Thursday, June 17, 2010

I think that recent events in Sarah's life might be leading her toward a possible mental breakdown

This is her latest tweet.  Check out how manic it sounds!

Schizophrenic Agenda:just last wk DC claims top priority=JOBS;then=REDUCE DEBT;now=CAP&TAX(exploit tragedy 2 kill jobs/raise taxes)Pls,FOCUS

Damn!  Doesn't she have a helper who is in charge of her medication schedule?

I am goddamn sick and tired of hearing her make the  suggestion that the Obama administration is EXPLOITING the BP tragedy instead of working to make sure it never happens again?  Has SHE spoken to the families of the dead oil workers?  Or to the people in Louisiana who are watching the death of their livelihoods washing up on the beaches? Does she have ANY idea how devastating this crisis is to thousands, and thousands of people living along the Gulf? Or is SHE the one using this to horrible situation to slam the President and attempt to make political points?  I think we all know the answer to that one!

Look I know she has had a shitty week.  She was treated like somebody who should actually know how to answer a reasonable question by Bill O'Reilly, her daughter apparently is now back playing slap and tickle with her arch enemy, and Mercede has started telling truths that she tried desperately to keep hidden from public scrutiny. 

But even still that is NO excuse for being such an incredible heartless bit...fine I will take the high road.....person!


  1. WakeUpAmerica11:58 AM

    Well said. Isn't it time for some pictures of Palin stuck in dog poo in Alaska? Ok, why not all over America?

  2. Anonymous12:06 PM

    It just eats Palin alive that Bristol's playing hide the salami with Ricky Hollywood while she has to imagine hot monkey love with Pat Sajak.

  3. Lisabeth12:17 PM

    I'm sure you have seen the examiner article about you? And Mercedes? Sarah is going insane. Her advisors need to tell her that her constant bashing of Obama is not working! Her ratings are lower then ever and everyone is sick of her blathering negativity.

    Sarah.....focus!!!!!! Americans want solutions not constant whining. You look as old and worn out as your words. Stop taking advantage of this situation. You are projecting and you sound like a nutcase.

  4. Anonymous12:33 PM

    I believe it is called "transference" or sometimes "projection" where all of your thoughts and actions are projected or transfered to an other person. You steal a cookie from the cookie jar and then run to tell mommy that Johnny stole the cookie.

    Lisbeth - she sounds like a nut case because she is a nutcase....duh.

  5. rahsalinpa12:40 PM

    It is just killing her that Obama is President and she isn't.

  6. get real12:40 PM

    “Palin knows more about energy than probably anyone else in the United States of America.”
    -- Sen. John McCain

    Good thing Palin is using all of her expertise to stop the leak in the Gulf. I'm sure BP would appreciate her help.

    Oh that's right, she actually has ZERO expertise. That's why she spends ALL of her time COMPLAINING instead of actually doing something constructive about any real issues.

    What a pathetic excuse for a human being.

  7. angela12:47 PM

    Palin is a test case by the neocons. They want to see how long the American public can listen to high pitched shrieking lunacy and no nothing bullshit before we ram pointed objects in their ears to stop the pain.

  8. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Palin was never mentally sound. This warmed-over modern-day Mona Desmond is on her way down...and out.

  9. Anonymous1:04 PM

    "exploit tragedy 2 kill jobs/raise taxes"

    Gee, wasn't this 9/11?

  10. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Keep it up, Miss Wasilly. The library of ridiculous quotes you're building now will come in handy later.

  11. carrieoki1:19 PM

    WakeUpAmerica, grand idea. I know just where to start!!

  12. I like this post. I think she will have a mental breakdown, because I think she is mentally ill. The only problem is "we" the bloggers, the liberals, will be blamed for her breakdown.

  13. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Sarah doesn't know what to do since she can't hang on to "Drill Baby Drill.". It doesn't appear by her tweet that she understands that they multi-task in DC.

  14. SME1311:34 PM

    Perhaps we should add up all the promises she made and said would be her top priority when she was pretending to be governor and then place that side by side of all the ones she followed through on....that would be a short list.

    Not to mention all the days she was MIA as Governor and no one knew where she was or what she was doing.

    Fuck this bitch and the high horse she rode in on.

