Saturday, May 08, 2010

David Kernell's attorney requests retrial and other Sarah Palin news nuggets.

From the AP:

Assistant U.S. Attorney Greg Weddle on Friday noted defense motions requesting a retrial. He said that only if a new trial were granted on either of the two charges resulting in conviction, the identity theft case also would be retried.

Defense attorney Wade Davies declined comment Friday about his motions for a retrial. During the trial he made motions for a mistrial and now has numerous appeals pending before the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals

To me this is a "no-brainer".  Clearly there was a lot of evidence the defense could have introduced that they did not use.  Not to mention getting the Palin's on the witness stand for a REAL cross examination.

Let's see how smug Sarah is the NEXT time she emerges from the Tennessee courtroom.

I did three long posts about Sarah, and her Wasilla-billy family, yesterday  so today I am just going to do a quick round up of Palin related stories and hopefully move on to other topics.

Okay even I have to admit that I was a little amazed to learn that Dr. Drew Pinsky has become a Palin-bot.

"Take the Palins' politics out of it -- they have done a remarkable job with Bristol. She is very poised and clear on who she is. She doesn't apologize for who she is.

With quotes like that it may be time for Pinsky to get his own "check up from the neck up".

CSU Stanislaus, the foundation who hired Palin to speak and then refused to divulge how much they are paying her, has now announced it is too broke to hand out the scholarships it traditionally provides.

I guess Palin is no longer happy with just taking the food out of the mouths of her elderly supporters now she is willing to rob young adults of their education as well.  Stay classy Sarah!

Speaking of class it appears that Sarah's endorsement of Carly Fiorina has resulted in her supporters storming her Facebook page with torches and pitchforks. Uh oh, the natives are not only restless, they are pissed!

The woman simply cannot resist being in a whirlwind of controversy, and I absolutely believe she loves it. Of course it is not nearly so much fun for the people close to her who find themselves struck by the flying objects kicked up from her catastrophic brand of fame.


  1. Gryphen, I thank you for the posts from yesterday. And I am excited to hear there may be a retrial in Knoxville - go Kernell! Please share any further information you receive about this. I hope you don't move too far away from all things Palin (though I know you have other Alaskan issues to deal with) and we may need to strike while the iron is hot. And the iron is hot, with the disapproval she is getting from her "base" fans regarding the endorsement of Carly; the trip to NYC which may have gone too far with Bristol's visit to a club, and her comments that negate the separation of church and state. But I think that perhaps although it is unfortunate, the way to get to her may be through the children: Bristol, Track, Willow and of course: babygate (Trig). They are the shields. Then we are told they are off limits BUT she puts them out there as a shield to protect herself. Why else would you take a 9-year old to a TIME banquet? And to some of the speaking engagements until it was talked about too much on the blogs. She lies about them, can't even remember their birthdates, and look what she has done to Bristol. So the information about Track and his condition, and Bristol and her living arrangements needs to come out now. It is relevant.

  2. Anonymous6:58 AM

    We still don't know whether Sarah will pull out of the Cali speech. She could never have known the specifics when they asked her to speak. I don't foresee her pulling out, but isn't the speech a ways away?

    I enjoy your blog but I agree with past comments, in that you really haven't backed up anything with hard evidence. Heresay is pretty potent and influences people who were already doubters.

    I am wondering, as a non-alaskan, if alaskans truly hate her as you say. Wouldn't someone have come out from the woodwork already to call her out? These questions won't leave my mind.

    Oh on more thing. I know the "28 mos old baby" has made the rounds and im gonna be honest. A 20 mos old baby couldn't be Bristol's. Do you remember the MTV clips from OCT 07? She'd have been 6-7 mos pregnant, yet looked only pudgy at best. and if you notice, she's in the bottom corner of the screen a pace where cameras distort. Look at the girl to her left.

    Things don't add up either way, G. We need HARD evidence. but i trust you so ill stop badgering. it's just when you disclose your opinion, people accept it as fact when facts haven't been proven.

