Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Somebody actually wants to PAY Bristol Palin $30,000 to talk at them. No I am NOT kidding!

From the Huffington Post:

Bristol Palin is hitting the speakers' circuit and will command between $15,000 and $30,000 for each appearance, Palin family attorney Thomas Van Flein said Monday.

Van Flein confirmed a report by celebrity news website RadarOnline that the daughter of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has signed with Single Source Speakers. He added her exact fees will depend on factors such as which group she's addressing and what she must to do prepare.

Bristol Palin, 19, is listed on the speaking group's website as available for conferences, fundraisers, special events and holidays, as well as women's, youth, abstinence and "pro-life" programs.

Her fee is denoted by four question marks, meaning "Call to discuss!" The same designation is given to New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees.

A message left late Monday for Ron Miller, with Single Source Speakers, was not immediately returned.

Just when I think I have reached the bottom of the Palin rabbit hole, yet another Mad Hatter makes an appearance.

My guess is that because Bristol is only a fraction as crazy as her mother, she can only ask for a fraction of her mother's $100,000 per episode of verbal diarrhea.

Don't despair Bristol! After spending just a few more years around your crazy ass mother, someday you too will have erratic mood swings, imaginary friends named Glenn, Sean, and Greta, and a penchant for putting roadkill on your head and calling it hair.

Apparently these days simply having the last name "Palin" is now enough to get you a speaking engagement. I can hardly wait to hear Willow Palin hold forth on "Avoiding jail through the use of famous parents", Piper Palin's speech "My mommy has lots of secrets, and some of them poop", and Trig Palin's dissertation entitled "Things I put in my mouth because I thought they were food".


  1. Anonymous3:12 AM

    What could this bratty spoiled child possibly have to say in a speech. She is not a role model for anything, sorry.
    It seems like the Palins and Van Sell Out sit around and talk about every single way they can make money. What revolting people.

    On another note. Will Geoffrey Dunns book cover babygate? I doubt it. It really bothers me and a lot of other people that you are the only Alaskan blogger to have the guts to deal with this issue. Others are just "so above it" or it appears that way. Is it because they don't believe it or is it that they are building their careers and don't want to look like fools?
    Thanks for being brave Gryphen.

  2. Anonymous3:14 AM

    Man, what am *I* doing wrong in my life that I'm not making $10,000 to regurgitate some BS talking points and crap "advice" even I don't follow? I know karma takes care of all things in time and we usually don't get to see it but damn, just once I'd like to see Palin (and her know-nothing spawn Bristol) get their due. Sheeple! Wake up! (sobs into pillow)

  3. Anonymous3:53 AM

    Just when I thought this was an article straight from 'The Onion'. What a fucked up world in which we live, eh.

  4. Anonymous3:55 AM

    Oops - guess you missed this in the comments to one of your posts last week. Glad you caught it now, though, because it is very interesting. Perhaps once gets a few gigs, Levi can get his child support payments reduced. After all, he doesn't have such a sweet deal.

    She is seen as the Flagship Client.

    Ron, the guy behind Single Source, is friends with Barbara Bush - had lunch and then a private tour of Poppy Bush's Presidential Library. Therefore, it's obvious that Mama Sarah, the old grizzly, has connect her eldest to the Republican Party big time.

    Now there are two mama grizzles - after all, only after hooking up with the Rethugs did Sarah start really identifying with the protectiveness of the bear. It should be interesting to see if Bristol has been sharpening her claws.

    Heard that Bristol repeated her "abstinence isn't realistic" comment again on Fox. Ahem, won't that make her Abstinence Speech a bit awkward?

  5. I think Bristol is already putting roadkill on her head from the looks of the recent photographs, he, he...you are too funny.."my mommy has lots of secrets and some of them poop" ROFLMAO!!!

    I think it's funny if everyone would email Bristol's agent requesting Princess Born Again Virgin to come and speak at their school/youth group/church to young women about how they can whore themselves and their babies out for cash and prizes. I did!!

  6. Anonymous4:13 AM

    OMG who in their right mind would pay 15cents, let alone 15,000 to listen to this brainless twit prattle?
    I once knew a women who said (kiddingly) she made her money on her back.Now we have a 19 year old who actually has done it.....

  7. BAustin4:24 AM

    Blah blah blah.....don't have sex, it's hard to be a single mom. I work at drs office, I am not a high school drop out, blah blah blah....who would pay to hear that? I can't even make it thru bristol clips on YouTube for free!

