Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sarah Palin fake feminist. Well why not? She faked being a mayor, faked governing Alaska, faked writing a book, and is a fake political commentator at Fox News.

From the Washington Post:

But, of course, Palin isn't a feminist -- not in the slightest. What she calls "the emerging conservative feminist identity" isn't the product of a political movement or a fight for social justice.

It isn't a structural analysis of patriarchal norms, power dynamics or systemic inequities. It's an empty rallying call to other women who are as disdainful of or apathetic to women's rights as Palin herself: women who want to make abortion and emergency contraception illegal and who fight same-sex marriage rights. As Kate Harding wrote on "What comes next? 'Phyllis Schlafly feminism?' 'Patriarchal feminism?' 'He-Man Woman Hater Feminism?' "

Given that so-called conservative feminists don't support women's rights, how can they paint their movement as pro-woman? Why are they not being laughed out of the room?

Easy: They preempt criticism of their lack of bona fides by aligning themselves with a history that most women are proud of -- the fight for suffrage. They claim they're the real feminists, as Palin did in her speech lauding the Susan B. Anthony List for "returning the women's movement back to its original roots." (She wasn't talking about voting rights; she was referring to the debated notion that first-wave feminists were antiabortion.)

By tying their "feminism" to the suffragists, whose goal was realized nearly 100 years ago, they're not-so-subtly saying that women in America have achieved equality. In fact, they don't believe that systemic sexism exists.

A related strategy for Palin and fellow conservatives is to paint actual feminists as condescending hypocrites who simply don't believe in young women: "[They] send this message, that 'Nope, you're not capable of doing both. You can't give your child life and still pursue career and education. You're not strong enough; you're not capable.' So it's very hypocritical," she told the anti-abortion-rights crowd. Palin's "pro-woman sisterhood," however, "is telling these young women that they're strong enough and smart enough, they are capable to be able to handle an unintended pregnancy and still be able to . . . handle that [and] give that child life." (Unless of course, these young women were unlucky enough to live in Alaska when then-Gov. Palin cut funding for an Anchorage shelter for teenage moms.)

So Palin's "feminism" isn't just co-opting the language of the feminist movement, it's deliberately misrepresenting real feminism to distract from the fact that she supports policies that limit women's rights.

Sarah Palin claiming to be a feminist is an insult to women everywhere!  She has set the women's movement back at least fifty years by using her looks to get attention, revealing herself to be a stereotypical airhead when asked a simple questions, and for using her children as shields to ward off criticism.  (She probably would have cried to ward off attacks instead but she did not want to infringe on Glenn Beck's territory.)

The fact is that Sarah Palin could have become a real icon for women everywhere. I mean she was the first female Governor in Alaska's short history!  That is no small feat!

However once she won the title, and everybody stopped cheering for her,  she did not know what to do with the responsibilities.  And before people could really come to understand that she was an incompetent she became only the SECOND female VP candidate in American history.  And, once again, she had NO IDEA what to do with that opportunity.

If Palin had conducted herself with dignity and grace while on the McCain campaign trail, and come back to Alaska to competently run this state, she would have gone down in history as one of the great female leaders of the 21st century.  But she did not do either of those things.  What she DID do was to pull every vicious, spoiled little mean girl trick in the book.. She threw a fit adn quit her job half way through, bitched about being treated unfairly, wrote a book to punish those she felt wronged her, and stopped talking to people who did not treat her like a princess.

So like everything else she touches Sarah Palin has taken the progress that thousands of feminists have worked their asses off to achieve and ground it under the heel of one of her red Naughty Monkey Pumps.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it Betty Friedan!  Or as Sarah Palin refers to her, "Who?"


  1. Wallis3:33 PM

    You don't get much better symbolism than this "emerging conservative feminist identity."

  2. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Sarah Palin has one of the biggest FAKEBOOK fallacies on the internet! With due apology to Rebecca A. Mansour, who deserves all the credit her salary should afford her.

  3. She IS a misogynist!!

  4. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Not only is she a "fake" but like Bill Maher said a "world-class moron".

