM

    I guess there is still time for this” big gaping cow hole” to learn that Barack Obama is President, and she is a nothing, a big zero. After all, it took her four schools and six years to get a single degree.

  15. GreetingsFromTheJerseyShore8:10 PM

    To paraphrase Dan Akkroyd's phrase on SNL...$arah, you ignorant are a middle school nasty girl - an ignorant middle school nasty girl...the word is NUCLEAR...N.U.C.L.E.A.R...that's right - nu cle(long e)ar NOT nuquler - never has been nuquler - never will be the way, how's that readin' off the paper goin' for ya'...

  16. Anonymous8:35 PM

    She is still calling President Obama a community organizer with no experience. A quitter governor. He is the President of the United States. For almost a year and a half now. She is an Idiot. And she should stick to cheerleading and shopping. She is giving intelligent women a bad name.

  17. I disagree that Palin is merely willfully ignorant. She has pathalogical traits and has no interest in facts or truth. She is on a quest to be Pres, make money while campaigning and lies it is all for other people. She says anything destructive to her target (Obama) to annihalate him to others on purpose. Truth has no place in her schemes and pathalogical lying to achieve her hidden agendas.

    When she quit the governorship my first thought was that she quit to have more time to destroy Obama to people to position her self to win in 2012. Thank god most people see through her facade.

  18. Anonymous8:51 PM

    So if you have reallu gone after her so "agressively" what has happened to babygate? Why have you ... and all Alaska bloggers as near as I can tell... dropped the entire Trig story?

    Where is the truth?

  19. Anonymous9:04 PM

    While Sister Sarah is terrorizing the lower 48, I am wondering why no action has been taken against her and her family in Alaska. If they are guilty of just half the things that have been uncovered up there - where is the local government, the IRS, the FBI. She seems to be living on the edge with SarahPAC and the Alaska Fund Trust. I just don't understand how someone like her can get away with it forever.

    She is as transparent as a sheet of Saran Wrap. For those who have spoken out and created blogs, you are brave and tireless in your efforts. You are to be commended and encouraged to continue. My question is does she really have that much power and know so many of the right people that she is literally getting away with murder?

    She truly is like the bully who intimidates, and she is obsessed with Obama because nothing she says will draw him in. He is unflappable. While she has all this blind loyalty from people who do not think for themselves or read anything that might cause them to questions her, she does not have the respect or approval from him or what's left of the legitimate news media.

    She is a problem and most likely the only way she will fade is if someone smarter than myself can find a way to reach her supporters where they are most vulnerable - not through criticizing her, but showing them that she is not just like them. I am afraid that she is the one who is going to have to prove it to them - with a mistake they can identify with.

    Now I'm rambling. I'm not new to your blog, but this is the first time I have left a comment. Good luck and keep on keeping on. There was a time right after McCain belched her into the bright lights that I thought I was the only one who couldn't stand her.

  20. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Gryphen do you really have anything left in your bag on Palin? Actually I like seeing her out and about spewing all this shit. She is driving the Republican party in the ground. Go Sarah!!!!!!

  21. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Don't just sit there - if you see her, ARREST HER!

  22. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Anonymous 6:34 PM
    I've not heard a word about the little fetal alcohol syndrome baby or the one we know as Trig (round ears). Neither baby has been seen for too long. Two babies missing from one mother.

  23. heidi110:26 PM

    I agree with many of the posts above...thousands of us do. WHEN are the people who have all of this local dirt on Sarah Palin going to get it out? Ruffled Ear, etc. If you know something, make it public and loud! Palin is getting away with murder. She needs to be stopped, and time is absolutely of the essence! Why can't this stuff get sold to the National Enquirer, at the very least? If any of you have the power to do so, STOP THIS TOXIC WOMAN!

