Monday, May 17, 2010

Louisiana tells offshore oil rig workers that if they see the spill heading their way to RUN!

(Photo courtesy of Jon T. Fritz)

From Louisiana's The Advocate:

The state issued an emergency order Tuesday warning oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico to be prepared to shut off wells and evacuate rigs if the massive oil slick nears their platforms.

“We’re not saying that this is imminent,” said Patrick Courreges, communications director for the state’s Department of Natural Resources.

“What we are saying is to get prepared and make plans to be able to shut down your producing well immediately and get your people out of there if that order is issued,” Courreges said.

The state’s Office of Conservation, which is part of DNR, issued the order late Tuesday as a safety precaution intended for rigs operating in Louisiana waters, he said.

Officials are concerned that if the slick nears a rig, a spark from the rig could set the oil on fire.
“That fire could surround a rig and that’s a real concern,” Courreges said.

I used the term FUBAR to describe how bad this spill was this morning, however upon reflection I may have been too restrained in my description.  This spill has the potential to become the largest ecological disaster in history.  Which has compelled the federal official overseeing offshore drilling to announce his early retirement and for a number of senators to call for a criminal investigation.

Of course none of this seems to sway Fox News from working overtime to cover for BP by claiming "there is nothing to see here folks".

THAT is absolutely unbelievable!  I think it is time for somebody to force Fox to remove the word "News" from their title. All it does is confuse the ignorant people.


  1. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Well, according to Beck, Fox is an entertainment channel. Murdoch and his News Corp. partner, a Saudi Prince, need to address this ASAP.

    If the network feels free to make up facts, ignore facts, and misled the public, then they are working against the public welfare, against the safety of our citizens, and against the public good.

    We need to start calling them on this.

  2. Anonymous5:51 PM

    You guys call Palin a liar. HAH! THIS is a liar:

    “We have learned something important since the days that I served in Vietnam,” Mr. Blumenthal said to the group gathered in Norwalk in March 2008. “And you exemplify it. Whatever we think about the war, whatever we call it — Afghanistan or Iraq — we owe our military men and women unconditional support.”

    There was one problem: Mr. Blumenthal, a Democrat now running for the United States Senate, never served in Vietnam. He obtained at least five military deferments from 1965 to 1970 and took repeated steps that enabled him to avoid going to war, according to records.

    The deferments allowed Mr. Blumenthal to complete his studies at Harvard; pursue a graduate fellowship in England; serve as a special assistant to The Washington Post’s publisher, Katharine Graham; and ultimately take a job in the Nixon White House.

    In 1970, with his last deferment in jeopardy, he landed a coveted spot in the Marine Reserve, which virtually guaranteed that he would not be sent to Vietnam. He joined a unit in Washington that conducted drills and other exercises and focused on local projects, like fixing a campground and organizing a Toys for Tots drive.

  3. Anonymous5:51 PM

    I would like to add a suggestion from my husband, as it is in the judicial system where judges are supposed to recuse (excuse) themselves from hearing cases in which they have an interest, why don't we urge our Congress members to pass a law that no Representative or Senator can vote on a law if they have received campaign funds from an interested party to that law or regulation because of a possible or probably conflict of interest. This should also be attached to any investments the members of Congress have - if they will benefit financially (unless they have their investments in a blind trust over which they or their spouses of immediate family have no control) from the laws or regulations they pass, they cannot vote on it. Period.

    It is sort of backdoor campaign finance reform approach.

    The primary downside might be that no laws or regulations would be passed, but I bet we could exert pressure to end that foolishness.

  4. Anonymous5:57 PM


    circular firing squad of oil rigs?


    NOPE, I think even those terms are indadequate for this mess. It will take a gift of tongues to name it.

  5. One wonders if the various "commentator's" at faux had to draw straws to see who would be the goat with this brilliant proclamation.
    And why did they not blow the top off this thing weeks ago and put the lid on and just take the oil as fast as it came. I know there is no way to deal with that much flow. Should have thought of that before drilling.

  6. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Medved from Alaska dispatch is just as bad...
    He is a idiot.
    I trust Rick Stiener or Riki Ott, not craig medved.

