Saturday, July 24, 2010

Andrew Sullivan has chosen to step away from the "babygate" story until further evidence is revealed.

From the Daily Dish:

I have not written a column on this in the Atlantic or the Sunday Times, because I don't have the facts to back up any substantive alternative theory to Palin's story-line. But on a blog, I take the responsibility seriously not to bullshit my readers, not to adopt a professional persona that obscures my real-time thoughts. I think a blog exists to air things you cannot nail down in a more formal journalistic context. And I think many of my critics do not get or simply disagree with this understanding of the relationship of blogging to journalism.

All I can say is that this is my understanding of the place of blogging - a conversation where nothing is forbidden, a zone of truly free speech, exercized responsibly, but open to any and all views and theories and questions. I don't think I'm partisan on this. Elena Kagan can testify to that.

I don't believe Palin's current story. But since I don't have the facts and sources to construct an alternative, my task is now over. I will stay vigilant for any and all new facts that we may get; and I sure won't let this go if more comes to light. But we're going around in circles now.

It is hard to disagree with his frustration.  I have felt it myself more times that I can tell.

Sullivan is also right that we keep rehashing the same evidence over and over again.

The last new data that we uncovered was the pictures of "ruffled ear baby," and the analysis from the various doctors I interviewed.  But even that only went so far before there was no more I could do with it except hope it was seen by a wider audience, or that somebody close to the family would decide to fess up about why there were two different Trig Palins. So far neither of those things have happened.

I can usually convince almost anybody that I talk to directly that Sarah Palin did not give birth to Trig Palin on April 18, 2008, but what I still cannot do effectively is explain where he DID come from. It all seemed pretty cut and dried back when I was convinced Bristol was the mother, but now the evidence points toward another source.

I wish I could assure everybody that some huge piece of evidence was forthcoming, but I can't.  All I can say for certain is that there are people who KNOW that Sarah did not give birth to Trig.  Whether those people will come forward anytime soon, or at all, I simply cannot say.

I had hoped for a very long time that Levi would ultimately spill the beans, but now I have little hope of that.

Then when Mercede started to speak publicly I thought perhaps she would have the key.  But alas, though what she knows is damaging to Sarah and Bristol personally, it does very little to address Trig's parentage. (I know that people are still under the impression that she must know something, but believe me she doesn't.)

However none of this means that I am giving up, or stepping away from the "babygate" story myself.  I am much too stubborn to let something as completely ridiculous as Sarah Palin's poorly manufactured fable about giving birth to a Down syndrome baby become accepted as fact.  That would be tantamount to simply accepting as fact the idea that unicorns must exist because you cannot prove they do not.

In future posts I am going to divulge some of what I was told this past year.  I assume that there are parts of it which will confuse you just as much as it has confused me.  Be aware however that there are still some things I cannot talk about, because one word written on this blog will alert Sarah Palin's people as to who they have to clamp down on next. That has already happened repeatedly over the last year or so.

My hope is that by continuing to talk about this story, and digging up the facts and rumors pertaining to it, that eventually the people who know the truth will feel safe enough from the Palins, and confident enough that they will be listened to, that they will come forward and finally put this whole sordid thing to rest.  Until I can get somebody who is willing to divulge exactly what happened, and put their name to it, we are left essentially going back over the evidence again and again in the hopes that we have missed something (like the ruffled ear picture), that will finally lead us to the truth.

Obviously this mystery continues to be very compelling as evidenced by the arrival of the newest bloggers to the party LitBrit and Floyd M. Orr.  Welcome my friends.


  1. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Do you believe that Bristol's baby suffered from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome? You showed photos of two babies, one with a helix malformation and one without. This is supposed to be common in FAS babies. There is a theory on another site that that baby died and was replaced with another child. I absolutely believe this. Levi seemed very attached to the baby he held when he had the hospital bracelet on in Palin's kitchen. And those things are only given to fathers. Afterwards, he did not seem so attached to the baby, whereas he was willing to fight tooth and nail for Tripp.

