Monday, June 14, 2010

Newsweek compares Sarah Palin's speaking abilities to those of new South Carolina senate nominee Alvin Greene's. That is not fair. After all one of them is clearly mentally deficient and is being given a handful of sound bites to respond to complex questions from journalists, and the other is Sarah Pal.....wait.

From Newsweek:

Repetition seems to be the most obvious of Greene’s tics. How many campaign fliers did he print? “Hundreds. Maybe thousands. Hundreds. Maybe a hundred. I don’t know exactly.” Did he show pornography to a university student, and ask to go up to her room? “I’m on the not-guilty side of things. I have to be. I mean, I mean, I mean. I have no comment, I mean.”

Greene doesn’t improve once he begins to speak at length. On the subject of those obscenity charges: “Folks should be given a chance to correct themselves. Somebody could just be trying to get somebody in trouble. You see, somebody, you know—you just can’t work around somebody. It’s hard. I’m just trying to talk about something, frankly. I’m just trying to talk from my perspective.”

And then there was this, in response to a question from MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann about how, given his stealth campaign, South Carolinians could have known who they were voting for:

“I think that, you know, I think that they—they saw—I think that they, you know, I just think that they recognize, I think that they, they heard of my name when I was campaigning across the state, you know, to just pass the word on. Just by word of mouth. I just got the word around, you know. It was not—look. I had 60 percent of the vote. I had 60 percent of the vote. Sixty percent of the vote is not luck. That’s a decisive wins [sic]."

Wow, that is clearly somebody who has virtually NO idea what has is talking about or what he has gotten himself into.

But is it fair to compare him to Sarah Palin?

Here are a few nuggets from Palin:

“Well, let’s see,” Palin said to CBS News’s Katie Couric, on the subject of Supreme Court rulings she disagreed with. “There's, of course in the great history of there have been rulings, that's never going to be absolute consensus by every American. And there are those issues, again, like Roe v. Wade, where I believe are best held on a state level and addressed there. So you know, going through the history of , there would be others but—” Couric finally cut Palin off.

The vigilant linguists at Slate attempted to diagram another of Palin’s malapropisms: “I know that John McCain will do that and I, as his vice president, families we are blessed with that vote of the American people and are elected to serve and are sworn in on Jan. 20, that will be our top priority is to defend the American people.”

You know everytime I read something she said, or hear her speak I am once again amazed that anybody can take her seriously.

I have actually resisted comparing Sarah Palin to Alvin Greene, because for one thing it is kind of an easy shot, but also because I really feel that Mr. Greene is doing he best that he can while struggling with some sort of mental health issue.  And yes I know the same claim could be used in referring to Palin but I believe that it is more accurate to say that she COULD do a better job of answering questions and expressing her self if she was not so intellectually lazy and not so used to getting by on her looks and "charisma". She would never come off as intelligent but she could still improve.

I kind of wonder if Newsweek did not post this story in response to the slam that Palin gave Newsweek on Greta Van Susteren's show on Saturday?

PALIN (Referring to Newsweek articel "Saint Sarah"): Haven't seen it, but if the title and what I hear about the content is any indication of where Newsweek is going, it's no wonder that Newsweek is doing so poorly. People are not reading that stuff. It's not relevant. It's not interesting stuff that they're making up and writing. And that's why they're going down.


  1. Anonymous8:52 AM

    They are both similar in lots of ways. Except one is black and the other is white trash.

  2. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Newsweek lost $30 million in 09, losses are skyrocketing in 10 and the magazine is for sale. Circulation is at 1966 levels, ad sales are at an all time low.

    Newsweek will join Portfolio and dozens of other magazines on the scrap heap.

  3. Anonymous8:59 AM

    From my experience as a teacher, it is obvious that Sarah Palin is not a reader.

    She, along with G.W. Bush, both suffer from an inability to create coherent sentences and a tendency to ramble - stringing together several unrelated thoughts in inappropriate order.

    People who read widely and consistently seem to have a stronger sense of syntax as well as a better vocabulary. Readers seem to have a more orderly mind. They understand how to communicate their thoughts in a coherent manner.

    Sarah is not a reader. I suspect she may even have learning disabilities that stifle curiosity. I agree that she seems intellectually lazy, but I wonder if there is a larger problem causing her to shy away from learning more about the subjects so vital to her success. It could be why she had to change colleges so often. Children with learning disabilities often go to extreme lengths to avoid hide their problems because they don't understand that they aren't problems to be ashamed of, simply problems that need to be addressed.

