Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Mike Huckabee makes cocaine joke at Sarah Palin's expense.

You know if Sarah WERE using cocaine that WOULD explain a lot now wouldn't it?

Somehow I think that Huckabee is about to feel the "wrath of the Palin-bots".


  1. Anonymous7:02 PM

    so to clarify- Sarah thinks that marijuana shouldn't be legalized because then kids will be more apt to use it. So we need MORE govt in our lives? Shouldn't WE be in control of our children, Sarah? And the law has so far kept how many of your kids away from illegal drugs or alcohol? Thank goodness for strong parenting, right?

  2. laprofesora7:14 PM

    What is up with that hair??? And her eyes look seriously crossed. The way she talks about smoking a "joint" sounds like she she be hanging around the local pool hall instead of the Oval Office. She's an idiot.

  3. Great... two mean-spirited Christianists going at each other's throats.

    As Jehovah intended.

    Why, yes, I do like butter on my popcorn!

  4. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Naaah! They are siblings in Christ. She probably asked him to do that so she might look like a grown up.

  5. Anonymous7:33 PM

    I am from Arkansas. Former home of Governor Huckster. They are alot alike in many ways. He always had his hand out when he was our governor..expensive gifts, etc. Both very much share the same values (?). The BIG difference is that he didn't quit his job and was governor for nine years, compared to her nineteen months. Truthfully, I think he can handle the wrath of the Palin-bots and Sarah. I am no fan of either of these two, but face to face on anything he'd win.

    BTW who advises this woman on her wardrobe and hair. She gives true meaning to what my mother told a long, long time ago "You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear" You betcha!

  6. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Everyone knows Matanuska Gold is the best. Support your local buisiness

  7. Anonymous8:15 PM

    So that is where the smokers lines around her mouth came from. Huck is onto something. Go Huck.

  8. Huckabee should have made the joke about Oxycontin and Track Palin instead.

  9. Anonymous9:55 PM

    I think that elsewhere in the original interview, Sarah admitted to smoking pot, but she said that she did not enjoy it.

    Judging from Sarah's habit of talking quickly and non stop without a breath, I don't think that it's cocaine. It think that it is some of Wasilla's finest home made stuff. Sarah does not sit still; she is a body that is constantly in motion, and her speech delivery is rapid fire fast. Yup, Wasilla's finest.

  10. Anonymous10:44 PM

    I don't believe there is much love lost between Mooselini and Schmuckabee. She's his competition for 2012. The contempt is palpable.

  11. For once Sarah actually said something good and useful. Bravo.

  12. holy crap..I agree with her and he was funny. go fire one up huck and then hit on your wife for some nookie and a some cookies!

  13. Anonymous3:31 AM

    Wow, they listed her name as "Fmr. Governor." I hadn't noticed them use "former" before this.

  14. Anonymous4:28 AM

    He is a jerk too, if he thinks saying stuff like will help get him elected. Not very presidential, either of them.

  15. Huckabee has a sense of humor, which is more than can be said for Sarah. Sarah only seems to laugh when someone else is being ridiculed, a mark of a true wacko.

  16. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Her commonsense continues to be vomitous, but as her 'speeches' and 'interviews' continue to show, at least she hasn't grown [tremendously] in this whole process. Thank god she no longer has the ability to bully and intimidate the Alaska State Troopers or any law enforcement in the country and world. This book review on her ridiculous memoir pegs Sarah at the very core:

    [And] when a state trooper pulls Chuck and her over for barrelling down a wintery road on a snowmobile, she describes it as "a couple of kids" being hassled by "a big dude with a gun and a badge". Her words: "I couldn't help wondering about his priorities; I wondered if he really didn't have better things to do, like arresting a bad guy, or maybe helping a poor old lady haul in her firewood for the night. Looking back, maybe that was my first brush with the skewed priorities of government."

    And so it goes. It doesn't seem to matter to Palin if she breaks the law – when she's at the helm, it's all fun and games, minor transgressions, rollicking rituals of small-town good cheer. What some might see as behaviour in persistent disregard for the safety and wellbeing of others, she frames as exhilarating pioneer prowess. Why did the mean old state trooper have to pick on her? She and her brother were good, God-fearing patriots, not "bad guys". Despite her professed devotion to law and order, police power and military might, the unlucky trooper who stood in the way of her own vehicular misadventures became a threat, a twisted tool of "government".


  17. Anonymous5:46 AM

    As an Alaskan gal, I never did cotton to experimenting with pot even with our confusing possession laws on the matter.

    But wow, ol Huckabee took the seemingly innocuous weed into a helluva a gateway drug having Sarah snort a few lines. Why not have her tap a vein and shoot heroin? How about having her become a crack whore? : )

    If mutiny within Fox ranks is starting to show like with the BOR interview on the Oil Spill, this is a microcosm of what Sarah faces from the LSM when she launches her POTUS 2012 campaign. No wonder she continues to avoid unscripted and unfriendly press venues.

    This woman is toast.

  18. Anonymous6:23 AM

    5:46 - truer words were never spoken re: 2012. NO WAY Miss Umbrage will be able to handle a run for any length of time.

  19. I, for one, am going to enjoy watching the Republican party chew Palin up and spit her out like the gristle that she is.

  20. Anonymous7:16 AM

    As the sign says: Palin, the End is NEAR!

    First O'Reiley, now Huck a chuck.
    Next up to bat?

  21. mommom8:59 AM

    Huckabee wins no prizes from me,but the man is truly religious.I believe he knows Mrs PAYlin is fake religious,and he despises her for it.I dont think either one can win the POTUS ,but the abject terror that I feel at the thought of Mrs PAYlin at the helm is not felt for Huckabee.If he won,I am sure the country would survive,and the Congress would become stacked with Dems in a backlash to his conservatism,keeping him from enacting too much religious right crap.

  22. @mommom

    Bigots can't be religious and Huckabee is a bigot. Jesus loves everybody unconditionally; man trying to convince himself and others that this is not true is tiresome.

  23. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Hmmmm. It looks like her backdrop has been photo shopped. Is that a shot of downtown if you were facing the water and they added the mountains in the background? And what mountain range is that? It looks a bit augmented for Anchorage.


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