Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Economist asks the obvious question: "What's Wrong with America's Right?"

As you can see the cover of the magazine portrays Sarah Palin as a crazed gun wielding Alice, while the Limbaugh inspired March Hare and the the always sobbing Mad Becker bellow beside her. And this tableau plays out in the presence of a sly Fox who carefully peers out from the safety of his teapot. Rupert, is that you?

It is a fairly brilliant illustration which also does not miss the opportunity to take a jab at President Obama by portraying him as a Voodoo doll sitting in a cup of BP brand tea, shows two elephants as riveted spectators, and even has a cup of tea labeled "immigrants out!!"

However in the article the Economist, which currently is no fan of President Obama, finds itself completely amazed at the circular firing squad that symbolizes the Republican party of 2010, which finds itself in such disarray it cannot take advantage of the problems that the Democrats and President Obama are currently facing.

Just take a look at this portion of the article:

The Republicans at the moment are less a party than an ongoing civil war (with, from a centrist point of view, the wrong side usually winning). There is a dwindling band of moderate Republicans who understand that they have to work with the Democrats in the interests of America. There is the old intolerant, gun-toting, immigrant-bashing, mainly southern right which sees any form of co-operation as treachery, even blasphemy. And muddying the whole picture is the tea-party movement, a tax revolt whose activists (some clever, some dotty, all angry) seem to loathe Bush-era free-spending Republicans as much as they hate Democrats. Egged on by a hysterical blogosphere and the ravings of Fox News blowhards, the Republican Party has turned upon itself

And later in the article you run across this delightful paragraph:

Out of power, a party can get away with such negative ambiguity; the business of an opposition is to oppose. The real problem for the political right may well come if it wins in November. Just as the party found after it seized Congress in 1994, voters expect solutions, not just rage. The electorate jumped back into Bill Clinton’s arms in 1996. Business conservatives are scouting desperately for an efficient centrist governor (or perhaps general) to run against Mr Obama in 2012. But tea-party-driven success in the mid-terms could foster the illusion that the Republicans lost the White House because Mr McCain was insufficiently close to their base. That logic is more likely to lead to Palin-Huckabee in 2012 than, say, Petraeus-Daniels.

Santa?  I know it is still kind of early to be filling out my Christmas list, but if you could find it your hear to make sure that Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee would be the GOP ticket in2012 I SWEAR I will not ask for anything else. Deal?


  1. Anonymous7:54 AM

    HEy Gryphen, you have a mentioning on Radaronline, courtesy of Palins. What scum bags!

  2. Anonymous8:40 AM

    O/T you should go check out Radar online. You are mentioned in a story about Mercede's blog

  3. lilly8:43 AM

    This Alice-Sarah has a gleeful mad look in her eye. The artist even got her odd ears right, and the arched eyebrowns, and gleaming white chickletted teeth.

    I think of $P more as a mad hatter talking nonsense myself.

  4. I prefer the Palin/Bachmann ticket. I have already grabbed the PalinBach 2012 blog name, just in case it looks as if I might get my wish!

  5. There will be no Palin/ Huckabee ticket. Mr. Huckabee is a right-wing Baptist minister. No self-respecting right wing Christian male would accept second place to a female.

  6. Ignia9:01 AM

    "Santa? I know it is still kind of early to be filling out my Christmas list, but if you could find it your hear to make sure that Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee would be the GOP ticket in2012 I SWEAR I will not ask for anything else. Deal?"

    <*totally alarmed*> Gryphen... I know you don't think that those 2 would have a chance if the ran against President Obama in 2012... but for God's sake, man... don't even pray that they might have even a CHANCE at the Whitehouse! Remember, this country also voted for Mr. Greene in South Carolina... just imagine the carnage if by some satanic pact those 2 get elected!?!

    I'm going to go to bed with nightmares tonight about a President Palin and her Chief of Staff, Mr. Greene.