  2. Anonymous2:45 PM

    I read a comment on an older blog that there was a nurse who was willing to spill all for millions of dollars. Was this the same nurse who died in the fire?

  3. Anonymous2:51 PM

    I don't see why the clearly different babies presented and photographed as "Trig" are not the smoking gun. They show that a gigantic fraud has been perpetrated, and that Palin was not acting alone.

    The various pictures of Palin during the alleged gestation are not nearly as "dispositive," IMO, as the pictures of two or more "Trigs" with their very distinctive right ears, taken before and during the RNC.

    I feel certain that revealing this fraud is simply a matter of politically-orchestrated timing.

  4. I keep wondering if someone (preferably airline personnel) on the "wild ride" flight will come forward.
    No HPPA laws to worry about.

    Or: Someone at MatSu Regional Hospital who is no longer in the medical profession.

    Or: Bristol and/or Todd, who MUST know the truth. If either or both of them gets angry enough, they might speak.

    I agree - it is frustrating. An obvious HOAX perpetrated by an unbalanced, unhinged whackjob - I continue to believe the truth will come out. Heck, I would not be surprised if the McCain people know (the ones who scrubbed the computers). Some of them now work for Romney.

    Tick Tock, Tick Tock.

  5. Thank you for the kind words, Gryphen! I feel exactly the same way that you and Sully do, that we are going in circles, yet I cannot give up trying to expose the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on American voters. As always, I ask that anyone contact me at any time with whatever information he or she can offer. Gryphen and all the others I know are working behind the scenes or as boots on the ground have my total support. I hope that IM and PB can continue to make at least some sort of progress in our quest. Thank you all!

  6. Anonymous3:12 PM

    The fraud has been exposed. The only problem remaining is getting people interested enough to listen to the facts and accept them. It's never going to get better than that.

    Future proof of who was the mother will be another anticlimax because no more people will accept that anymore than they accept the proof that already exists that Palin is not the mother.

    As for Mercede knowing or not knowing all the truth on who is the mother of the D.S. baby, don't kid yourselves. She knows it all. She knows and chooses to keep it a secret because there is something at stake for her personally in keeping it a secret.

    If progress is to be made then you need to be open with the facts and more amenable to accepting obvious proofs. I think you have been manipulated into a position of not being able to do that anymore.

  7. Helix3:17 PM

    Where are the photos showing the ear malformation that show they used different babies? You should place these photos in a visible spot on your blog.
    It is one thing to fake a pregnancy to cover up for family honor or political reasons;
    but, it is another to "dispose" of a baby and replace the baby with another from some unnamed source. Creepy f-ing Wasilla!

  8. Corrcet me if I'm wrong, but the Palins never presented the baby with the ruffled ear as their son, did they? That was some person called Kristan Cole on some weird Internet page that doesn't exist any more than that could have been a practical joke, a mistake, a misunderstanding, a drunken prank, or whatever else. So, in reality, there is no actual link between Sarah Palin and the ruffled ear baby, right?

  9. Anonymous3:21 PM

    I've always said that the truth will come out when it is timely. Geoffrey Dunn is releasing his book to coincide with political events pertaining to 2012. Joe McGinness will also be writing a book that will be released when this information matters most. Not just babygate, but all of Palin's misdeeds will come to light when the time is right. If the cat is let out of the bag too soon, then Americans forget. The truth must be sprung when the threat is the greatest.

  10. Anonymous3:33 PM


    I am curious what you think of

    Do you think that Ruffles' ear was repaired? And that he is one of the (at least) two Trigs?

  11. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn3:47 PM

    If Trig were Bristol's, I have no doubt that SP would have already come forward saying that she was proud her daughter chose life even though her son had DS, Sarah felt compelled to hide the fact that her underage girl was months into a pregnancy when SP knew she was being chosen for VP candidate and so went to the extreme lengths of faking her "own"--however, she and Todd and the rest of the brood love the little feller and all children of the world so much, they adopted Trig to protect Bristol. And yada, yada, yada. And the devotees would bow and scrape and marvel at Saint Sarah's unselfish and loving deed. Jeez, it would have already been a made-for-TV movie!

