Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Keith Olbermann's Special Comment from yesterday directed at John "I never said I was a Maverick" McCain.

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I think that just about sums it up, don't you?


  1. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Yikes. That pretty much says it all.

    But don't you wish there was a way to make Senator McCain respond? Wouldn't you like to know how he would defend himself against this criticism? Intelligent minds want to know . . . .

    Wouldn't it be great if a politician's career DEPENDED on him or her actually responding to challenges? If there were some accountability for the things that were said? As it is, politicians just shout out whatever they want -- true or untrue, reasonable or not -- and there is absolutely no accountability. There's very little real dialogue anymore . . . just voices in the wind.

  2. Anonymous7:28 AM

    John McCain was not born in the United States. For all we know, he is part of a sleeper-cell from pro-Noriega factions who want to destroy our country. It is amazing that the crazy rhetoric swirls around Obama and never around a Republican.

  3. Yes. And yes to the comment at 7:19 by anon. I'd like to hear McCain attempt to defend what he said, actually several things he has said and done. I really hope he loses in AZ - the only thing I would fear from that is that he then becomes another tool of CNN's to spout opinions on everything under the sun.

  4. Gasman7:44 AM

    Olbermann nailed McCain's ass to the floor. McCain is nothing but a vote whore who tailors his "principled" stances on whatever segment of the electorate du jour he is pandering to. Since his goal is to attract imbecilic teabaggers, his positions are custom tailored to appeal to the mouth breathing cave dwellers on the rightmost fringe of the GOP.

    The man will eagerly and shamelessly do, say, eat, or kiss ANYTHING if he feels it will help him stay in the Senate. He is devoid of honor or character. As he is the one who inflicted Sarah Palin upon our nation, he deserves to burn in hell for all eternity. I plan to piss on his grave, and the sooner the better.

  5. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Anon 7:19am, you make such an excellent point. And how difficult would it be to enforce, really? All it would take is the press doing their job, and if they won't, or somehow can't, then...I don't know, some sort of weekly accountability program on C-Span or PBS?

    Statements made during the week are met with challenges, those challenges are either responded to or...met with silence. I think it would shut people up pretty darn fast if they knew they were going to get called on their shit in a mainstream platform. The challenges needn't be as angry read:inspiring) as Olbermann's. They can be very neutral, matter-of-fact: here's what ___ said, here are the facts, here is ______'s response. Really, how hard would it be?

  6. Anonymous8:18 AM

    I guess this explains why he will never say anything negative against the former half term gold digger he picked to be his VP running mate. John McCain will do and say anything to keep him in office. I know he was supposedly a war hero, but didn't he speak out against the US when he was a POW? This man will say and do whatever it takes to save his own ass.

  7. Wow--how the once mighty have fallen into a barrel of crap. How John McCain can look at himself in the mirror is probably part and parcel to him becoming physically blind?

    I will continue to say we dodged a serious bullet when we kept John McCain and that fishwife Palin out of the White House. There'd be eabaggers in and out of the WH and the whole country would be terrorized by the inept crew of morons.

  8. Anonymous8:29 AM

    KO and Gasman, couldn't have said it better! My God, the nightmare we'd be in right now if he won the election {{{{shudder}}}}.

  9. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Love Gasman.

  10. Fight Ignorance8:53 AM

    McCain needs to retire to his seven homes and drink his wife's beer. Now.

    Just go John, just go.

  11. wake up8:57 AM

    The amazing thing is that a "lawmaker" like McCain doesn't even know that all American citizens have rights to begin with whether or not someone reminds them of those rights through Miranda. Un-freaking-believable.

  12. Irony: McCain is the one who was not born in the USA.

  13. Anonymous9:23 AM

    I read yesterday that McCain was AGAINST reading the Miranda rights to the Times Square bomber. Hmm ... a US Citizen, but since he falls into the "terrorist" category, not worthy of receiving his constitutional rights?

  14. Polly19:29 AM

    I think any politician who gets on the bandwagon, referring to themselves as "maverick".. "hockey-mom"..whatever.. to be popular, is so un-professional to begin with, and reveals a real identity crisis.

  15. Anonymous9:38 AM

    This link may be more at home in the previous blog about Graham, but wanted to share it here, so folks could get the opportunity to read Gryphen's great writings from two years ago that I found in the archives. Christians have no tolerance for atheism.

  16. Enjay in E MT9:40 AM

    Have to Love Keith O when he gets on a "comment"

  17. Years ago, before I started to pay attention, I though McCain was honorable. I have since learned otherwise. He will pander to stay on the stage he adores. "John the POW" meme played out a long time ago for me. I see a brat who has gotten old.

  18. Anonymous10:56 AM

    I like Keith O. but sometimes he goes over the top. Last night's comment was spot on though. We can not pick and choose. One day it could be one of them who are accused. I am sure they will be grateful for the rights we have in the USA.

  19. Anonymous3:26 PM

    To Anon@10:56 AM,

    It sounds as if you are a second-thought Conservative - maybe even from Wasilla? Possibly one of the 218 listed followers of this site who previously wouldn't admit to believing anything Keith O. had to say?

  20. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Lame lame Mclame


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