  4. Anonymous9:04 AM

    "... People are not reading that stuff. It's not relevant. It's not interesting stuff that they're making up and writing. And that's why they're going down...."
    -Sarah Palin

    Is the billy talking about Going Rogue?

  5. Lower 48er9:05 AM

    Maybe there can be an Alvin Greene - Sarah Palin ticket in 2012.

    BTW, I think that her speaking abilities have been improving lately. She may have gotten up to 7th grade level by now.

  6. Enjay in E MT9:13 AM

    Alvin Greene fr SC will be an interesting story? How did he get on the ballot in the first place? Who is he & why does he want to represent SC? I believe he be a ringer- someone is pulling his strings.

    Hard to believe we knew more in 24 hrs about Joe the Plumber than a week with this guy.

    Obviously, Sista Sarah learned
    If you can't dazzle them with brilliance - baffle them with BullSh*t.

  7. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Looks like the people that brought us Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush and Sarah Paylin have expanded their realm of influence to providing the Democrats with hand picked candidates. And some of these same people insist on closed primaries because of fears that the other party will vote for the waker of therepublican candidates. How very very aragont.

  8. Anonymous9:34 AM

    All other issues aside, isn't Palin condemned by her own snark. She cannot utter without denigrating some one or some thing.

    How could she possibly work with and deal with Congress persons if she constantly insults?
    The answer based on her efforts with the Alaskan legislature is she doesn't function well even with her own party.

    How much damage could she do in foreign relations with her snarky mouth?

    I have a feeling Mr. Greene is such a loss to his handlers that either they will have to show themselves (who was the lawyer he had for the Olbermann interview?) to shore him up and defend his win, or they have already slunk away to try to hide.

    The RNC has had a practice since 1980ish of finding incredibly dumb candidates to elect. Every time you think they can’t possibly put up anyone more vacuous they find another even worse off.

    Palin, Bachmann, even Cantor and Boeher are pathetic jokes.

    Who ever put up Mr. Greene has perpetrated an act of true cruelty. He has been used, he apparently doesn't like the spot light but he has been put there so that the world can see his inadequacies. That is a terrible thing to do to a human being's dignity and sense of self worth.

    I'll stick my neck out and say it is not all that much less worse that putting a human being before a crowd of strangers, and offering that human up for bidding.

  9. Anonymous9:40 AM

    It's great that they are pointing out the other (want to be) candidate that can't speak in coherent sentences.

  10. Anonymous9:46 AM

    During Greene's interview with Keith Olbermann; I got the distinct impression Greene was repeating things that were spoken into an earpiece he might have been wearing.
    He fingered both ears like adjusting a piece, and hesitated quite a bit before giving answers of any kind.

    If someone is feeding him answers, the public deserves to know who it is.

  11. Methinks Newsweek is getting even. Palin was angry that they used her "Running World" cheesecake photo on the cover.
    The MSM receives her wrath ("Lame-street media!")
    almost daily.
    Only a matter of time before all of them, any of them, give her a taste of her own medicine.

  12. womanwithsardinecan10:12 AM

    To be fair, Mr Greene seems to have some sort of mental deficiency rather than a mental health issue. At least that's how he seems to me. Sarah has a personality disorder. She may also be mentally ill, but mostly she seems to just be a raging narcissist with only average intelligence and all sorts of chips on her shoulders. Do they still call that neurosis in the mental health field? And she's a sociopath with an external locus. Greene seems like he may have an external locus too, but not to Sarah's extent. Mr. Greene seems like a dull-witted plodder with less than stellar moral standards. But he gets points for being a vet. Sarah gets no points for anything.

  13. The fact that this fraud was ever taken seriously is still something that I wonder about often..

    WATCH and WEEP
    Foreign countries are our neighbors. They're in the state that I'm the executive of...

  14. Anonymous10:21 AM

    The first time that I heard Sarah speak (without a script) she reminded me of a fellow I knew in high school. Whenever the teacher was about to announce a short quiz, that guy's hand would shoot up, and he asked a question. But he didn't stop there, he kept on and on, filling the space with empty rhetoric, repeating the question and sometimes even answering it. He kept going until the bell rang, and it was all that everyone could do to keep from applauding. He was a master at the game, and every time he opened his mouth in class, everyone just sat back in their seats, closed their books and admired his skill at stalling.