  15. Anonymous1:34 PM

    No, Gryphen no!! Now she will make herself sane just to spite you, the way she did when she almost kicked Todd to the curb.

    (Just kidding. She's been delusional for some time now.)

  16. Anonymous1:39 PM

    "exploit tragedy 2 kill jobs"

    Who knew that Sarah Palin was an acolyte of Naomi Klein (Disaster Capitalism)?

  17. WakeUpAmerica1:43 PM

    Yeah, so speaking of schizophrenic, which of her evil personalities was treating today?

  18. Anonymous1:50 PM

    We're just due for another shiny object dangle from this sociopath. A mental breakdown only happens to people that possess a mental to break down. Sarah Palin doesn't qualify.

  19. majii1:50 PM

    Palin can't understand the concept of multitasking. It's too confusing for her to understand how a person can work on more than one thing at a time. She can only focus on one thing: lying 24/7/365.

  20. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Since Sarah Palin does not hold political office it would be in bad taste for her to meet with the family of the workers killed on the oil rig. Nevertheless, I find it hypocritical of you to criticize her for not meeting with them when President Obama, whose job it is, has not met with them.

    Furthermore, as far as her not answering BOR as to what she would do. Again, it is not her job, but she did mention what the Federal Government should do. One thing for sure, she would not have waited 58 days to meet with BP executives and when she would have met with them, the meeting would have probably lasted longer than 20 minutes.

    I realize that logic and the truth is foreign to "progressives", but you would think that once in a while something would seep in. If only by osmosis.

  21. emrysa1:55 PM

    you know she has been told to use that phrase "exploit tragedy" by the same people who exploit situations all the time for their own gain - her handlers/backers. her handlers/backers know all about the shock doctrine because they live by it.

    if sarah's supporters weren't so stupid they might understand what the shock doctrine is and be able to recognize it when it's being played out. the rest of us who know what it is can see that obama is not using that card.

    keep up the insane tweets sarah! they're all part of your resume, lmfao. so is everything on youtube! HA when it comes right down to it, you're fucked. your "body of work" on the internet is an embarrassment.

  22. Anonymous2:02 PM

    All this reminds me of the song: "She's Come Undone". Sarah, if you're reading this, just throw in the towel. You are vacuous and underbred. You are uneducated and vain. You are psychologically stunted and peaked in high-school. Your governorship was a sham and so are you. You are a puppet of neo-cons with ulterior motives. Wait until they throw YOU under the bus like you have done to so many in the past. You lost the election BECAUSE YOU MADE A FOOL OF YOURSELF!! How can you even have the gall to think that you can be on the same level intellectually as the POTUS! After all, he is a Harvard educated law professor. You could barely cobble together credits to finish a BA!

    You need to be under the care of a good psychiatrist.

  23. I've been saying for weeks this woman is on the verge of a severe psychotic break.

    She's not alone. I see several rightwingers seriously in need of professional lock-down help.

  24. WakeUpAmerica2:22 PM

    I meant "tweeting today" :-(

    SME131- Please, don't blame the horse. That's like shooting the messenger.

  25. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Jobs? What does she know about working a job....she quits her posts mostly, and presently as been reported earns $100,000 for a 40-minute speech. Where is her shame? Where is her sense of fairness? Where is her "common sense" seeing as how she gets paid an outrageous amount for doing so little, when nurses stand on their feet 14 to 18 hours a shift and get paid half of what she earns in 40 minutes. Nurses, orderlies, health care professionals, who do outstanding work and make great sacrifices!!

    Criticizing the President for exploiting a situation? From the Queen of exploitation.

    And if she can't control her hateful spew on facebook, what does that say about her mental eligibility as leader of a nation?

  26. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Anon 1:15, sigh, he HAS met with the is harder to lie to us here than to the palinbots, we read.

  27. Anonymous2:46 PM

    There was someone on Chris Matthews show today who explained that there is a law preventing foreign tankers from working in American waters. The law has to be suspended for the emergency in order for foreign boats to be allowed to work off of our shores. But, then Sarah knew that because she has always been keeping a sharp lookout for Putin. You know, he doesn't just rear his head; he could send submarines too, also.

