Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Bristol Palin on the View.

Bristol identified herself as a single mom, but she did not take the bait that Barbara offered her to attack Levi: "I’m a single mom. I think that says everything I need to say.” So that is good at least.

However she did not cop to the fact that she has a nanny to help her take care of Tripp. “I am living by myself [with a roommate]. I’m living in a condo, a little apartment, and I’m on my own. I’m a single mom, I provide for my son.”

Hah!  Bristol just confirmed that she is living on her own in a condo.  Hmm now who said that first?

By the way the condo is in Anchorage.

Bristol was VERY uncomfortable and ill at ease. She does not yet possess her mother's ability to BS.

(Oops need to give a hat tip to Famecrawler for the quotes. I got a phone call and missed part of the show.)

(When I can get an embed of the video I will post it.)

Here we go.

Does ANYBODY really believe that Bristol is going to stay abstinent until she gets married?

Oh and by the way the theory of a live in nanny as her "roommate" does make a lot of sense.  I certainly don't know that for certain, but it would fit in with some of the other things I have heard.


  1. Anonymous9:39 AM

    spell check is your friend.

  2. I think they invited BP and gave her the velvet glove treatment to pave the way so SP would appear on the show....note the end of the interview....(I paraphrase)"we've asked your mom several times...tell her we'd really like for her to come on the show..." Double Gak!!

  3. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Joy and Whoopi must have been told to play nice .... they both were holding back.... Barbara kept shooting them "the look" and they both had that if I don't say something I am gonna blow up look....

    I her roommate male or female Gryph?

  4. Uncomfortable and ill-at-ease or not, she showed a lot of courage going on television surrounded by those mostly left-wing harpies.

    Palin-Arapeio in 2012

  5. Piper is in school10:07 AM

    Bristol needs help. Anyone that has anything to do with promoting that fish out of water is cruel.

    In other school news: If I took my 9 year old to GALA event or dinner and drinks with the old folks I would help her dress appropriate. It is deeply sad what the Palins do to their kids. Piper will probably Google her old fashion glamour shots one day and wonder why no one told her she looked out of place in a Candies style tartish outfit. The values they teach are to carry a handbag? Why not one that goes with the outfit? We are seeing home school in action. That is Piper's class room.

    Can we alert a school board or educational department about this home school? At least, get the child dress and shoes to go with the bag. Lauren Bush knows how to dress, can no one speak up in that class? The Palins are making home schools look BAD.

  6. Anonymous10:07 AM

    still touching bases, gryphen?

  7. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Bristol gets paid big, big bucks for her little bit appearance - "showed a lot of courage" is NOT what Bristol did.

  8. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Well, I don't like to comment much about the way someone dresses. However, I saw the outfit Piper wore, and I didn't mind the flip flops and coach purse not matching, or if anything matched at all. I thought the dress should have been more classical nine year old dress up, at least with sleeves, or a dressy outfit a young girl would wear to church. It was too revealing for a formal-ish event for a young girl. Okay for the beach.

  9. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Bristol is all of 19 years old and she lives in a condo. Where I live, condo=ownership; if she was paying rent to live someplace that would=apartment. Ownership of property is public record; does Bristol own that condo? And, what about the big fancy complex out there at the lake. I thought that Bristol had rooms there too.

    I do not like the fact that Bristol identifies herself as a single mom. Yes, it's true, she is a mom and she is single. But, there are many women who are raising children by themselves after a divorce,or after being widowed. Bristol was never married, and she has excluded the baby's father from a great deal of his life. She should not try to identify herself with all of the single moms out there were are actually work hard to support themselves and their child (children).

  10. emrysa10:28 AM

    someone said:

    "Uncomfortable and ill-at-ease or not, she showed a lot of courage going on television surrounded by those mostly left-wing harpies. "

    so do you think candies really gave her the choice? seems like an obligation to me, not courage.

    courage would be owning up to the truth. and it's obvious several times over that the palins cannot tell the truth.