  24. Anonymous1:24 AM

    If Palin is the best that the GOP has to offer, then they deserve to go the way of the Whig Party. All she is consists of empty, clueless, and equally hateful sound bites. It's obvious that she has a personal hatred for President Obama, because she criticizes everything he does and says with no constructive alternative of her own to offer.
    She and others who still insist Obama has "no experience" are obviously stuck in the pre-November 2008 period in this country. The fact that they keep beating this dead horse shows that they are in denial and still haven't accepted the verdict of that presidential election. I know there are decent Republicans, and they need to take their party back from the extremists.

    It's appalling that anyone anywhere is foolish enough to think Palin is godly or exemplifies family values. She has told egregious and easily disproven lies. In addition, she has incited bigotry and hatred with her sound bites that the ignorant eagerly lap up. Regardless of what she said in New Orleans about the "reloading" remarks, too many crazies out here will take it literally and have.

    She has also proven to be a horrible mother who exploits her children for political purposes, but who has dropped the ball when effectively supervising and keeping them out of trouble.

    With her character deficits, mainly being proudly ignorant, we see the ugliness of the interior woman which overshadows any looks she has.

  25. GrainneKathleen4:16 AM

    her hatred of our prez always leaves me gobsmacked. i should be used to it by now, but i still find it extremely disturbing that she can't give credt where credit is due even if she does disagree with hin about most things.. in this snippet of her speech she leaves out the fact that as a senator obama worked on nuclear disarmament with republican senator lugar. palin can't even say nuclear properly and doesn't even seem to know reagan's similar history of gradual nuke disarmament. i'm sure she's seething about the way obama dissed her when asked to respond to her inane and ignorant blasting of his nuke disarmament policy. i think it's best if the prez continues to ignore the fact that she exists. it's a strategy that must drive her delightfully batty!

  26. Anonymous4:22 AM

    When it comes to Palin and the MSM, the MSM reminds me of a crack addict they know it's not good for them but they keep doing it anyway.

  27. Anonymous4:33 AM

    Video caption "GOP takes over New Orleans" New Orleans? GOP? Really? And how many times do you think Katrina has been mentioned. Yup, that would be ZERO.

  28. Let me just say a big thanks once again to John fucking McCain for creating and unleashing this monster scourge on the rest of the country, and thanks to all you spineless Alaskans who let this woman continue to embarrass your state and our country.

    Thanks to the GOP, who continue to let Sarah Palin, Liz Cheney, Michelle Bachmann and Newt Gingrich be your party's spokespeople. The hate and fear mongering will bring our democrats and left leaning independents to the polls in droves this November.

    Here in VA we are dealing with our own hate and fear mongering administration, and it is backfiring big time already. With just three months into a new administration, Bob McDonnell and Ken Cuccinelli have managed to alienate and insult 75% of our population...this is what people will get if they vote in these Republican whackos. Bob ran as a moderate, but has pandered to every extreme right wing group in his brief time in office. He has created no jobs, and has pursued his radical social right wing agenda with gusto.

    So if y'all thought W was bad...this latest crop of nutjobs are promising to be 100 times worse.

  29. sarah palin - dumb and evil - what a combo. the ONLY reason palin is even still around is because the MSM has deemd the Palin soap opera worthy of getting ratings to sell commercials

    if the msm ignored her (which they should) palin would disappear so fast

  30. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Anon 4:33:

    Palin was, in fact, the first speaker to refer to the hurricane, saying that "being here and hearing of the inspiring stories of people who have rebuilt, revitalized, restored after Katrina — it’s really inspiring."

  31. I am daily astonished by how utterly I find myself despising this woman. She has no idea what she's talking about, but she's having a field day doing it -- and being treated like royalty while becoming a wealthy woman.

    It's like everything I've wanted to believe about women and success are a lie.

    The unbelievable disrespect and contempt with which she refers to President Obama is staggering.

    I applaud his calling her out, even if her followers are too damn stupid or stubborn or delusional (or whatever they are) to realize that he showed class, restraint, and far more respect than she deserves.

    Harrumph, etc.


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