    I always had a sneaking suspicion that the back story was much more nefarious and damaging than covering up for her own child. You can see the effect that constantly having to watch her back is having on her mental stability. I hope the truth comes to light before the possibility of this freakshow getting her paws on the nuclear codes.

  12. 1) Hasn't Andrew said this once before, yet he came back at babygate again?

    2) How can you say that evidence points elsewhere re: Bristol as the real mother? I have seen about 10 pieces of evidence that convince me otherwise. Can you please lay out this evidence for us? Is it just that team Levi told you she wasn't the mother? Haven't we determined that we cannot trust anything they said?

    3) Now that you see that Team Levi is shady, and you have admitted they were your source, can we revisit "Trig was Tripp before he was Trig" -? Even if you didn't say this, you said the commenter on your blog who DID say it was closer than anyone had ever been to the truth. PLEASE clear this up for us. Did it come from Team Levi? If so, I see ZERO chance of it being valid.

    4) Have you communicated with Joe McGinnis? Does he have a working babygate theory? Do you believe he will cover babygate in depth in his book?

    Thanks for keeping up the fight!

  13. sewnup4:10 PM

    I'm sure it is discouraging, to say the least: it's discouraging to those of us seemingly far removed, but I thank all working parties for keeping up the pressure on the lunatic because I believe that she will crack under increased pressure. She's already clearly demonstrated that she can't keep her lies straight (wouldn't it just be easier to tell the truth, Sarah?) and that's one of the early signs of breakdown in a lot of sociopaths; they just get overwhelmed when it begins to dawn on them that they are beyond the con-man stage; that seems to be their early (!) recognition point that trouble is actually looming. Not that they feel bad about it or mend their ways, they simply dig in deeper, with more and more exposes (sorry, no accents) they become more and more disconnected from the truth until they crack--almost like the staring contests between predator and prey animals; he who blinks first is a goner. So my vote is to keep up the pressure.

    I wish SNL would take up the issue again; that drew a lot of people in who otherwise had barely heard of Palin. More people asking questions and snickering in bars can't hurt. Plus Palin seems genuinely pained about such activities and the more pressure the better. After all, she's Quitter Sarah and she just told us last week how bad press/pressure "made" her quit on Alaska for it's betterment....Well, it's betterment, but not what she was talking about. Anything's better with her nose out of it.

  14. Anonymous4:26 PM

    The evidence that Palin did not give birth to a baby in April 2008 is already available. It is overwhelming evidence both in pictures and facts. For example, Trig didn't need a NICU.

    The people that have further evidence feel safer keeping it to themselves. They either have to get braver, receive assurances of safety or get more frightened of the consequences of not exposing Sarah Palin.

    The consequences of an unfettered Sarah Palin get more terrifying by the day. So I'm betting on that one.

  15. Anonymous4:26 PM

    The comments allegedly made by Sarah's parents is what keeps me interested in this story. (I'm paraphrasing): Sally-I wouldn't put anything past her. Chuck -She was always good at not getting caught.

  16. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Why won't the employees at MTA that know the secrets (and the others that know) talk to Andrew Sullivan? They could give him new evidence. Why is all of Alaska allowing Bristol Palin to get by with her "no cell phone" or communication in Alaska lies? I think she did it under oath at a trial and recently again. MTA people have to be sitting on some critical pieces of this puzzle. They could finalize Babygate if they wanted. The fear of Palin excuse may be true but it is getting old. Other places with gangster like threats have witness protection and RICA. I am starting to doubt her enablers, even the ones that claim they live in fear of her. What are they actually protecting?