  11. Lisabeth10:32 AM

    If you enter Bristol Palin in google news, you will find an article that says the Palins and Johnstons have "reconciled.". Really?? It's a vanity fair article. Please comment there- I'm so sick and tired of the media giving the Palins a pass. They are horrible!!

    Also go to the Huffington Post Style page/ there are some cute photos of Piper. And Sarah. With all her money, you'd think she would hire a stylist. Meow!! Piper looks very stylish and adorable-it was a strange place to bring a kid.

    And where is Trig?? Very strange. I hope he's getting the educational/therapy services he needs.

  12. Lisabeth10:35 AM

    PS I agree with you all about the appropriateness of Pipers dress. Flip flops? But she's so adorable. I hope that kid turns out ok

  13. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Courage??? Palin-Arpaio??? Gag is all I can say. Anyone who would want those 2 has a few screws loose or is simply a stupid ignorant racist.

  14. Anonymous10:41 AM

    There will always be those who are stuck and can only follow and promote what Sarah Palin is about. They will not see or care when a child is used as a tool. Bristol is an adult now, her chronological age, it is still painful to watch her being humiliated in public like she is a child. I am glad the View soft balled her. It is just too, too, too pathetic as it is. Bristol's misery is a burden that is catching up with her. In spite of fabulous wealth, the life of a corporate shill is never all easy. She sold her soul to the company store.

    Who did this to Bristol Palin and why? There are reasons Bristol can't stand up against the machine. That needs to be investigated.

  15. I recorded it so will watch it later. The palinbots feel that Bristol is a great role model for single mothers. Because don't you know inner city single moms have over a $1,000 in child support, new SUV from mom, and a business? They can totally relate to having a nanny to watch their baby while at school or work. Gee it looks really hard to be a single mom. sarcasm off.

  16. Yes Bristol looked uncomfortable....and her hair kept falling into her eyes. I didn't know she was living with a roommate. I kinda got the impression she didn't want to reveal any personal information re: income or Levi yet she was quick to smile regarding her mother..... I wonder to myself if Bristol had filed for welfare like most single young women do so that she receives WIC, etc. I would think that her income and child support payments would put her out of qualification for welfare...makes too much money. So she may be a single mother but she is financially sound. Does her roommate share rent payment?

  17. Anonymous10:56 AM

    When our high school class held a reunion, I found myself using every internet resource to turn up missing classmates. I will admit that I was pretty good at locating people.

    So, when I looked for Bristol in Anchorage, the only information that comes up (time and again) is that Bristol lives in Wasilla. There is no address and no phone number for Bristol in Anchorage. If she owned a condo, it would have shown up.

    She may have a rented apartment which is used as an address in terms of her court proceedings with Levi. She may actually be staying with a friend, who does own the condo. Or, I am willing to guess that the friend receives mail for Bristol at an Anchorage apartment or condo, and says that Bristol lives there.

    Come on, Anchorage people, how many of you have seen Bristol in Anchorage? Anywhere (besides on TV)??

  18. Anonymous10:56 AM

    No it is not about courage with Bristol. Check her medicine cabinet, that is not enough to mask her turmoil. What she is doing is all for the wrong reasons. She is brain washed and she gets a pay off. They are part of the glamor celebrity life now, she might have illusions of grandeur about being something she is not. It will unravel. The people who create brands are still working on her but they don't have enough to work with.

    Palin-Arapeio in 2012 is a dream ticket for Democrats. Please do more to promote that. It is better than talk back baby or any of the others they desperately hope will catch on.

  19. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Before you pat yourself too hard on the back weren't you saying as recently as April 13 that Tripp was being raised on the compound???

  20. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Piper should not have been at that event. I live in NYC and go to these events because my husband is in the media world, and we have never taken our daughter, 8, to any of these. We take her to book parties where we just drop in and can't afford babysitters all the time, but never to a gala, never. No one does. No One. No matter how famous and powerful.

    Miss Wasilla does it as her "I am just a hick lie you" routine, mother of the year, kids with me all the time.....UGH

  21. Anonymous10:58 AM

    GRYPH: Did the judge tell Levi he LIED about his income? That is what the TMZ article says.

