Tuesday, June 22, 2010

You just can't keep a REAL Alaska woman down. Mercede Johnston is back!

As I have mentioned a few times in my posts Sadie received a LOT of negativity for speaking out on her blog.

Much of what happened did not happen in cyberspace so most people are not aware of how bad it got.

However it looks like Sadie wants to address it so perhaps you will all get a better idea sometime in the future.

In the meantime I am sure that most of you have read these ugly comments from Rex Butler.

Rex Butler says that while Mercede Johnston is free to write what she wants, she won't be privy to information from anyone with "Team Levi." And Butler said Levi's team isn't sharing information with her about his plans, movements or other actions.

Yeah well take it from one who knows "Team Levi" consists of one overworked lawyer, one narcissistic private investigator, and one clueless Wasilla fish out of water.  In fact Levi is probably the member of the "team" who has the least control over what happens.

Believe me there is much that has gone on behind the scenes that people do not yet know about.  But perhaps now that Rex and Tank have lost control over their meal ticket, and he is sleeping with (and taking direction from)  the "enemy", that needs to change.

In the meantime why don't you all head over to Sadies's blog and welcome her back. 

Personally I think it is time to walk away from "Team Levi" and support somebody who is NOT being controlled by others.  What do you say gang?  How does "Team Mercede" sound?


  1. indylindy9:08 AM

    will do Gryphen...heading to Mercedes blog now. thanks for the update...i feared Levi would end up back under the Palin spell

  2. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Yes, indeed, it does. I like the Team Mercede concept. It's about time someone was on her and her mother's side.

    BTW, Gryphen, have you seen this?


    It's about Sarah's "reality show," sounds as if they are going to concentrate a lot more on Todd than we thought - fishing, logging camp, et cetera.

    The garbage they spew about being an environmentall

    Anyway, I haven't read Mercede's latest. Going over to do that now. I agree with you that Levi should be left to his own devices for a while. He has to learn his lessons the hard way, it seems.

  3. Team Mercede ROCKS!9:14 AM

    Gryphen, When you first talked of Mercede's honesty I was skeptical but I am getting it now. This is truly an amazing human being, wise beyond her years and a pillar of strength. I was so moved to hear her speak of her father. Her mother was pretty much a "single" parent and one that did a tremendous job. The Father's Day week end was heart breaking, I am so glad to know they are well as can be.

    Btw. comments are turned off on her recent blog post.

  4. What was that bit you wrote here to Levi a few days back?

  5. Anonymous9:26 AM

    If I'm reading between the lines correctly, Levi is unemployed, and strapped for cash to pay child support. So.... he follows the money, which is straight back to 'Mama Garbage Bear'. It was only a matter of time before he gave into the dark side.

  6. G-man, Is Team Levi leaving you out in the cold? Again, this just smells funny.

  7. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Thankfully, Rex Butler said that Mercede won't be privy to the lies, I wouldn't call it "Team Levi" it is now "Team Sarah and horn-dog Levi." I am glad they will spare sharing the fake info, plans, movements or other actions.

    Why didn't Levi get a family law attorney?

  8. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Go sadie!

  9. SME1319:46 AM

    This may sound odd but Rex just did Sadie a favor. At least now people will know Sadie is telling the truth when she says she doesn't know what Levi has planned. As it is people seem to think Sadie (and all the kids involved) know more than they're telling. Which to me seems a bit of a stretch since we already know how secretive palin has always been. Now people think Sadie knows everything her brother and bristol are doing......at least Rex out that to rest.

    I think Levi is a fool, but.......... it's his choice and we often make choices we aren't happy with for the sake of our kids.

  10. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Personally, I think if either Levi or Mercede were serious, they would have spoken out before now and told what they know. Not that they are obligated to, but it's very hard to be sympathetic towards someone who claims to want the truth to come out and refuses to speak it himself- or herself.

    Neither of them owe us anything, but I can't see what they owe Sarah either. Once they speak out, Sarah can't lean on them any more. They won't do that, and they've had two years. I wish them no harm, but I've lost the initial support I felt for them.


