Saturday, June 12, 2010

Pat Robertson tells woman to "make herself as attractive as possible" to keep husband from flirting with other women.

I wonder if Robertson has electricity in that cave he lives in?

I guess I should not be surprised that somebody who believes that natural disasters are God's way of punishing the wicked would blame a woman for her husband's insecurities, but still I have to admit that his misogyny kind of stunned me a little.

I mean who in their right mind would take advice from an idiot like this?

Oh!  Right, I almost forgot.

(H/T to Media Matters)


  1. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Sometimes you just wanna yet out to MrRobertson, "I'm SO sorry about your little penis!!"

  2. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Sarah kicked your ass on National TV without even mentioning your name or blog.

    Ouch, that's gotta hurt.

  3. Anonymous6:54 AM

    I think Pat Robertson is going to be verrrrry surprised when his Judgement Day rolls around.

  4. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Yes,I think i read somewhere, (maybe here?)that there is a conservative Christian marriage handbook that advises women to keep their legs shaved and vaginas douched at all times in case husband wants sex???????????
    Puhleeeeeeese. Just buy a f'ing blow up doll you weirdos.
    Woman want and like sex too,(and were NOT created strictly to service their husbands). But, the handbook doesn't tell the men to shave their stubbled chin and clean their penises in case wife wants sex.

  5. CorningnNY7:05 AM

    Soapydog--LOL I want to say the same thing to all the guys who drive Hummers and Escalades...the bigger the vehicle, the smaller the goods...

  6. angela7:09 AM

    So would Pat be telling a man the same thing who said his wife flirts with other men? I think not. He'd basically call the woman a whore and tell the man he could do better or that the woman had a demon in her and to drag her to church 24/7. When are they going to retire the old weasel?

  7. Anonymous7:18 AM

    I find it amusing when men discuss women/wives and their looks and the "keep your man" mentality -- point being, as men/husbands grow older women/wives inherit pot belly's, baldness, sport's Sunday (expanded now to sport's week, etc. -- what do men/husbands do to "keep your woman" -- my experience, nada. Why don't women complain in public?

  8. Anonymous8:12 AM know how hard it is for those southern boys to stay faithful, if they cheat it's always the wife's fault or the other woman who tempted them. NOT THEM....

  9. Anonymous8:26 AM

    It would be interesting to get Mrs. Robertson's take on this. Well, maybe not, she obviously has no will of her own otherwise she would have left this weirdo a long time go. Mrs. Benny Hinn must have not taken this advice, she is filing for divorce. Benny's "healing hands" (and multi million $$$) could not keep her.

  10. That is exactly the same advice that Rose Kennedy gave to all of her daughters-in-law. It's also common among the fundie crowd: e.g., if the husband strays, the wife bears some of the responsibility for not being more alluring...

  11. Anonymous9:56 AM

    He's mentally ill. Unfortunately, he has many followers.

    The same is true with Sarah Palin.

  12. Pat Robertson just gets more disgusting with age. How he thinks he is a 'Christian' just blows my mind. He doesn't know the first thing about God or Jesus. I'm not even a Christian (raving Atheist here) and I could still teach him a thing or too about how Christians are supposed to behave.

  13. I had a "discussion" with a fundamentalist. A woman at that. She said that is her duty not to tempt men. Sort of insulting to men that they can not control themselves don't you think? I wonder what Mr. Robertson really feels about a woman like Paylin. She does not dress in a modest Christian manner. I think it is a bunch of horse pocky myself but that is their belief. Paylin talks the talk but walks in naughty fk me pumps.

  14. BAustin11:05 AM

    he is soooooo creepy!

  15. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Hasn't Pat Robertson read the bible where it asks women to be modest? Since he's a proponent of certain old testament teaching as well, does he not know that women in the old testament wore veils, covered their faces in certain situations, could be stoned in the case of adultery, were taught to not adorn themselves over-extensively. The new testament's wife however, under the new law (Jesus) is mostly about the heart matters. If a woman really loves her husband, she's going to keep the assets fairly covered up, and is convicted to keep herself modest in front of other men, so as not to tempt weaker brothers in the church. That's the way it is. So for Pat to suggest that men's wives better primp themselves because he, a church spokesman, thinks that a beautiful wife keeps men from flirting, he's a fool.

    Doesn't Pat preach against Hollywood, porn, and the the nation's family values gone wrong? What about the wife who is overweight because of meds, illness, who has lost a breast, a limb, an eye, has been in an accident and faces a lifetime disfigurement? What does he propose then? That because she's not as attractive that her husband might and should have an affair? Where are Pat's priorities?

    It's so evident that some of the church leaders have absolutely no understanding of scripture's teachings. Pat is telling basically christian women must all look like Sarah Palin and keep themselves continually hot. Jesus came for everyone, but certainly he was sympathetic to those who had lost many things in their lifetime, and would have preached loving one's wife no matter how she looked, to look past the outer layer. Sex isn't everything!

  16. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Lorena Bobbitt made headlines in 1993 when she cut off her husband's penis with a carving knife.

    Pat Robertson has no worries though, having shriveled away years ago.

  17. Nipple rings. the answer is nipple rings.

  18. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Men need to dress well for their wives and look good, too. I cannot handle a put belly. When I was pregnant, I did not like my bulge because my navel was poking out and I'd lean over my husband and he had a bulge and it grossed me out. I am slender again. My husband is not and he doesn't even ask what he needs to do to appeal to me. Somehow I doubt that Pat would see anything wrong with my husband, "He's a decent provider, he doesn't beat you!" (I got that from a minister.)

    If my husband flirted, maybe he'd be inspired and start getting in shape. (Not even via the Alaska Club-- just walking and getting off the computer!)

  19. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Love Sarah's new silicone tits!

  20. Anonymous6:59 AM

    The woman on the video with "profit Pat" doesn't seem to be buying his answer....And concerning Paylin's fake boobs, she now has a bust size that matches her IQ.


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