  22. emrysa10:58 AM

    there are people who own condos as an investment and rent them out. not saying bristol didn't buy the condo, but real estate bff kristin might have found her a good rental. hell maybe kristin owns it.

  23. This is off topic, I apologize, but just felt the need to pass it on. From Detect A Good Liar By Knowing Their Most Effective Tactics They have a link to Psychology Today at the bottom of the article.

  24. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Is that 'roommate' perchance little Triggers?

  25. Anonymous11:18 AM

    My-my, Cookie need to abstain from cupcakes while she's at it.

  26. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign11:18 AM

    I have not one single nice thing to say about Bristol Palin, so I'm saying nothing at all!

  27. Piper is in school11:18 AM

    In the scheme of things I don't care about matching flip flops and handbags. My bad, I was being facetious about the Palin family BS values that they teach their children. Already Piper looks like she cares about superficial things and her little ego is not being helped by this version of home schooling. Who is to say Piper won't just be another vain teen who cares only about how they look and what they think others think about them? Mommy Dearest says "obey" and don't Google. In a few years Piper could Google to see how she looked and how cute she has always been only to find she now thinks it is an ugly style and why did they let her dress like that? It could devastate her that the Candie look is so awful. IMO, nothing about Piper at that GALA event looked appropriate. Isn't Ashton Kutcher a commie? Or is he fascist? I guess the latter would work.

  28. Anonymous11:26 AM

    I searched public records. I see no property ownership records anywhere in the state of Alaska for Bristol Palin. I also didn't see any recent purchases or ownership of Anchorage condos in any Palin name. As for her identifying herself as a single mom, that is correct. She is unmarried. I wouldn't beat her up for that.

  29. Anonymous11:30 AM

    All struggling single mothers can also too afford nose jobs, such as the plastic surgery makeover Bristol just got.

    Life is tough having plastic surgery and being revirginized and all.

  30. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Before you pat yourself too hard on the back weren't you saying as recently as April 13 that Tripp was being raised on the compound???

  31. yawn. when is $arah going to prison?

  32. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Before you pat yourself too hard on the back weren't you saying as recently as April 13 that Tripp was being raised on the compound???

  33. apropos, they stayed at Trump Towers?11:59 AM

    Did you see the pictures of Piper in the pink dress and flip-flops leaving Trump Towers. They are living big without Trig. Where is Tripp? Willow, home alone, could actually be in school? Track is saving free speech for America. What a family.

  34. Anonymous12:05 PM

    11:26 said:

    "I searched public records. I see no property ownership records anywhere in the state of Alaska for Bristol Palin. I also didn't see any recent purchases or ownership of Anchorage condos in any Palin name. As for her identifying herself as a single mom, that is correct. She is unmarried. I wouldn't beat her up for that."

    did you check under Johnston? Sue Williams, the caterer, said there was a quickie wedding between Bristol and Levi before Trig was born.....

    Unless there is a divorce, then property could be under the Johnston name.

  35. Anonymous12:15 PM

    O/T: SP on twitter just said the oilspill was due to BP being a foreign company (British)

  36. To anonymous at 10:41: I am sure your question is rhetorical: who did this to Bristol Palin? Because I love your link - that is the picture I would love to have explained. There is a lot going on in that picture from the RNC. And we all know WHO did this to Bristol: mommie dearest. It is evident in the interview Bristol first did with Greta; later the interview with Oprah of the two of them. I still maintain that Bristol is abused because abuse does not have to be physical, it can be emotional and psychological. I still think Bristol is being forced to do these interviews.

  37. Anonymous12:26 PM

    I don't really give a hoot what the Bristol Palin is or does and am sick and tired of the news media shoving the entire Palin family down our throat. They are not celeberties but lying grifters.

  38. Roommate = Live-in nanny?

  39. Bristol is a liar and those women on The View are just helping her lie some more with this appearance. I'm beyond disgusted with the Palins and with Alaskans who've let the Palins swindle the entire country.