    From the moment that I watched Sarah, she had the same ability to say nothing and take a long time saying it. Sarah has added those winks, facial tics, voice inflections that say high school mean girl, and a phony folksy way of droppin' the endin' of words. Dang, she's good at it, and it's a pity that she has been getting away with it for so long.

    Green was being coached by an off screen lawyer. He doesn't know the answers, and he thought that all he had to do was lend his name in return for whatever payment was offered. He does not want to be seen on camera, and that is where he and Sarah are different. Sarah craves the attention, cameras, lights and will say any stupid thing to stay in the media.

  15. Green is not like Sarah. Whether he has extreme PTSD or a brain injury at least he has an excuse for how he speaks. Sarah is just stupid.

    If he is being used to use a man who gave 13 years of his life to the armed force is despicable.

    He returned home last August when he was involuntarily forced out of the Army after a 13-year career. "Things just weren't working ... it was hard to say." Greene said. He had served as an intelligence specialist in the Air Force and later as a unit supply specialist in the Army.

  16. emrysa10:38 AM

    alvin greene won the race because that's who republicans want to run against in the general election.

    it's alot easier to commit fraud during a primary because generally, no one is looking for fraud. so get it over with during a primary, then you won't have to do anything during the general election, when people will be scrutinizing the vote.

    both a brilliant and evil strategy.

  17. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Gryphen, I think you meant:

    "After all, one of them....."

    She needs bringing down YESTERDAY...before she's PLACED in the Whitehouse. 2000 and '04 were stolen, it's been documented.
    We're stupid if we believe that WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN. Seriously.

  18. Anonymous10:59 AM

    The genius of Sarah Palin is that from her start in politics she knew that if you're white, pretty, pretend to be Christian, have a compelling personal "story", love guns and are willing to say and do anything to beat your opponent, issues and aptitude don't matter. Now that we have an articulate, intelligent, thoughtful, but black president for her to attack, they love her even more. Alvin Green doesn't have any of these things, so he's going to go down as a joke and a disgrace, like she should have years ago when she was running for mayor of Wasilla.

    The funny thing is though, the Republicans have invited the devil into their tent and let her remake their entire party in her image. They will sink or soar with her. Based on her track record, what do you think is going to happen??? Another thing, if the Republicans cannot manage to ride Sarah Palin to decisive victory in 2010, they won't get another chance. There are fewer and fewer places in America where her no-nothing con game still works. The old south is getting browner and her pretty is fading fast.

  19. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Someone mentioned that Mr. Greene must have had answers fed to him through an earpiece.

    Possibly, but really, if you listen to the interview he had with Keith, you can actually hear the voice of someone telling him what to say. You do have to turn the sound up a bit to catch it, but there is someone feeding him the lines. He even looks over to the person at one point.

  20. Thank you womanwithsardinecan for pointing out that Sarah Palin too (in addition to Greene) has her own "mental health issue." This is not to disparage folks who have mental health issues, as I work in that field, but I don't know about Greene (have not watched or listened to those interviews) but Palin is crazy! Bona fide, get the straight jacket and lock her up, crazy. Yes, Palin/Greene 2012.

  21. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Is it my imagination, or does the RNC have a recent history of choosing "candidates" who are light years short of any intelligence or intellectual curiosity? All the better for those geniuses behind the scenes who are pulling their strings and putting words into their mouths. They don't want the puppets mulling over the motives or agenda behind them--just keep on talkin' and takin' the cash. While Sarah has several obvious (and dangerous) issues, she's valuable to the GOP machine in that she's a complete HAM in front of a dumbed-down, unquestioning and adoring audience (sociopathic narcissist). She's a chameleon who can easily conform to any group she plays to while dutifully spouting the party line/hatespeak. The unfortunate Mr. Green...not so much. I feel for him, and know that when the truth outs, the smarmy GOP and their media monolith will somehow make the situation boomerang against him.

  22. Anonymous11:58 AM


    The term neurosis encompasses a variety of very common mental health disorders. Neurosis is actually an outdated diagnosis that is no longer used medically. The disorders that were once classified as a neurosis are now more accurately categorized as neurotic disorders.

    Disorders that are considered a neurosis or neurotic disorder include post-traumatic stress disorder, somatization disorders, anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobias, dissociation disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder and adjustment disorder.

