Saturday, May 01, 2010

President Obama's Michigan graduation speech. This is wonderful!

If you have trouble playing the video you can read the transcript here.

I watched this in the morning and was quite struck by how brilliant and self effacing our President can be.  He had that group of graduates in the palm of his hand and he gave them possibly one for the greatest graduation speeches in history.

There were 93,000 people listening to him and Obama took the opportunity to talk about the divisiveness that our country is currrently going through and to ask his audience to show compassion for those who they may not agree with and to occasionally look to media sources that do not support their point of view so that they will understand all sides of an issue and learn to walk in somebody else's shoes.

By contrast Sarah Palin was giving a speech in another part of Michigan to a piddly 1,100 people where she viciously attacked President Obama and continued to call for divisiveness and distrust of our government.

Sarah Palin saluted "the good folks of Michigan clinging to your guns and religion" at an anti-tax, anti-liberal rally here today. "We don't like the way the liberal establishment is running things," she said. "We are proud to call ourselves tea party Americans."

Every once in awhile it is good for the soul to take a moment to sit back and count our blessings that the "Witch from Wasilla" and the "Alzheimer's patient form Arizona" did NOT win the 2008 election.

Because my friends we really dodged a bullet that time!


  1. Just got home from my Daughter's graduation, it was AMAZING live. GO BLUE

  2. Anonymous5:22 PM

    President Obama won by a record landslide. And, when Michelle told him he won, he just whispered humbly: "How about that?" No big hurrah or egotistical showmanship. He takes his job responsibly. (Can you imagine McCain/Palin? It would be all about them.) We are so fortunate, blessed, lucky.. that this former civil rights attorney/constitutional law professor/son of a Kansas born & educated single white mother/community organizer, decided to run for president. We are so fortunate indeed.

  3. FEDUP!!!5:26 PM

    She does not get that 'clinging to your guns and religion' has a bad connotation, and is used derogatorily.

  4. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Great post, Gryphen! Your eloquent and accurate compare and contrast presentation really brought home how lucky we are.

    It's so easy to see and hear only the disheartening messages from the right-wing fringe groups and forget the blessings we have.

    President Obama may not be perfect in the eyes of all progressives, but he is so damn perfect for the times we are in that it makes my breath catch in wonder when he expresses just what we need to hear, inspires us to be our best selves, and reminds us that we are all Americans - the good, the bad and even the very ugly (in spirit).

    Good did win in '08. May there be enough of us to make sure it just gets better in November.

  5. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Can only imagine what it was like live -- I managed to watch it on television.

  6. Anonymous5:56 PM

    That speech was very moving and intelligent. We did the right thing electing Obama. He brings people together and that is one of the reasons I admire him. He is a true inspiration and an excellent leader.

    While the President is focusing on bringing people together and repairing our nation, Palin continues to spew hate and collect money from her followers. Eventually the hate in her heart and greed will catch up to her. I've always believe in Karma. What goes around will come around.

    Don't worry folks; the wicked witch of the north won't be riding high on her broom for very long. People are sick of her. She offers no solutions to our nation's problems. Her constant attacks on the President, didn't work during the elections and it won't work again.

  7. That's what I'm talking about! Thanks Gryphen for posting the link to the full transcript. What an amazingly brilliant man we have for our president. That speech is for all of us, not just the Michigan graduates.

  8. Anonymous6:04 PM

    This speech was absolutely wonderful. Glad I listened/watched it!!!

  9. Anonymous6:09 PM

    This speech was worth being forced to stand outside the gates for two hours. He was pretty funny, it wasn't overtly political, just all around a great speech. He gave a shout out to the graduating senior class speaker, which was pretty cool. That kid definitely deserved to be on the same stage as obama.

    best graduation ceremony ever.

  10. Smiling6:09 PM

    As a Canadian who follows the Sarah Palin story through news reports and blogs, I have felt increasingly concerned about our neighbours to the south and wonder into what this nation could morph. It was an inspiration and a relief to hear the wise and logical message of President Barrack Obama.

