Friday, May 07, 2010

The California Democrats take Carly Fiorina's Demon Sheep idea and gives it a steroid injection. Too good to miss!

Hey Carly Fiorina likes to shear sheep too!

Well now we know what she and Sarah have in common!


  1. Is it just me, or are the California Democrats waaay more creative?

  2. Gryph,

    Did you see this?

    Bristol Palin At 1Oak: Sarah Palin's Underage Daughter Spotted At New York Club

    Must be a night out from her exhausting single motherhood!


  3. Anonymous12:29 PM

    That was absolutely brilliant!

  4. ManxMamma12:38 PM

    I love, love, love this!

  5. Let's face it, Democrats are way more creative, expressive and artistic than Teabaggers and Republicons.

  6. Anonymous1:29 PM


  7. Laura1:41 PM

    I agree with Anonymous @ 12:29 and 1:29. This is brilliant and priceless.

  8. Anonymous2:11 PM

    OMG, that was excellent! Go Barbara Boxer!

  9. Baaahaha! Love it!

    I hope it gets exposure and isn't just tucked away on the demonsheepmovie website and youtube. I don't think I would've seen it were it not for IM and I'm a CA voter.

  10. Here's my thought...maybe this is really a way for Sarah to covertly support the Teabagger, Chuck Devore, since her endoresment usually winds up in a cash winfall for anyone who is opposing Sarah's "chosen ones".

    Let's face it, Sarah Palin is the political black widow. Here in Virginia, Congressman Tom Periello had his best fundraising quarter ever after Sarah put her target on him.

  11. Anonymous4:00 PM

    That was flat out awesome! Certainly the best and most entertaining truthful 2:20 minutes I've seen today. Thanks for posting it Gryphen.

  12. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Hilarious. My favorite part was..."She's been very, very baaaaaaaaaaaaad!

  13. Anonymous7:19 PM

    I thought this was hilarious when I first saw it this morning. But seriously I think that the only way for Republicans to win in CA is for Chuck Devore to beat Carly which he should do easily. Tom Campbell is anti-immigrant and pro Arizona SB 1070 that won't go over well in CA. Carly is just plain stupid. Chuck is a drill baby drill and wants to drill off the coast of Cali. That is why I think in the end we will have six more years of Boxer.

  14. Anonymous8:09 PM

    This California female voter says go Gryphen.

    I'm sorry, what is it with these bitchy totally unqualified women - a trilogy of Sarah Palin (I was mayor of a podunk small town and winked myself into the governorship, which I then quit because it was too hard), Carly Fiorina (I'm qualified because I drove a big corporation into the ground even though I never bothered to vote) and Meg Whitman (using her high school picture as her campaign picture so we don't have to see her ugly jowly face).

    Thank god Carly and Meg are old and jowly and butt ugly, so at least they won't be able to wink their way into public office like Sarah Palin did (although hopefully that is an only in Alaska phenomenon - no offense)

  15. Ratfish5:34 AM

    Carly Fiorina lives in the "real world" about as much as, um, er, say, Sarah Palin.

    Both are on the BRIDGE TO NOWHERE.

  16. crystalwolf aka caligrl9:19 AM

    HaHaHa, the was totally awesome Gryphen!!!
    I haven't seen it yet in Cali, but it just great, thanks!
    Now if they would of added Palin as a demon sheep it would of been perfect!!! :D

  17. social media2:35 PM

    Washington Post blogger David Weigel on the show (Countdown) to explain Palin’s thinking (assuming she thinks and that a Ram is not doing FB for her): “Fiorina is one of the only women in politics who gets made fun of as often as Palin does.”
    tags: 2010 elections, california, Carly Fiorina, Chuck DeVore, Dave Weigel, Facebook, keith olbermann, msnbc, Sarah Palin, Senate race

    The David All Group (DAG) is the go to group for all things tech and social media.

    Account manager Joe Mansour
    There is an online site where they will answer all questions. I don't have the link. ("Rebecca Mansour, who works for Palin and is also the aunt of one of my employees," account manager nephew)

    2012 prelude: GOP hopefuls go online
    “Anyone thinking about running for president — or even local dogcatcher — needs to have an effective online strategy from Day One, because it will be the most determining factor of early, mid and possibly late support,” said David All, an online political consultant who founded the blog, which tracks the use of Internet applications by Republican candidates and groups.

    To All, the blogger, Palin is an example of unfulfilled online potential.
    “It would be fun to see her use that potential to its fullest,” he said, but, he added, “it’s pretty clear to me that there are people who are making decisions about what Sarah Palin does online who probably don’t have a deep understanding of the interactive channel.”

    But Rebecca Mansour, who helps run Palin’s Internet operation, said Palin had to hand over her previous Twitter account to the state of Alaska because it was “regarded as state property,” so she couldn’t merely convert it to keep her followers.

    Mansour, 36, a former screenwriter from Los Angeles, and Russo, a 23-year-old New Jersey resident, left the blog last summer and formed separate consulting firms, which have received a combined $46,000 in payments from Sarah PAC, according to FEC records.

    The technical work of maintaining Sarah PAC’s website and online donation interface is being done by an Austin, Texas, firm called Upstream Communications, which ran Rudy Giuliani’s 2008 presidential campaign website and has received $88,000 from the PAC. Upstream took over from an online company run by Becki Donatelli, who had raised money online for the presidential campaign of Palin presidential running mate Sen. John McCain, but who reportedly butted heads with Palin’s Alaska inner circle.

    Read Thomas Van Flein's feedback.
    UPDATE:Thomas Van Flein, personal attorney for Governor Sarah Palin offers his unedited response to the decision made at the time and how Team Palin weighed the risks (public fight with the state of Alaska during a time of transition) versus the reward (keeping the account/followers)


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