Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Does anybody really even give a Huck about Mike?

From CBS News:

"What bothered me more than anything was the disdain that I experienced from the élites: 'Oohhhh, who does Huckabee think he is, speaking about the economy,'" he told the New Yorker. "...They treated me like a total hick. A complete, uneducated, unprepared hick."

Considering some of Huckabee's belief's and points of view that assessment seems fair to me. Take the following for instance.

Huckabee, who advocates a constitutional amendment barring same-sex marriage, also addresses his opposition to gay rights in part by invoking "the ick factor."

"I do believe that God created male and female and intended for marriage to be the relationship of the two opposite sexes," he told the magazine. "Male and female are biologically compatible to have a relationship. We can get into the ick factor...

Okay let's just stop right there.

Is this idiot really suggesting that the reason that two people of the same gender, in a loving committed relationship, should NOT be allowed to get married is because Mike Huckabee considers that "icky".

Number one you should not go around imagining gay people having sex if it bothers you so much. (Who DOES that anyhow?) And number two do you know which two people having sex makes ME feel icky?

Worst selling porno movie EVER!

Okay now let's get back to the other stupid stuff Huckabee has to say.

...but the fact is two men in a relationship, two women in a relationship, biologically, that doesn't work the same." (It may not work for reproduction.  But biologically "teh gay" seems to work out just fine) He goes on to argue that monogamous heterosexual marriage can end poverty.

Ow, ow, ow, my head!

How in the HELL does Huckabee believe that having more reproductive sex will "end poverty"?  Does it not stand to reason that that making babies and adding MORE people to the planet will mean less food and resources to go around?

Wait perhaps I am not explaining it properly.  If only there were a picture that could sum up how having more children might tax the planet's ability to keep everyone fed and result in MORE poverty.

There we go.  Now is that clear enough?

Huckabee considers himself ideologically similar to Fox News colleagues Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly; he says his religious worldview is "absolutely irreconcilable" with those who do not believe God created man and chafes at being questioned about whether he believes in evolution. ("I'm not planning on writing the curriculum for an eighth-grade science book.")

I believe we can ALL agree that we are very, very grateful that Mike Huckabee is not writing a curriculum for an eighth-grade science book.  After all I do believe he would have to understand eighth grade science in order to perform that task.

Politico recently called Huckabee the anti-Sarah Palin. But to be honest there is not really that much to set them apart.  Sure Huckabee has a more laid back style and does not get overly ruffled when answering questions, (And he actually WILL answer them) But just like Palin he is a believer, not a thinker.

Like Palin, Huckabee relies on a certain "simple folk" charm to connect with the people and does not spend a great deal of time thinking about big issues.  After all he has God to handle all of that for him.

In reality Huckabee is simply a bloated version of Sarah Palin. Without lipstick of course. (I assume anyway. Because, unlike Huckabee, I do not spend a lot of time imagining what people do in the privacy of their bedrooms.)

So if the only two choices the GOP has to offer up as presidential candidates in 2012, is either Sarah "Drill Baby, Drill" Palin or Mike "I am not writing an eighth grade science book" Huckabee, they might as well save everybody the trouble and simply concede the election now.


  1. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Huckster let a rapist out of jail to spite Bill Clinton, and that man went on to rape AND kill a woman.

    If there were a Huckstergates blog, there would be just as much ugly crap in his past as Palin's. He is a wolf in hokey-sheep's clothing.

  2. Anonymous7:04 AM

    " How in the HELL does Huckabee believe that having more reproductive sex will "end poverty"? Does it not stand to reason that that making babies and adding MORE people to the planet will mean less food and resources to go around? "

    Since when do the conservative Fox elite want to conserve the planet's resources? Resources are what conservatives pillage. At least Huckabee spawn do not go about willy nilly getting knocked up by a hockey team. (without DNA we will never know for sure who sired Tripp or what happened to the other pregnancy). " This week has brought to light for me a confirmation from two seperate people that Bristol indeed has been pregnant twice.... "

  3. Anonymous7:18 AM

    I don"t agree with Huck at all but at least he is not openinly mean and hateful like Scarah. I would never vote for him either though. He does not ruin everyone's life that come close to him like Scarah does. He is not harmless though and would be a terrible POTUS but not as bad as SP.