    Have you thought about maybe Track is living on the compound so the fam can keep an eye on him (mental health reasons). I'm pretty sure Sarah would not want her kids to hurt and wishes them the best. Just a thought

  3. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Palin reminds me of a horse I used to own. Edna was never content to just be a horse. She always had to have excitement around her, whether it was something real or imagined. She'd get all riled up over the stupidest things like a cat or tree, just to get excited. She's was an adrenalin addict in the extreme. After being tossed off her back more than a dozen times with 3 cracked helmets and a couple of dislocated shoulders, I sold her to a lady who provided more than enough entertainment for her in the way of babies, all of which are gorgeous and just as nuts as their mother.

  4. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Wade Davies on cross... "Mrs Palin, during prior testimony, your daughter Bristol said the picture my client released on the web was that of her son"

    "let me remind you before you are under oath... who's son is in this picture, your's or Bristol's?"

    Sarah, "he is my son"

    Wade Davies, "Mrs. Palin, please provide the court a certified birth certificate to verify this"

  5. Anonymous7:17 AM

    I think you misunderstood the badly written AP piece. I looked at the motion. It was filed by the Prosecutor. It says that he wants to postpone the new trial on Count 1, which is the count on which the jury deadlocked. If Kernell's appeals on the guilty verdicts are upheld, there will be NO NEW TRIAL on Count 1. ONLY IF one or both of the other counts are reversed will he press the charges on Count 1.

    This is a plea bargain. Drop your appeal and we will drop Count 1.

  6. Seems as though it depends on whose ox is gored in this situation...or in this case ...MOOSE.

  7. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Just for consideration, I work in the medical field and would seriously question the credibility of any medical person who goes by 'Dr.' and then their first name (unless they are a pediatrician trying to ease the fears of young patients). It suggests a non-serious person, who nevertheless finds it critical to point out their credentials, so a nice combo of juvenile thinking AND arrogance. For me, I would use this sort of behavior to help weed out bad doctors--not give them shows on TV. Dr. Pinsky, like Dr. Phil McGraw,(who has a PhD in psychology, not an MD from medical training) is also amazingly cavalier with dispensing advice or opinions on people he has never met. This is also extremely unprofessional and borders on misconduct. In terms of his comments regarding the Palin's, I'd consider the source...

  8. Anonymous7:35 AM

    OT, I'm still stuck on that USA Today photo from the last post. The last time that we saw one of the Palin kids sneering at the camera it was Willow, who clearly did not want to be at a book signing photo op. We know what happened after the photo was taken. A picture is worth a thousand words.

    This time, it's Track staring down the photographer. He is sending the same message as Willow. I wish that Gryphen would expand the topic and let us know more about Track. Is he being stiffled by Sarah and will follow his sister's example and act out to get attention? Are the stories about Menard getting to him? When relations are nasty between parents, it really does affect the kids. Does Track actually have a meaningful job to go to or does he fill his empty hours with some kind of substances that are easily abused? All of the above?

    As a mother, I am outraged that USA Today would select Sarah as an example of a multi-tasking mother. Given her heavy speaking schedule, she doesn't appear to spend much time with her kids. Ditto for Bristol, working 8-5, partying in NY and spending little time her son. The fact that Trig goes without his glasses and hearing aids speaks loudly about the lack of attention he is getting, no matter who his mother is.

    The Palins are hardly the family that should be profiled this weekend. Instead, I would like to wish all of the people who love and care for their kids Happy Mothers Day (and Fathers, too)!

  9. Thanks Gryphen for your wrap up. I really had hoped that having Sarah that close to a courtroom, judge and jury would reveal the obvious! I'm waiting for the day!

    Remember this quote?
    "I'm the mayor(I'm special), I can do whatever I want until the courts tell me I can't.'" --Sarah Palin, as quoted by former City Council Member Nick Carney, after he raised objections about the $50,000 she spent renovating the mayor's office without approval of the city council.