  40. Anonymous12:41 PM

    I didn't watch Bristol, now click the pictures of their trashy child (sorry kiddo), no read Palins retarded "don't trust foreigners" rant. The whole family need to move into a dark cave until they evolve enough to join the human race.

  41. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Try searching for the property with the names of the llcs.

  42. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Palin pushed adoption and abstinence in TX last week.

    "If motherhood isn't an option, then adoption can be an option," she said. "And it's a beautiful option."

    Read more:

    Palin had adoption protesters in Dallas on April 30 at her speech. adoption
    Some fundamentalist-run pregnancy centers are no longer satisfied talking women out of abortion. Now they want the babies

    Sarah Palin will speak at a Care Net crisis pregnancy center fundraiser in Sept. in Waco. Pregnant women have to earn baby products by taking evangelical courses.

  43. I doubt Bristol has a condo in her name. What I would bet is a condo purchased by a schill company for Bristol or Sarah.
    I live in a county with a huge number of teen mothers. Bristol's life style does not resemble any of the teens around here. I wish she'd quit playing victim. Bristol shows up to these "interviews" (and I use that term loosely...she does not answer any questions), acts bored, and collects the big bucks. It sure beats working at McDonalds flipping burgers all day. If I was an impressionable teen, I'd think she was living the good life.
    I do NOT feel sorry for her, either. If she's old enough to raise her baby, she's old enough to make her own decisions.

  44. Anonymous1:09 PM

    I have another reason why the media is going "soft" on Bristol. When the truth comes out about her various babies, she will be a tremendous "get" for whoever lands the first interview. Sort of in a freak show Monica Lewinsky, Tiger Woods, Rielle Hunter type of way. She will remember who was nice to her when she has to pick for her first post-scandal interview.

  45. Anonymous1:19 PM

    With all the Palin $$-raking they still can't see their way to clothe any of those 3 daughters attractively. No pretty or flattering dresses even
    for Piper, like the Ill-fitting 'creation' Bristol wore at the convention & that drab pink thing
    hanging on poor Piper at the gala, w/flip-flops. Was that brown bag her grandmother's purse?

    OT Is Britta Hanson a 'celebrity too? Anyone know why she was at the NY event?

    Sharon TN

  46. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Does Bristol understand she's getting softball questions or does she think she's doing "interviews"? Bristol's intelligence is marginal at best. She seems too clueless to realize people are laughing at her.

    Hopefully the nanny is smart enough to realize that she is responsible for raising Tripp ADND Bristol.

  47. A couple of things.

    I also checked the real estate records and NO I don't think that Bristol or the Palin's purchased the condo she is staying in. However before either Levi or Bristol confirmed that she was staying in one I had TWO different sources, and one of them is very good, tell me that she was living in one in Anchorage. I am pretty confident he sources are good.

    As for my comment about Tripp being raised in the compound, I am still pretty sure he spends a substantial amount of time out there.

    By the way if anybody can find the View embed I would appreciate it. So far its still seems unavailable.

  48. Oh and as for the roommate?

    I have no idea, that is news to me.

    But I will do some snooping.

  49. Damn, I have to start reading ALL of the comments before I respond!

    Somebody asked if the judge had said that Levi LIED about his income, and no I do not believe that is the case. I have never read that at least.

    And if you remember correctly when the judge decided the child support issue Levi was not even in the courtroom. Only a lawyer from Rex's firm was there.

  50. WTF does this have to do with $arah? Put the bitch in jail already.

  51. emrysa1:42 PM

    gryphen don't waste your time trying to find out about the roommate. it's just more bullshit.

    first of all, bristol doesn't have any friends. second of all, there's no way in hell granny is going to let a stranger or someone from outside the family move in with bristol. there's secrets to be kept, therefore there can't be anyone around who might find out.

  52. Anonymous1:44 PM

    If Bristol is living "with a roommate" in a condo in Achorage, why was a suite for her built at the compound on dead lake Lucille? And one for Track? Is this a convenience thing when you're rich, swimming in money, elitist, even, when the rest of us are hardpressed to have one humble abode?