    I sure thet national enquirer will pay big bucks when Bristol becomes unrevirginized.


  8. Kat_from_HI4:31 AM

    Bristol sure doesn't look like a happy camper in this picture. On the verge of tears? I guess lots of money can't make up for all things missing and wrong with her life. Bristol, if you're reading this, you will never have peace until you get far, far away from your dysfunctional mother. Run, girl, run fast, run far, run for your sanity.

  9. Anonymous4:36 AM

    I love thesze Christian women- they are so very devoted to life, all life, every life, they're so pro life.... that they charge between 15K and 100K to promote life?

    Don't most decent people -especially filthy rich people, do this shit for free?

    You don't see articles on Brad Pitt saying, "Brad will help build New Orleans, one house at a time. To show up at YOUR house with a hammer is 15K; with circular saw, 30K, with roofing gear, 50K. To eat near him and get pictures is an additional 50k. Brad does this for such a minimal fee because he loves you! And New Orleans! It's all about sharing and caring!"

  10. Anonymous4:50 AM

    Hey, I think The Idiocracy has truly arrived...

  11. Anonymous5:08 AM

    I wonder if she'll use a teleprompter.

  12. Anonymous5:13 AM

    Bristol and Sarah's response to pregnant teens:

    "Choose life and don't worry. You can support yourself and your baby with the money you earn from people magazine and speaking gigs."

  13. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Any group thst pays $30000 to listen to Bristol say ,umm, ya know, like umm, ya know, like...whatever, .......needs a new board of directors.
    I say let her talk, talk, talk. Sooner or later the lies will "out" both Bristol and Sarah. They are already tripping all over themselves and slipping up. Bristol, Sarah: We are all listerning, intently, and researching what you say and keeping notes. (Theses are things real students do, winky wink). We are studying YOU and you will be exposed.
    Keep yacking.

  14. So Van Flyswap has confirmed the fee as btw 15 and 30,000? Wow I wonder how many gigs she'll get?

    So, is it possible that Levi, if he applies for partial custody, might end up actually getting paid by Bristol for child support if his Hollywood career doesn't pan out? I'm thinking he might be better off pursuing the electrician career and he might wind up with the better part of the deal. Would serve Bristol right, the money-hungry fake-abstinence crusader.

  15. Anonymous5:44 AM

    I encourage all pregnant teens to change their name to Palin. Name their children Palin....claim a Palin knocked them up, claim some kind of kinship to the Palins. Everyone should be able to get on the scum bandwagon.

    Most people can talk better and have a better education than all of the Palins put together. So grab the name to fame and bank on it.

    I'm headed to the state offices to put a claim on the name Palin and register it as a trademark.

  16. Anonymous5:59 AM

    It is ironic that she has essentially joined all the pretty hollywood girls and their own quest for money/fame based on nothing but looks. at least she brings some relevancy. It's a sad world that soooo many people make bank on nothing yet hardworkin americans scrape by and endure tragedy with a business fails due to economic downturn.

    I blame reality tv...ever listen to Ferras' Hollywood is not america song. But she has a point. Teens can look and say, there is a possibility that my pregnancy will become front page news (in this sad climate known as lib media) and therefore will take every precaution - or they can look and say, gee, it must really suck to have your messy breakup/custody issues broadcast to the world because Americans have no sense of what's important anymore.

    This has no bearing on Palin's presidential chances. Her record and dirty dealings do. Family should be left out of the equation, unless she you know, murders them.

    True story: My friend Erin was Michelle Obama's assistant before the election and he said Michelle is quite the little queen. Good mother, but she too was hardly with her kids due to the election.

    Everyone has their moments. You cant argue with polls and most of whom Palin endorses raises shitloads of money within the following day

  17. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Maybe Bristol can get a gig at Castle Anthrax with that other Palin guy.


  18. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Hope Willow gets some speaking gigs too.. she would do great talking about home security systems.. and what can happen if you don't have them.

  19. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Anonymous @ 5:44...

    I'm headed to the state offices to put a claim on the name Palin and register it as a trademark.

    How about a Palin (TM) Pregnancy Test Kit? "They're always positive."

  20. good work if you can get it. spread legs, insert Levi, pop out baby, and become celebu-spawn.

    Next up....bri$tol does 'holywood' (sic).

  21. angela6:47 AM

    Bristol Palin is a cautionary tale of what happens when you have a grifter for a mother. Sarah is like some Medusa stage mother.
    Nineteen year old single mother with a penchant for partying her ass off, night club hopping, swag rooms and revirginization (with a probable boy friend). tells other teens not to do it?

