Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sarah Palin talks to Greta Van Susteren about Newsweek story and denies getting breast implants.

Video of Van Susteren's interview with the "Queen of Mean" right here.

Her snotty remarks about Newsweek going out of business are beyond nasty, and she talks about the buzz concerning the possibility of implants as if it all happened without her purposefully igniting the spark of controversy.

As for why the feminists have not rallied to Palin's side when people have talked about her looks, it is because they are appalled that she uses her looks to provide a distraction from her complete lack of talent and intelligence.  Feminists are not exactly okay with that. And the fact that Greta keeps comparing her to Hillary is beyond laughable. Can any of us imagine Hillary wearing a push up bra to get attention?

From the transcript:

VAN SUSTEREN: You know, it's sort of interesting, Governor. I'll take a bet with you. Maybe you won't take this bet with me. But the last segment, we discussed policy. I asked about energy policy since energy is so important to your home state of Alaska. My guess is this next question I'm going to ask you, which is the buzz of the Internet, it's in mainstream media -- I bet it gets more attention than our discussion about energy. So here it is. Breast implants! Did you have them or not? Because that's all over the Internet about you, and mainstream media.

PALIN: Well, first, Greta, you know why we love you? Because you're not afraid to ask the questions. And I got to respect you for asking that question because I know that "boobgate" is all over the Internet right now because there are a lot of, I guess, bored, idle bloggers and reporters with nothing else to talk about. And I think some of those folks, too, they need to grab a shovel, go down to the gulf, volunteer to help, clean up and save a whale or something instead of reporting on such stupid things like that.

No, I have not had implants. I can't believe, yes, that we're even talking about this. I think a report like that is about as real and truthful as those reports that Todd and I are divorcing or that I bought a place in the Hamptons or that Trigg is not my own child. And we still put up with that kind of garbage, too, in even the mainstream media, Greta. It's amazing.

So Sarah purposefully creates a controversy and then pretends to be a victim.  Gee how many times have we seen this same scenario play out?


  1. SP had some gall. The whole interview was silly and came across to me as a forum for Sarah to feign outrage. And her "no..." response? She drug out the "no" as "nu-u-u-u," the same way she said it when Oprah had asked her if she knew her daughter had been sexually active.

    Greta once long ago had some credibility, but her downhill spiral became complete when she got sucked into the queen machine.

  2. this is too funny. pox news Boston INTERVIEWING men on the street. The Video is totally hilarious.

  3. Anonymous5:23 AM

    when was the last time the almost half term quitter governor volunteered for anything. Why isn't she in the gulf?

  4. Anonymous5:25 AM

    The octomom denied plastic surgery also, too.

  5. Anonymous5:38 AM

    How is it that Sarah, with her limited IQ and inability to analyze anything deeper than surface level, can manipulate every fact and event into a "poor me" scenario? Practice, I guess.

    How is it that Greta, with what was once regarded as an above-average IQ and a solid journalistic reputation, stomach spoon-feeding insipid, designed-to-showcase questions to a woman such as Sarah? Desperation, I guess.

    Smart but plain girl versus dumb but pretty chick - regardless of how long-in-the-tooth Sarah becomes, she and Greta are caught in this sad cycle. I guess they bond through plastic surgery and high-def makeup sessions.

    Still, it is almost painful to read, let alone watch, this interaction between them. Sarah is losing her looks, and Greta her credibility. Plus, they are now focused on talking about boobs. A perfect topic for the perfect pair of - well, you know, boobs with a capital B.

  6. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Did she really say go down to the Gulf and save a whale or something? Oh My!

  7. Anonymous5:58 AM

    Why isn't Sarah taking advantage of the Gulf oil spill by throwing on her waders and stepping out into the mess? A photo op for the Queen of Oil an Energy - my goodness, Sarah the camera hog not taking advantage of that? What gives?

    Oh,yeah, she founded her energy rep on the idea of how safe oil drilling is, right? Might be too awkward to go sloshing about in the crude. Besides, all those dead animals won't taste so great next to her mashed potatoes.

    Wouldn't some of her fans just go nuts to see her bob up and down in the oily sheen, new boobies buoying her well above the mess? Why, they could even make posters - oh, excuse me, she could make posters (no one is going to make money off her body unless it's her).