  7. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Fox News is self-revelatory: nothing to see there, that's for sure (on Fox, i.e.)

  8. Anonymous6:46 PM

    NOW is it time to stop offshore polluting of our Earth?

  9. Anonymous7:03 PM

    I can't believe that the MSM spent all that time covering the mourning and funeral for the killed and injured mine workers. . .yet hardly a peep about the men killed on this rig.

    That should be kept front and center, along with the environmental disaster.

    Oil kills.

  10. I'm sure Hume figures Jesus will take care of it. BTW - has anyone heard anything from any of the Power of Prayer crowd? Why aren't they organizing a rally to shut this thing down? Come on, folks. Your country needs you - don't be shy just because the results would be conspicuous.

  11. "You're not even seeing it on the shores yet." Right. Yet. That sarcastic tone is just awful. Yeah, perspective is badly needed. One that's not from Fox.

  12. FEDUP!!!7:45 PM


    Bri$tol Payme has signed up for speaking engagements, ranging from $15K to $30K/pop!

  13. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Let us take note that Bristol was recently on a self promtional tour to spin she is a slaving single mom supporting her child financially without help working a day job contradicting Sarah's fiction about Bristol. Meanwhile Bristol is doing the "opposite" of the lies she spins signing up for speaking engagements. She lied about Levi's child support, Levi and others just like her mother lies about herself and other people.

  14. FEDUP!!!9:25 PM

    And still there is no concerted effort to actually get to the real issues. BP is preventing scientists from going and checking out up close.

    Good luck once this gets into the golf stream, carrying it around Florida, up the Eastern Coast, and over to Europe.
    I guess the Mayans were correct after all - the Earth actually just *might* come to an end in 2012, when the whole ocean has potentially died.
    Scientists have already (just a couple weeks after the onset of this disaster) noticed a marked decline in oxygen in the waters because of the oil eating microbes.
    Once these microbes get eaten by bigger animals, and those by bigger ones yet, and the die-off begins because of the poisoning from the oil, then it will be just a short time until it hits us humans. This might be an unstoppable avalanche coming onto us.

    May the Gods and the Spirits have mercy on us.

  15. Anonymous2:47 AM

    I wonder what Walter Hickel thinks of Madame Palin attending his memorial

  16. mocha5:06 AM

    Tar balls are already washing up on the Keys.

    On Friday, Shepard Smith gave a rare editorial comment excoriating BP. Then Sunday, Hume flaps his hound-dog trap about it's not so bad, blah blah... Fox has one serious newsman. They certainly gave him the go-ahead to make his remarks Friday, and then they f-ed him on Sunday. I have no idea why Shep stays there other than the $.

  17. mocha5:10 AM

    to anon at 5:51 PM:

    So "see, see a Democrat lied too" is your defense of Palin? Thanks for demonstrating once again that the emotional and intellectual development of Palin and her followers stopped at the 7th grade. Grow up.

  18. Anonymous7:09 AM

    "I wonder what Walter Hickel thinks of Madame Palin attending his memorial"

    I could hear him spinning down here in Indiana....

  19. Anonymous8:37 AM

    "Tar balls are already washing up on the Keys."

    and fox news is asking for proof they came from the gusher in the gulf.

  20. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Just substitute Paylin's [or any republican's] name here [according to Keith Olbermann] - 'Brit Hume is an IDIOT'. The point being that Hume appeared to be seriously upset when the Black male stated 'that the ocean cannot absorb this oil' and since he made it a statement, Hume went off the deep end ['who said that'] because he had essentially made that a statement in his previous comment - Hume said it, that's who said it! More importantly, most of the oil is below the surface, so it matters not what anyone can see on the surface. Obtuse is an understatement.

    Furthermore, other republicans as well as Limbaugh have said that the ocean could absorb the oil. I don't know where they went to school, but haven't they ever heard that oil and water don't mix? The dispersants being used to break up the oil are only adding to this crisis and being as these IDIOTS don't understand the problem, they really should STFU and go away!

  21. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Hume probably thinks not much happened on 9/11, because there weren't many injured brought to local hospitals in the aftermath.



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