Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Shannyn Moore also has something to say about Palin's snotty condemnation of President Obama via Facebook

As posted on Mudflats:

While Palin was governor, the largest onshore spill in Alaska history (210,000 gallons) went undetected for at least five days. Three BP gas and oil pipelines on Alaska’s North Slope clogged or ruptured between September 2008 and November 2009. All while Palin was preoccupied with shopping, campaigning, race baiting and getting a book deal. BP had another spill in December 2009 when a pipeline, while being inspected, broke from its well housing. Six acres of Alaskan tundra was contaminated. The DOJ began an investigation. The Alaska Attorney General, Talis Colberg, was too busy advising Todd Palin and other Palin aids to ignore subpoenas to notice.

Shannyn brings up many facts about Palin's tenure as our half term governor that I had actually forgotten and shoves them right back into her, so I urge ALL of you to head on over to Mudflats and give it a read.  It also fills in a lot of blanks that I did not touch upon with my post yesterday and goes even further in defining the amazing depths of Sarah Palin's hypocrisy.

Update:  As many of you have already noticed Mudflats is struggling under an onslaught of adoration and has been difficult to access this morning.  However the post that I linked to, written by Shannyn Moore, is also up at Huffington Post, so for the time being perhaps we should all head over there to read it and give the Flats time to recover.


  1. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Gryphen, please try loading, AKM's blog. I always read both of your blogs every morning. However, after repeated tries, I cannot load themudflats.

    I worry that it may be under attack. Leah Burton said progressive sites are being targeted.

    See if you can get it. If not, do you have a way of contacting AKM to let her there may be a problem?

  2. Ratfish8:12 AM

    She probably just wants to give Obama advice on how to quit. That, after all, is her area of expertise.

  3. I think Mudflats is straining under the load...Andrew Sullivan has a link to it on the FB rant, and I for one can't get on to the site.

  4. No Mudflats access for me either.

  5. Mudflats is straining under the load, BUT that is a good sign. It means a lot of people are reading it and it means a lot of people are like me this morning and very pissed. Gryphen, you are there in AK, you have contacts. If there is any way you can get a message to Sarah Palin or someone around her that a little lady down in Alabama says for her to leave MY PRESIDENT alone and she means it. I went to last night and I left a message that I don't want the President or his staff (at any level) to acknowledge her or her comments. This is bordering on ridiculous. I am ashamed for our country that this idiot can rant and rave on the national airwaves! Do you know how we must look overseas right now? I hate her and will do anything I can to bring her down! Please help me or at least let her know that. As I said last night in my messages and posts: I have a crazy lady that lives in my city. She somehow (I don't know how) got herself on the mayoral ballot for years, YEARS! She has disrupted city council meetings for years, written idiotic op eds and letters to the editors to our local paper for YEARS; she is crazy. She is now serving the iced tea in a local steakhouse/meat&3 as we call them! And, she is charming but CRAZY! Thanks for letting me rant.

  6. Gryphen: after the rant ... do you think she wrote the Facebook post herself? Do you think that if someone else wrote it (one of the evil persons who are behind this posturing of Sarah Palin) that they even know the details of her governorship such that it was. Do they even know about the emails that show Todd was heavily (and I mean HEAVILY) involved with governing the state and especially in light of the oil issue? All of these details of the reality of what really went on in that office need to go viral right now in the mainstream media, not wait until she might be a candidate for anything!

  7. Still can't raise Mudflats. Sarah's hypocrisy probably isn't as intentional as it seems. She appears to live in her own world where she is what she thinks she is, in this case an expert on dealing with the oil companies. The counterexamples don't even come to mind. That's why I believe we have to keep bringing up those counterexamples so the rest of the country isn't lured into Sarah's world.

  8. Anonymous9:15 AM

    12:14CT - no Mudflats

  9. Anonymous9:18 AM

    I read post on Mudflats around 7:30am CST
    I just tried to load Mudflats to look at comments and received this message: error- unable to access this website at 12:06pm CST. I hope it is due to large traffic and not "something else". I will try again later today. Please post a message letting us know whats up with the site. A concerned resident of coastal Louisiana

  10. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Elizabeth - yes, Sarah Paylin lives in her own little fantasy world where everything she says makes her....but so do a lot of people at API. It is not excuse.

    Actually, I think she is just hitting on the President!

  11. I had no problem getting on Mudflats by clicking on the sidebar bloglist, took me right there.

    Palin is a FRAUD!!!!!!!!!

  12. Anonymous9:29 AM

    I mean, look at the basics here... How can someone who quit governing a state with a small population tell someone how to govern the whole country? Besides, cutting through her BS, she never had any interest in government nor does she now. Sarah cares about Sarah only.

  13. Anonymous9:32 AM

    No access to The Mudflats for me either. Lee

  14. Yes, Elizabeth 8:53, Palin seems to believe her history is quite the opposite of reality. Soon there will be a FB rant that Shannyn Moore is a liar because facts that do not serve to prove Palin's grandiose perception of herself are not real to Palin therefore someone else is lying.