  17. Anonymous4:49 PM

    While I'm sorry to hear this, I'm glad he pointed out that the story she presented in her own words is so very odd, and how important the fact of Trig's being is to her appeal. Without him, she'd really be a lame duck now.

    This prepares people's minds to question her wors and actions more as time goes on.

    Thank you for that, Mr. Sullivan.

  18. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Clarissa, Kristan Cole is one of Sarah's BFFs. The pictures from the shower show Kristan, Kristan's daughter, and at least three other women who are very, very tight in the Palin circle. It's not a drunken prank, my dear.

    The baby shown in these pics is the same child at the same shower that the well-known photo of Sarah, Todd, Trig, and the shower cake came from -- the one that was used in the NY Times.

    While I personally am not 100% convinced that there is more than one baby here, that is beside the point. You need to do some reading. The questions you're asking are not going to poke holes in the research that's been compiled over two years by Palin's Deception, Palingates, IM, and the like.

  19. Anonymous5:00 PM

    @ Clarissa,

    Even if the "ruffles" pictures were a total fraud (which they aren't) there are still two distinctly different babies (very different right ears) presented on August 29 and Sept 3 and beyond during the RNC.

    The pictures have been put up, among other places, on

    One ear, according to palinpeytonplace, may actually be "ruffles" with a surgical, or non-surgical, repair.

    This is highly unlikely as physician specialists have explained previously on this blog.

    Please, Gryphen, post all these pictures prominently on the blog!

  20. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Why is Levi such a big deal when it comes to Trig, most of all ruffle Trig? The Johnston's have said they don't know who gave birth and Levi might know something more. Levi did look like he thought the ruffle Trig was his child at his birthday party. He may have been convinced he was not the ruffle Trig father at a later time? The Johnstons claim he is tender and sensitive. He wanted a baby (during Tripp) and that is just Levi doing as Bristol says. He was at the hospital at 6:00 AM because Bristol wanted him to be there.

    If the Johnstons are mystified and ruffle Trig is Bristol's baby with another family, where is that family and why not investigate the possibilities? The ruffle family may have evidence. No one is even investigating the weird things that go on with other possible ruffle Trig families?

    Levi says what a nice girl Bristol is but it also appears she may have been having sex with the hockey team. Each one should be examined. She also dated the son of the Anchorage fire department and legislator friend of Sarah. Gabriel Gatto. He had a desperate need to get rid of Bristol and was worried she'd find out about his new love. The legislator is certainly in a position to help or hinder fire investigations. He may have also been working on state business at the hospital with Sarah when she gave birth. Why would the state keep it a secret if Sarah was working at the hospital and who was working with her? No one finds that odd or worth looking into? I think it was in the news about her working at the hospital.

  21. Clarissa - Don't you find it odd that Trig was EVERYWHERE -- dragged all over the country on a freakin' bus for the book tour! -- and then as soon as the ruffled ear story ran on this blog -- POOF!! We have not seen him since. Is that not strange to you?!

  22. For those who have asked about Gryphen's Two Babies posts, Gryphen does not have links directly to individual posts within IM. This is why I have linked to them at Palin Babygate. Whenever you wish to find them quickly, you can go to PB and look in the sidebar under Significant Links. The two are called Gryphen's A Tale of Two Babies and Two Babies YouTube Version. I hope this helps. Thank you.

  23. emrysa6:13 PM

    Leadfoot @ 4:00 sez:

    "2) How can you say that evidence points elsewhere re: Bristol as the real mother? I have seen about 10 pieces of evidence that convince me otherwise. Can you please lay out this evidence for us? Is it just that team Levi told you she wasn't the mother? Haven't we determined that we cannot trust anything they said?"

    maybe gryphen is not disputing that bristol was pregnant in '07 and had a baby - maybe he's just saying that the person we see as triG is not that baby. given that we've seen photos of ruffles on 2 different occasions, that theory could be correct.

    where is ruffles?