  53. Anonymous1:46 PM

    I'm a little confused as to why Bristol is abstaining, since God can speak through her mother on when is a safe time to do the nasty.

    Come to think of it, why didn't God rat out Bristol before she got pregnant? Maybe He did, but Palin didn't check her e-mails.

    What an annoyingly moronic family.

  54. Anonymous1:50 PM

    On the campaig trail Piper was carrying Coach or D&G or some such designer bag also, too. Perhaps it was later concluded that it was a knock-off (praise China) but is this exploited human shield for Mommy afraid to deal with adults as an adult is too good for a Disney or Hannah Montana back-pack?

    There are very few qualities that Bristol or any of the children (other than the adopted/exploited Trig) that come off pure or admirable.


    THAT is the answer to the question, if you start dating what do you do, NOT well think of how hard having a baby is. blah blahdity blah....

  56. emrysa, that is why I think the roommate is either the REAL owner of the "condo" who pretends Bristol lives there, maybe for free rent, OR she is a live-in nanny with limited english!

  57. Anonymous1:56 PM

    The Judge admonished Levi for not providing documents to the Court after he was ordered to produce them. Levi's lucky he didn't get cited for contempt.

  58. WTF is up with these Palin women and the awful hair do's (or should I say don'ts)...

    Bristol, you can't fool us...your mamma's not running for president...being the leader of the free world doesn't pay well enough, and Sarah will never release her real medical records or tax returns...

  59. Anonymous2:05 PM


    The judge didn't say Levi lied. She said that there was no factual support for his allegation that he made less than $105,000. Levi failed to produce any paperwork to back up his story so she was ruling based on the information that she had in front of her - that he had earned that much. And Rex wasn't in the courtroom, he was on the telephone. I can't see where TMZ said that either.

  60. I watched it with the sound off; I am sick of listening to Palins but she looked to me like she was having fun; she is having fun; SP and brood is having fun all over NYC, getting pictures taken, it is all so sickening. We are never going to get rid of them. I don't doubt Bristol has a condo in Anchorage; it is a front to make it look like she is a single mom supporting her son so as to do Levi injustice. And she probably has her share of the compound on the lake; that is really nothing new. I mean my daughter still has her room at home even though she has lived in Texas now for almost 10 years. But her apartment in Texas is not a ruse. Gryphen I hope you have some dirt to throw our way real soon.

  61. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Sarah looked like a dog at the gala. I don't get her fixation on blank and white. And she is getting so thin, she looks like a bobblehead.
    Money can't buy class, happiness or a good heart.
    And yes bringing her child is classless.

  62. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Sarah Palin would be the mother-in-law from hell. Bristol MIGHT get married some day, but the guy will not win prizes for brains.

    You can ONLY be abstinant if there is someone to be abstinant with (very similar to Bristol is NOT celibate, she's just undesirable.

  63. Yeah the "Levi lied" comment is in the vanity fair article.

    It is true that the judge was not happy that Levi did not produce all of his records, but considering how much he got tagged for I can only imagine how much more they would have wanted to take if he had disclosed even MORE income.

  64. Anonymous2:39 PM

    There was a quickie wedding before Trig was born?? Has anyone ever checked marriage records or run detailed background checks on Bristol? Can the Palins hide everything?

    Why oh why can't the Johnstons and other Alaskans who know telling the truth about Trig?? Come on people!!!!!!! They are getting away with taki h money from people based on lies.

    Of course Bristol is emotionally abused. She lives in a concrete box, metaphorically. What a horrible life for a 19 year old. She's not having fun in NY.
    She can't be herself with anyone. She always has to be on guard. What about meeting friends and dating. I feel sorry for her sorry. Being a daughter of a narcissist and sociopath like Sarah has most likely damaged her (and her siblings) forever. She will never have a happy life as a secure and open life.
    Try searching children of parents with NPD. It's pathetic

  65. Tripp's substantial time at the compound2:44 PM

    Gryphen, I appreciate that you are expanding on the condo. Do the good sources know about the room mate? Who is it? Why cover something like that up? Well, if it is a place for sex an ambassador for abstinence Tripp's substantial time at the compound would not want anyone to know. It is worth checking because Bristol lies are being used on our kids. She is saying she wants them to think and she likes the abstinence plan.
    Please do think more about this.

