Sunday, May 09, 2010

Amy Poehler and Tina Fey return for a "Really?"segment with Seth Meyers.

So good!

And if you liked that you are going to LOVE this segment with the legendary Betty White.

I love it when Betty White gets naughty!

This is right up there with the legendary "Schweddy Balls" segment with Alec Baldwin.


  1. Anonymous4:50 PM

    I have it recorded. I really do wish we could have heard Betty White say "fucking". Man, I just laughed when I saw her say it, but they bleeped it out. She's one funny lady -- very hip!

  2. emrysa5:43 PM

    good skits. when I saw that npr one I immediately thought of the schweddy balls skit too, gryphen. she did a great job last night.

    88 years old? amazing. woman's got some good genes.

  3. Anonymous5:59 PM

    The minute it came on and I saw Betty White, I rewound the DVR and recorded the segment. It started out so close to the Baldwin skit that I'd love it.

  4. GrainneKathleen5:47 AM

    love that lovely betty white - everyone's (naughty) grandmother. no one delivers a deadpan line or a one-liner better. she boosted snl's ratings last night and she rocked. i loved her opening monologue, especially the jokes about the absurdity of facebook. she is a national treasure.

  5. too perfect. If I go to delete a picture on Facebook it asks me if I'm sure. Absolutely perfect!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.