  10. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Track's expression in the photo in the last blog reminds me of my son before his mental breakdown at that same age. It is very sad, if this is what is happening! I am most distraught for him out of all the Palin children. And I am distraught for David Kernell. Two young men whose lives are being devastated by Mrs. Sarah Heath Palin.

  11. Anonymous8:41 AM

    You have no idea how often Trig wears glasses etc. You see him in photos aka single moments in time. When I was a child, I'd take my glasses off for pictures, as most people I know do. You have no base at all for your accusations. Sarah may (probably does) call her children everyday she's away or text. According to Laura Bush and her daughters, they text each other constantly and admit they hardly see each other with their busy lives. Until you know for FACT that Sarah doesn't affectionally call home while away, stop throwing her and her family under the bus.

    Remember, pictures are single moments in time. Some people constantly smile, some do not. It's all relative. Remember, she's raising teenagers. How did you react to your mother as a teen?

    Here's a true story. G, ill send you the video when im home)

    at the candies benefit, as Whoopi was speaking about her pride for the foundation and admiration for Bristol, she mentioned why her daughter CHOSE to get pregnant at 14. she told her, "I wanted someone to love me who doesn't know you". See, a parent can be open, informative and live a true life, but kids have minds of their own. it just happens the palins live the best life they can by sending the mother out on speaking tours. is that a crime, or a bigger crime than these fancy movie stars (with kids) who take their wee ones overseas constantly) What education is Suri Cruise getting.

    We are all different.

    Gryphen, since you are anexcellent sleuther, why not concentrate on illegal politics and stop trying to ruin a family. Babygate, if true, is a private matter. Troopergate, if wrongly exonerated, isn't.

    One can't control how people parent or there'd be no more chronic abuse in the world. or welfare junkies. or aids infected cracked out kids. The palin kids are lucky to be part of a physically healthy, ambitious family - a family who prides itself on active lifestyles and not monotony.

  12. mommom9:32 AM

    You asked

    lready investing a pretty penny in gymnastics and a personal gym for his daughter Suri Cruise, Tom Cruise is determined that his daughter with wife Katie Holmes grow up to be one smart, multitalented cookie. The movie star has reportedly spent $1 million on lessons for the tiny tot.

    The National Enquirer reports, "[Suri] is learning French and Spanish and has a tutor she sees once a week." In addition her gymnastics, "Suri has shown a real love of dancing, so Tom and Katie are encouraging her as much as possible. She practices ballet, tap and modern dance for hours, nearly every day."

    This was one year ago.Reports now have in her in preschool,plus tutors.

    You really think Trig takes his glasses and hearing aids off for photo ops?

    You really think a phone call or text home is the same as being thre?

    Sorry,Ram,I just dont agree.Your idol has feet of clay.

  13. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Clearly there was a lot of evidence the defense could have introduced that they did not use.


    Yes, that will be grounds for a mistrial.

    "Your honor, I'm lead defense counsel and I was stupid. I should have introduced certain evidence but I didn't feel like it. Please let me try again, I'll try and do better."

  14. emrysa9:53 AM

    please. anon at 8:41, you're living in a dream world if that's what you really think of the palins. sarah palin is a chronic liar who needs to be held accountable given her public stature. public figures, especially those who are given constant free media time have a responsibility that includes not presenting lies as truths. babygate is not a private matter.

  15. kdusmdd10:24 AM

    Gryphen.......WHY do you keep dropping the comment....." I have news that will blow your socks off "? AND then you never come up with it. Seems to me that those words are just teasers. If you want us to believe you...come out with the news. I've heard nothing, yet, that has blown my socks off.

  16. Anon 8:41 - Yes, photos only capture a moment. Track's unsmiling face in the photo doesn't prove he wasn't feeling happy but it perfectly shows what the reporter (who was there for 3 hours) described as "a rather-be-elsewhere young veteran". Trig's glasses weren't on for any of the informal shots, either but we'll probably never know if Trig wears them when reporters and photographers aren't around.