  11. She's so stuck in the past, she might as well be a neanderthal.

  12. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Congratulations comment #1 Whelp! Go Blue!

  13. Obama should be praised for that bit of oratory, yet it will not resonate with those that don't agree with him. Nice speech, it works for me and all the others that tend my way but not with those that live by the Fox News lies.

    These people he was speaking to are upper middle class college students and their parents. The Fox News watchers in their single wides will not be swayed by his message of hope.

    I don't know how he can breach the cultural and economic divide in this country. He may not be able to being a mixed race person, but he and his handlers are giving it their best and that is to be commended.

  14. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Sorry my last comment was for a different post.


  15. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Any chance the defense attorney purposely overlooked the Palin lies? Then he can easily use them as an excuse to file an appeal if the verdicts didn't go the way he wanted.


  16. mommom7:19 PM

    93,000 people heard that speech in person.

    Where are the trolls who brag about Mrs Paylins numbers so much?

    When I went to school, 93,000 was greater than 1,100.

  17. Anonymous7:58 PM

    AKPETMOM- Remember President Obama won the state of Iowa? AND.. he said during the campaign that it was about us... So, it's "us" that have to bridge the cultural divide on our local levels. :-) house by house, street by street, block by block.

  18. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Lady Blah Blah has solutions to nothing..just the same old hate...she's got nothing to say about the spill baby spill..

  19. kdusmdd8:02 PM

    I was totally in awe as I watched and listened to our President Obama speak today. He never disappoints me! What a wonderful speech for those graduates and everyone listening to him. I am so proud to have him as our President. He will go down in history as our brightest and most srticulate President our nation has ever known. He has had to fight each and everyday for the American Dream. Thank you President Obama.

  20. Anonymous8:05 PM

    This is absolutely humiliating but I am like an Obama groupie. He speaks and I am grinning from ear to ear. How I love this man and how proud he makes me!

  21. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Thanks for posting this Gryphen. Our President has more class and intelligence than many of our elected officials could dream of. I am so proud of him and wish him well.

    Ms. Palin was speaking at the same time and doing the exact opposite. She was espousing hate toward government. Has anyone explained to her that the government is us (as in elected representatives who are acting in OUR behalf)?

  22. Anonymous8:29 PM

    It was a wonderful speech - and without saying anything negative, nor mentioning any names - anyone who listens or reads knows his views on those who would denigrate him.

    I think this was my favorite line

    Politics in America, he said, "has never been for the thin-skinned or the faint of heart. ... If you enter the arena, you should expect to get roughed up."

  23. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Dear Gryphen,
    Palin's intro song at Michigan rally used without permission. Song written by Congressman Hall(D)

  24. Anonymous9:33 PM

    OT slightly:

    I know you were joking, Gryphen, about the Alzheimer's thing...but lately I've been wondering. The Maverick thing was weird, and what was with him saying that illegal immigrants purposely cause car accidents...erratic and bizzare behavior for a man running for political office. Sadly, there's really nothing that can be done, no law requiring senators to release their health records. The only thing standing between in the way of a potential Alzheimer's patient being a senator for six more years is the willingness of his family to be honest with the American people about his health....

  25. momom: you must have learned that Elitist math. Any Palin crowd is bigger than the President's in her mind.

  26. For all who love the President like I do, dailykos has a diary by blackwaterdog on the right side. He always posts photo diaries of the President that are breathtaking.,000-people,-and-one-brilliant-speech

  27. Anonymous9:53 PM

    PO is a superb statesman: Articulate. Intelligent. Calm. An incredible asset to our country and the world community.

    Palin is a pathetic demagogue: Incoherent. Ignorant. Divisive. Embarrassing to herself and this country.

  28. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Totally O/T: ExxonMobil paid no federal income tax in 2009.

    More at:

  29. sunnyjane11:41 PM

    There's a commenter on another blog who has an avatar with what I think is the most significant message for this era:

    "Jesus Christ was a community organizer.

    Pontius Pilate was a governor."

    How's that piety thing workin' out for ya, Sarah?

