Saturday, May 08, 2010

Birther in military refuses to deploy with Kenyan in the White House, and then cowers behind his attorney when scary Anderson Cooper asks him to explain his stupidity.

This guy is an embarrassment to the US Army and I hope they court martial his ass.

Now ask yourself if there is any chance in hell that this guy would refuse to deploy to Afghanistan if the President had a little less pigment in his skin.

I have stopped watching CNN lately but Anderson Cooper does a great job in this interview.  Go get'em Coop!


  1. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Hey - randon question, isnt Mercede going to post a little fyi on life with the Palins?

  2. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Has the good colonel also refused to cash his paychecks?

  3. Anonymous8:12 PM

    embarrassment is not the word for him... Court Marshall is too good....and make sure there is NO PENSION since he is refusing to serve his country that he has for 20+ years until there was a "black" president....the guy is a chickenshit

  4. Gasman8:23 PM

    I am always amused when someone who claims to be engaging in an act of civil disobedience acts surprised when they actually have to face the justice system for their acts.

    The very concept of civil disobedience is predicated upon the notion that one is willingly disobeying a perceived unjust law IN ORDER to face the consequences. By subjecting oneself to legal penalties for knowingly violating an unjust law, one draws further attention to said unjust law. This pussy is either just looking for any excuse not to deploy or he is just another racist prick who thinks he can defy a VERY WELL established body of law on this matter simply because the Commander In Chief is a black guy. As a member of our armed forces, he doesn’t get to decide when he will and will not obey orders from superiors, regardless of their race. He doesn't have to like, approve of, or even agree with orders, he just has to obey them. As an officer, he knows that. He would not tolerate such behavior from his subordinates. Why does he think that this kind of behavior is acceptable for a Lt. Col.? If anything, it is less acceptable because it threatens the very command structure inherently necessary to an effective military.

    If Lt. Col. Goober thinks that he is engaging in some grand act of civil disobedience, then he ought to be willing to face the music, up to and including prison time. If he honestly thinks that he will become some martyred symbol of oppressive government, then he is thicker than shit.

    The good news in all of this is that the right wing teabagger crowd won’t look too kindly on his refusal to deploy, even if he is trying to cloak his actions in the batshit crazy birther paranoid memes. Even the teabaggers realize that allowing soldiers to view orders as optional is not a good idea and even they can recognize a coward when they see one.

    If this guy really believed in in righteousness of his actions, he would speak for himself and not hide behind the very voluminous skirts of his well fed lawyer.

  5. Laura8:29 PM

    I was impressed with Anderson Cooper as well. He did a great job.

  6. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Pawn, check, checkmate...his 15 minutes of fame. Just because he is an officer and a doctor does not mean he is honorable (wackos are in all walks of life).

    P.S. Is he related to Palin?

  7. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Oh I'm sure this guy has questioned President Bush and Clinton for their BCs. 18 years in the service and only now has to have proof of American birth of the Commander in Chief. Racist.

  8. Anonymous9:06 PM

    I am amazed that the Birthers just won't quit, even when Orly Taitz (their unofficial den mother) was fine $20,000. for wasting the court's time with her baseless lawsuits.

  9. Anonymous9:10 PM

    "mounting evidence", hah! more like "mounting" the evidence (check your shakespeare for the meaning here).

  10. I've always like Anderson Cooper, but now I think I have a new respect for him. Although I've never been a big fan of TV hosts talking over people, it was justified in this case. He was talking to the Colonel, not his douche bag lawyer.

    Where is this 'evidence' that proves their case? They don't have any.