    Levi would know who the room mate is if he could talk. His sister would have pried the information out of him if he is hesitant or closed to her about it. I say the Johnstons know. With the previous Bristol talk about work in a medical office and work for Sarah's old real estate friend, it would make sense that a condo deal would have to do with the real estate friend. You say; "As for my comment about Tripp being raised in the compound, I am still pretty sure he spends a substantial amount of time out there."

    Tripp's uncle, brother or the Trig of the moment is institutionalized in Anchorage with an Aunt looking in on him? Tripp spending time without Bristol at the compound has separated the two young ones. Abandonment is one of the worst things you can do to Trig or Tripp. They are babies and would feel abandoned by each other and all the adults that were so close and now left them. According to what the Palins say, both Trig and Tripp are both abandoned by adult parent figures. Bristol complained about Levi going off to work and leaving Tripp. She makes no sense about all that. Why is it she doesn't want to leave Tripp with his own father? It is not the lies she told so far.

    A condo in Anchorage may exist but I think it is a lie as to what it is about. It's purpose is to make Bristol look like an average single mother from a wealthy family and she is now on her own. It's as big of a lie as the she can't get a cell phone in the woodsy isolated house in Wasilla. How often do Bristol and Levi go to the court mediation? Is all that on track? Did Bristol change and decide not to complain about Levi going away to work and leaving Tripp?

  66. betsy smith2:48 PM

    She had such a pretty nose to begin with.

  67. Anonymous2:54 PM

    She's obviously NOT telling the truth. I just watched it twice... she says she's "living by myself", then turns right around and tells Joy she has a roommate.

    sorry, B -- you've been busted contradicting yourself. Again.

  68. Anonymous3:11 PM

    You don't think "living by myself" means "not living at home"? When I had roommates but had moved out of my parents' house i considered it living on my own. Semantics doesn't make a lie.

  69. OT-

    hey gryph, notice how SP is tweeting against the evils and "untrustworthiness" of "non-american" oil companies (totally ignoring that most companies that big have an international group of stockholders and upper level employees). you know, like the foreign, evil BP (who kept her hubby on its payrolls for over a decade)?!

  70. gawd y'all! FOCUS! this is BULLSHIT! bri$tol probably perjured just herself with her phone bullshit. She didnt have to go weeks without a phone and probably didn't. That MATTERS!!!

    Who cares about her condo, condom, roommate, mating habits, nose job, hose job, blow job. No crimes there. THEY LIE A LOT. Cardinals are RED. WE KNOW THAT.

    Its time to put any law breaking palin/crony in PRISON. Anything less would be uncivilized!

  71. Anonymous3:26 PM

    What a friggin' moron. You should remain abstinent until you are married because otherwise you will end up with a baby (who you can then exploit for your career as PROFESSIONAL SINGLE TEENAGER MOTHER).

    No, Bristol, you only end up with a baby if you're a friggin' moron too stupid to use birth control. Or if you are a ragin' teen alcoholic, too soused with alcohol to think about birth control.

  72. I may be ready to stop feeling sorry for Bristol for having horrid parents who taught her to lie and brainwashed her to think g-d has chosen her mother to help usher in Jesus' return. It's time to just expose the lies.

    How about Britta as a possible roommate?

    As far as medical records being a reason for Sarah not to run in 2012, I don't think that would stop her. Unfortunately, Obama set the precedence for the medical letter thingy. I don't recall if his doc gave a press conference.

  73. Anonymous3:58 PM

    I'm tired of this family...Palin says not to trust foreigners...yet she works for one Murdock..and Todd Palin used to work for BP...she's such a hypocrite..even Palinbots are being to see her for the political prostitute she is..her star is fading fast..