  11. Anonymous10:36 AM

    How Tripp being with chronic liars, grifters, frauds and part of the biggest hoax in history is for his sake, I still don't get. In general it is nice when any child has both parents. Even pedophiles and serial murders have children that love them but Bristol made sure Tripp didn't have much contact with Levi at a critical time. If Ben Barber was sleeping with Bristol and possibly Tripp (Sarah sleeps with Piper) Ben could be more of a Daddy to Tripp.


  12. Anonymous10:42 AM

    I agree with SME131. I think Rex Butler made this statement to protect both his client Levi and Mercede by keeping the legal details from Mercede. I believe he made that statement so everyone, including her critics and the SPbots, are aware that she is not privy to the client/lawyer privilege. This would allow her to speak freely without bias. And, protect her from herself so to speak, in case she revealed something accidentally. Now, we're confident that no one can accuse her of taking any sides, just telling her own story.

  13. I like Mercede but she's an emotional kid who, like anyone, is welcome to publish her opinion on the internet.

    When it comes to actual legal advice, however, I'd prefer to hear from a actual attorney.

    I don't think your readers need to be asked to choose sides between Mercede and Rex. That's rather mean and destructive, don'tcha think?

  14. Anonymous11:43 AM

    If I were Levi, I would be very cautious. Do you get hurt worst the 2nd time you get thrown under the bus? Are you serious, I am sure Levi is not calling any shots. I imagine him slinking around, careful not to annoy Bristol, just so he can be around his son. And for his handlers to attack Mercede is just plain wrong.

  15. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Mercede is a rosebud while the quitter is the fading last rose on the bush. I hate to say it, but $p will never let up on this young woman because of her natural beauty, and youth.

  16. Anonymous11:52 AM

    I'm sure Bristol has promised Levi that he has a part in the "Palin House of Horrors Show" on TLC. What Levi probably doesn't realize, he won't get paid and Sista $arah will write his script for him.

  17. sjk, you asked if Team Levi had left me out in the cold. In a matter of speaking we had a parting of the ways back in December when they made the dumbest decision I could imagine. Even dumber than the Playgirl shoot which I had begged them not to do.

    Later when Sadie contacted me I learned even more troubling information. I have thus far kept what is pretty damning information about the people who work with Levi to myself. But like I said that was when I believed that Levi might someday be willing to tell the whole truth about Sarah. Now there is less and less reason to believe that will ever happen.

    However Mercede is refusing to allow anyone to tell her what to do (trust me I know), so at least with her you know that what you are getting is the unvarnished truth. And isn't THAT what everybody has been waiting to hear?

  18. G-man, it was pretty obvious, but thanks for confirming...

  19. Anonymous12:12 PM

    I think that Rex Butler and Tank need to be put on the list of "grifters" in Alaska. I have always thought they were giving Levi some poor advice and some absolutely shoddy legal advice. I think they were in it for the money and never had Levi's best interests at heart and certainly not Tripp's best interest, either. There should have been a custody agreement the moment Tripp was born and to wait as long as they did was inexcusable on all levels. It seems to me that perhaps Levi is trying to be with his child and the child's mother and everyone else needs to back off. Will it work out? Probably not but at least an attempt is being made.

  20. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Levi has always been conflicted since he fell in love with a Palin years ago.

    He has said that he could bring down Sarah Palin if he revealed what he really knows about her. But he never has.

    All he had to do was put out a book and the bucks would have rolled in - but he never did. Probably because he is just in too deep at certain levels with the Palins and doesn't want to "hurt" them and the girl that he fell in love with.

    Levi has never been about the pursuit of the whole truth. Who knows what he really wants?

    Frankly, he's not really packing the gear to deal with all that has happened.

  21. So do we wait for a "For Sale" sign going up on Levi's house? Perhaps if I were a betting gal, I'd give Levi and Bristol one month. Wonder if Levi signed a pre-nup yet?

  22. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Levi is doing what he has to-- he was in over his head at the convention what? Two years ago? He should have changed his name and ran. He can't do anything right at this point but focus on his son and do borderline Bristol's bidding.

    Princess of Bumpits is basically turning into a pop version of Queen Victoria (talk about ruined lives under that old battle axe and paradigm of virtue's control!)

    Mercede has lost her past with the erasure of her computer by trying to work with McCain's people. Why didn't she schmooze up to Levi's family and win them over from the start? Bristol could have eaten with Levi's family and shown some respect. Levi being a fish out of water only makes them FEEL superior because they overact how they want him to act. Mercede has said, "Screw it!" and decided to go one with her life.