  7. Anonymous9:10 AM

    bumpit brain's latest tweet:

    Schizophrenic Agenda:just last wk DC claims top priority=JOBS;then=REDUCE DEBT;now=CAP&TAX(exploit tragedy 2 kill jobs/raise taxes)Pls,FOCUS

    My response: jaye52
    @SarahPalinUSA can u focus with all those psychotropic drugs u take? run along and play in the padded room. btw ur an idiot.

  8. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Silly boy, it's Dill?, not Deal? However will santa know what you mean if you speak such gibberish as rill Eng'elish?

  9. FEDUP!!!9:27 AM

    You missed how she shot a HUGE hole through the donkeys' (GOP) belly...

  10. Re: Radaronline report: I wonder if next we will read that Obama sent operatives to parachute in to control Gryphen to control Mercedes lol!

    I have not read anything in Mercedes blog that is "hate" centered.

    Since I learned from Palin's roll out independently before any blogs she lies habitually and lies about ohter people. Not what I consider moral nor a leadership characteristic. Palin demonstrates she has no internal moral compass. She degrades education and ridiucles it. Oi, I tried but the more I saw and heard of her I dislike her as a human being and she is not qualified for ledership IMO. She disrespects people and uses them to climb up then discards them too.

  11. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Gryph, while a Palin/Whatever 2012 ticket would have its unbeatable comedy moments that would leave most rational people rolling in the aisles, we'd have to beseech a higher power that Wanda Wasilla doesn't get "elected" a la Georgie Boy and "Not-That-Al-Green." (BTW, the explanation that one SC voter gave when asked why they chose a candidate who had no visibility or campaign--Mr. Greene's name reminded them of the R&B singer! Don't remember which program I heard it on, but it was broadcast yesterday).

  12. Anonymous10:21 AM

    I see your point, Gryphen, but I hope to never see that woman lead her KKK rallies again.

    I think she longs for the roar of the crowd, but is waiting for some big daddy figure to sweep in and offer her a run at the White House with none of the nasty "interviews" and "debates" that the other candidates do. (Well, maybe not Mr. Greene of SC.)

    I think that the old money and power of the GOP loathe her. They may use her as a fundraiser, but if she gets anywhere near the throne, they will kick her to the curb.

    She and her followers may think she is the most important person in the world, and will be shocked when their turn under the bus comes. Karma, baby, karma.

  13. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Portrait of a Christian-Right family:

  14. Just read the article on Radaronline - The Palins are the lowest form pond scum - not that is a surprise to any one

    PLEASE be careful up there - I pray for your safety and Mercede's safety as well. How dare they give out name and work location like that without asking permission, and without even giving you and\or Mercede an opportunity to respond

  15. Anonymous10:57 AM

    I STRONGLY support President Obama and I can't think of a single major GOP candidate for president in 50 years that I considered even marginally beneficial to this country. However, I no more want an unfettered progressive agenda rammed thru than a conservative one. Our country needs a thoughtful, vocal, rational opposition to every government in power to prevent excess and political monkey business. And if the party in power is on the right track, the loyal opposition should support that without fear of diluting their own position.

    The Right - in its foaming-at-the-mouth opposition to all things Obama - is letting this country down. Sure, they hated Clinton too but this is a lot deeper and more irrational. All the mindless anger about socialism, nazism, muslimism, birtherism, etc leads to one heartbreaking yet inescapable conclusion: it's not about politics at all. It's all about a BLACK man and his BLACK wife and his BLACK children and his BLACK mother-in-law and his BLACK dog living in the White House. See the common thread?

    Perhaps ol' Abe did us all no favors by killing off 600,000+ to keep the Union together. If the South had seceded and been left to rot on its own, perhaps they would have come to see the folly of their path and come back to the Union eventually with less hate burned into their DNA.

    The one 'good' thing about deeply inbred hatred and inflexible conservative beliefs is that life becomes very simple when you know all the answers without ever having to reflect on or reconsider what you believe. Thoughtful people have a much tougher time of it.

    ps, Dear President Obama, please ignore the hatred and do your best for our country. We need you.