  28. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Anonymous said...@1:53

    Since Sarah Palin does not hold political office it would be in bad taste for her to meet with the family of the workers killed on the oil rig. Nevertheless, I find it hypocritical of you to criticize her for not meeting with them when President Obama, whose job it is, has not met with them.

    Excuse me, but where were you when President Obama DID meet with the families of the dead from the BP tragedy recently? The families thought that he was sincere, heartfelt, and genuinely cared about them. I think it's time for some people to quit watching a certain msm TV channel and see what is really going on in the US, not just the spin from FOX.

  29. Anonymous2:50 PM

    @10:41 Logic and truth are not now and never will be the sole property of conservatives.

    And you represent neither well.

  30. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Yep, yep, yep seems like the energy expert, Corporate Guru and PAID POLITICAL ANALYST could loose her job at FOX if she can't answer BOR questions... don't you think?

  31. Anonymous3:00 PM

    $arah knows all about exploiting, she exploits her children to sell books and keep her name in the headlines. And she is really angry because President Obama did't call and ask her advise. Her quote from Bill-o "they too with the proverbial can't even get a phone call back"

  32. emrysa3:04 PM

    anon at 1:51 sez:

    "Nevertheless, I find it hypocritical of you to criticize her for not meeting with them when President Obama, whose job it is, has not met with them. "

    why the hell it is obama's job to meet with PRIVATE INDUSTRY WORKERS who were killed because of the negligence of their own employer? seriously, what are you on?

  33. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Boy, the one anonymous writing is full of wrong informatiob?! President Obama did meet w/the families of the deceased at the White House and he spent time with each family. Those that spoke about it indicated their time w/the President was wonderful and something they would never forget. And, I'll wager there was a specific reason for him not meeting with the Heads of BP until the time he did. Remember, we have a President who thinks about things BEFORE acting - WHEREAS Palin and McCain would have REACTED immediately without forethought! She is such an idiot putting herself on a par w/the President. Get a grip, Sarah and stay in Wasilla!

  34. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Anon @1:51

    Nicely written, and yet, so untrue.

  35. rahsalinpa3:23 PM

    Anon 1:05

    But guess what??? Obama DID meet the families. Sarah? Is that you?

  36. Anonymous3:28 PM

    anon 1:51 (aka - palinbot): PRESIDENT Obama HAS met with the families. Here's one article from USA Today -

    Turn off Fox News, go to Google, and type in "Obama meets with oil tragedy families" - you'll get over 6,000,000 results.

    anon 1:51 - Like Sarah Pailn, YOU are an idiot.

    (Or maybe you ARE Sarah Palin - who knows)

  37. Forever Anonymous3:28 PM

    O M G, the troll-

    Do they reaally think that the president was not in contact with BP until yesterday?

    What ever happened to Meeting "with preconditions"?

    President Obama met the families of the 11 workers who died on The horizon's explosion and spoke with them individually... and reitereired their plight to the head of BP... and said so in his speech from the oval office......and Fox covered the speech.

    I think I get it....they know feigning ignorance and sticking to their propaganda is totally disconcerting, it gives that uh-oh feeling, and they enjoy that, they are Gaslighters.


  38. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Anon @ 1:51 & 3:18 You need to check your facts - it is on film as to the deceased family members being interviewed about their time w/President Obama. And, if you don't believe my commentary about Palin, you need to vet her much more thoroughly. I'll also add that she is 'in no way' an oil energy expert! And, she is not on a par w/President Obama....I'm from Alaska and have watched her in action. Vet her, vet her, vet her!!!

  39. Anonymous3:51 PM

    The ultimate hypocracy is how Palin constantly contradicts herself every time she opens her mouth. Blabbing about smaller government, less regulation and free market systems, then whining that there's not ENOUGH GOVERNMENT involvement in a catastrophe created by one of the richest companies in the world! Does she think Obama has an oil stopping machine in the White House garage and just doesn't care enough to use it? SHE IS SUCH AN IDIOT!

  40. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Anon !:15..How many days did it take Saint Sarah with a servants heart to get off her ass and fly in with groceries, a preacher and a plate of cookies for the Alaskan Natives who were starving and freezing while she was Governor??

  41. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Anon 2:46, yes Palin knows all about the Jones Act requiring American union to crew boats in US waters. Has been a bone of contention in Alaska for many years, reason why many cruise ships originate in Canada.