  30. sallyngarland,tx1:16 AM

    Palin had a speech in Dallas Fri night and none of the papers had a write up about it. She banned the press unless they bought a ticket. I guess they showed her that they won't play her game.!

  31. Anonymous3:14 AM

    What planet are you people on?

    It's certainly obvious he represents the far far extreme left, which is fine. He managed to hide it enough to get elected. I guess thats part of the game?

    But, to pretend this guy is bringing people together by ramming bills through Congress that 2 out of 3 people are against and doing so by openly buying Congressional votes is ridiculous.

    At this point in his presidency he is the most unpopular president in history. He certainly may be the most left wing but you have to recognize that the political discussion is out of control becasue of his partisan tactics.

  32. Anonymous3:19 AM

    Carrie said...

    "mommom said...
    93,000 people heard that speech in person.

    Where are the trolls who brag about Mrs Paylins numbers so much?

    When I went to school, 93,000 was greater than 1,100."

    It was a scheduled graduation. If the President had not been there, the 93,000 would have been there anyway. Sorry for the reality.

    By the way, Palin is spelled P-a-l-i-n.

  33. Anonymous3:40 AM

    Our Grads are so lucky to be sent out into the world on graduation day with such inspiration! In Michigan, especially, these have been and continue to be very difficult times. Our President gave them a wonderful day, an indelible memory, and a future to look forward to rather than dread.

    Palin, not so much.

  34. He speaks well but there isn't any action. The president needs to lead or get out of the way. Cause all I hear is talk.

  35. Anonymous4:18 AM

    Am I the only one for which this speech drew tears of pride, hope, and confidence?

  36. Anonymous5:26 AM

    To Anonymous at 3:19 am:
    Paylin is spelled P-a-y-l-i-n because you have to PAY her to hear her talk.

    She could also be spelled P-a-l-y-i-n-g, because she doesn't know how to speak the truth. She only knows how to lie, distort and skew.

  37. womanwithsardinecan5:34 AM

    The trolls always show up eventually. They really can't help themselves. They are addicted to peering in the windows at the liberal party, throwing out nasty remarks because their parties are never as fun.
    And Paylin IS the correct spelling for the grifter, as all of the sane people here know.
    Oh, and Paylin's speech was scheduled too. I realize that all they serve at those other parties is nasty ol' koolaid, but you trolls aren't well behaved enough to be offered any of our delicious hopey-changey cookies. I hear Whatshername occasionally shows up with cookies, but personally, I suspect that they have a bitter taste. And they were probably made by a ghostbaker.

  38. womanwithsardinecan5:37 AM

    As for the comment about all talk and no action, I think you need to sit down and start listing what has been done since President Obama took office. You might be surprised. You obviously choose not to see.

  39. Mr. Jimmy and Anon trolls:

    No action? Are you f'ing kidding me? Since you people obviously don't understand high school civics or how a bill becomes a law, let me give you some much needed schooling:

    Under Obama, our country has passed more bills and cut more taxes affecting everyday Americans including the Recovery Act, the Lilly Ledbetter fair pay act, Health care reform, etc, etc. Why do you review GW Bush's accomplishments for us? His legacy will be 9/11, the budget surplus her turned into a huge deficit, No Child Left Behind, the Patriot Act, and two wars which have cost us billions of dollars and tens of thousands of innocent lives.

    In 18 months under Obama we have killed and or captured key Al-Queda leaders, and dozens more operatives/fighters than we ever did under Bush. We killed/captures Somali "pirates" who are now on trial here in Virginia.

    You Fox News groupies hear what you wanna hear, and do not live in a fact based reality...go give more money to your Queen of Lies so you have less to donate to Republicans in the fall. We need to be rid of the party of no so we can get back to progress.