  4. hard rock blues7:30 AM

    RESOURCES: Panic within the US government and military over the dire state of affairs in Afghanistan continues to escalate. First, in response to a constant drumbeat of failures on the military front, we had the obvious planting of the "discovery" of one three trillion dollars worth of mineral wealth in Afghanistan.

    RESOURCES: Simultaneously stressed and bored, U.S. soldiers

    The true failure of US policy in Afghanistan is the failure to understand that it is not possible to beat a civilian population into compliance no matter how handily their military has been beaten. Carrying a violent COIN strategy forward to the point where the UN ends its cooperation on reconstruction work because the US militarized its approach to aid is a losing strategy that will not be reviewed amid today’s escalated panic. Sadly, that tragic aspect of US COIN policy will be continued, whether McChrystal or someone else is in charge in Afghanistan.

  5. Anonymous7:31 AM

    I agree with you about Huckabee, Gryphen, but you went just a step over the line by posting his wife's photo and making the crack you did. I thought you were against attacking the family. Unless Mrs. Huckabee is actively pronouncing the silly stuff her husband is, why do that?

    I don't recall you doing this without good reason before. Did you just get carried away? It seems so unlike you.

  6. nice pooch but huck is an idiot with much less vitriol than paylin, but the same inherent beliefs...

  7. Anonymous 7:31, my point in posting the picture and making that comment was to illustrate how ridiculous it was for Huckabee to base his support of a ban on gay marriage because of the "ick factor". I think all of us have seen couples that are not terribly attractive, but NONE of us would suggest forbidding their marriage based on the fact that we find their relationship "icky".

    Huckabee suggests that his personal likes or dislikes play a role in whether he would legally block individuals from getting married. If that same criteria were used to decide if his wife and he should be married, I am sure that at least a few people would forbid it. If THAT is unfair, than how can what Huckabee suggested be fair?

    Now do you get it?

  8. Anonymous7:53 AM

    I get it, and agree with Gryph.

  9. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Tammy Bruce on the Huckster and Palin @ CONS4PEE
    "THIS is what I was referring to! Fox oughta hear about this from a lot of people. I forgot about the cocaine remark!"

  10. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Huckabee may not come across as obnoxious as Palin, but he is every bit as dangerous. Go to http://www.talk2action.org/ and type Huckabee in the search box. You will get more than enough hits to keep you busy all day reading about Huckabee's dominionist beliefs and associations.

    Whenever I talk to 'anti gay' people, I find their stand is always based on two reasons. First is the religious one. The Bible says homosexuality is an abomination, although they don't seem to have a problem with eating shrimp or wearing cotton-poly blends. The other is the 'ick' factor. They are repulsed by their visualization of gay intimacy. I tell them if they have time to think about what other people do behind closed doors, they have too much time on their hands. Time for some productive volunteer work!

  11. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Did Mercede give up on her blog already?

  12. Randall8:40 AM

    I get it: ick!

    Lookit those butt-ugly kids!
    Neuter those two, quick!
    Get their genes out of the pool!

    ...and that's the point, isn't it?

    Palin, Huckabee, many many so-called religious ppl think they have a right - a duty - to legislate who someone else can fall in love with.

    They're so blinded by their twisted view of the unknowable they can't even see how sick they, themselves, are.

    ...and that's what make them dangerous.

  13. HollyP5:40 PM

    I get your point, but did you need to make it with a photo including one or two minor children?

  14. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Looks like the Huckabee family is consuming quite a bit of the world's food resources. Good grief! How about some moderation?


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