  5. Anonymous4:44 PM

    This is another reason why every two-bit progressive group in the country ought to be giving themselves all the good names and buying up URLs left, right and center. It's what the Right does.

  6. Roger4:53 PM

    One of the reasons I'm so confused over the whole "Tea Party" movement, is how in the WORLD they can get so many WOMEN to be involved.

    Their leaders, such as Rand Paul, envision a return to a world in which white males live on plantations, where women and the darkies know their place, and keep their mouths shut.

    The ideals of the Wingnut Party, include NOTHING that would benefit female Americans, in the slightest way.

    So, just WHY do we see as many women in the shots of the crowds wearing silly hats and carrying misspelled signs, as men?

  7. Anonymous4:58 PM

    SP is not a woman's woman. She is a man's woman. Feminism is about choice. The choice to stay home and be a full-time mom. The choice to dedicate yourself to your career and not have kids. The choice to do both. The nerve of Sarah to say she's an example for women about how to have it all when she's both a crappy mom and a crappy career woman boggles the mind. She may be a right-wing man's idea of the ideal woman, but polls have shown that she hasn't fooled the vast majority of women.

  8. AKRNC5:33 PM

    These women that Palin refer to as anti-feminists who don't want women to be able to work and have children are fictional people. I don't know anyone who has said they can't do both or shouldn't do both but they have said, and this is what really burns her ass, the fact they have a choice. Yet, Palin admits that she thought about the choice she had to go forth with her alleged 5th pregnancy or not. Although she states that it lasted only seconds, she had a choice and she would deny other women that choice if given the ability to do so.

    I wasn't sure about her when I saw her at the RNC speech, but after a little research that revealed her lies, she was just another wannabe pretend feminist. When people ask why women don't support her and isn't that what feminists fought for, it's obvious they don't realize what the real argument was. It was to be treated equally as men, when we're doing something right, we'll be rewarded with equal pay and equal promotions. It also meant that other women wouldn't be rewarded by women simply because they were the same sex. After all, that's what women had been denied for years because men did it. Men were promoted simply due to their sex while women were denied. Palin doesn't get that and neither do a lot of people who believe that all women should support her.

  9. Anonymous5:36 PM

    My favorite lines, except for the last two sentences are:

    "If Palin had conducted herself with dignity and grace while on the McCain campaign trail, and come back to Alaska to competently run this state, she would have gone down in history as one of the great female leaders of the 21st century."

    At least it was possible, but with the Joe McGinnis story, Sarah was unable to see the forest for the trees. She cannot see beyond her own limitations, her own spite. Todd is not helping her, and indeed may be guiding her - down the wrong damn path.

    She can never truly regain the respect of the American people. She has blown it too many times.

    She is becoming a has-been before she could be anything really important at all. She had a chance to be a Governor, but she wouldn't even try to finish her term. She didn't write her own book. She cannot write and deliver a speech tailored to a specific audience. She doesn't know squat about our own government, about world geography or history. She even fails to demonstrate a viable knowledge of her major (journalism or communications or whatever the heck she calls it at any particular moment. Most sadly of all, she fails at being a caring mother, attentive to her children's needs.

    Her looks are fading. She's making herself look even more haggard by her choice of hairstyles, makeup and clothes. [Baby, someone needs to pull you aside and show you your own birth certificate - you are not long twenty so quit trying to look like it. It ain't never gonna happen ever again.]

    She is essentially a clown - wig, makeup and crazy clothes squealing out sounds that have no substance.

    Sarah is an embarrassment for American womanhood and a very poor example of how to live one's life with dignity and positive direction. I am so glad she's not my mother, my sister, aunt or friend because we are judged by the company we keep.

  10. Anonymous5:43 PM

    @ Anonymous 3:15 referencing a C&L post:

    It would only be sexist to refer to SP as stupid if the rational was because she is female. As the former administration proved, stupid ain't gender specific.

  11. Ratfish6:10 PM

    Watch out- or she'll put her shorts and halter top on, strap Trig to her back, and go mow the law- with or without Joe McGinniss peering through cracks in the fence!