  15. Anonymous9:42 AM

    I've been trying to get Mudflats by highlighting it like I always do on the left side of your blog. This is what shows up as the URL:

    I don't think this is the way it's usually shown. Is something up? Gryphen, can you get in touch with her to see if something's wrong with the site?


  16. Anonymous9:45 AM

    I hope that it is the heavy traffic at Mudflats that is preventing people from reading Shannyn's brilliant post. You can also read it at Huffington Post.

    The fact is that Sarah quit two jobs when confronted with tough situations. I thought that one of her father's valuable lessons was to never quit,and to tough it out.

    It reminds me of an economic crisis in October 2008 when John McCain's response was to "suspend his campaign and rush back to Washington because the economy was cratering." Except we saw that he did not rush back to Washington. He canceled Letterman but was caught appearing on the CBS evening news with Katy Couric. At a bipartisan conference at the White House the next day, McCain had nothing to contribute.

    And, where was CEO Palin during this crisis? In case Sarah forgot what those initials stand for (CEO) when she so freely applied them to herself, that would be Chief Economic Officer. Sarah is no expert on the economy except for her constant call to lower taxes. And, for someone who wants less big government, it is rather hypocritical to call for government taking over BP, a private company.

    When Sarah used the word "verify" several times in her ghost written rant (Sarah has never used a big word like "aforementioned"), Sarah is invoking the image of Ronald Reagan ("trust but verify.") She is still fighting an old battle with Obama, calling him a community organizer. By adopting the cloak of Reagan, she appears poised to run against him in 2012. There is just one little problem for Sarah. If she tries to invoke that Community Organizer stuff again, she is comparing a half term quitter's record with a guy who has four years of executive experience at the highest level. Be careful what you wish for, Sarah.

  17. slightly o/t:
    But I think you will enjoy it...

  18. Anonymous9:52 AM

    I haven't been able to get to Mudflats either. I've tried periodically from 7:00 am until now, 1:45pm EDT.

    'Uneducated Sarah' made our newspaper as well which is unusual. I've complained to the newspaper (The State) for allowing the practice of using Facebook/Twitter posts as news copy. Also provided some 'educational' links/material to them as well. I won't hold my breath for a balanced rebuttal from them.

  19. FEDUP!!!9:58 AM

    I am in The Mudflats... Takes forever to load, but eventually it did

  20. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Magical Thinking Sarah's unchecked mental illness use to bemuse me, but this latest nonsense takes the taco! Someone needs to get her some help STAT.

    She quit the job she was elected to do. Sorry Sar, you weren't appointed so you are not a CEO (what is up with that BS by the way? CEO? Does she even know what those letters stand for?) When she first came on the scene, my best friend said she didn't look like she could handle bedtime for her kids much less be second in command; turns out that was true and then some.

    But wait! She has ALL the answers needed to run this country and all we have to do is elect her to get her to unlock the panacea that is her brain and poof, everything will be all milk,honey and moose stew.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'd laugh harder if it wasn't so sad and depressing to know that someone so fucking stupid has been able to get so far while the truly talented among us fight for scraps.

  21. Anonymous10:37 AM

    I can't get on to Mudflats either. Also, what happened to Mercedes' blog?

  22. Anonymous10:46 AM

    I do wonder what is behind this latest poutrage.

    Is there another scandal coming down the pike she's trying to deflect?

  23. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Palin's Phony "Call Me!" Offer

    While Palin was governor, the largest onshore spill in Alaska history (210,000 gallons) went undetected for at least five days. Three BP gas and oil pipelines on Alaska's North Slope clogged or ruptured between September 2008 and November 2009. All while Palin was preoccupied with shopping, campaigning, race baiting and getting a book deal.

    Todd Palin worked for BP for 18 years. BP had another spill in December 2009 when a pipeline, while being inspected, broke from its well housing. Six acres of Alaskan tundra was contaminated. The DOJ began an investigation. The Alaska Attorney General, Talis Colberg, was too busy advising Todd Palin and other Palin aids to ignore subpoenas to notice. Just last month, the pipeline was closed down due to a spill that cost the state tens of millions of dollars.

    BTW, you weren't a CEO, you were a governor. Elected not hired. Quit not fired.

    more here...

  24. Anonymous12:47 PM

    I think Mudflats might just have been down while they were correcting the story-- it's been corrected at Huffington Post, too. The "spill that was missed for five days" happened months before Palin became governor. The new story starts "In March of 2006...."

  25. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Sarah's mania grows unchecked. She compares rejection at the hands of the American electorate as a weighting of her "experience" against one of President Obama's many credentials. Her mental defect is telling her SHE ran against Obama not McCain.

    Sarah Palin needs medical and pyschological intervention.

  26. I agree ... she needs medical and psychological intervention.


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