  24. Anonymous6:15 PM

    People in Wasilla have threatened Mercede for the rather harmless
    information she's written about. I
    can see why somebody with actual
    incriminating info. re the Palins
    would hesitate to come forward.
    What's in it for them except to
    become a target of Palin & her associates' vicious retaliation?
    What is needed is an anonymous tip.
    2 questions I'd like answered are:
    Why is the doctor, CBJ so reticent
    to speak? & if Mat-Su hospital is
    not set-up for hi-risk births, how
    come they didn't insist Palin be transferred immediately? There was plenty of time to do that, as Trig
    wasn't born (according to Sarah) until the next morning. It's obvious that CBJ wasn't the attending physician, & there was no baby born to SP in '08 at Mat-Su, & neither of these entities want to get sucked into this scam. We're chasing too many rabbits here, maybe we should just narrow it down to: was there, or was there NOT a baby born to SP at
    Mat-SU on that date, & forget about
    where the baby with the ruffled ear
    came from.

    Sharon TN

  25. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Hey 4:53 - Just a clarification. Sarah is not necessarily "tight BFF" with Kristan - even though that is how the campaign tried to make them sound. I know both women and I know many of their family members and friends and neither woman is known for having any real close friends (they are tight with their immediate families).

    This was one of the sad, ironic parts of the 08 campaign where the McCain people brought in "Sarah's Six" friends - who they tried to make sound like they were best buds since way back when. All this group of gals does anymore is try to get together once a year around Christmas to exchange gifts and touch base with eachother. They are not tight friends. Sarah does not have any close friends that I am aware of - and I know personally all those that have been credited as her "close friends" since 08.

    She just doesn't really do friends. She is close to Molly and Heather and her parents - but they are the ones, by and large, raising the kids so she obviously interacts with them daily - ie. who's picking up which kid from where, etc.

    The only other people Sarah is really close to - and it is through her position - have been Ivy, Meghan and -- her name is escaping me - her Anch chief of staff who traveled with her during the 08 campaign - but quit when Sarah quit last year (we're coming up on the 29th!!!)

    And, like Frank, that former employee I've heard, has felt the first hand chaff of being thrown under the bus. Gryphen, sometimes you allude to people up here being paid off to remain silent - is Frank one of these people? And this other woman - I know you'll know her name - I'm just spacing it right now.

  26. emrysa6:34 PM

    I'm fine with andrew taking a break. he's done a great job of taking all of the current evidence to the national level. you can bet that whenever there's new evidence he'll write about it.

    one thing is absolutely certain: sarah palin did not birth the child we know as triG on april 18, 2008. she really is a crazy lady for pulling this stunt. certifiable.

  27. Anonymous6:38 PM

    While I'm disappointed each day that doesn't bring irrefutable proof of Sarah's lies, there is one comforting thought: Sarah herself has given the most damaging statements about her Wild Ride story. If nothing else is ever proven, I will forever remember that she is beyond forgiving for her actions to and from her trip to Texas even IF her story is true. I'm not the only one who feels that way. There are thousands who have turned against her, who would never vote for anyone who acted as she says she did that night.

    I know that's not enough. The entire lie needs to be exposed but as her public exposure increases, I'll be content to say over and over "Sarah, let's say I believe you were pregnant but why did you risk your child's life that night just so you could make a speech? What kind of mother would do that? Were you hoping that the child wouldn't live?"

    Only other thing, if or when photos of Ruffles and the other babies are posted, don't just compare the ears. Compare the bridges of their little noses as well. There were differences in the noses too.

  28. Anonymous6:43 PM

    But there is evidence that Bristol WAS pregant in 2007. Just becaiuse Mercedes doesn't know this, doesn't make it not true. Others knew of it, that's the direction I'd go in--talking to people who went to school with her and talking to people on the Republican party. These people have talked to others so why not you.

    I am sorry that Andrew is doing this. Sarah will be thrilled.