  12. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Sarah's Right to Life speech says it all. For a brief moment, Sarah was alone in a hotel room looking at the positive results of a pregnancy test. She loves to tell her audience that for a fleeting moment, a thought crossed her mind, no one knew her, and she..... but, she chose life.

    In Sarah's political and religious world, other women would not have that choice. Not even a fleeting momentary thought. It was all right for Sarah to think about the choices that she would deny others.

    Bristol echoes her mother's sentiments, saying proudly that she chose to have Tripp. In Sarah's part of the political spectrum, there is no choice; one HAS the baby. There are also no amniocentesis tests to determine birth defects or abnormalities, since one IS going to have that baby, period.

    Sarah talks proudly about a smaller government, one that does not intrude in every part of our lives....except one. I resent the notion of the government telling any woman that she must bear the child who is the product of incest or rape. That is the woman's choice to make, in privacy, with her doctor, not with her government.

    Sarah wants to deny women the right to control their own bodies; she want the government to have that right. She is not a feminist. We all know what Sarah is. Keith Olbermann and Bill Maher mention it all the time. That woman is an idiot.

  13. emrysa6:28 PM

    good article.

    palin referring to herself as a feminist is the equivalent of up is down, black is white. yes, she's "had jobs" and has had kids. but that's not necessarily feminist. everything else she stands for is anti-woman, and ultimately anti-human.

  14. mocha6:43 PM

    I have always thought she is making a mistake talking about "choice" when she talks about Trig and Bristol with Tripp. She says Bristol made the right choice. If she really wants to own the hearts and minds of the pro-life crowd, she'd say "there was never any choice". But she, like most conservative politicians, want to walk the fine line, because at the end of the day, she knows like all conservative politicans know, overturning Roe v. Wade is lip service to the pro-life crowd. Roe vs Wade IS settled law. It won't be overturned.

  15. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Her new approach is probably cleverly crafted by Murdock & Ailes to gain a greater female following. It's most likely just another fake political strategy with no true feelings behind it. I'd love to see her interviewed about her new views and watch her stumble and stammer since she knows nothing about feminism.

  16. I have been involved in the journey for women's rights for 40 years. Sarah Palin is not a feminist, and I am sure she can't even spell the word. She is a Fundamentalist who is auto-piloted on a course for the seven mountains. Also too, she is a liar, a cheat, and a piece of crap. Also too two, dumber than a box of rocks when you get right down to it.

  17. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Well said, Anon@5:36 PM. Your last paragraph is on the mark. $paylin, is an embarrassment for American womanhood.

  18. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Sarah really is an embarrassment to all women and she sets the womens movement back a hundred years. No feminist would want laws taking away a womans choices about her own body. The way she uses sexuality for her own political gain is disgusting. The way she has taught her daughters to lie and to pimp themselves for money is another thing no feminist would do.
    There is a reason most women do not support Sarah and it isn't because we are jealous. It's so ridiculous that sone right wingers make comments like liberals are ugly and we are just jealous.

    What a shame that she is the only women the GOP can co
    e up with? Come on! She's a liar, a manipulator, a user and a wacko. Conservatives,,, do better!!

  19. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Palin reminds me of a fundie male in a wig and a dress.

  20. Mrs. B., C., or D.11:01 PM

    What is next? Will she want to repeal women's right to vote?

  21. Sarah has not delivered on alot of things-as a mother, as a mayor, governor, intelligent Veep candidate for a major party, author, speechwriter, twitter, Facebook poster. But mostly she hadn't delivered TRIG.
    Bristol did that for her. What a family of fakes. (Though Todd did win Iron Dog races)

  22. Ratfish11:14 PM

    What's wrong with being a fake feminist?

    She has fake family values.
    She faked support for "open and transparent" government.
    She faked construction of a gas pipeline.
    She faked her actions about abstinence and elopement.

    She was a fake governor.

    And a fake person.

    So being a fake feminist is simply par for the course for the QUITTER.

  23. Anonymous4:06 AM

    Young women ARE strong and smart enough to use birth control devices so they don't have to face a pregnancy they are not ready for.'

    Why is this never mentioned by her "feminists?"

  24. Anonymous5:34 AM

    "Roger said...