  16. Anonymous10:57 AM

    That latest Tweet by the Twit looks like an insane ransom note.

  17. what insults me even more than the insanity of the raging Hate-riots is that the MSM treats them as sane rational folks, insinuating at every turn that they are the majority and their methods and madness are legitimate.

    When we were sounding the alarms and angry at the Bush/Cheney destruction of America, the unconstitutionality of their wars and evil, we were told to sit down and shut up "Love It or Leave It."

    and most certainly I do not recall any MSM devoting so much attention to the angry left.

    Liberal Bias, My Ass!

  18. Rador carries water for the Palins. They are dividing Mercede and Levi.
    "But a source close to both Bristol and Levi told exclusively that Mercede's shocking claims are completely false." No mention of Sherry Johnston and who she would back up. I guess Bristol's subpoena wasn't enough to stop Mercede.
    She can only stop her blog as it is now if she wants to see her brother and Tripp in peace. Too bad Mercede can't sue for saying Mercede's "Blog A Front For Palin Hate Group." At least, someone to help her with a cease and desist letter.
    IMFO, Bristol and Levi will not last and Levi will be more screwed than ever but what choice does Mercede have but to coward for the mighty Palins. Another sad ending. After Bristol has full custody and control Levi will see things different but it will be way to late.

  19. Anonymous12:34 PM

    I don't want Palin on the ticket in 2012. Yes she would lose and lose badly, but don't forget that even McCain, with his irresponsible campaign, held Palin back from doing and saying what she wanted to in order to try and beat Obama. Remember she was the one who wanted to use Jeremiah Wright?? This is a lady who spread the false rumors that her former friend and mentor wasn't married to his wife and wasn't a Christian in order to win as mayor of little Wasilla, Alaska. What would she stoop to to become president of the US???

    With her in charge of the campaign in 2012, she would incite such hate that after she lost there would be widespread racial violence, domestic terrorism and maybe even civil war. I haven't seen anything in her character so far that would make me think she'd handle a loss gracefully for the good of the country. No, she must be exposed as a fraud before she has a chance to get on the ticket in 2012.

  20. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Radaronline Jan 21, 2010
    EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS: Levi Johnston's Excellent Beer Pong Adventure has obtained these exclusive photos of the former Playgirl model unwinding...
    Levi's friend tells

    Last January Radar goes with a story from a Levi friend. "Levi's friend" gives Radar a photo and some information about Levi. How many hockey friends does Levi hang out with? These are the same bros that Levi is still pitching his reality show with? Levi's reality show was a topic when it was said his manager was still pitching a show that would not sell if he is not a bachelor hanging with the hockey dudes. Why are there no names? Mercede would know who gave that photo and interview to Radar. Is it the same one who is talking for the palin Camp now?

    Six months later on Jun 17, 2010 it is just getting uglier.
    EXCLUSIVE: Palin Camp Lashes Out At Levi Johnston's Sister; Says Blog A Front For Palin Hate Group
    Levi is not in the Palin camp and Mercede is accused of lying. The unnamed source is close to both Bristol and Levi: "But a source close to both Bristol and Levi told exclusively that Mercede's shocking claims are completely false."

    Gryph, when will you be able to let us know what is going on? They are trashing Mercede. She is using her name. If the Palin camp truly thought she was lying they would send her a letter first. This is a smear job. I feel so bad for her after reading about her father. Is there anyone that will stand up with her now? Her Wasilla teen friends are vulnerable. They could back her up but the mafia frightens them.

  21. Anonymous4:01 PM

    from the Radaronline story abaove ^:
    "The Palin source continued: "Levi would never confirm or comment to something like this and neither would Bristol.

    "Mercede's claims have been contradicted by her own brother's public statements.

    "Levi has said always said that Bristol's pregnancy was an accident.""

    riiiight. Levi also told Tyra he used condoms all the time except for once...

    I have no problem believing Bristol and Levi TRIED to get pregnant, especially after Grizzly gave away their baby and brought the DS children home.


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