    I was very disappointed to hear a radio show recently with two Alaskan bloggers who insisted that talking about this made us look like crazy conspiracy theorists. Nonsense I say- this is hardly comparable with the northers who have been proven wrong. I personally believe these Alaskans feel they are "above" such talk and are more worried about their careers or what others might think then they are in the truth. The truth is so obvious it's ridiculous. This is the absolute right of these bloggers and I don't want to judge them but I do. Too much PC and worrying what others think doesn't help reveal truth and why not be honest about the reasons you won't talk about it.

    It's frustrating because thanks to Alaskans refusing to come forward or worrying about what others think, Palin has won babygate. Let's admit it! The only one with guts around this in Alaska is Gryphen and thank God for his tenacity!!!!!!!

  29. Clearly the "takedown" will happen closer to the GOP convention when all their dirty work has been executed by SP and her ghost writers. THEN, the truth will set the GOP (and the rest of America) free. It probably will only happen closer to the final says of the nominee selection before the final kill and field dressing takes place.....why else would the GOP be so quiet?

  30. Anonymous6:51 PM

    I'm not convinsed that Trigg is not her child, but I will leave the question open. Wouldn't it be easy enough to get a DNA sample from Trigg through a dirty diaper or something and have that analyized. Get another sample from Bristol would be the same as getting one from Sarah since DNA follows the female lines, and maybe another from Todd which would show if he is the father, and you would have conclusive proof. It doesn't take much material to get a DNA samply, even a used glass can be used to get samples from.

  31. LisanTX7:09 PM

    Anon. at 6:16:

    TY for posting. It is incredible to have someone "in the know" to post here.

    Were you thinking of Kris Perry?

    What else do you know about Kristan? I read a comment a month or so ago that she was sick/depressed. (not sure of the exact comment)


  32. Aussie Blue Sky7:13 PM

    I'm very much interested in whatever happened to FB. I know he talked, once. Maybe that didn't turn out so well, but why has he just disappeared off the radar?

  33. Anonymous7:17 PM

    It is alleged that there are elected officials and respected professionals that know, have evidence so on about the fact Sarah was not pregnant for the 2 months she put on that she was. It is not only Wasilla and Anchorage where Sarah and Bristol were known during that time.

    There is no way that the officials and professionals could not get together and come up with a safe way to tell what they know and get an authentic investigation progressing? The state is too corrupt. The federal government must act to resolve this matter. It is fraud on a grand scale.

  34. Anonymous7:20 PM

    I've got $5 that says Sarah Palin will not remain on the national stage until the RNC in 2012. At least not enjoying the same celebrity that she does now. She's her own worst enemy. I'm also convinced that she does some sort of drugs - her behaviour is too erratic. She can't hang on until 2012.

  35. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Why has Mercede's blog been down for the last few days?

  36. Anonymous7:30 PM


    Can you clarify what happened to Kristan Cole? Some think she couldn't handle the stress and she had a mental break down.
    Others say she was getting out of something. I thought it was some sort of fracture? It had to do with stress. There was all that talk about having to with paperwork and the funds they drive. I would understand if she couldn't handle things well.

  37. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Doesn't everyone remember Bristol standing up on stage during the National convention with her engorged breasts up to her chin. It was a joke. She was nursing somebody's kid. and the way Levi kissed Trig on the top of the head. Too obvious!!

  38. Anonymous7:42 PM

    A wonderful Alaskan blogger named Syrin recently stated she saw evidence that said Sarah did not birth Trig. I don't recall her exact words. She was convinced by two different credible sources. She might help them contact Andrew Sullivan. In any event she could answer more about this or why no one can do the right thing here.

  39. "I have not written a column on this in the Atlantic or the Sunday Times, because I don't have the facts to back up any substantive alternative theory to Palin's story-line."

    I agree that babygate has gotten very frustrating but I am completely baffled by Andrew Sullivan's perceived need for an alternative theory. Why isn't it enough to report on the questions and inconsistencies?

    I may be misunderstanding him but it sounds like he's changed his tune and is now giving journalists a pass on not reporting on the story.