    Well, go tell other teen girls NOT to do what you do 'cause they probably won't get to fly around first class, leaving their baby with a nanny while the biggest hypocrite in the world tells them how hard cosmetic surgery, new SUVs, NY nightclubs and covers on PEOPLE is.


  22. Bristol Barber6:50 AM

    I don't have a problem with Bristol speaking up, like she did about her roommate, and now she is saying that abstinence only is unrealistic again? She needs to be honest and tell us about how the changes came about.

    When does she have time to be at her condo in Anchorage? Did she clear up whether or not Tripp is staying with the roommate or is he living at the château? Track has an apartment there and he could be Tripp's primary caregiver when Bristol is working.

  23. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Well then, why isn't Levi suing her for 'palimony'? If I were he, I definitely would! God knows, he deserves it!!!

  24. Anonymous6:56 AM

    I'll pass. I think I can find and talk to some 'rill' struggling teen moms for free instead of listening to girl Howdy-Doody. Perhaps a good reality show for Bristhole would be to plunk her down in a housing project for a month, forcing her to use public transportation and work at Burger King (ya, see if you can make ends meet on that kind of money!) with no child support and no family support.

    Indeed SJK, it is nice work if you can get it -- what the hell did I waste all that time in college for again? Oh, but then again, I'm not the daughter of a functionally (barely) retarded white Republican 'christian' conservative, so my bastard baby wouldn't garner nearly as many accolades and cash...

  25. Anonymous7:01 AM

    I'll pass. I think I can find and talk to some 'rill' struggling teen moms for free instead of listening to girl Howdy-Doody. Perhaps a good reality show for Bristhole would be to plunk her down in a housing project for a month, forcing her to use public transportation and work at Burger King (ya, see if you can make ends meet on that kind of money!) with no child support and no family support.

    Indeed SJK, it is nice work if you can get it -- what the hell did I waste all that time in college for again? Oh, but then again, I'm not the daughter of a functionally (barely) retarded white Republican 'christian' conservative, so my bastard baby wouldn't garner nearly as many accolades and cash...

  26. angela7:04 AM

    Anon 5:59
    So you post anonymously but use your friend's name to bash Michelle Obama? After saying families should be left out of this? Then you tell us something we already know that Mrs. Obama numerous times stated about not being with her children during the campaign? Then you tell us about how Sarah makes money for people she endorses (and by the way—this is not a campaign right now. Sarah's is making money for Sarah.) Then you talk about the "lib" media when Sarah is a shill for the most watched non-news corporation in the world and you expect anyone on this blog to take you seriously?

    And by the way this thread is about BRISTOL who has decided to become a PAID public figure. She has no shield anymore. She gets to take the crap at 15-30 grand a pop.

  27. Haven't read all the comments yet, but just have to say or ask two things: 1. we know this is about Sarah, not about Bristol, or Tripp, or abstinence ... 2. who will she be speaking to? Can you honestly tell me that teens and/or young women who might be pregnant, or be a single mother, or who might be (or want not to be) sexually active is going to come to hear Bristol "I drive an Escalade, and have my own condo" Palin talk about how "hard it is" to raise her son?

  28. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Unfuc.ing unbelievable!

  29. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Yeah, I'm not buying the Michelle Obama as queen nonsense. She seems to be someone who wants things done correctly and she probably doesn't suffer fools lightly.

    In other words, I don't see Mrs. Obama demanding 'bendy' straws (I think grown ups call them flexible straws), Gulfstreams, and titles she didn't earn or live up to.

  30. I have seen a couple of references to Bristol saying (or it being said that Bristol said) that abstinence only is not realistic. We all know she said that during the infamous Greta interview when she presented Tripp to the world ... now she is saying again. HOW does that square with being a Candies "abstinence only" spokesperson. My head hurts.

  31. mocha7:27 AM

    To anon at 5:59 AM:

    "But, but, but Michelle" is not a grown-up rebuttal to criticism of Bristol. What happened to Palin and her supporters that your emotional and intellectual development stopped in the 7th grade? Palin and her daughter are idiots and all you who defend her with the excuses of 13 year olds are idiots too.

  32. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Exactly. Bristol is now a public figure and completely fair game. How foolish of her. Why would Christian organizations want someone who PLANNED to get pregnant as a role model?? Unless she comes clean about that, she has no credibility. Also, now when info gets out about her live in boyfriend that will also be fair game. Oprah gave her a chance to take back her abstinence pledge. She should have listened. No one should feel sorry for her. She's willing to peddle lies like her mother for cash. Feel sorry for Track, who has his own crap storm coming but at least he's stayed out of the public eye (for very good reason).