  74. JenniferV.3:58 PM

    Only Sarah Palin uses her kids as human shields at these events. It is highly inappropriate to drag your teenager and your eight year old along to an event they were most likely NOT INVITED to, but Sarah's been doing that for quite a while now.
    I remember reading an article back in 2008 that quoted a woman who arranged a big fancy dinner/awards gala for women in the news or some such thing. She said that she was shocked when SP callled the day before the event to inform her that she would be bringing her kids with her. This woman thought it was highly inappropriate since these events a) aren't for children and b)have seating arrangements and caterers that plan for a certain number of guests.
    Palin is really so self-entitled and rude to bring along two extra guests to this Time Magazine function, but I'm sure she does it because she knows she won't get any shit in front of Piper.

  75. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Not to be rude or anything, but what happened to the slim Bristol we saw at the first abstinence event? The Bristol in the still shot from the View looks heavier.

  76. Anonymous4:04 PM

    To pity a person is to enable the sickness.
    Bristol is and adult. Let her be accountable.

  77. "I bet she had a mocha-thingy for breakfast, near her condo, on the way to work as a single mother, whilst being CEO of her PR firm and not getting laid."


  78. Anonymous4:08 PM

    I think the Johnston's know a lot about the Palin's, what are they hiding and why?? Are the Palin's isolated from everyone in Wasilla, why does no-one ever see them out, shopping, going to school, doing everyday things? Does any one in Wasilla own a camera? Or do they feel like it doesn't effect them so the heck with it..and go on about their business just like they did when Sarah was Gov, and getting away with all her shenanigans.

  79. Tyroanee4:12 PM

    "I live by myself"- Bristol
    Then she states she has a roommate minutes later!?!?!
    One question: What is that thingy growing on the back of her head?

  80. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Bristol's room mate is Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

  81. Anonymous4:34 PM

    I can believe that Tripp is being raised at the compound. Bristol can work on her Hollywood career or be with a room mate in Anchorage. Bristol can't deal with being around children except when she wants them, she moved about an hour away to live single. Bristol can do photo ops to look like she is doing the mother role. She does not have to live with her children. There is travel, cabins and condos. Tripp is at home at the compound (The adults are in and out as suits their schedules) and it works to tell Levi and others that she is a single mother in an Anchorage condo. Tripp might hang out at the condo when that works for whatever story Bristol wants for a particular day. If Levi is to pick Tripp up, she would like him to drive to Anchorage instead of the compound where Tripp feels he lives. The whole family has to revolve around what Sarah center thinks is her ordained mission in life. Bristol likes the perks but not the pressures of being that close to the flame. She looks like a burn out in waiting.

  82. Anonymous5:07 PM

    4:08 PM
    According to some Alaskans Wasilla is 98% brain dead. They call it the armpit of Alaska and that is a compliment. It is a seeping loathsome strip mall. They are happy to live with the dead lake, dead fish, mysterious deaths and more corruption then can say.

  83. Scruffy7:00 PM

    I'm a bit (very) late to this, but just according to this clip 'I'd love to go out and campaign with her (Sarah)'.
    How does that compute with providing for her kid as a single Mom?
    This whole white 'I'm-a-Single-Mom-and-I-struggle-to-provide-for-my-kid(s)' thing is getting so so old!
    How about getting a regular job like the rest of us? (Well, personally I haven't been able to get a job in 2 years, benefits are about to run out, don't have wealthy parents to fall back on. No parents, actually, they're both dead. But that's besides the point. Homelessness is the point)
    Especially on the View we have Kate - single Mom of 8. Now Bristol, single mom of, count them, ONE.
    Get a goddamn job. If Levy pays over $1400 a month in child support, what the eff does that child eat, and how come you as a Mom can just leave and join YOUR Mom on the campaign trail.
    That doesn't pay any money, does it???

    Sheesh, I sure wish we could put Judge Judy on this case!!