    Gryphen - I'm glad you will stick with it even if it's just to keep the questions 'out there'. With persistence, the truth will come out.

  40. Anonymous 4:26...
    “The comments allegedly made by Sarah's parents is what keeps me interested in this story. (I'm paraphrasing): Sally-I wouldn't put anything past her. Chuck -She was always good at not getting caught.”

    Any chance you recall and can share where these comments are documented? They're priceless!

  41. Anonymous8:23 PM

    I always thought of Sarah and Kirstan as partners in crime.

    What passes for friends between criminals is always weird.

    I heard she was in the hospital and it was pretty serious. At least, she was uncomfortable. I bet she lost her mind and heart and went to the psych ward. Wouldn't anyone in her position?

  42. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Timing is crucial to stop Palin's political future. We need truth, facts & the coup de grace if she emerges with any credibility after the repub primaries. She must be struck in the heart, politically dead.

  43. Anonymous9:29 PM


  44. Anonymous10:16 PM


    Why can't you or someone else go directly to the Wasilla Hospital administrator? Ask them to verify in writing what their position would be regarding a premature birth of a child, with known birth defects, of a 44 year old mother.
    It seems to me this is the smoking gun regarding Palin's story. I don't think the hospital is going to risk the chance of something going wrong by choosing to do this delivery. This would verify for the record that Palin is full of crap. It would also stir the pot at the hospital a little. Nervous admins might get someone talking a little.
    While you're there ask them why there are no birth records posted for Trig while all the other births are listed on line.

  45. SME13110:26 PM

    I’m glad to see you are beginning to look in other directions in terms of who birthed Trig. I never believe it was Bristol.

    People who are close to their families want to believe that Bristol, Levi, Sadie and others know all this information they aren’t sharing. I don’t think they do. The Palin’s aren’t nearly as close as Scarah makes them out to be and I am fairly sure all of the Palin kids have been emotionally and mentally abused all their life so they would never question whether she was pregnant to begin with. It’s pretty obvious Bristol has become her mother, but why wouldn’t she, it is all she has ever known and wouldn’t dare question the behavior – at least not publicly and certainly not privately either. The kids have all acted out and been in trouble, that is their escape and most likely their plea for attention that they never get from home. But to think her kids “know” if that is Sarah’s kid or not is foolish. She would never risk letting them in on the truth for fear they would spill the beans one night when they’re drunk or when they’re pissed.

    Adam Brickley was drooling for Palin to be VP back in 2007 and never stopped until she was picked by McCain. Hell he even hoped people would write in Sarah’s name as President instead of voting for her and McCain. Whose to say Sarah and her fans (Brickley and a few others) didn’t convince her that a sudden pregnancy at her age would give her a major boost in the pro life circles (and in getting McCain to pick her) and they set about finding her this child to adopt. They would have a lot to lose by ever admitting to it especially if the adoption was less than kosher. The mother may well have been brought here to give birth and due to laws no one at Mat-Su is willing to speak up. The paperwork could have been done in advance and she simply got the vip treatment and was shuttled off to the room the real mother was giving birth in.

    That would explain why the Heath’s saw the baby out in the hallway and why they weren’t all huddled in Sara’s room.

    Or as I said before maybe Todd is the father but Sarah is not the mother. How best to avoid a scandal for all parties than to adopt the child and pretend it is hers.

    Essentially there are an endless number of possibilities but I will never believe Bristol is Trig’s mother. But there are plenty of avenues to explore.

  46. Anonymous10:47 PM

    It would appear that Dave Weigel's attempt to neutralize the story has taken root . . . but sarah, trust and know, that you have by NO means gotten away with it.