  33. Bristol, tell us more7:34 AM

    I am glad she is not pregnant again.
    Did she mention that she is on the pill?
    Does she use the morning after pill?

    Preteens need to know what works for their role model.

  34. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Michelle Obama declared that her kids were not to be covered by the media. Sarah uses her kids as props and casts them in unbelievable roles (military hero, multi-tasking single mother, good girl who never broke into a house, cute kid who signs books and prop for pro-life credentials). I wonder what Tripp's role will be besides "accident" and "do as I say, not as I did."

  35. Anonymous7:45 AM


  36. Valley girl7:52 AM

    Why would Levi sue for 'palimony' 6:56 AM? His best friend is the replacement for Tripp's father. If you couldn't be there for your child who would you want to take over for you? I think they have a darn good arrangement going on. The sister said that Levi is closed off from her and the mother, so what do they know? I think Levi is satisfied with working arrangements out with the best friend and Tripp's mother. His friend won't let him down. You must think about how small "town" suburbs can be. Do you remember he had a problem with Johnny Chandler, that got worked out and they are friends again. He may well be repeating a similar pattern. Why would he tell the sister if he was seeing Tripp more and that is it about leaving them out?

    You can take the girl out of the suburbs, but you can't take the suburbs out of the girl. Bristol is going to get a hockey dood from the suburbs one way or another. You think it is a coincidence that her new lover is the other Levi when it comes to looks?

  37. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Isn't promoting abstinence prohibiting potential babies from being born?

    It may be a bit snarky, but it is true!

  38. Anonymous7:59 AM

    I worked with an accomplished professional speaker and at that time she also had two popular mainstream self-help bestsellers on the New York Times list. She was on demand as a speaker but even SHE was all nervous at one event because, as she told me, a representative from a big speaker's bureau was there to watch her give her speech that day. If she did well, there was a chance she could become a speaker for that speaker's bureau. And this was a speaker's bureau where you could make $10,000 to $30,000 per speech, considered the "big leagues" (this was back in 1995.)

    She explained that up until then she had been getting her bookings through a smaller speaker's bureau, sort of a second tier or third tier bureau. And fees were more in the $2000-$7000 per speech range.

    So this accomplished woman (she was an AMAZING speaker, by the way) with loads of professional speaking experience, who at the time had two bestsellers, and who had also appeared on OPRAH, still had to "audition" to be considered for the big league of speaker's bureaus.

    Bristol Palin didn't have to learn how to speak, give a presentation, create material, or earn anything. She just gets instant gigs at the top level, the top tier of speaker's bureaus.

    Actually, what's probably true is that her speaker's bureau is floating the $30,000 as an asking price, but she will probably be making more like $5000-$10,000 a speech at most until 1) she learns to actually GIVE a speech and 2) big clients with real money hire her.

  39. Anonymous8:06 AM

    We have seen and heard Bristol talk on TV, with Greta, and on a morning talk show with a sleeping baby and daddy sitting near by. Bristol has nothing to say, and does not say it well. The interviewer had to coax flat responses from Bristol. She is not a naturally gifted speaker, and frankly, she doesn't have her mother's gift to fill the air with sounds. As irritating as Sarah's voice and style are, we have seen that she appeals to the worst instincts in a crowd of people. I cannot see Bristol creating any kind of buzz at all, and she would be over paid at $1,000. a speech, let alone $15,000 to $30,000. Next thing you know, she will want to travel first class or by private jet, five star hotel rooms, bottled water and bendy straws.

    And, we forgot to discuss Bristol's book, which will be as exciting as her speeches. However, they will be bought up in bulk, and given away with memberships or contributions to pro-life organizations. Bristol will be a star like Sarah, why, she could even be a commentator on Fox.

  40. Anonymous8:06 AM

    I hope she gets knocked up by an illegal Mexican. Who happens to be a Jew. With a black mom. And then dumps her scanky ass.

    One can dream...

  41. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Retch! What is she going to talk about...how God made her a virgin again? Or perhaps she will offer advice on nannys and plastic surgeons. Stuff every unwed teenage mother needs to know.

  42. Anonymous8:10 AM

    I wonder if she'll end up having to have an abortion when she gets pregnant while teaching abstinence to the teenagers of America?

  43. Anonymous8:17 AM

    What happened to the Geoffry Dunn blog post? I was reading how she would get burned to a crisp if she ran, refreshed the page and poof...GONE?

