Sunday, May 09, 2010

President Obama's Weekly Address. Fine tuning Health Care Reform.

Here is the link for Health so you can track the progress being made and get your questions answered. 

We always knew the bill would be imperfect, but getting it passed was the first step in really addressing the health care crisis and beginning the long slog toward repairing the problems.

Personally I still wish the insurance companies did not still have so much power, but I am pleased to see that the administration is starting to twist arms to make them treat their customers more humanely.


  1. Anonymous6:58 AM

    In an age of relative instant gratification and abusive corporations, it has been difficult to wait for health care reform. It was even more difficult to see what started out as more solid, substantive bill become watered down as it made its way through both the House and Senate.

    However, I am once again buoyed with hope - real hope. I knew but didn't want to acknowledge that it does take time to get important things done well.

    I still believe that President Obama and the Democrats will make the changes needed to fine-tune the current law and move us closer to the effect of single-payer for all (my dream scenario).

  2. Anonymous8:37 AM

    For those who wanted single payer, I hope that you stand by this bill because it's the first and most meaningful step. I read somewhere that 42 states are against the HRC bill -- don't know how many have actually joined the lawsuit against it.

    Grypen- thank you for the site, I posted it on my FB page.


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