Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Took an Iron Man 2 break from blogging.

I was just kind of getting burned out and thought I needed to recharge my batteries on this rainy Tuesday morning. So off I went to see the biggest intellectual cotton candy blockbuster I could find.  A kind of "mouthwash for the brain" if you will.

And Iron Man 2 fit the bill perfectly.

To be honest I much prefer the first one to this one.  I mean sure it had amazing WTF? special effects, and tons of explosions, and a few good one liners, but it just did not quite blow my socks off the way the first one did.

I am, sadly, somewhat of a comic book geek going way back to my collecting days in the seventies so I certainly don't regret going, but I hope in the next installment they step away form the whole "Tony Stark is simply a fragile mortal theme' and instead  focus on the amazing Iron Man armor and the WTF? special effects.

Oh, and if I can just be a guy here for a moment, they definitely must bring back the gorgeous Scarlett Johansson.

I mean damn!

Okay back to work for me.  I am currently working on a post containing a rather long and expansive interview I did with Sherry and Mercede Johnston.  It should be done by tomorrow or some time Thursday.


  1. Anonymous2:10 PM

    I'm glad you're rested Gryph.
    I've read and you haven't commented yet on how she wants our laws to be a direct reflection of the Bible and Ten Commandments she loves and kind of obeys...some of them.
    So bring on Leviticus!!!!
    Start the stoning and smiting!!!!

    Also she's also got a new book coming out, just before Christmas. Cha-ching!!!!!

    My feeling is the momentum the Tea Baggers are generating will only divide the Republicans. But I'm also concerned and cautious. This country elected George Bush TWICE!!!!!

    I have been a daily reader from Maine since the start. I've been a believer in "Deceptions" and "Mudflats" and others who have lost their steam and now am wondering myself if there is enough truth to Palin's deceptions to bring her house of cards down.

    Hope springs eternal, but as Obama has warned us all, we must all be careful about who speaks the truth on the internet now.

    I, and Glenn Beck thought he was talking about FOX. But where's the truth Gryph?

    I dispise her politics and find her tea-baggers rather silly. I'm OK with that. But I have been led to believe by you, "Deceptions" and "Mudflats" that there is more to the story......

    I'm getting tired....

  2. Tyroanee2:19 PM

    Thanks for the review Gryphen- was thinking about going this weekend with the family, now I will go just to clear the mind before your next post.
    Could be a nail biter eh?
    Can hardly wait.

  3. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Iron Man 2 wasn't as good as the first? How is this Palin's fault?

  4. Glad you enjoyed the movie. This kind of movie is not my forte, but hey ... Robert Downey, Jr. - well, he is. Seriously, I think he is a fantastic actor and I hope all in his personal life is on an more even keel these days.

    Will be looking for that next post. Namaste. I'm going to pour myself a cold glass of chardonnay and sit on my front porch this evening and see if I can see SP in Birmingham (100 mi. away); I might be able to hear the screeching.

  5. Anonymous3:25 PM

    New book to be released nov 23: "America by heart: Reflections on family, faith and flag."

  6. Just left a new comment on your post about SP speaking tonight to Rainbow Omega in Birmingham. It is no accident. She was probably recommended to them/or sent to them via Rick Perry.

  7. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Hope you asked Mercedes and Sherry whose baby Trig is.

  8. Forever Anonymous4:38 PM

    I have no idea what the soundtrack of that movie would sound like.


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