    I am sad for her in having to bite the proverbial bullet and accept that her brother will probably disassociate himself from her, but she has to so she can move on.

    The Quitter (I am glad that she quit and this is spoken with pride since she couldn't respond with gracefulness in her situations) is nto being the best Sarah Palin she can be. Everything is about how she can promote herself and not in how she can be kind.

  23. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Do you really think that Bristol puts out that much? Sex with girls like her is a recreational drug for their boyfriends-- they get it and they don't know when or if they will get it again.

    Levi is an eligible bachelor who has been hit for the next 16 years for money. No cash = no life.

    Eventually, after telling their side, Mercede and Sherry will probably settle quietly. Sherry will remarry a guy with a Harley. Mercede will have to field jerks. I hoe she marries a smart Democrat politician who will benefit from the association with her and who can show her for the fine person she is-- if she wants that.

    How does Mercede feel about politics? Does she even want to vote at this point?

  24. Anonymous12:49 PM

    So disappointed in Levi. He's like Todd, easily controlled and willingly manipulated. I think Levi is a good person, but weak. Hopefully it works out with him and Bristol for the sake of their child. The only satisfaction I have in this turn of events is that Sarah Palin is definitely unhappy that Levi is back with her daughter. No one will believe Bristol is the poster child for abstinence now.

  25. Anonymous12:55 PM

    OK, I'm about as far from Wasilla AK as can be and still be in the US and, I'll admit, I've only been following this soap opera on occasion. But I wonder about all the commenters who swoon over Levi's burning desire to be with his son. I think I recall some comments way back from his MySpace describing his redneck self in a way that doesn't seem, well, fatherly. I know people can change, but while everyone is wondering why Levi didn't hire a family lawyer and fight harder, I'm wondering does he really want to be a dad all that badly?

  26. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Sounds terrible. What a mess.

  27. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Team Mercede sounds good

  28. WakeUpAmerica1:13 PM

    I don't see that Mercede has anything to gain but everything to lose if she lies. I think she's doing a superb job.

  29. Too bad that Levi couldn't get in touch with the man inside. Did his father desert him, also, too?

    I don't know what Rex Butler's advise is but at one time Butler did say that Levi would have another lawyer for the Bristol custody case with the court. What happened? Whatever a lawyer tells you, it is up to the client whether they keep a lawyer or not, whether they go with what the lawyer says. Did Butler force him to not get another lawyer after saying that he would?

    I know things are sensitive, gryphen, I hope you will be able to do a more thorough report on all this at a not to distant time.

    My thanks to Tank Jones
    Moore Up North: VIDEO

    Mercede's blog is not against Palin and she does not have to flatter or placate the Palins. That is all BS. They fear she will tell more truth and must hate that she can't be controled.

  30. Chris1:39 PM

    Please Anon @ 12:55 PM. How many late teen/early 20's guys want to be a daddy? LOL

  31. Anonymous1:42 PM

    I don't know how Mercede feels about politics. She does love babies and she did mention an interest in the Wasilla surge of teens, not married and getting preggers. I don't know if she is a registered voter but she has Republican leanings like many of her friends and family. Wasilla is very Republican. They are not all the crazy Sarah types.

  32. Anonymous2:42 PM

    I give Mercede a lot of credit for becoming her mother's caregiver. It would appear that both Levi & Keith have thrown Mercede & Sherry under the bus. Mercede & Sherry are in this mess because of Levi dating Bristol & they got caught up in the witch's web. Too bad girls, I hope your lives improve.

  33. mommom3:14 PM

    Levi may really,truly love Bristol.Sometimes,these things are beyond our control.They have a son in common.If he wants to try and be with her,that is ok with me,not that he needs permission. Maybe Bristol moving out on her own is a sign she is trying to live her own life.Maybe he sees that.Who knows? Good luck to them,now I just can't wait until Levi becomes the "guide" on Mrs PAYlins show.We have never heard of Toad being much of a hunter,etc,just playing with his snow machines.We heard a lot more about Mrs PAYlin hunting than Toad.

    Although I bet I can beat her in a turkey shoot ,even after all these years!As a child,I did hunt,for food,as we were very poor.