  8. Anonymous6:00 AM

    it was Barbara walters to whom Sarah said "Nuuuuuu".

    Gryphen: is it true Levi has been crashing at Bristol's place?

  9. Anonymous6:03 AM

    This is the truth - the day taht Sarah Palin's idiotic statements and actions are ignored by "idle bloggers and reporters" is the day that she shrivels up and dies due to lack of attention. She is an overgrown toddler who thrives on attention, positive or negative. And just like that sad, pathetic toddler, she acts out because she knows, deep down, that she isn't loved. Boo f'n hoo, Sarah. Maybe if you weren't such a despicable piece of garbage you'd get more positive attention. You boob.

  10. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Jumping Jesus on a pogo stick - what a completely idiotic woman!
    And, Greta - why didn't you ask her why she wore that inappropriate get-up to the Belmont Stakes and flash a picture of the booby shot that started the speculation?

  11. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Sarah is an employee of the "lamestream media" she bashes. Of course, in her simmering mind, Fox is above reproach; the magazines Newsmax, National Review and the Weekly Standard print only truth; and on radio, Beck, Limbaugh and Savage are simply heaven-sent.
    Well, just in case she ( or one of her minions) read these comments, I'd like to say something...
    Sarah, you can talk and talk and talk and talk (man, can you talk! In fact, take a breath once in a while!)...but the words that come out of your unevenly lip-pencilled mouth are dirtier,muddier and grimier than the Gulf of Mexico is right now.

  12. "Go down to the Gulf and save a whale or something?" Seriously? I'd say, Sarah has just shown us how much she truely cares about marine life and people in the Gulf. She obviously views this mess on par with that annoying thing called house work. Too beneath her highness for her to care about. Sarah needs to set an example, take her giant bendy straw and go down to the gulf herself.

  13. Pat in MA6:20 AM

    Sarah, every time you open your mean and nasty yap I've got MY shovel ready. What exactly have YOU done to help the crisis in the Gulf? Oh please oh please run in 2012 - you won't be able to hide with Greta and on Faux, twitter and facebook also too.

  14. Anonymous6:27 AM

    What the idiot Palin needs is a brain transplant.

  15. Thanks Anon@ 5:58. I stand corrected. You are right, she did deny knowing Bristol was sexually active to Walters, not Oprah.

    I was wrong, but that woman is STILL an idiot!

  16. Anonymous6:55 AM

    The Wicked Witch of Wasilla just has to open her mouth and the lies and stupidity spew out! How many ignorant followers are left? I really can't believe this is happening in American politics.

  17. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Palin shows up late to one of the premier US horse races in a light top and out of the ordinary sized breasts and wannaba Jackie O sunglasses, and she's wondering why people are talking and blogging? Sarah, please shut up you narcissistic pile of crap!

  18. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Interesting. Maybe I'm wrong, but this is the FIRST time that she has specifically mentioned out loud the rumors about babygate. She has previously pushed back about the divorce & the other stuff.

    And she mentions bloggers specifically and "boobgate" which is how some blogs are referring to it.

    And the snarky distraction about her critics should go help in the gulf to make them look bad.

    Purposely starting the implant rumors and specifically playing down certain scandals and all the frantic flurry of vitriol lately--McGinnis, continual jabs at Obama, etc.

    She's "pre-defending" herself about something. Bristol's bun #3 ? Something else?

  19. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Sarah Palin will do anything to distract from her BP connection. This won't be the last time she makes a lame-stream fool of herself and the flacks come in and try to spin her like she really isn't the crazy puppet everyone is watching. Grizzly Mama puts her children first, right?

    How could Bristol and Levi not be effected by what is happening to their hockey pal's wife? Jeremy and Alice Morlock. As a child I had a friend from a prominent family with a father that was involved in a murder mystery (he eventually went to prison). Decades later and it is still part of the local history. My point is that when it was fresh it deeply effected everyone. Bristol is not only a friend, she is a best friend. She would be dead if she is not emotionally dealing with this. Levi, also, too. Why would he not console Bristol while her parents were at Belmont? What happened to the other hockey friend that Bristol was thought to be banging? Was he a front (he looks like Levi) to throw people off that Levi and Bristol were spending more time together?