  40. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Great post & comments from most of you. I am an older white female - progressive of course & I find I too am an "Obama groupie" - grin from ear to ear during most of his speeches. How refreshing from "W" who's fancy Yale education didn't seem to help his oratorical attemps. Contrary to some of these delusional right wingers, our President is very good, decent an popular man. I have so much higher hopes for the country since he became president. Ten years ago I felt that McCain was robbed of the GOP nomination by "W" (who proceeded to rob us in both elections too). He was a very different man then, I may have had difficulty deciding between him & Gore. (I considered myself a bit more independant then) Since 2008 he does appear to be losing a grip on reality &I cannot abide the direction the GOP have taken & the fools (SP) they promote. You are so right Gryphen = WE REALLY DODGED A BULLET!!

  41. Anonymous6:09 AM

    For people who claim President Obama doesn't do anything, here's a link for you to keep track.

  42. angela6:13 AM

    Mr. Jimmy--ahh you and your little troll brain . . . .
    What do you think he's been doing? Health reform, student loan reform, extension of unemployment, jobs bill, selecting supreme court judges, making COBRA affordable, signing weapons treaties,the economy is growing. You must not be able to read--or you watch FOX 'cause the man has been working his ass off and there so much more than I mentioned.

    You probably want him to put on a flight suit, pose and say mission accomplished? Or would you prefer he just grift money and screech like $arah Paylin. The real job of a president is to work--not posture and bark. What he is doing is leading--because we were left a mess by someone who spouted patriotic claptrap, got us in two wars as the economy flatlined. Now we have people like you who don't even know what's going on around them--whining cluelessly like teabaggers and screaming townhallers who think someone has taken their country away. It will be a good day when you can discern your ass from your head. Or maybe that's expecting too much . . ..

  43. angela6:27 AM

    Anon 3:19
    Only 40,000 attended the commencement last year . . . ..
    So . . . . .

  44. Hello Gryphen,
    I like your blog and your posts, but the last line of this one made me flinch a little.
    There are many reasons to hold Sen. McCain or his views or decisions in contempt, but being an Alzheimer's patient should not be one of them. I have wondered lately if some sort of dementia is taking hold in him, and if so it is certainly a valid reason not to vote for him. However, such a condition warrants nothing but compassion as it is beyond his or anyone's control. I am sorry if I sound thin-skinned, I don't mean to.

  45. And Celine, if I REALLY thought McCain had Alzheimer's I would not have poked fun at him.

    Obviously my reference was about his claim that he never referred to himself as a "Maverick" and his complete about face politically.

  46. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Anon 3:19 “It was a scheduled graduation. If the President had not been there, the 93,000 would have been there anyway. Sorry for the reality.”

    Okay, let’s do the math. According to the University of Michigan, there were 8,500 graduates. Most commencement students are usually given up to four tickets for family members; 4x8500 = 34000. Then there are the staff and administration tickets; more than likely they are given two tickets. According to Wikipedia, in 2009-2010 the University has 26208 undergraduates and 15466 graduate students. At large Universities many classes contain about 100-200 students. Let’s go with the max. 26208/200 = 131.04 and 15466/200 = 77.33; this amount maybe less because some faculty members teach both graduate and undergraduate classes. But I’ll take into account the University has a total of 331 faculty members. 331x2 =662 tickets for faculty members’ guests. Therefore the total in attendance for family and guests is 34,662. 58,338 tickets were given to the public who wanted an opportunity to see the President.

    Now do you see why it is important to be Elite? A good education teaches you to research and evaluate evidence to prove a fact. That is Reality!!

  47. Anon 3:19...sad little troll doesn't understand "sphere of influence"...Sarah is preaching to her own little white choir who pays to hear her screech and banishes press, while our President speaks to 92,000 people of all races, ages, and political persuasions to get his message out to the masses and allows freedom of the press.

  48. mommom9:16 AM

    Trolls are funny.

    Mrs PAYLIN gives a speech at an event that would have attracted lots of people anyway,a few hundred extra show up but they claim all attendees are there for her .

    PRESIDENT Obama gives a speech at an event that would have attracted app 40,000 ,50,000 extra show up,and none of them are there for our honorable President.

    Facts have a funny way of being obvious,so I will leave it at that.