  44. emrysa8:20 AM

    getting paid $30,000 a speech for no other reason than you have become famous because you had babies before you were 18.

    great role model. only in america can garbage like this get rewarded.

  45. Anonymous8:49 AM

    anon 656 - the reason Levi isn't suing for palimony is because it doesn't exist in Alaska. A better question is why isn't he suing for any custody.

  46. I agree with previous comments regarding Michelle Obama being a "queen". I doubt it also and wonder what that even means.

    BTW, the friend telling this tale is identified as Erin and male. Erin happens to be a female name.

    Obama trashing troll fail!!

  47. London Bridges8:49 AM

    House Of The Rising Spawn (with apologies to Odetta and the Animals.

    There is a house on Lake Lucille. It's called the Rising Spawn. It's been the ruin of many po' girls, now Sarah and Bristol are one!

  48. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Sent a letter to Ron at the Speakers email: No response, don't expect one, but everyone should send one:
    Hi Ron,
    Bristol Palin is available to speak about abstinence for $30K?
    Isn’t she on record as saying that abstinence is unrealistic? Hasn’t she been pregnant a couple of times? Isn’t she living with her boyfriend Ben right now? Isn’t she a hard partying teen who got caught and now is trying to cash in?
    You and the
    Single Source Speakers pretty much looks like a joke to those of us in the country who are educated critical thinkers. I hope you are just a businessman looking to cash in as well, because no one with an education takes any of the Palins seriously. They are just trying to make as much money as they can before all the dots in all lies they have told are connected and the world realizes that the country has been punked.
    Good luck with this endeavor, you'll need it. Bristol will require a lot of coaching to justify her fee and to keep all the lies straight. Also, I’d recommend you stay away from “how hard her life is as a single mom”…..it can’t be too hard if you get to travel so much, party at 1Oak, have plastic surgery, be on magazine covers, etc etc. Also, Tripp's dad’s family (if Levi is the father) are more than willing to help her with child care, but she is withholding Tripp from them .( Very Christian of her I might add ).
    Yes, If you want any credibility to your organization, keep it real. Let Bristol discuss how lucrative it is to party and have sex with abandon, have a kid (s) and cash in. What a role model. Stay classy!
    Gave initials


  49. Valley girl.... My hub talked to Johnny Chandler, he said he was not interested in Bristol. "Too much drama" he said..

    Something must have changed!

  50. Tyroanee9:01 AM

    The gum scrapped off of her Candies have led a cleaner life, and therefore are entitled to royalties.
    That is all I have to say.

  51. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Sarah Palin, Bristol Palin, and Thomas Van Flein are hilarious. I recommend we do a mind shift, and instead of getting upset at their ridiculousness, let's just laugh a lot at their foolishness. Hey, it could be the best way to sink them into oblivion!

  52. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Holy shit. And yet she whines about how hard it is being a single mother. For 30,000 a speech, can afford childcare when most could not.

    The Palins truly are a cancer. I really hope that John McCain regrets what he unleashed.

  53. Excuse me... are those cross earrings she's wearing?

    Laugh my ass off! These people are FRAUDS!

  54. seeds of growth9:39 AM

    "...including Wasilla it is clear there is a huge amount of evidence that some really bad people are being produced in them."

    The seed and production of people is best served in an area where breeding can go on without reservation. The attitudes and behaviors in places like Wasilla are at the forefront of producing people and/or breeding. Bristol Palin is a star speaker whether she is abstinence-only or abstinence-only is not realistic and she can confuse and change every other week. The example of Bristol Palin says it all, her words only matter if they make controversy and up her speaker fee.

    Bristol was born, raised and formed by the little farming community of the Mat-Sus. Matanuska-Susitna Borough is one of 16 boroughs in Alaska. (County seat: Palmer) The borough is in the Anchorage metro area.The estimated population in 2004 was 72,278. This was an increase of 21.84% from the 2000 census.

    The $51,221 median household income is above the National. Is the Alaska Permanent Fund included in household income?
    In 2002, the per capita personal income in Matanuska-Susitna Borough was $28,128. This was an increase of 23.1% from 1997. The 2002 figure was 91% of the national per capita income, which was $30,906.

    The Ag Dept Experimental Farm -- Wasilla
    Blogs and Websites Near Wasilla, Alaska

    Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Alaska

    Matanuska-Susitna Borough

    1 Corinthians 15:38 But God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him, and to every seed his own body.
    Palmer is the county seat and the farming part of the area, Wasilla is no longer where the agriculture seeds matter. It is interesting how it evolved.