    The ADN and Frontiersman are reporting that the Army is investigating Morlock and others. Is there any leadership in the area that will make a statement? The Palin family shows no leadership qualities. Why aren't they out in front of this and showing support for the family that isn't ready to speak?

  20. Anonymous7:22 AM

    "So Sarah purposefully creates a controversy and then pretends to be a victim. Gee how many times have we seen this same scenario play out? "

    Gryphen you certainly hit the nail on the had with this one. Seriously... does she expect people to believe when she complains about the time spent to choose an outfit so people DON'T talk about what she is wearing or what she looks like? Clearly she took the time to choose that bra and top, not to mention gel inserts or surgical implants, to have people do just that! What a retard she is.

    And a nasty one. That high school bitchy side of her is coming out in public more and more. She's not a happy camper these days is she?

  21. In her defense (Oh God...I can't believe I just said that. I feel dirty.), I have a shirt very similar to that, with the same kind of neckline to it, and those kinds of shirts DO accentuate breasts and make them look larger.

    There's another pic of her from the same day, from a side angle, and they look much less...umm...large.

    So, possible she was wearing a good bra, and happened to be wearing a shirt that naturally accentuates the boobs.

    I don't really think she had a boob job. At least not recently, heh.

    I just think she tends to wear things that don't "cling" (suit jackets, etc)

    Back in her pageant days:

    Another angle at Belmont:

    Palin in Iraq, shirt clinging:

    I really think it depends on what she wears.

    Did she purposely wear a shirt to draw attention to her chest?

    Oh, yes.

  22. Ratfish8:10 AM

    Why doesn't Sarah drive her RV down to the Gulf, and bring the team of Alaskans she offered to the Prez, and get to work.

    And she can wear whatever she wants to help with the clean up.

  23. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Anon 7:02, she has addressed babygate a few times. I think at least one other time with Greta and also in an interview with some radio guy where she likened the "Trig truthers" to birthers. This is where she lied about having produced Trig's birth certificate. Also where she said that people SHOULD question whether Pres. Obama was born in this country or not. They should NOT, however, question anything she does. Of course not.

  24. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Anon7:02 said...Interesting. Maybe I'm wrong, but this is the FIRST time that she has specifically mentioned out loud the rumors about babygate. She has previously pushed back about the divorce & the other stuff."

    She has several times that I remember, and I think they're always with Greta. One was in the weeks after the Nov. 08 election.

    She doubles down on the lie over and over, very secure in not being exposed. Amazing. I think she decided a long time ago not to run for prez. She got away with a cut-and-paste medical letter from CBJ in 08, she wouldn't in 2012 or any other time. So while Trig is her most valuable asset to her devotees, he is also the reason she can only make a mess of things in a non-prez capacity. I for one will never EVER believe that she gave birth to a 6-lb child on or around Apr. 2008.

  25. imnofred8:22 AM

    It has been mentioned that Sarah has some mental issues. I believe that 100%. She wore the tight T-shirt to get attention and is now complaining about it. The other possibility is that she wore the outfit knowing that it would generate some controversy so she could play the victim, which she very good at.

    Huff Post has a story showing Sarah on the cover of time magazine with the title "Saint Sarah". I almost threw up in my coffee when I saw it.

  26. emrysa8:41 AM

    bwaaahahaaa, love the "nooooooo," as in 'noooooo I did not know bristol was sexually active.'

    yet another vid of palin where she seems wacked out on something.

  27. Anonymous9:32 AM

    She opens her mouth and out comes the sh*t. Geez. Here's the American Chopper video again in case someone didn't see it and wants to make a comparison on the boobgate issue. It was made April, 2009. Gaining weight can make some difference in the size of boobs but not as much as what the world saw last weekend.

    Sarah, if you are reading this, please tell me why in every Belmont photo, you were holding your arms at such an unnatural angle? Also, too, why did you wear a black bra under a thin white t-shirt if you didn't want people looking at your boobs?