  42. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Obama spent a whopping 50 minutes with the Deep Horizon families almost 2 months after the tragedy. He brought his dog Bo.

    He was there the day a memorial service was scheduled but he couldn't attend, had to go to California for a fundraiser for "call me Senator" Boxer.

  43. Anonymous4:09 PM

    No matter what happens, do not feel sorry for Sarah. She is evil incarnate!

  44. Anonymous4:19 PM

    I hope Lady Blah Blah keeps spewing..she was never ready for the National political stage..she could not resist the its all back firing on her. She's unstable and not an intellectual..its only a matter of time that she completely comes undone...

  45. angela4:25 PM

    Anon 4:03
    Hmmmm. Bitter tears. What must it be like to be so bitter? And the President brought Bo . . . . ? Uh---don't people like dogs? Doesn't Bo live in the White House? Dogs are very comforting. They actually have comfort dogs in hospitals. Americans love dogs.
    The families said that they had been comforted. What's your problem? Are you just a hater? You didn't want these people to feel better?

    And by the way—It was not President Obama's company that killed 10 men. I believe that was BP. Wow--you people are serious losers.

  46. nswfm4:27 PM

    Anonymous said...

    No matter what happens, do not feel sorry for Sarah. She is evil incarnate!
    4:09 PM

    Hear, hear!

    After her stupid death panels quote screwed up so much last year, I figured unless her LEGITIMATE medical records reveal she is schizophrenic or a manic depressive, she's just a complete fuck up, not worthy of sympathy. If she does have a legitimate mental illness [born with it, thus not her fault, (but "god did it")] and isn't being treated for it, I hold her family, doctors and handlers responsible, Barring that, she's a complete jackass.

  47. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Really, President Obama shouldn't have to go visit the victim's families. Gee whiz. It's logical that the employer's should reach out, not the president. Why do people think this? Anyway, he did it.
    Sarah was acting schizophrenic when she built a fence in less than 24 hours between her house and the rental next door because a renowned author was moving in to write an article about her rise in politics. duh. - projection is right -

  48. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Man, it IS like shooting fish in a barrel with these 'palinbots' !

    Anon 4:03, read this (if you can) from CNN:

    Washington (CNN) -- President Barack Obama met at the White House on Thursday (6/10) with the families of the 11 workers killed in the BP oil rig explosion.

    OK< did you read it ? Comprehend it ?

    The meeting was at the White House, so of course his dog Bo would be there.

    And do you have any idea what a President's daily schedule looks like ? That it is prepared weeks in advance ?

    By the way, tell me how many families of Katrina victims were invited to the White House by Bush ? (answer=ZERO)

  49. WakeUpAmerica4:40 PM

    Anon@1:51, wow, just wow!! What are you and your friends smoking? Sure helps you "Spin, Baby, spin." Could you be any more disingenuous? Have you heard of the word "research"? Do you know what a fact is? Oh wait. Is that you, Sarah "Lie, Baby, lie" Palin?

  50. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Uh oh - I think anon 1:51 is my idiot cousin. Completely sounds like her - believes whatever FOX tells he and has no concept of reality/thinking for oneself. Sorry!


  51. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Sarah Palin's latest tweet is the most schizophrenic morsel of writing she has ever issued! You can't make this stuff up. WHO is the one with the "schizophrenic agenda"? A calm, well-organized, intelligent president who, thank God, has the ability and intellectual acumen to multitask and deal with several complex problems at once, or a screeching banshee, who knows nothing else but writing "schizophrenic" tweets about topics she knows NOTHING about! She's losing it.

  52. Anonymous5:10 PM

    If Sarah Palin has a mental breakdown will the stupid stop?

  53. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Anon 3:59 and whats wrong with union crew member on boats in US waters? I guess all those enormous cruise ships I saw on the Seattle docks were in Canadian waters.

  54. Anonymous5:29 PM

    The sign of a successful thread here is when the bots have to raise some argument which is so easily shot down. They are reading here, and they really can't take the criticism. Imagine if someone with such thin skin actually held an important political office. Oh yes, she once did, and the complaints hounded her from office.

  55. Forever Anonymous5:45 PM

    Hey Gryphen, saw this title on Andrew Sullivan and thought you may like it:

    'Getting Shit Done II'

  56. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Oh boy G. You really have the Palin fanatics riled. lol Good for you.


