Saturday, May 01, 2010

Half a million people say "Sit down, and shut up" to Sarah Palin's Alaska.


CREDO, a publication of Working Assets, announced this week that they have collected over 215,000 signatures in opposition to the planned Discovery channel show: "Sarah Palin's Alaska." That's more signatures than they've ever collected on one action. Combined with our other wildlife enthusiast organizations, most notably, Defenders of Wildlife, the number of people who've asked Discovery to cancel the show includes over half a million disgruntled Discovery watchers.. Those numbers are bound to give any television exec pause.

Next week, Discovery Communications will hold a shareholder meeting in Washington, DC. In advance of the meeting. CREDO states "it's important that we bring as much pressure to bear as possible. Let's show the Discovery shareholders that it hurts their brand and their bottom line to get into bed with anti-environment extremists like Sarah Palin."

CREDO is working to rally additional 25,000 signatures by next Wednesday. when the annual shareholder meeting is scheduled. Those offended by this choice continue to make their voice of opposition heard . Those who wish to add their voice to those offended by Sara Palin as a wildlife spokesperson are invited to read and sign the petition.

I have to believe that a number of those signatures came from many of you who visit this blog.

If true, thank you very much for standing up for Alaska and challenging the intelligence of Discovery to choose such an unfit spokesperson to represent our state and it's wildlife.

If not please take a moment to sign the petition and perhaps ask friends and family to do the same.

Remember the way to have an impact on Sarah Palin is to cost her money. And losing this show will definitely cost her money.


  1. I posted this on my facebook wall!

  2. While I totally support your feelings on this, I actually disagree with getting SP's show canceled. Every time she speaks, she revolts people. People seeing her does more to ruin her credibility than anything else (as much as I love your site). The best thing that could happen is her first show airs Discovery Viewers see her and get motivated to stop her influence and the show is immediately canceled due to viewer disgust.
    I know of many Discovery Channel viewers that don't follow politics but seeing her on their TV would revolt them and their would be millions more motivated anti-Sarah Palin people.

  3. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Sarah Palin's Alaska is spreading across the lower 48.

    Ben Smith says hacking, Watergate and almost nothing.

    THE HACKER looked like a strutting Kennedy kid! Hang him!!

    ** Computer hacking should be a hanging offense. Hackers might try something other than living in moms basement until she dies, maybe try girls. ** Flatulent Fred

    Repeat meme, it is not enough that Kernell has a felony. Repeat meme, hack and Watergate. See how important Sarah Palin is?

  4. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Thanks for this, Gryphen. I didn't do it the first time you posted the link, but this time, I did.

  5. Anonymous7:55 AM

    I contacted them and asked them to also add the list from They already collected approximately 38,700 signatures.

  6. >THE HACKER looked like a strutting Kennedy kid! Hang him!!

    So, we can be convicted on our visual appearance? Does that mean that all of those who are 'driving while black' or 'driving while Hispanic' are automatically guilty?

  7. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck8:28 AM

    done. thanks for posting the link again. palin does not deserve a tv show. seriously.

  8. Anonymous8:30 AM

    I certainly will never watch Discovery if they seriously use this fraud for rating's sake. I understand it's a business in the end, but go after your goals with integrity, or not at all, Discovery.

  9. Anonymous8:33 AM

    My mind is still boggled that someone with so little talent and even less intelligence gets so many opportunities to make money and spout nonsense.

    Surely Discovery could have found someone else to host yet another show about Alaska. It's a lovely state, but gee, is it the only one in the union?

    I do agree though, let her silly little show run. The more she speaks, the more she turns off those with a brain.

    Also too, I don't get the comment about the hacker looking like a strutting Kennedy kid. I think if a contemporary comparison is to be made, perhaps he looked more like a strutting Palin kid?

  10. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Campaign Update on "Sarah Palin's Alaska"

  11. Anonymous8:54 AM

    You do realize that it is impossible to verify online signatures and that people can sign multiple times?

    How many occurrences of my old friend Heywood Jablome?

  12. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Thanks Gryph...signed a couple wks. ago....
    Great post...

  13. Anonymous9:21 AM

    I signed the first time and just signed my spouse's name this time. I told them they should get an Alaska native to do this show not SP!