    Wasilla seed is in the young males they produce for the young females. It is a gigantic commodity and Bristol is central to spreading the Wasilla way across the world. Look for a big population explosion! Bristol is doing a great job for Caucasian seed commodities.

  55. the paylins are all about throwing as much shit to the wall as possible and seeing how much sticks. Any entity that pays more than minimum wage for bri$tol's ramblings will certainly deserve what they get. spread 'em bri$tol. good girl.

  56. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Why does anything think that Bristol's speaking fees will have anything to do with child support FOR TRIPP?

  57. Anonymous10:02 AM

    I like Gryphen's blog. Many of the comments are insightful and interesting. I am increasing distressed at how gratuitously nasty people are becoming. It seems to me to be getting worse. I think it weakens the argument for the person who says it and for the group with which they are identified, especially if the group members don't speak out.

    Criticizing Bristol makes sense on many points. Being gratuitously mean-spirited doesn't seem to me to advance anything good.

    I realize this is only my opinion. Perhaps there are others who share my opinion and if so I hope you will speak you. Regardless, You have the right to say whatever Gryphen is willing to let through. You have the right to disagree with me. I'm not suggesting God has told me that you/it is wrong. Just my opinion. My experience on blogs and internet discussion groups is that it hard to navigate these issues, and unless controlled (which is difficult and problematic and doable only with some compromises), the polar extremes often set the tone.

  58. Anonymous10:08 AM

    You have to give Bristol Palin credit for being able to swing both ways.
    Abstinence-Obsessed Republican Resigns

  59. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Gryphen, do you have the video of Bristol telling Greta Van Sustren "abstinence is not realistic?" I can't seem to find it, it was scrubbed from you tube and Fox.

  60. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Gee...a whole family of grifters. From Chuck to Sarah to Todd to Bristol.

    Can't wait to see what Palin will force Willow to do for $$$$$$.

    30K because she is got preggers. Not bad for a days...errrr.....nights work.

  61. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Sarah to the media............."Leave my kids alone. That is, unless you are willing to pay them 30K to hear them speak".

    30k for a teenager with zero experience speaking? Charging 30k just because she got pregnant? Are they kidding?

    They are disgusting. By "they" I mean the entire Palin family.

  62. Anonymous10:23 AM

    That does look like cross earthings.
    With that look on her face me says she is preying to be saved from indigestion, morning sickness or uncontrollable public BP gas leaks.

  63. Anonymous10:29 AM

    What's up with Mercede's swearing that Bristol has only been preggers once, and the rumors were only rumors (that she was pregnant before) because people knew that Bristol and Levi were trying to have a baby? Why is she defending Bristol? Seems odd.

    Did someone threaten her?

    I just read that at The Atlantic.

  64. Anonymous10:49 AM

    BP has very little to say that's worth $15,000 to $30,000. I wonder if people who speak for money ever feel a bit guilty for charging this exorbitant amount while other young girls with a child have been flooded out, homes hit by tornadoes, small fishing business owners in Louisiana losing their only income, unemployment. Even surgeons, firemen, rescue people, ambulance personnel who perform life-saving procedures don't get $15,000 per life-saving.

    This family is so cheesy and care nothing about self-respect. What they are teaching Bristol is to take and take for doing nothing more than looking pretty and fooling around. She's no different than any other kid who made the same choice.

  65. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Why doesn't someone hire Biden's .......SNORT......daughter to ....... SNORT ...... give a speech?

  66. Had it with the trashy Palins yet???11:30 AM

    Bristol is living with her boyfriend Ben, but getting paid $15,000-30,000 to talk about abstinance and faith? Is this a joke? Oh sure Bristol is a responsible single hard working mom!
    Let's tell the truth about Bristol. This isn't nasty/ it's based on facts. She is a LIAR! She even lied under oath in the recent Kernell trial- so I question how many lies she has told the judge in her current custody case.
    She is not in college - what a joke! I could go on an on.

    The Palins are representative of everything wrong in America. They are greedy opportunists, low class liars, trashy grifters. Who else is sick of hearing about these disgusting revolting people!

    Hey c for peeeeers- do u think it's ok that Bristol is living with Ben yet charging $30,000 to preach abstinence. I can only imagine your truly warped rationalizations. One real moron at HP stated that of course Bristol cashed in after "you people" made her famous!