    Locus of Control refers to an individual's perception about the underlying main causes of events in his/her life. Or, more simply:

    Do you believe that your destiny is controlled by yourself or by external forces (such as fate, god, or powerful others)?

    However, its important to warn people against lapsing in the overly simplistic view notion that internal is good and external is bad (two legs good, four legs bad?). There are important subtleties and complexities to be considered. For example:

    Internals can be psychologically unhealthy and unstable. An internal orientation usually needs to be matched by competence, self-efficacy and opportunity so that the person is able to successfully experience the sense of personal control and responsibility. Overly internal people who lack competence, efficacy and opportunity can become neurotic, anxious and depressed. In other words, internals need to have a realistic sense of their circle of influence in order to experience 'success'.

    Externals can lead easy-going, relaxed, happy lives.

    Despite these cautions, psychological research has found that people with a more internal locus of control seem to be better off, e.g., they tend to be more achievement oriented and to get better paid jobs. However, thought regarding causality is needed here too. Do environmental circumstances (such as privilege and disadvantage) cause LOC beliefs or do the beliefs cause the situation?


  23. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Ella @ 2:04 said...
    "Methinks Newsweek is getting even. Palin was angry that they used her "Running World" cheesecake photo on the cover."

    IMO she wasn't really angry that Newsweek used that cover. I'd guess that she loved it that the public had another chance to see how gorgeous and sexy she (thinks) she is. I thought at the time that Newsweek was saying to the country "Do you want this silly person for your President?" Somebody may have explained that to Sarah so we had her "poor little me" reaction. Other than that, I agree with you - she doesn't miss an opportunity to take a shot at the media.

  24. Did you notice that Greene appears to have crossed eyes, as does $P? I wonder whether this could have occurred as a result of a head trauma. I know that strabismus can be a sign of torture (it is said that $P is an MK-Ultra 'sex kitten' subject, mind-controlled via early abuse). Here's a link that lists clinical signs of blunt trauma:

  25. Anonymous12:39 PM

    If ya ask me, I prefer Al Green's R and B singing better than Sarah Palin's flute playing.

  26. Forever Anonymous1:41 PM

    Certified or certifiable, what's the difference?

    SP endorsed Rand Paul seems to be both.

    "By focusing on an internal struggle within his profession, he said, "you vilify me and make it out to sound, 'Oh, ... there's something wrong with him as a physician because he chose not to register" with the American Board of Ophthalmology."
    In the late 1990s, Paul was a driving force behind forming the National Board of Ophthalmology to protest the ABO's exemption policy.

    "I don't think that some people should recertify and others shouldn't," he said. "And I don't choose to give my money to a private group that discriminates."

    "Paul has been certified through the National Board of Ophthalmology since 2005. He is listed as the group's president; his wife, Kelley, is listed as vice president; and his father-in-law is listed as secretary. Paul and his relatives receive no salaries from the organization, his campaign said."

    come out, come out, wherever you are, Palin wants to give you her seal of approval.

  27. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Anon @ 12:39PM--

    Perfect! LMAO. And I prefer Al Green's singing to Miss Informed's fancy pageant walkin' as well.

  28. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Oh my gosh. I'm sure we will be hearing another facebook rant by the end of today.

    Way OT but have you heard of Rick Barber oh man he is a crazy ass buffoon from Alabama. He has a new campaign ad that I believe he should be arrested for sedition.

  29. womanwithsardinecan4:09 PM

    Anonymoose, thanks. It's been a while since I studied that kind of stuff. I always think of the external locus thing with Sarah. On the one hand, she externalizes her ambition by saying it is God's will. On the other, she externalizes her behavior by constantly playing the victim card. Fascinating, if she wasn't so annoying.

  30. Anonymous11:28 PM

    The Republican Party belongs to Sarah. They are definitely owned by her. *sigh*

  31. Either Greene does have a mental illness or he is a product of the massively broken SC public education system. That said, I tend to think that comparing Palin with the mentally ill does a disservice to the mentally ill. One with a mental disease cannot help him- or herself, whereas Palin appears to have all the faculties necessary to better herself aside from the self-discipline.

    To me it's the same thing as calling the tea-partiers 'teabaggers.' That just denigrates those who enjoy a little oral stimulation on a (slightly?) less common part of the body. Should we really conflate sexually liberated individuals with those who actively fight against their own interests? I, for one, think not.


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