    You are so wrong to say babygate is personal. Listen more carefully to Sarah's speeches and look at her record. She does not segregate her personal and professional lives. Yes, she could have chosen to fake a pregnancy with a DS child and kept it private but she didn't. Her 'choice' to have Trig secured the anti-choice vote and possibly Sarah's VP nomination. She held Trig up as a trophy and a crown during the campaign and won the emotional support of many voters and financial contributors. And now, her 5th pregnancy with a DS child is a central theme of many of her paid speeches. Ya know, people with real talent and substance don't need to deceive to land positions for which they're qualified.

    While, the truth of babygate will end Sarah's hopes of a 2012 candidacy, there's good news for her supporters: It won't ruin her earning capacity and it sure as hell doesn't need to destroy her or her family. Truth doesn't work that way. It may, in fact, be the only thing that will save them. Where's your faith?

  17. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Bristol and Sarah Palin were treated very lightly in the first trial.

    Both lied, and both liars will be dismantled in the second trial.

    Knoxville treated the Palins like heros. They aren't. By the time the second trail rolls around a lot more of their lies will be out there.

    So the prosecuter is holding the one charge over the kids head.

    Since he didn't get a really fair shake the first time, why should he eat the carrot.

  18. Anonymous10:50 AM

    "let me remind you before you are under oath... who's son is in this picture, your's or Bristol's?"

    Sarah, "he is my son"

    Wade Davies, "Mrs. Palin, please provide the court a certified birth certificate to verify this"

    OBJECTION: Relevance.

  19. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Uh oh, that H8r Hickel (who didn't quit either of his terms as Alaska's Governor) passed away last night and now the panegyrics from the (Alaskan) people are posting away on news and blog sites everywhere! It's all glowing love and (grudging) respect all around. He was a maverick, a visionary and has actual accomplishments for Alaska under his belt.

    How can Sarah ("I don't give a damn what she does" Hickel's last word on Sarah Palin) compete with the real resume of a stalwart Alaskan?

    RIP Wally. Sarah, SD&SU.

  20. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Again, you are basing your judgments on a tabloid. How often are these correct? How many men have Barbara Walters been linked to? how many deaths have been wrongly predicted? I am not a Palinbot. I just hated when people judge when they have no idea what they're talking and base accusations on pictures. I was a happy child yet went through a phase where I didn't smile in pics.

    Track may very well be experiencing hard things. But you have no idea if he's getting treatment or not. What about businessmen who are away on trips frequently, with a wife home with kids. Is it not sexist to comment on Sarah's mothering skills because her work takes her away from AK and Todd's home with the kids usually? What happens when Michelle has a deal with her obesity campaign and Obama's away on govt business? how is that different?

    I have no problem criticizing proven abuses of power within Palin but we have no idea what goes on between her and her children. Hearsay and insinuations become mental facts if they are baselessly repeated.

  21. they have been 2 major slips in the last week re: bri$tols 2 sons. One at the trial and the "28 month" deal in the creepy article.

    It is soup yet?

  22. @10:50
    Sarah, "he is my son"

    Wade Davies, "Mrs. Palin, please provide the court a certified birth certificate to verify this"

    OBJECTION: Relevance.

    "Goes to credibility of the witness, your honor."
    Judge: "Objection overruled."

  23. o/t but the Defriending and Scrubbing at Facebook continues at a fast and furious pace.

    I wonder if she realizes that by taking the fast money from Fiorina, she has likely cut herself off from the Big OC Christian money.

    that Rick Warren / Saddleback crowd is loaded and very political. If they disown her, she's really blown it for the long-term prospects in CA.

    even the President of CSU Stanislaus who hired her to speak in June is of the OC Wingnut breed.