    One of the reasons I'm so confused over the whole "Tea Party" movement, is how in the WORLD they can get so many WOMEN to be involved."

    the tea baggers are comprised of 75% old white men.

  25. Anonymous7:39 AM

    I know I'm preaching to the choir here ...but when you have keep reminding people who you are and what you stand for and not let your actions speak for themselves, this raises a big red flag... so let's take inventory of Saint Sarah's 'credentials' according to the anointed one..
    1. savvy politician ... check
    2. Christian ... check
    3. Family values ... check
    4. Patriot ... check
    5. Constitutional scholar ... check
    6. International traveler ... check
    7. Foreign policy expert ... check
    8. Military expert ... check
    9. Advocate of Special Needs ... check
    10. 'Ril' American ... check
    11. Feminist ... check
    12. Fiscal Conservative ... check
    13. Transparency ... check
    14. 'Servant's Heart' ... check
    15. Environmentalist ... check
    16. Hockey mom ... check
    17. Well respected author ... check
    18. non-elitist ...check
    19. Talented speaker ... check
    20. Thick skinned celebrity ... check
    21. Huntress ... check
    22. Health Care expert ... check
    23. Tax abiding citizen... check
    24. Climatologist … check
    25. Commonsense citizen ... check
    26. Good Neighbor … check

    I expect that her handlers have found some new credentials that America hasn't been privy to yet which will soon be 'projected' onto all of us..
    1. Scientist – oil expert
    2. Disaster expert
    3. Pulitzer Prize winner
    4. Philanthropist
    5. Entrepreneur
    6. Doctorate
    7. Lawyer
    8. Advocate for the Mentally insane
    9. World Leader
    10. Faith Healer
    11. Inmate (my favorite)

    I expect

  26. she's a FRAUD9:44 PM

    Most troubling is that Sarah Palin faked her pregnancy with Trig Palin.

    She was never pregnant in 2008 and did not give birth to Trig. This is fact.

  27. Anne In DC4:32 AM

    She is a poster child for anti-feminism. Too many women have been imprisoned, force-fed in prison, and ostracized by society while fighting for women's rights. I have also been asked by a conservative male co-worker why most women didn't support her, but I knew it was no use explaining it to him. He's one of those caught up in the myth that she had more experience than Obama.

    Feminists have fought long and hard for the right of all of us to be judged on our merits and receive equal recompense to that of men for our labors. The overwhelming majority of women in the work force realize that in order to be taken seriously, we have to be about our work and not try to get by with looks.

    Now along comes Palin, and sadly, she is a throwback to a time when it was considered okay for a woman to get by with looks, even if she lacked any kind of talent or skills. That alone shows that Palin is no feminist. Using sexuality to promote herself, while crying sexism when it doesn't apply, exposes the kind of childishness that serious feminists reject because they know they wouldn't be taken seriously. It applies even more with her sexualization of her own daughters. Her behavior is extremely age-inappropriate.

    But when her policies as governor and her beliefs are added to the mix, it becomes painfully obvious that she is a fake feminist. From denying women the choice she was able to make to charging women for their own rape test kits, she has shown herself to be squarely on the side of those who would turn the clock back if they could.

    As for being "jealous" of her, I have heard that from many of her hard-right defenders. There are lots of women out here who are not only better-looking than Palin but also much more intelligent, self-aware, and with far more appealing personalities.

  28. Anonymous5:08 AM

    First of all we should all look at our own character and realize we are just as fallible. None of us are perfect! So when you're throwing insults at her character you would do well to remember your own. Next you should look at the counsel you receive from a site such as this one that preaches relative morality. One day YOU will no longer be 'relative' to them. That will be the day when you choose to disagree with them. Much like the democrat party. I am a conservative. Meaning I do not relate to the current GOP leadership. As most true conservatives don't relate to the republican party anymore. However we do not believe a man is above a woman but are equal and we fight for that. Unlike the lies coming from liberals and democrats. The liberals don't want debate, they want conformity (two candidates, one never had a real chance). Conservatives are open to listen to ideas and discussion (17 candidates). When you open your eyes and study for yourselves, you will discover who your true friends are!


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