  84. Anonymous7:32 PM

    I am not saying that there is not a condo in Anchorage with an address for Bristol. She may go there and use it in some way. Levi believes there is a condo. I am not convinced it is where Bristol and Tripp live in an independent way. If so, there will be photos of the neighborhood and all, Bristol doing the daily routine and people will want to know what the roommate situation is about. If they can only give excuses and keep everything hidden that says it is all crap about independent living in a condo.

    The roommate could be a chronic liar that gets free room and board to do what they are told. If Bristol is there it is about setting up a shadow life, like Todd. The roommate could be there to further work on Bristol for appearances sake, to help with damage control, do most of the child care etc. She might have a condo next to where Trig is institutionalized. Something is not right and I don't trust the Wasilla Hatfields and McCoys. No one can verify beyond what they are being told?

    How hard to find out where a celebrity lives in a city like Anchorage and to show their day to day life? VERIFY PLEASE. Honest people believe lies all the time. Anchorage is a BIG DEAL for a Wasilla home grown. We are only told that Bristol worked at a doctors office, worked for her mother's friend. We are only told things that sound like half truths and lies to create a set up. There is never verification. Levi may believe the condo story, what does he know? Does he know who his son is with while Bristol is a media hack? Is he supportive of drugging kids to keep them well behaved or does he care to know what is going on?

  85. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Is Bristol really working for a doctor? Maybe she is working at a crisis pregnancy center that appears to be a medical clinic but is not.

  86. Scruffy7:57 PM

    First of all, a Condo is NOT a regular apartment.
    A Condo is BOUGHT, unless you rent it out. But then, for the renter it's an apartment.
    So if you say you live in a Condo - you own it. Or someone you know does, and you don't pay rent.
    Semantics? Perhaps, but it's telling. One doesn't 'rent' a Condo, one OWNS it.
    In all the rental places I've stayed in, I've NEVER rented a Condo.

    Of course Bristol doesn't live independently - did she ever say on any interview that she has a job??? Nope. Mommy Sarah keeps her well provided, they're haunting Levi to make insane child support payments, while actively preventing Levi any real visitation rights.
    Did Bristol say 'Oh, Levi, Tripp's father, has Tripp every other weekend'?? No you didn't, 'cause they're in court trying to prevent Levi from having any custody at all.
    If the women from the View had any ovaries they would've GRILLED that girl/woman.
    Shame on them - but that may have been the contract they signed. Again, shame on them. Don't sign a shitty contract like that. BS.

    Only Scientologist Greta van Susteren apparently can get a close interview with that family. Disgusting.

  87. Unless this is just pure PR, this is exactly what I hoped Bristol would do. Sarah had an apartment built for her in the Palin Compound yet she has moved to Anchorage. This "roommate" could be an SP picked controller. Bristol needs to get rid of this person next. She has probably had a big blow up with her mother and may be on the verge of raising her own consciousness. She is clearly still at this time influenced by the SP machine, but is probably doing some thinking. Gryphen has said that Trig is living with an aunt, so part of Bristol's rebellion could be that she decided she was not going to take care of both babies. Clearly Sarah isn't planning on taking care of her prop-baby. Remember, the oldest female from a dysfunctional family is often the caretaker. She may not have gone through that normal teenage girl stage of rebellion (usually around 15) because of this role and may be doing it now. I hope so for her sake.

  88. Anonymous8:13 PM

    I love how we act like this is our business. Even if Sarah ran for Pres, this is not our business!!! Politicians deserve personal lives too. Bill CLinton has one - no one judges him as he hauls in money from who knows where. People are people. We know nothing unless we've been in that house. EVERYONE has a front to them. EVERYONE. You people need lives. Sarah's laughing at us all the way to the bank.

  89. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Anony 8:13 you must not be from Alaska. We are pissed off with this woman for quitting as our governor, making this beautiful state the laughing stock of the world, selling out our gas to a foreigner, making a shitload of money using our state for her gain and the list goes on and on

  90. Anonymous3:37 AM

    Remember, the oldest female from a dysfunctional family is often the caretaker


    Actually, the oldest female in most families I've met is usually mommy's little helper. You people, once again, are crazy.


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