  24. Anonymous11:26 AM

    I feel sorry for all the Palin children, so I shall not disparage them. I DO have some advice for Willow.
    As a former model scout, she has high potential (PRINT work, not fashion/runway).
    Go to the best make-up artist/photographer in Anchorage and get some test shots. Send them to top agencies in New York City.
    You already have name/face recognition, why not use it? The widow's peak will be your trademark.
    Wholesome stuff (like Covergirl, Maybelline) - and you don't have to hurt or embarrass your family to do this.
    School can continue beween the NY photo shoots.
    Escape from Wasilla, WHY NOT?
    Do it asap - 16 is already pushing it (age-wise) when beginning a modeling career.
    Be sure to be classy, polite and friendly when you get an interview (goes a long way!).

  25. Anonymous12:30 PM

    I wondered if the defense attorney didn't immediately call Sarah & Bristol on all their B.S. as a tool for appeal in case the verdict didn't go their way.


  26. Anonymous12:42 PM

    11:26 AM
    Willow, with teenage catalog model potential, would be doing print ads for tacky shoes, tramp style shorts or condoms. I would not wish that on my worst enemy. You were joking? You must be wholesome to do the wholesome stuff or they will can you. The only way any one of the Palins will get out of their situation is to start with the truth. They, like others, must genuinely make amends.

    Willow sent a message to someone's daughter at a book signing. A photo captured her with the Colony Girl attitude. That is not all.

    I don't think she would do all that well at a serious model agent interview. That is not to say she can't smooze, I just don't think she can keep that up. She did alright with Oprah, but both Palin girls need to open up about their bodies, sorry, that is the way it is in celebrity land. Sarah Palin made sure the teen scene was front and center stage when she needed the Bristol teen prop to promote her politically. Teen pregnancy, teen body issues are not going away for this family.

    It may be only a stupid Alaskan teen gang, but it is a gang. Other places would put Willow into their adolescent gang data base. Willow is on a path, she will come out again if they can't do better at hiding the real facts. Her mother may set up something legit for her to pursue but she is not over her teen angst. Absolutely nothing about her says "model" to me. In a few years, she might be ready for a PSA about not following in her teen behaviors?

  27. Folks--You are wrong on the law. The fact that the defense counsel chose not to conduct a cross-examination in a particular way is not grounds for an appeal (other than as a claim of ineffective assistance of counsel, which would not be a motion brought by the current defense lawyer). And you also are wrong that issues such as parentage would be permitted as a subject of cross-examination. I dislike Palin as much as anyone and think her actions against the Pernell kid are despicable. But you are leaping to incorrect conclusions about the criminal justice system.

  28. Anonymous12:53 PM

    "Be sure to be classy, polite and friendly when you get an interview"

    break and enter, property destruction are topics to avoid

  29. London Bridges2:40 PM

    Couple of items. One in the USA Weekend magazine: where's Todd? Is he missing to show that Sarah is a single parent, too?

    Don't forget that if there is a retrial, anything that Sarah & Bristol lied about would not be re-lied in a new trial, so it couldn't be used against them.

  30. Anonymous2:43 PM

    I wondered if the defense attorney didn't immediately call Sarah & Bristol on all their B.S. as a tool


    Another brilliant legal strategy:

    "I'm going to deliberately hold back in the original trial so I have more ammo for an appeal ........ that may never be granted...."

  31. Anonymous3:46 PM

    anon at 11:02 stated that Hickel never quit as Governor, and I have to call him/her on that. As much as I liked Hickel, he did quit to become Interior Sec for Nixon, and left us with that idiot Miller as Gov. That was no different that what Palin did, as far as I'm concerned.

  32. London Bridges3:49 PM

    Does anyone know the basis of the defense attorney's motion for a mistrial? That has to be public info.

  33. Linda4:21 PM

    It does not appear to me that Kernell's attorney is asking for a "mistrial" but is filing the standard appeals and motions that happen after a verdict of guilty is entered. There are numerous technical issues that can be raised as a basis for a motion for a new trial (any legal error) and on appeal. I think you can bet the farm on the basis not having anything at all to do with SP's or Bristol's testimony. As has been pointed out by other
    commenters on this thread and others (probably also lawyers), SP's and Bristol's testimony had next to nothing to do with the guilt or innocence of Kernell.