    She "...loves Greta because Greta asks the hard questions..." as opposed to Katie Couric who didn't tell Sarah she would blindside her by asking "what do you read". That damn lamestream media who expects a VP candidate to actually read!

  28. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Sarah is afraid.

    Her puppetmasters know the truth and so do we.

  29. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Maybe a breast implant would be a good idea, Sarah, to take the focus off your stupidity.

  30. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Yeah,Sarah, go girl. Newsweek's piece was a snarky bit of trash and she is not going to take it anymore. She hit back and she hit back hard.

    Newsweek is failing, it deserves to fail for printing stupid articles like this. I hope
    Republicans are paying attention because this is how to handle the LSM; don't put up with the bullshit, fight back.

    Newsweek's editors should write her a thank you note. Her comment probably boosted sales, which is why this printed this stuff. They are getting desperate, they need readers to fluff themselves up to a potential buyer. In this environment, it's not going to happen.

  31. Anonymous3:16 PM

    SP to TP: "They are staring at my breasts! Tee hee!"

    TP: "Mfph? [gasps for air!] You can pose for Playboy any time now! That'll increase our net worth!"

    If she didn't get implants, did she quit wearing a minimizer? What was the brand? It worked well!

  32. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Here's the truth:
    Sarah Palin did not give birth to Trig Palin and she can't prove that she did - simply because she did not. Period.

  33. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Her breast size has always fluctuated. I think it is the type of bra she wears. But she's tea-cups, when you know a woman, you know her dimensions. She's flat, she's average, she's busty. She may have had average cups once, but her running and diet Dr. Pepper & redbull diet and fasting have shrunk them.

    Anyway, did Sarah say she loves tough questions?

  34. Tricky question and answer.
    Greta: "Breast implants. Did you *have* them or not?"
    Palin: "I have not *had* implants."

    What she meant: I *still have* them.

    Well, I really don't know what she meant. But her body language screams 'deception'. It could be that she has implants, that she intended to get attention and is pretending offense, that she wants people to believe the boobs are real and not a padded bra, or something else my mind can't conceive.

    While Greta asks the question, Sarah pouts, then grits her teeth (while smiling), takes a deep breath and blows. She diverts before getting to an answer. She tries to keep her eyes open saying the phoney 'uh...nuuuu' and paces her words slowly; then blinks like crazy saying the word 'implants', followed by rapid fire feigned indignation.

    Sarah is known for 'not blinking' when she lies. Heavy blinking frequently precedes and always follows her lies. Also, too, the slow word pace followed by frenzy.

    Calling Dr. Paul Ekman!

  35. Ratfish5:07 PM

    She shows up at Belmont, realizes that she is not properly attired, and makes up a whopper of a story about the limo driver getting lost.

    The- when there is a suggestion that she enhanced her boobs in some fashion, she actually responds.

    How presidential!

    Now we know why John Coale was secretly helping Sarah. He needed 2 boobs and now has them- Great and Sarah.

  36. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Doesn't it seem like every few days Scarah stirs up some type of controversy for the world to discuss? Whether it's through Facebook, Twitter, her speeches, appearances on Fox or her rogue endorsements of candidates. I think she is extremely manipulative and carefully plans her actions for a desired reaction to keep the attention on herself.

    I wish to God that the media would STOP making news out of all her nonsense and maybe she'd lose some of her status as an "important" person. They've fed this monster, now it's time to starve her of attention and watch her wither away.

  37. Anonymous5:10 PM

    No she does have implants. The follow up question should have been did you stuff or insert something into your bra? Then see what her answer is. Lake Lucille is contaminated, but it is not going to enlarge and deflate Sarah's breast like that.

  38. I'm thinking she may have gotten a "Breast Lift"

  39. Oh, just to clarify. I have more connection to BP than Sarah does. Other than her irresponsible redrrick Drill Baby Drill! I don't subscribe to less oversight or regulations. Yes, I feel accidents do happen, however if there was negligence involved, I believe a independent investigation will find it.
    Sarah's a political prostitute! She spews what she needs too at the time, it may not even have to be said. Remember, Palin proudly declared, “I said "thanks but no thanks" on that Bridge to Nowhere.. She has no core beliefs or knowledge, unless she writes them on her hand..


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