  11. Is there any question about why soldiers can't get proper health care for PTSD any more? This doctor can't even formulate his own argument, he has to use a deranged lawyer for his mouthpiece. Just like so many other republicans he has to have someone else script what he says. They just make up lies. This attorney is a great example of what goes on in a court room with a prosecutor. They take false information and put it forward as the truth. People take the prosecutor as an authority and believe that if he believes something there must be significant evidence, after all the public wants to believe prosecutors have justice as their main goal. The truth is they have an agenda other than facts and truths that they serve. If they didn't they would not have been placed in the job to begin with. Two examples of real prosectors are Jerry Brown the AG in CA, and Kayo Hallinan who was the DA in SF for 8 years, his conviction rate was low because he put justice higher than statistics, had justice as a goal rather than winning, and wanted facts/evidence to guide the cases. The right went on a campaign to get rid of him.

  12. emrysa10:11 PM

    what an ass.

    note to dude: if you think that making a stink over obama's birthplace is going to get you the support of a sane group of people, you are terribly wrong. just check yourself in somewhere.

  13. Weirdness and weirdness.

    I was born in Osceola County, Michigan in 1960. If the Birthers don't like what's on the President's "birth certificate" (or Record of Live Birth), they'd have a FIELD day with the raggedy 81/2 by 51/2 piece of card stock the county clerk sent me. Not only is the paper cut crooked, the printing's more crooked.

    This paper's got my name, my parents' names, and the date. NOTHING that the Birthers are insisting that is required on a "federal document" is on this scrap--except an embossed county seal, pressed in the corner.

    Nevertheless, that was good enough for me to get my passport, and I've flown to the Netherlands, China, and South Africa--no sweat.

    I think the Teabagger Party and the Birthers have basically one problem: They claim to believe in "deomcracy" and the Constitution--but don't like what the American people said in November 2008. So, either they are opposed to the Constitution (or "democracy"), or they need to find some OTHER reason why the last election doesn't count. I KNOW! The President is not a "natural born" citizen. Or how about ACORN engaged in world class election fraud. Or none of the African American voters paid their poll tax--wait, forget that one......

    Bad craziness.

    Bill Abendroth
    Samsara Samizdat

  14. WakeUpAmerica11:44 PM

    You can't cure stupid.

  15. All I can say is, we aren't the only ones tired of this. had to say, in tones of utter exasperation, that he is, indeed, born in the USA in this article:

    For the full archive of checks, triple checks, quadruple checks, and just plain head-banging this organization has done on this matter alone, you may visit:

    I'm sure there will be another post of similar annoyance soon following the national coverage of this lawsuit.

  16. Anonymous1:55 AM

    Racist coward.

  17. Anonymous3:24 AM

    I wish I had caught the name at the time,there was a birther on CNN months ago who was arguing the same point that the "certificate of live birth" was not valid proof. He acted like he was an expert on the subject. Only he pronounced "live" with a short I like "live and let live" every time he said it. Very hard to take these guys seriously.

  18. Anonymous4:35 AM

    Lt. Colonel? This racist, reactionary prick is nothing but a "chicken" in my book. Court martial his ass--quickly.

  19. Anonymous4:37 AM

    So if McCain had become president would this guy refuse to serve? Remember that McCain was not born in the US and Hillary & Obama took the high road and agreed not to make it an issue during the campaigns.

  20. Anonymous4:48 AM

    wow. AC was incredible in this interview. I wish ALL interviewers were this tenacious with their guests, especially when faced with a steaming pile of BS.

  21. Anonymous5:15 AM

    i wish i could be in the room to watch his court martial.

    bill in belize

  22. Why in hell do these dumb asses even bother to come on a program to "defend their stand" if all they're going to do is let their lawyer speak for them?

    A Lt. Col. (or any plaintiff) should be able to defend his or her position adequately.


  23. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Two years in the brig and dis-honorable discharge from the Army.

    His 18 years of service should end. No government retirement check and no health care for life.

  24. Anonymous5:50 AM



  25. Anonymous6:43 AM

    He's a racist, plain and simple. His "Lizard Lawyer" is crazier and more dishonest than his client.

  26. isn't this the same clown who was represented by Orly Taitz?

    why on earth would anyone take this idiot seriously or give him any air time?

    Yes, AC was great, but this guy does not deserve one minute of our attention.


    let the military deal with his lame ass


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