Sunday, June 13, 2010

Gee I can hardly wait for the Israeli government to get to the bottom of this mystery.

From the AP:

Israel has proposed an inquiry commission into its bloody attack on a Gaza-bound flotilla two weeks ago, to be headed by a retired Israeli judge and to include two high-ranking foreign observers.

A government statement said the "independent public commission" proposal would be brought before Israel's Cabinet on Monday for approval.

First we allowed BP to lead the operation to plug the leak in the Gulf and clean up the spilled oil, now Israel is going to look into why they illegally boarded a humanitarian flotilla in international waters, and next I assume that Wile E. Coyote will be assigned to find out why the roadrunner has suddenly turned up missing.

When did everybody get so damn gullible?


  1. Anonymous10:32 PM

    You are the gullible one. Not every boat was filled with only Humanitarian aid. Like other misinformed people, you are utterly clueless and naive about Hamas. You know the insane hate filled anti-Semitic,anti-US terrorists elected by the Palestinians. You're very gullible if you think the entire purpose of the flotilla movement was to bring humanitarian aid. Now you hate Israel because Sarah supports them. That's just great. Since when is it up to us, you, me or the USA to judge every single thing Israel does. They are their own country.

  2. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Please. Don't even go there. At least offer something of substance. Say what you think and why.

    If we could all just get it on how there came to be an Israel in the first place. Starting there and moving forward to now.
    The very righteous and noble position of objecting inhumane actions by governments DOES NOT require that we disregard historical events that lead to it.

  3. womanwithsardinecan5:31 AM

    The roadrunner is missing?

  4. also too, Why did hamas reject the 20+ trucks of offloaded goods from the flotilla? 2 reasons. they dont really need the goods and the purpose of the flotilla was to break the legal blockade. they stated as much.

  5. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Murder is wrong no matter who commits it.

    To point out the unacceptable behaviour of others does not excuse one's own unacceptable behaviour.

    The people of the world need better than this.

  6. Anonymous6:02 AM

    I agree with you Gryphen. Gullible is right.
    Your asking for trouble though, as the annoyomous posters said. This is a very sensitive subject and will bring alot of heat.

    Good luck with that...

  7. Anonymous6:13 AM

    It is way too easy to let snark speak for substance. I have to agree with anon @10:32. There is much more to this story than a group of innocent peace activists trying to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza. Many people on the other ships were well intentioned (if not naïve), and they were not harmed. Perhaps the loss of life on the one ship could have been avoided, and hopefully we will learn more about what exactly transpired, but to assume that Hamas does not figure prominently in this equation is very gullible indeed.

    It floors me when the left looks and acts as brainwashed as Sarah’s bots by jumping on the bandwagon of a “progressive” mantra without showing any interest in obtaining facts and understanding the complexities involved. At least the bots have a good excuse as most of them are brain-dead to begin with, and their knowledge of history comes from the likes of Glen Beck.

    There is no excuse for laziness among capable people who claim to be all about truth and justice. A lot of what I am hearing from the left about this situation (and the Arab-Israeli conflict in general) is as simple-minded and sanctimonious as Sarah Palin's unconditional "love" for Israel. I hope we can do better.

  8. Anonymous7:53 AM

    I agree with Gryphen in that an independent commission should be investigating, not one with an obvious bias. That's simply common sense.

  9. womanwithsardinecan8:01 AM

    As far as I've been able to tell over the years, both Israel and Hamas are assholes, liars, and killers, but nobody is allowed to talk about it. Fuck 'em all. Too bad there are always innocent people killed.

  10. Anonymous9:46 AM

    The fox, having already killed a few chickens, having aready lied and altered evidence, is going to investigate itself.

    And the US is facilitating this comedy noir. What the F is Obama doing going along with this. Nobody is going to believe the findings, so why the red nose and pantaloons act? Why go out of his way to support the farce?

  11. Anonymous9:51 AM

    "...but to assume that Hamas does not figure prominently in this equation is very gullible indeed."

    Since Hamas is the democratically elected government of the Palestinian territory, of course they figure in the governing of their ports.

  12. emrysa9:57 AM

    "Not every boat was filled with only Humanitarian aid."

    says who? it wouldn't be the same people who are trying to justify their actions, would it?

    and I'm with womanwithsardinecan: fuck all of them. they've done nothing but drag this world down for the past 40 years and they're losing friends and allies every day because of it. people are tired of it.

    7:53 is correct. it's only common sense to have an international incident investigated by an independent party. amazing that some would think otherwise. these same people will holler "fox guarding the henhouse" about other incidents, but when it comes to this one well that's just fine. total double standard. just like the double standard 'when our friends are violent and kill people that's okay, but when our enemies do it it is a problem' - the brats in this region will continue to lose support every day because of these double standards espoused by their cult followings..

  13. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Wartime action is NOT called "murder". Maybe it should be - it certainly seems like it is murder, doesn't it?

    The flotilla. Not humanitarian aid, they NEVER said they were, they've been very honest and clear about intentions. It's media and humanitarian-focused general public who have recreated the narrative. This is not a natural disaster, it's not a hurricane or earthquake. This is the Middle East at war.
    They are making a political statement and attempting to use living human beings to influence war-time policy that is widely viewed as inhumane conduct. A significant number of the organization participated as human shields when the U.S. began its agression towards Iraq and Sudam Hussein. I make no judgement on whether or not this is a good or bad thing - I'm identifying the facts of it.
    It doesn't diminish good intentions and nobility of cause to identify it exactly as it is.
    It is what it is.
    On all of these boats, the individuals ARE well-intentioned, but they know exactly what they are doing, with intent and purpose.

    From the Free Gaza website:
    This movement is an international nonviolent resistance project to challenge Israel’s siege of Gaza. Israel claims that Gaza is no longer occupied, yet Israeli forces control Gaza by land, sea and air. We’ll enter Gaza from international waters at the invitation of Palestinian NGOs but without Israeli authorization, thereby recognizing Palestinian control over their own borders.

    Supplies and equipment
    Passengers will take basic necessities and electronic devices. Journalists, technicians and crew may also bring tools and equipment. Larger vessels will have at least one satellite phone with high-speed data transfer. Provisions, including food, water and medical supplies, will be laid aboard for an extended period at sea. We will also carry relief supplies to the people of Gaza, but this isn’t a primary part of our mission."

  14. Anonymous12:16 PM

    The Holocaust was then, and now is now.

    Cut Israel loose. Now.

  15. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Here's the "journalist" on Mavi Marmara. It's important to remember that none of them were neutral. All of them were committed to this 'pacifist' action.
    I'm not saying 'wrong' or 'right', just what it is.

    Here's original links for those of you who read Turkish.


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