  34. Aussie Blue Sky3:35 PM

    It doesn't matter whether Levi is madly in love with B. Palin or not - he will never be happy with her. She will make him still more miserable in the future than she has in the past.

    As I said before, she doesn't have an ounce of respect for him - and that makes two of them.

  35. SME1314:02 PM

    Come on folks, we aren't 5 years old. It's ok to support both Sadie and Levi....and remember supporting someone doesn't mean you have to agree with everything they do.

    I seriously doubt either one of them knows all that much about the palin's and they may not even know the importance of what they do know.

    Palin is at the center of all the mess and although Bristol makes me nauseous even she is a victim of Scarah's. Well she was a victim now she's a student of Scarah's wanna be club.

    Let's keep focused and not add to an already bad situation for the entire Johnston family - including Tripp.

    @Anon 12:55.... it was establish long ago that the myspace page you're referring to was a joke by some of Levi's friends. And regardless of that a lot of people don't want to be parents until they are parents and realize the joy of having a child.

  36. Anonymous4:30 PM

    "I'm wondering does he really want to be a dad all that badly?"

    He sure doesn't act like it. There's no reason in the world that he should have missed Tripp's first 18 months. No one, no matter how "powerful" in her small town, could have prevented that. If he wanted visitation, he could have had it. He's getting what he wants-- I just don't know what that is. It isn't being with Tripp.

  37. Anonymous5:50 PM

    momom-- what is love to a guy of 21? (How old is he?)

  38. money cant buy me love! well...maybe it can.
    How does Mr. Tank play into this? Is he the next Mr. T after Rampage Jackson? Is he the next Oprah investigator or Sham Wow spokesperson?

    Is Rex really the best lawyer to have a client that can bring $arah down and then just wilt?

    I have lots of questions. Lots. Some that may not be comfortable for them, and for G-man.

    ot: when is the Celtic Diva gonna do something with th e-mails she got last summer?

    I have LOTS of questions...

  39. Anonymous6:33 PM

    count me in....

    Look folks, this is Silla where the Wasilla Police department is in lust with $carah.
    My family calls them Whipped Police, ever since $carah's book signing and they (the whipped) made it more difficult for families who were there to get H1N1 shots.

    If we see Ms. Johnston and/or Mercede out in public, my family and I will always have their back. ALWAYS.


  40. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Thanks for keeping it real. It is good to know you are there.

  41. Anonymous7:31 PM

    This whole thing confuses me alot but the one thing I do know is that Levi was a wild card that I think Sarah figured she had to control.. Whether it was with the custody of the baby or with child support. I think the old saying keep your friends close and your enemies closer applies here. Remember she has to make a half ass effort to run for Pres. If she doesnt all those donations to the pac are going to dry up.. Cant have Bristol's baby daddy out running around talking abou them. If he does or doesnt know anything about her, with her running he could still embaress her. JMO

  42. Anonymous9:14 PM

    "Gryphen said...
    sjk, you asked if Team Levi had left me out in the cold. In a matter of speaking we had a parting of the ways back in December when they made the dumbest decision I could imagine. Even dumber than the Playgirl shoot which I had begged them not to do.

    Later when Sadie contacted me I learned even more troubling information. I have thus far kept what is pretty damning information about the people who work with Levi to myself."

    Hey Gryphen... you left me with a lot og questions on the above statement.
    Is what you know or thr "troubling information" got to do with Palin or Levi?
    I see Palin and Todd a big danger to this country, knowing that her husband Todd was in the party that wanted Alaska to sucede the union. Levi said something on TV that he knows something that can put Palin in trouble. But he could not since now we know that his love for Bristol is above everything he knows.

    Please Gryphen do not hold in if you know something that really is a threat to our nation.

    Sorry if I am becoming paronoid, but something does not seem to be right with the Palin/Levi saga.

    I am glad Sadie is not taking any nosense from the bullies. Good for her. She has my full support. The truth will prevail.

  43. Gryphen, Mercede says she didn't know Ruffles wasn't Trig. Ruffles was so much smaller and his/her ears were...well..."Ruffled."

    I don't understand how she couldn't tell the difference. Ask her if Ruffles is the baby of one of her girlfriends.



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