  14. I had signed a petition weeks ago. I don't know if it is the same one. The sad thing is I believe this tv show is not about Alaska. In other words, Discovery did not propose a show about Alaska and look for Sarah Palin to host it. The show is about SP and she or her handlers probably contacted Discovery to propose it. That is another thing that makes this a travesty. I really hope Discovery stops this from production. And if they really do want to do a show about Alaska, its beauty, its wildlife: why not you Gryphen, or Jeanne Devon, or Shannyn? Someone who really cares about AK! And I totally agree with the person above who says the hacker (if they were gonna make comparisons like this) should be described as a strutting Palin kid (entitlement, entitlement)! That makes me so mad that they would slam the Kennedy's while slamming him. He is a hero. I wish I knew someway I could get to her and stop her. All I can do at this point is to hope she self-destructs (with the drugs + schedule) really soon.

  15. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Let's be clear - He didn't hack..he was smart enough to guess the password of a dimwit..

  16. Anonymous11:02 AM

    What about a contract she might have already signed w/them for this series? They probably couldn't back out if they wanted to because she would/could sue them. Just a thought!

  17. Anonymous11:34 AM

    BLOG: Remember the way to have an impact on Sarah Palin is to cost her money. And losing this show will definitely cost her money

    RESPONSE: Doesn't she get paid either way. This makes it easy money for her. Doesn't mean it isn't a good idea, jsut thinking outloud.

  18. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Actually, I'm wondering if viewership on the Discovery network has already fallen due to the ignorance and cynicism they showed in even signing her? Esp on TLC, with the kind of junk they televise (BTW, sales of Kate Gosselin's "book" are tanking). Maybe people are getting fed up with all this junk TV they shoved down our throats and nobodies with no talent cluttering up the airways.

  19. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Signed & passed on.

  20. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Thanks for the link. Signed & sent.

    Just a thought, for those of you who think that the more SP opens her mouth, the more people will realize how totally void of ideas and intellect she really is. Am I wrong in believing that she will be following a script written by others? If that's true, she'll end up sounding lots better. If it's all ad lib, then she'll be toast.

  21. deebee2:01 PM

    Admittedly I'm from the lower 49 and may have different aesthetic values, but who finds the draping of a dead(most likely killed) bear over the back of a couch attractive?

  22. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Rather than sign the petition I chose to use the form on Discovery's website. It takes a bit longer but I believe it carries more weight than an online petition that cannot be verified and that collects personal information.

    I stopped watching Discovery the minute I heard she would be getting a show with them. I refuse to associate myself with anything that involves her.

    Keep in mind that although she looks foolish and many will watch for entertainment purposes it still works in her favor. Just as all the books she sold did. Many bought the book just to be entertained, yet the end result was still in her favor and in her pocketbook.

    If you want to see her go away don't participate in anything than can be construed as supporting her ignorance.

  23. Anonymous2:12 PM

    I think viewership had already fallen, and that's why Discovery bought into the idea of Sarah amping up the ratings. They aren't as smart as ABC and CBS, who turned down Palin's proposal. The "Alaska" concept was good, but they should have had someone else narrate it.

  24. Anonymous2:28 PM

    I don't necessarily like it, but I don't mind seeing a taxiderm-ied bear in a glass box at the airport, but one laid on a sofa looks awfully gruesome.

  25. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Correction Please, "Sit down and SHUT THE F UP!"

  26. Lisabeth3:15 PM

    Ever since I heard of this and signed the petition, I have refused to watch Discovery or TLC. I will never watch the channels again and I know others who feel that way. She's a disgusting piece of work whose lies and rants hurt our country. How awful that we have such a pathologic greedy attention whore sticking her nose in every political issue. You know she writes none of it - like who believes she comes up with that Watergate statement. Give me a break.

  27. Anonymous3:28 PM

    93,000 people crammed in to see President Obama today...Sarah Palin struggled to sell 1,000 tickets in a 2,000 capacity event..keep clucking Lady Blah Blah..nobody wants to hear you..

  28. Signed and sent.


  29. Anonymous3:50 PM

    The thing that worked with lowering Glenn Beck's ratings wasn't a petition. It was the organized effort of people contacting Beck's sponsors and promising not to buy their products. Some of Beck's sponsors received so many complaints that they withdrew their sponsorship of his program. His ratings are down.

    As you watch any of the Discovery Channels (including Planet Green, I think that's where Sarah's show is supposed to air), make note of sponsors who appear regularly. Perhaps Gryphen (or someone else) will compile a list of the regulars and contact information. We can also go to work on them. No sponsors, no show.

    We should especially pay attention to sponsors that appear to support environmental issues. The biggest appeal to them is that Sarah does not support the environment; she is the champion of Drill Baby Drill.