    What a dysfunctional family. Sarahand the toad are crappy parents, really crappy. It's shameful and shocking what they teach their children like " Breaking the ten commandments is ok if you get paid enoug for it!"

  67. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Good article on this: http://lostintarnation.blogspot.com/2010/05/those-who-cant-do-teach.html


    "Presumably she's for it, although it's hard to imagine why -- if she had practiced it nobody would care who she was right now. So it's sort of like hearing a lecture on the value of hard work by a guy who won the lottery right before his trust fund dried up."

  68. Anonymous11:47 AM

    "Why doesn't someone hire Biden's .......SNORT......daughter to ....... SNORT ...... give a speech?"

    Uhh, have you seen all of Bristol's MySpace postings about drinking and drugs and pics of Willow swilling Vidka and stories about Track taking pills?? How stupid are you?

  69. Anonymous11:55 AM

    If I'm going to pay that much to get screwed, the hooker's going to have to be better looking than that. Sorry, Pistol.

  70. Wow--Anon 10:55
    I wouldn't go there when the Palin children have been known to ingest just about everything illegal known to the suppliers in Wasilla.--Meth Capital of Alaska.

    And let's face it, everyone has problems--it's just the Palins who want to whore theirs out for money---Get it? Most people have a bit more umm let's see if you understand the word. Class. Good try though.

  71. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Of course, it isn't about what this barely-high-school-educated kid has to say. It is about her (and her mother's) fame and, therefore, ability to draw a crowd to fundraisers and events.

  72. Anonymous12:41 PM

    A thought just occurred to me. What if Bristol is planning to contradict her message. Example, telling Greta Van Susteren that abstinence was unrealistic. Perhaps she is planning on "leaking" these contradictory statements every once in a while to defy her mother.

    Have been thinking about her book. Wonder if she will "go rogue" and talk honestly about her true feelings.

  73. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Anon 10:55.... Yea, she could team up with Palin and some CW singer. Sex, drugs and rock and roll.

  74. Anonymous12:51 PM

    No fucking way would I want to hear what BP has to say much less pay for it! What the hell is wrong with these people? All I want from Bristol and Scarah is GOODBYE! and never to be heard from again! This is utterly mind-boggling!

  75. Anonymous1:12 PM

    There is a marvelous concept in America known as 'supply and demand.'

    Why doesn't Levi go on the lecture circuit, why doesn't G Dunn charge $30K to hammer Palin?

    Because no one wants to pay for them.

  76. Anonymous1:25 PM

    And next week, more Palins will be joining the Speakers Bureau. Piper is available for Show and Tell, Grades Kindergaten through junior high. Track will become a military recruiter, giving speeches to ROTC groups in high school. Willow is available for teen groups suggesting wonderful hobbies to fill free time. Trig will be appearing at any organization for special needs children and adults. His requirements include a $100,000. fee for his chaperone, first class travel or travel by private jet, five star hotels, bottled water and bendy straws, and no solid food! Todd is a man of few words, but he will make appearances for any kind of sporting goods companies in return for free merchandise and sponsorship.

  77. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Sarah stashes Trig with Heather when she's buzzing around stirrin' up strife coast to coast, but who
    minds Tripp when Bristol jets off? I don't think
    Track (as someone mentioned) is a suitable sitter,
    nor is any live-in lover of Bristol's. I bet Mercedes would rearrange her whole schedule & take excellent care of him if that spiteful BP would let her.

  78. Valley girl1:49 PM

    Syrin ... I have no doubt that Johnny Chandler can charm the parents. I am glad to hear that he was able to speak at all. When is he that sober? Did he ever get to college or have a job? Did he go to Cali? He is one that does not want to tell his own story and will have to settle for what the vast photo documents tell those who are working on the more truthful unauthorized inside story of Wasilla young. Whatever changed I don't think it was his love affair with booze.

    Chandler may say he is not into the Bristol drama now but he was her bf at one time. He and Levi traded off and on, not sure of dates off hand, 2006-2007? There were a few articles and one of the Palin blogs had somethings. You would know that the Chandler duo and the Johnston duo are tight, except for the brief time they fought over Bristol. It looks like the Gattos kid was maybe doing Bristol during the same time. I am beginning to wonder who wasn't. Any parent in the area must have known all about the internet posts and what their little angels were up to.

    I know the photo documentation does not always jive with what is said. The truth could be in the middle. In any event party animal teens and pregnancy should be an issue for parents and adults. I'll see if I can't find where Johnny Chandler and Bristol Palin were an item, get back to you with it later.