  49. I love our President and I love this blog!

  50. What a fabulous speech! How inspiring!To the people who think that 93,000 people would be in attendance, try thinking again! There are graduates etc. who don't think it worth their while to attend graduation. Given that, their parents don't attend. The reason for this huge multitude was for our President. His brilliant speech sought to bring Americans together and foster interest in our Government.
    While, somewhere in Michigan, Sarah was repeating her sound bytes about "guns and religion" to get in a "cheap applause line". (See President Obama's first remarks) and garnered a group 0f 1,100. Most of these people just want a chance to vent their irrational anger. How many of them including Sarah have ever worked towards improving our country? No, they are just satisfied tearing it down and condemning a President who expects more of us.
    Note to Palin supporters: President Obama speaks to the American People. If he is giving a speech to a smaller group, he personalizes it for them. Did your Sarah, who was paid $100,000, do this for the Alcoholic Beverage Group in Las Vegas? No, it was the seven talking points. (Being generous, here). Are you myopic? Are you so filled with hate of President Obama? Yes, you are and it is sad.
    We, in our country , did dodged a bullet in the 2008 election. Thank God, there are people in this country who are intelligent and not swayed by a person with a pretty face and a sassy way. This is for reality television, not the Presidency of the United States.

  51. Anonymous1:07 PM

    @ anon 3:19 PM

    By the way, it is "Sarah PayMe Paylin."

    You must still be payin' her if you didn't know that. Ah well, the learning curve is pretty steep for some folks.

  52. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Thank you 5:26 am.

  53. Anne In DC8:34 AM

    The contrast between the positivity of President Obama and the negativity of the former half-term governor Palin was strikingly illustrated in their speeches. While our president was highlighting the importance of unity despite political disagreements, and wishing new graduates well, the quitter queen was predictably playing on division and hatred. The following sums her up perfectly:

    I(intellectually challenged)
    O(blivious to irony)

    The following sums up our president, whom I have never regretted voting for:

    S(strong) in the face of overwhelming hatred
    M(otivated) to work for all our bests interests
    A(ble) to look at the big picture and make good
    political decisions
    R(esilient), especially because often underesti-
    mated by his enemies
    T(enacious) in reaching goals despite the best
    efforts of the Party of No

    What matters most is not the numbers of people at these events, although those make telling statements on their own. What matters most is that one is trying to move the country ahead in a positive direction, while the other is playing to the lowest common denominator of the American populace and choosing to live in the past.

  54. Anonymous10:59 AM

    To Anne in DC (8:34 am)
    Beautifully and insightfully written. Your closing paragraph reminds me of something I once read:

    "Politics is like driving a car. To go forward, put the vehicle in 'D'. To go backwards, put the vehicle in 'R'."

  55. Anne In DC3:05 PM

    To Anonymous 10:59 A.M.:

    You have summed up in a few words what I was saying. I like your analogy to driving a car forward or backward, since it is an extremely apt description of progressive (Democratic) policies and regressive (Republican) policies. Obama and Palin, respectively, embody each one.

  56. Anonymous8:50 PM

    On Thursday, oil giant BP asked for U.S. government assistance in cleaning up massive amounts of crude oil ominously approaching the coast of Louisiana -- the messy results of a recent oil rig explosion 40 miles off-shore.

    In response, the Obama administration promised support in both clean up and containment of the environmental crisis. The president also sent clear signals indicating a potential federal investigation to determine cause and responsibility for the accident.

    If BP faces heavy federal scrutiny, it's well-positioned to fight back: The London-based company has consistently spent top dollar to influence legislative and regulatory activity in Washington, D.C., the Center for Responsive Politics finds.

    During the 2008 election cycle, individuals and political action committees associated with BP -- a Center for Responsive Politics' "heavy hitter" -- contributed half a million dollars to federal candidates. About 40 percent of these donations went to Democrats. The top recipient of BP-related donations during the 2008 cycle was President Barack Obama himself, who collected $71,000.

  57. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Not big on this type of thing, but I spotted and picked this up yesterday. As I just graduated last year it has already proved very useful. A new book called "You Have A College Degree, Now What?"

  58. Anonymous4:38 PM

    I really liked the article, and the very cool blog


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