  57. Anonymous5:56 PM

    It is making her crazy that she has had no perceptible traction with the latest blather about the Gulf spill and Obama.

  58. mommom5:56 PM

    Silly Sara Paylin was sitting by her phone,waiting with bated breath,for President Obama to call and ask her to be the new head of the Mineral Management agency.When the call did not come,she lost her last few marbles.

  59. Anonymous6:35 PM

    A friend of mine had friends visit her from the midwest. They were rather excited about the Sarah phenomenon. My friend shrugged her shoulders and said most Alaskans didn't think much of her because of her lack of leadership, work ethics, etc. Her friends did the tourist thing for a week, and reported back to her, telling her she was right; they talked to dozens of Alaskans and only two people had anything favorable to say about Sarah. Maybe they will watch the news with new eyes, and listen with new ears. My Alaskan Republican co-workers roll their eyes when her name comes up.

  60. Anonymous6:58 PM


    Sociopath: HOW TO KNOW

    The big question is, of course, how can you know whether someone is a sociopath or not? It is a difficult question and even experts on the subject can be fooled. Ask yourself these questions:

    1. Do you often feel used by the person?

    2. Have you often felt that he (or she) doesn't care about you?

    3. Does he/she lie and deceive you?

    4. Does he tend to make contradictory statements?

    5. Does he tend to take from you and not give back much?

    6. Does he often appeal to pity? Does he seem to try to make you feel sorry for him?

    7. Does he try to make you feel guilty?

    8. Do you sometimes feel he is taking advantage of your good nature?

    9. Does he seem easily bored and need constant stimulation?

    10. Does he use a lot of flattery? Does he interact with you in a way that makes you feel flattered even if he says nothing overtly complimentary?

    11. Does he make you feel worried? Does he do it obviously or more cleverly and sneakily?

    12. Does he give you the impression you owe him?

    13. Does he chronically fail to take responsibility for harming others? Does he blame everyone and everything but himself?

    And does he do these things far more than the other people in your life? If you answered "yes" to many of these, you may be dealing with a sociopath. For sure you're dealing with someone who isn't good for you, whatever you want to call him.

    I like Martha Stout's way of detecting sociopaths: "If ... you find yourself often pitying someone who consistently hurts you or other people, and who actively campaigns for your sympathy, the chances are close to one hundred percent that you are dealing with a sociopath."


    This is an interesting question. Of course most of our purposes are strongly influenced by our connections and affections with others. Our relationships with others, and our love for them, give us most of the meaning in life. So if a sociopath doesn't have these things, what is left? What kind of purposes do they have?

    The answer is chilling: They want to win...

    Yes! That's right you fools. Sister Sarah is a PSYCHOPATH! For more info, click on this link:

  61. Palin was in over her head as Governor, just as she was in over her head as an appointed Oil and Gas Commissioner.

    She was only elected as Gov because people were sick and tired of Frank Murkowski. The Oil and Gas position was given to her because Frank M., for all of his flaws, could not in his heart give up his Senate seat to a complete idiot. He and Lisa (his daughter) were willing to put up with all of the charges of nepotism in order to keep the dimwit, undereducated snowbilly from holding any position of power in Washington.

    Sarah Palin's place in life is to be the "runner up" to more qualified and smarter people. She never tries to better herself, she just keeps creating her own history and keeps trying to make it better and better.

    She's just a dumbass, plain and simple and she will always play second fiddle to people who actually try to succeed, whether on the basketball court, in beauty pageants, in punditry, or in politics. Look at how Bill O'Reilly has suddenly put her on the hot spot and made her look stupid. He's supposed to be a Fox News Friendly....

    She will be bested by those with smarts and gumption and she can't do a thing about that. She doesn't have a proactive bone in her body, she just feeds off being second best and playing to the most stupid people in our country. That must keep her up at night.

  62. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Does she mean split personality disorder? A lot of people say schizophrenic when they mean split personality. Does she think DC is delusional? I don't see how these things that are DC's priorities are in any way delusional.

