Wednesday, June 09, 2010

What if President Obama took Sarah Palin up on her offer and DID call her for advice about the Gulf oil spill?

Over at the very funny blog Rumproast they have done an entire parody of what that conversation might look like.

It is EXACTLY how I imagine the phone call would have gone, and quite humorous too!

If you have a moment go take a look.


  1. laprofesora11:31 AM

    She would poop her pants.

  2. laprofesora11:36 AM

    BTW Gryph, that was brilliant, thanks for sharing! Made my day. That crazy Scarah, if you can't shut her up you can at least make fun of her!

  3. TNbluedot11:42 AM

    Thanks for the link... read it... fabulous!
    The Twitter Quitter Queen Sistah Sarah wouldn't have a clue what to do and she knows it. Any other reason why she won't do a "real" news show where she'd be asked live quetions? Uh, thought not!

  4. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Just like in real life the unemployed quitter does nothing but blather nastiness.

    Tell Levis sister she needs to actually post before everyone gets bored and forgets about her blog.

  5. womanwithsardinecan12:05 PM

    I posted it on my facebook profile to share the fun. lol. Never pass up a chance to mock the idiot. I love PPOFB!

  6. angela12:15 PM


  7. Ratfish1:51 PM

    If Palin knows so much, why doesn't she just fly down there in her Lear 60 (or larger) and with her bendable straws, put her rubber boots on, roll her sleeves up, and go to work?

    I know it's hard work, gosh darn it, but maybe she could get a few photo ops in before she quit.

  8. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Sarah Palin and her servant's heart won't do it for less than $100k...per hour. She has a reputation to uphold, donchaknow.

  9. BPsucks3:02 PM

    Bwa -ha-ha!

    P.S. Where is Bristol hiding?

  10. Anonymous3:03 PM

    How come you are no longer showing Mercede's Blog to the left for easy access? I checked to make sure her Blog was still up and it is.

  11. Sarah Palin IS the stimulus package for Alaska.

    The way I look at it is she’s just a side show. Les cred than the Limbaugh’s and the Beck’s. Hell, even Orly is smarter and more respected intellectually than SP. NONE of these aforementioned a$$-wipes demand an ounce of worry.

    She is a cunning freak, and will inspire weak-minded people to blindly follow. It’s America- we have our share of crazies. But she is a special type of cray. She games very very well.

    So eventually, after the luster is gone- she will spiral to her toilet.

    What spirals with her? A LOT of pro and con SP entrepreneurs that cash in on her polarity and notoriety.

    When she’s gone, there will be plenty of mundane sites and pundits, with barely a hose for their trumpet.

    She actually does stimulate the economy.

    Look at what she has spawned? This site wouldn’t be as heavily populated by outsiders like myself, if it weren’t for her. Immoral majority would be a rant, and Palingates would need a new namesake for it’s hinges. Shannyn wouldn’t be on HP as much, and ADN would lose a lot of out of state traffic.

    She literally is the paprika for local politics (you like it or hate it- but you can’t miss it).

    I applaud these sites (don’t get me wrong- I love the flats- and devour the other sites) but you gotta think that without her, the blogosphere in Alaska would be a little thinner.

    I have to say, I like dissing on her- because it is so much fun, and too easy almost.

    I’m going to post this diatribe of the DailyKos now to test that theory. Well heck- on top of that- click on my link just to see if the theory holds out. I figure this topic is worth 100 or so additional peeps.

    Curently my count is 5251 visits. Between here and Daily Kos I figure to bump it up.

    The sad thing is, my real story for the day was taking a 20 day old baby girl off cardiopulmonary ECMO support for a process that lasted three hours. Three hours of a painful and and sad end to newborn’s life and the dreams of her parents. Now THAT was a hard dose of reality. But not noteworthy to anyone but the family and tremendous nursing staff we had involved in the effort.

    Click here :)

    I’m gonna go count some beans now…

  12. Amazingly accurate! I hope the Pres. continues to just ingnore her ignorance and arrogance.

  13. Anonymous3:33 PM

    C'mon, quit teasing - is Bristol pregnant again or not ? She couldn't have disappeared off the face of the earth - someone knows what's going on. Spill it !

  14. Anon 3:03pm - The blogs are listed by time/date of their most recent post. For Mercede's blog - go to the the bottom of the Alaska Blog section and click "Show All".

    Love the Rumproast parody!

  15. Anonymous5:29 PM

    @Anon 3:33:
    Hmmm....Not sure about the Bristol speculation, but a local friend of mine saw her probably three weeks ago, and asked "Is Bristol pregnant again?" Guess he thought she looked it. Funny - Little Miss Abstinence looks pregnant pretty routinely, while her mother, The Queen of Fecundity, has - let's just say - unbelievably flat abs until eight months gestation. But then again, in Palinland, Up is Down, Left is Right, Stupid is a virtue, and abstinence is... well... you know.

  16. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Obama appointed Fran Ulmer to the spill commission. Yes, that Fran Ulmer, the one who got her butt kicked by Frank.

    She knows less about the oil industry than Mercede.


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