  79. WakeUpAmerica2:58 PM

    Charming picture of the petulant child. Mommy's little precious through and through. Same empty head and mean girl personality.

  80. Is this what is meant by generational theft?

  81. kdusmdd4:16 PM

    Yes, Gryphen....What happened to your post abt G. Dunns' new book? I was very interested in that and, also, the responses.

  82. kdsmudd, I took the post down last night because I had inadvertently shared some info from a private conversation.

    you can read the interview over at Mudflats though.

  83. Anonymous4:35 PM

    You can always spot a Palinbot by how idiotic their posts are! Do any of them have IQs above 90? What does Joe Bidens child, Levi ot G Dunn have anything to do with the topic at hand. How stupid are you? Do you what Dunn was paid for his book? No you don't do you?
    And are you really so shallow and blind that you believe Bristol Palin has accomplished anything that deserves payment like that. There are millions of unwed single mothers and many have actually been self-supporting, hard working mothers. That is not Bristol. She is not very bright and she certainly isn't hardworking. She only has a chance at this because of her mother and you know it. Your devotion to Sarah blinds some of you and frankly you sound plain DUMB.

    Let's see how many people pay Bristol.

    Another thing, exposing the REAL ACTUAL lies of Sarah Palin is not bashing her. It's telling the truth about her. She is a serial liar and it's dangerous. The fact that Palinbots don't care is really disturbing!

  84. kdusmdd4:57 PM

    Gryphen......Mudflats took the G. Dunns' post down, also, too. Wonder why? Too much information????? Damn

  85. Anonymous6:48 PM

    The mudflats post on the Dunn book is still there. Mudflats format causes post positions to shift at odd times. But you can see the post down from the top of the page a few lines.
    here's the link


  86. BP popping populations7:31 PM

    The more the merrier I always say! BP is all about speaking and the procreating news. What's wrong with that? There was a big mix up about when this picture was taken. The rumors are that Bristol is a sweet girl with a little baby fat but not a baby there, there. Four years later and it is the same. She has dedicated herself to pause and she is not pregnant '10 as she was not pregnant in '06. The faster the population accelerates the faster we can drill. Five years from now we will need more oil, that will bring money to the Palins and increase their friends take. It is progressing to support Bristol's speaker program. It is not about can she speak or what she speaks, it is about progress and drilling.

  87. Anonymous10:40 PM

    I don't give a rat's ass that the Palin kids are screwed up. They are a little more screwed up than the average middle class teen but who really cares.

    The only thing that chaps my ass is they have created an entire false reality for the entire Palin family. They are proud Valley Trash (self proclaimed) with all of the baggage that goes along with it, yet they have created this alternate reality that does not match the life that they have lived.

  88. Anonymous11:56 PM

    7:31 PM...............I want to know what YOU'RE popping. Geezzzz!!!!! Incomprehensible garbage spewing from your fingers.

  89. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Washington Post: Bristol Palin to hit the paid lecture circuit, speaking about teen pregnancy

    In the video the announcer says that right now Palin works in Anchorage and works in a physician office. Is that right? Why can't she name her employer and say what type of work she does?

  90. Anne In DC9:33 AM

    The Palins are now the poster children for the idea that many Americans worship mediocrity, or even worse. If Bristol Palin were either poor or a member of a racial minority, she would not be given a pass. Can anyone imagine how the hard right would rip into the Obama girls if anything like that happened with them?

    It's disgusting that she complains about doing it on her own, when she is from a family with financial resources many young women in her shoes could only dream about. She needs to further her education against the day when no one will give her even one red penny for her repetitious, uninformative speeches. She is not a child any longer but an adult who will be 20 this October. Therefore, like her silly mother, she needs to be held accountable for her own words and actions.

  91. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Hard to see how she is worth $15,000 for a speech. $10,000 maybe. But $15,000 is pushing it. My hunch: Bristol is getting prepared by the repubs for a run for office in a few years. Public speaking will pay off later. Don't be surprised if you see Bristol run against Begich in 2014. You read it on Gryph first. Look at the big picture people.

  92. Bristol is a fraud and not worth five cents.

    This is interesting.
    " FYI....People are finally talking around here!!! This week has brought to light for me a confirmation from two seperate people that Bristol indeed has been pregnant twice.... Thats all I'm sayin for now "

    Without a doubt Sarah Palin has the strangest pregnancy story in modern history. We can only imagine how the school books will deal with it. More baffling are the pictures that show two different infants {new information and observations}
    What was Sarah Palin up to and what part does Bristol Palin play?


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