Thursday, June 10, 2010

The disaster movie inspired trailer for Glenn Beck's new book is more than just a little creepy.

Okay Gryphen try to say something positive.  We don't want to make Beck start crying again. rhymed...that was sort of...uh...interesting.

Well it did get me curious as to just what the hell an "Overton Window" is.  As it turns out it is a methodology for making what is unreasonable to the electorate today, reasonable tomorrow.  Which apparently is a very frightening concept and requires a crazy doom laden voice, dictating a mentally unhinged poem, while accompanied by spooky music to adequately convey to the book buying public.


I guess this is what kind of marketing works on the simple minded sheep who watch Fox News. 


  1. Anonymous6:10 AM

    What's with Beck and the Statue of Liberty? Does it hold special fond memories because he spent time there with his one true love, the Lady Sarah?

  2. Anonymous6:30 AM

    LOL at your "BOO". I needed a good laugh today.

  3. Anonymous7:55 AM

    The only thing it's missing are a few demon-eyed sheep. Then it would be perfect!

  4. Did you remove the link to Mercede's blog? Did she request that you do so? I am sure it was included in your blog list a few days ago.

  5. KevinNYC8:47 AM

    pretty lame trailer if you asked me. didn't the notice when they did the shaky text thing, it was like someone jiggling a page, rather, than the text, you know, moving by itself. Obvisouly, it's just another way for Beck to take money from his fans, but take out the name Glenn Beck.....what the hell is in there that would make you want to read that book?

  6. WTF is that about? Glenn Beck keeps reinforcing his image as a truly mentally disturbed man.

  7. Anonymous2:04 PM

    What was that nonsense? Does it make me want to read the book? Hell NO.

  8. Anonymous3:34 PM

    They have given the Statue of Liberty a very masucline arm and hunch shouldered look

  9. This person just realized that perhaps it wasn't parody (it was, right?) The wobbly graphics and the incredibly stupid examples of events since the dawn of man; this has to be made up. If not, well, Glenn Beck is all I thought he was a more, plus a moron.

  10. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Mr Orr asked if you removed Mercedes blog link, Gryphen. I would like to know as well as I don't see the link anymore here. Something wrong?


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