Thursday, May 06, 2010

Arizona policy as explained in Crayola.

When I saw this I just had to share.


  1. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Whoever created this had a stroke of pure brilliance! So perfect and yet so sad.

  2. "And I'll see your true colors
    Shining through
    I see your true colors
    And that's why I love you
    So don't be afraid to let them show
    Your true colors
    True colors are beautiful,
    Like a rainbow"

  3. nswfm4:51 PM

    That was very funny.

    This is slightly off topic, but I love the smell of grilled hypocrite in the morning:

    Hope you get a story like this on your $P hypocrite family soon.

  4. emrysa6:11 PM

    this is all so f-ing stupid. such a backasswards way of dealing with the problem.

    as long as americans want something for nothing, then there will be a market for slave labor.

    as long as there's a market for slave labor, the slaves will keep comin'.

    this is what I find so frustrating. it's the same people who espouse that "the market is the solver of all problems" who can't even see that the market for cheap/slave labor (read: I don't want to pay enough to support my fellow countrymen) is the root of the problem. so they think that passing laws will solve the problem, while they won't do anything about the DEMAND for cheap/slave labor. so stupid.

    /rant clever graphic.

  5. Anonymous6:30 PM

    The color of their skin is irrelevant. The thing that is relevant is their legal status to be in this Nation. The victim's here are the AMERICAN Citizens who have had to pass legislation at the State level because the Fed's are not doing their job.

  6. Anonymous11:21 AM

    To Anonymous 6:30pm

    I might agree with you, IF I thought the drafters of the law weren't racist (and there is plenty of evidence to the contrary) AND we could all count on the Russian, Serb, etc immigrants to be stopped and asked "Paper's Please." Since that won't happen, why not just be honest and admit that is is all about the color of the skin. Lying might make you feel better, but it is still lying and we're on to you.


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