  30. Anonymous4:22 PM

    We heard earlier that when Palin's Alaska show was previewed to a bunch of ad buyers the reception was not good. They apparently laughed in places that weren't supposed to be funny. If advertisers do not buy ads for the show, the network will run it as a fill-in or late at night. Hopefully the ad buyers will not buy, or the audience will be small. I know I will not be watching!

  31. Anonymous4:29 PM

    If this devestating oil spill in the Louisiana Gulf is going to ultimately sink Sarah's Discovery show. They can't erase or undo the damage of her peacocking Sarah Palin(TM) Drill Baby Drill tagline which was once cutsy and benign in contrast to this calamity which ironically eclipses the Exxon Valdez spill.

    Maybe this is it? Or one concrete step as a reality check to her irresponsible and superficial energy policy.

    By the way, big government is bailing out big oil. Now common sense free market Sarah is cowed into admitting oil & gas safety programs are in need of more government oversight. LOL, are you choking on RAM's ghostwritten words Sarah?

  32. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Very statesmanlike sandals there Sarah. . .is that salad dressing on your legs?

  33. sandipants4:39 PM

    Discovery has too think about the implications of the oi spill with the tv show featuring Drill Baby Drill Mama. That will exacerbate the outrage over this planned show.

    The very tiniest spore of silver lining in the horrific tragedy of the oil spill is that Sarah will never again be able to use her favorite chant. Gosh, I think that means she'll have to cut her speaking fees by half - what the hell else could she fill in that gap with? It would require her to learn more soundbites, and we all know about Sarah and learnin'...

  34. Done it long ago. There is a group preparing to go after potential sponsors. The list of Discovery Channel sponsors shows many of the "good guys" environmentally. The next step is to start contacting them. Maybe Sarah will get pain, but Discovery is going to pay, BIG TIME. That will slow some of the others off Sarahl

  35. I signed a petition earlier. The thought of Palin given her history hosting the show is highly offensive. and enables her narcissim to present her grandiose false self as the extreme opposite of her real self big time.

    I found it outrageous Palin and her team of blame shifters sought to target Kernell scapegoating him for her and McCain losing the campaign. His unwarranted meddling of her account had no bearing on the country waking up to reality Palin was unfit for candidicy.

    BTW it is Palin who is relentless to drag others and our country down to her level. Even when caught in her own lies she won't stop lying, narcissitic entitlement.

  36. honestyinGov5:39 PM

    Gryphen... or anybody who is signing these Petitions.
    Make sure the people who will be turning these over to discovery next week ALSO KNOW of Palins connections to these Oil people who have invited her to come to Texas in June to speak. She seems to be paling around with some ' criminals '..Bobby Manziel.
    Palingates just posted the story and his connection to both Sarah and GlenDuh.
    I will be calling the CSU Stanislaus on Monday as well as Sen. Yee's Office. Lets get this CA speech canceled.

  37. Phuket Tom6:29 PM

    Sadly because I live outside of the U.S. (though a citizen) I can not sign the petition as they require a U.S. address. I do get the Discovery channles here in Thailand and wanted to state that I will no longer view them should they broadcast $arah's show.

  38. mocha6:56 PM

    deebee, it looks to me like the bearskin and king crab have been photoshopped into that pic.

  39. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Glad they got so many signatures, but, uh, isn't that a quarter million and not half a million?

  40. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Just posted it to my FB. Sick of the Sarah Palin all day every day everywhere. If Discovery runs this show I will cancel my cable and never watch any of the channels associated with Discovery inc. There has to be an end of her making $$ for nothing!

  41. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Hey Florida, scarah wants to know
    "How's that drilly leaky thing working for ya"? wink wink!

  42. I'm all for anything that will embarrass her, and this will.

    Not so sure about the way you're positioning the petition, though: "Let's show the Discovery shareholders that it hurts their brand and their bottom line."

    See, I think that despite Discovery's globe logo, leading you to hope the programming is about preservation and earth-friendly matters, the brand isn't what it used to be for most of the cable science and history channels. The new unspoken brand is increasingly low-brow. Bounty hunters, big machines, dirty jobs. I've even heard one low-info voter brag about preferring these channels to all others, hoping to seem more intellectual than he is, but ending up sounding as self-conscious about his learning as Sarah herself.

    Sarah is likely the cultural heroine of the majority of viewers of these channels.

  43. Anonymous2:50 PM

    nice post. thanks.


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