Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Alternative Newsweek covers featuring Saint Sarah.

From the ever inventive folks over at Vanity Fair:

I think this last one has to be my favorite.


  1. Anonymous6:21 AM

    I always love a good parody.

    Meanwhile, for those who can't read Hebrew, it says "Rav Sarah" or Rabbi Sarah....

  2. Anonymous6:27 AM

    The article is just there to inflate Newsweek's numbers because they are for sale. Lisa Miller did not do actual reporting. She thought that it was sufficient just to quote "Going Rogue" as source material. After all, if Sarah wrote it, it must be true. She said that she gave birth to Trig after a Wild Ride, so that's good enough for me. No point in verifying the quotes with interviews of flight attendants or anyone who could confirm Sarah's story.

  3. womanwithsardinecan6:31 AM

    Too funny! I love that the picture Newsweek used is very unflattering. Makes ol' Sarah actually look like a pitbull (no offense to pitbulls), with that big jaw. And that smug mean girl look is classic Sarah.
    If I could afford a magazine subscription, I'd order Newsweek, just because they seem to enjoy messing with Sarah. Not full-on, journalistic type messing, but at least snarky messing.

  4. womanwithsardinecan6:35 AM

    EVERYBODY is using Sarah's tabloid celebrity to inflate their numbers, so not really fair calling Newsweek out on it. EVERYBODY is doing a poor job of actually investigating Sarah's claims, so no fair calling Newsweek out on it as though they are the only ones. So, since EVERYBODY is doing a lousy job of exposing this fraud, I give points to Newsweek for TWO snarky Sarah covers.

  5. womanwithsardinecan6:55 AM

    My point is not that Lisa Miller shouldn't be taken to task. My point is that this is the norm with the Sarah mystique, so why does everybody always act so astonished? And no, I wouldn't really buy Newsweek, because they are just another example of what passes for journalism these days.
    Given that everything is available on the Internet now, what continues to amaze me is that very little of the real Sarah information is actually reaching people who vote. I mentioned the example before of the college student who organized the protest rally against Sarah in Eugene, OR. I talked to him, and he knew virtually nothing about Sarah's record. NOTHING!!! Then I recently talked to my nephew who lives in Maine, and he said that he didn't know most of the stuff I know, nor did anybody he knows. He has at least 6 computers. He and his friends are liberals. But the information is not getting out to them. That's what we have to remedy. How, I don't know. But I know that the bloggers and the Keiths and Rachels and Andrews and Joes and Geoffreys have to keep up the pressure, never stop, never give that woman a pass. And we need a new generation of journalists to step up and start covering the people who object to Sarah and know what she has done. They need to go to the protests (like the upcoming CSU one)and interview the people, not stare at Sarah's video and comment about her appeal. One of the reasons that Fox has been so successful in making Sarah a household name is that they skew their coverage to convince their viewers that EVERYBODY agrees with them. The real journalists need to counter that impression CONSTANTLY with footage of LOTS of people who do NOT agree. Articulate people, passionate people, educated people, just plain folks, people under the bus....We have to STOP falling into that old liberal/progressive trap of thinking that simply saying the truth once is enough. It is not. Saying it a hundred times is not enough. It can't be once, it can't be once a week. It has to be constant and all across the country. When Keith says, "that woman is an idiot," he is preaching to the choir. We need the choir to get out and spread the word instead of just sitting and saying AMEN!

  6. mommom8:37 AM

    I wanted to send you a link to an article everyone seems to have missed.Its in the USA Weekend mag that comes with my Sunday paper.Here is a link.

    Dont miss the bit under Michelle Obamas pic "We asked readers, ‘Who would you rather have as a mom, Michelle Obama or Sarah Palin?’ Out of 33,000 online votes, the first lady won handily with 71%."

  7. Anonymous10:23 AM

    All good points. I think that one of the real problems is that the media have come confuse fair and balanced to mean giving equal credibility to any opinion, even ones that are not valid. But I also think that their bottom line is the same as for most, $. The combination of the 2, flamed by the difficult times publishers are having to stay afloat, really threatens the ability for the population to get a clear measure of our world.

  8. AlaskaSundog6:19 PM

    I'm hoping that after the 2012 election & Palin & hers lose, she will totally implode. Poof & gone. So till then, constant vigilance (Harry Potter) & a continued effort to disseminate the truth about SP.


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