    From we get this definition of a schizophrenia:

       /ˌskɪtsəˈfriniə, -ˈfrinyə/ Show Spelled[skit-suh-free-nee-uh, -freen-yuh] Show IPA
    1.Psychiatry. Also called dementia praecox. a severe mental disorder characterized by some, but not necessarily all, of the following features: emotional blunting, intellectual deterioration, social isolation, disorganized speech and behavior, delusions, and hallucinations.

    2.a state characterized by the coexistence of contradictory or incompatible elements.

  63. Anonymous at 6;58 PM; good research. Good comment. Thank you. You are mostly preaching to the choir here, but maybe an errant troll or two will read and pay attention. You never know.

  64. Kudos to Palinbot at 1:51pm. You actually write pretty well, whilst supporting the Palin person.

    If you truly are this intelligent, why would you bother to take the time defend her?

    That is what I will never, ever, understand. How any intelligent person would give her the time of day, much less support her.


  65. Anonymous11:18 PM

    " Keep it up, Miss Wasilly. The library of ridiculous quotes you're building now will come in handy later. per 1:16 PM "

    Does she not realize ALL her tweets will documented to proved that she is mentally ill?

  66. Anonymous11:28 PM

    I personally think she is seriously BI-Polar and having so maniac episodes, and not taking the proper medications. People can do well with this health situation, they just need to be under treatment, hopefully a good Dr. and medications.

  67. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Sarah must be pissed that Levi is getting into what she produced.


    Sarah's root problem which directs the HATE CAMPAIGN she wages against Obama lies first in her belief since early childhood that SHE is the most beautiful creation in all the universe. One can only imagine the ego shattering blow it was to the little racist bigot teenager's ego to be beat out of HER Beauty Queen crown by a.... gasp...nig....!

    Sarah must have carried that defeat as a personal insult, letting it quietly fester deep inside all these years until old McFuddy threw her into the spotlight and watched, panting and lusting as she blew his campaign for the presidency all to hell. Once again she placed as an ALSO RAN on the political stage for the whole world to see, beaten by...... what else??? ...a nig.....!!! A blow her grandiose self perception could not deal with as it reopened the festering racist bigot which has been growing like a cancer inside her for years.

    So filled with rage and hate that she cannot spew out enough garbage poor Sarah keeps going out of her way to attract the attention of our President in the guise of wanting to chastise him or taunting and challenging him to give him ADVICE? Many women act this way when they have overwhelming sexual feelings for someone of color which severely conflicts with their lifelong racism and bigotry. So go get help Sarah, Obama is busy being president, (without you) he has a beautiful, young sexy wife who no doubt could beat you in a beauty contest and she has more class and intelligence in her little finger than you have in your whole sagging ass!

    So give it up Sarah old girl and face it, you may be MILF to old republican geezers but OBAMA IS JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU!!! HAHAHA

  69. Anne In DC8:29 AM

    @6:59 a.m:

    You have summed up the Palin pathology quite eloquently. Her obsession with President Obama is unlike anything I have ever seen before in U.S. politics. The only parallel situation I can think of is that of Geraldine Ferraro. In spite of being on the losing presidential team in 1984, she conducted herself with class and dignity, going on to quietly lead a productive life. Of course, there were issues in her private life, but she didn't act like a spoiled child when she and Mondale lost to Reagan and George Bush the father. And, yes, Palin's obsession with Obama does tend to make one wonder if there isn't something there more than hatred and sour grapes.

    She is not only a bigot, but she also has a huge sense of entitlement. For those reasons, the nation's rejection of her and McClown proved to be a psychological blow that she has not recovered from. The fact that she is still campaigning as if it were still 2008 speaks volumes about where she still is.

    What's even worse are the brain-dead arguments of those who defend her. I can't even count how many times have I heard or read asinine comments like "She has more executive experience than Obama;" "She would beat him in a landslide;" "Liberal women are jealous of her because she's pretty and hot."

    There are so many women either in politics or related to politicians who have all the class and dignity that this bonehead will never have on her best day. They are younger than she is, like the Bush twins and Chelsea Clinton. They are also the same age as she, like Michelle Obama. And they are older, like Hillary Clinton. They have more than enough on the ball not to be so needy for attention that they would do and say stupid things to stay in the public eye.

    As for giving the president "advice," it is so obvious that she wishes SHE were president. And what makes it even funnier is that she is in NO position to give any kind of advice in the first place.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.