  34. Anonymous6:03 PM

    I think that Track is going to end up on the "faces of meth" webpage. He does not look unhappy, he looks very unwell. I feel that he has fallen into the trap the our "Meth Valley" sets for the disenfranchised teens and adults. If that is the case he needs help much sooner than later or Sarah may find a different sort of sympathy vote. In fact, she'd be uncaring enough to found a "Mother's of Meth" foundation (which she would give no money to but use in her vast array of talking points. Just another talking point to her but a child that is lost indefinitely.

  35. kdusmdd6:17 PM

    O/T........Visit Vote for either Michelle or Sarah which had you rather have for a Mom.

    I voted for Michelle...... They are 50/50 right now.....Let's make sure Michelle WINS !!!!

  36. To Anonymous at 8:41, when you say we don't know how often Trig wears his glasses, you're right, but I can tell you that for proper perspective as he grows, he needs them during waking hours. The same goes for the hearing aids. As a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, I know firsthand that these are invaluable tools for a child with Down Syndrome. During the toddler years when they are going through therapy, they need to experience everything as clearly as possible in order to get the benefits that therapy provides.

    I know more parents of special needs children than I can count, that if they had the money Palin has made in the past several months, they would be home with their kids. They would give anything for the opportunity she has and a phone call would not take the place of being there, either. Don't even dare try to compare her to Laura Bush when her daughters are in their late 20's. There is no comparison. Trig and Piper need her, Piper needs to go to school and be around children her own age--not out at parties in NY with adults, carrying a Coach bag and wearing high heeled sandals at the age of 9! Trig needs a mother who holds him and loves him. In the great majority of the pictures we see, someone else is always holding Trig. I've grown up in and practiced in a very wealthy area, the Philadelphia Main Line, and have seen enough entitled children and their parents that I recognize them when I see them. I'm really afraid that if things don't change soon, Piper and Willow will be those children who feel entitled.

    Also, good parents would not make their daughter struggle to work while trying to go to school and raise her son, if they have the money to pay her way. She can always pay them back if Bristol wants to prove her independence or $arah and Todd insist upon being repaid. While there is no rule that says parents must pay for their child's college education, when they have the money to do so, I honestly don't know any who haven't. They were happy their kids would not have to start off with college loans to pay back.

    As to "babygate" and whether the truth should come out, I think it should. It was $arah's whole "pro-life, older Mom who chose not to abort her DS baby" that the fundies were sold on.
    If she's not Trig's mother, and I highly doubt she is based on photos, videos and her actions, not to mention Bristol's "six month case of mono", then she has a lot to answer for beginning with all those "touching, allegedly heart-warming stories of her pregnancy and her wild ride from Texas to AK. Do you realize that if $arah had announced her pregnancy at an earlier date, hadn't done the whole TX nonsense and dragged Trig to work after 3 days (unheard of for a Mother of a DS baby to expose him to the germs in her workplace at this age, not to mention his alleged jaundice) that she would have pulled it off without suspicion? But $arah had to play it up for the media and if you still don't see that's what she is all about, attention for herself, you're missing the real $arah.

  37. 10catsinMD4:14 AM

    Boy Gryphen, you must be on the right "track" because the trolls are surely out today. That surely is RAM up there spouting disinformation.

    Voted for Michelle. Scarah is a very poor example for a mother for USA to use. The bots will vote and vote to boost her. Tell everyone to go and vote for Michelle.

  38. Anonymous6:00 AM

    AKRNC@10:38 Great comment! Thank you so much for writing that from your knowledgeable perspective. It could be a post on its own.

    Happy Mother's Day, everyone!

  39. Anonymous10:44 AM

    More votes for Michelle, but they are calling it 50/50.

    Sarah out by a nose.

  40. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Guys, even though they're filing the normal requests for appeal of the Kernell verdict, I'd bet any amount of money that there will be no retrial. it's done.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.