  47. Anonymous1:17 AM

    Kristan Cole was in a running accident earlier in the summer. She is not close to Sarah. The thing that brought them together was Sarah appointing her to take over the dairy mess early in Sarah's first year as gov. Kristan is known as a sharp, exacting, businesswoman. Again, b/c the McCain people didn't really have anyone they could use to speak up as Sarah's real live friends, Kristan got plopped in front of the camera and chatted about how she and Sarah used to meet up at a park and let their kids play during lunch. If that ever happened more than twice, I would be shocked. These two gals are not the type to hang out with other women over a picnic lunch. They are both far too driven.

    Kristan is very loyal and hard working. I'm just saying she and Sarah aren't close and I think her involment - first with the Dairy and then with the Fund have cast her in a poor light - as happens to so many who have any association with SP - CBJ, Steve Schmidt, Kristan, and on and on.

    This is b/c in Sarah's world, people exist to help promote and advance her. Their reward is that they get to be in her presence.

    O/T - a couple days ago I noted when Sarah was quoted in an adn article about the birth that she said the family had gotten used to the idea of Trig having DS (paraphrasing) - but then I recalled that Willow, for one, didn't know he was DS until she was looking at him in the hospital and noted to her mother how he looked DS - "Oops! Sorry, Willow, Dad and I forgot to tell you that your new baby brother does indeed have Down's Syndrome."

    How does that work? How does any of this work?

    I think pushing the CBJ angle is a good idea - like getting out the doc oath and writing a compelling article about how she's not obligated to lie; nor is she obligated to silence if the patient has lied and cast her in an untruthful light.

    There's a lot of nurses that work at the clinic CBJ works at - have any of them spoken about what they know? Was SP seen at the clinic during her pregnancy, I wonder.

  48. Anonymous1:59 AM

    Palin's problem as a candidate for national office in 2008 was that she had not been sufficiently tested. Her problem as a candidate for national office in 2012 is that she has been tested and failed. She failed, that is, to complete her one term as governor of Alaska. It's not clear why, but the failure seems to have been due to some combination of insufficient commitment to the job she had sought and inability to deal with attacks that likely pale in comparison to those she would face as president.

    Sarah was given the opportunity to return to dignified anonymity.

    She should have taken it.

  49. Anonymous3:28 AM

    From one conservative to another: Thanks Andrew for all you have done. We both know that Palin had never taken any action on abortion in her time as governor, and rarely had much to say on the subject. Indeed, even as she campaigned before captivated audiences, drawing tens of thousands of proud conservatives to rallies in a display of rock-star popularity no vice-presidential candidate had ever earned, Palin barely spoke about abortion or social issues.
    Palin did not merit her instantaneous conversion into the Joan of Arc of the American Right.

    Thank you!

  50. I read Coincidental Evidence last nite and it blew me away.

    I hadn't known about the Wasilla nurse dying in a fire as one of the commentors posted and googled it.

    After reading all the coincidences (deaths,burnings, etc.) associated with Sarah I am worried for Mercede and Sherry.........and wonder to myself how Wooten is still breathing. No wonder people are there some type of Alaskan hit squad and is law enforcement in cahoots? Lets also remember that Joe McGinniss was threatened via the editorial in newspaper. Is Joe just the latest being threatened or whom else?

  51. Anonymous4:03 AM

    " Be aware however that there are still some things I cannot talk about, because one word written on this blog will alert Sarah Palin's people as to who they have to clamp down on next. That has already happened repeatedly over the last year or so."

    Then why don't you send your info to Sullivan.

  52. there are only 2 data points that need to be hammered home to the world...

    1) Her statement that "I didnt show much during the pregnancy."

    2) the Gusty pic showing her showing a LOT.

    end of charade unless someone can explain the large discrepancy between her words and her official "Look at me I'm pregnant" pic.

    Keep is simple. Use her words, and her pic.

  53. Anonymous4:26 AM

    Why is Levi such a big deal when it comes to Trig, most of all ruffle Trig? The Johnstons said they don't know who gave birth and Levi might know something more. Levi did look like he thought the ruffle Trig was his child at his birthday party. He may have been convinced he was not the ruffle Trig father at a later time? The Johnstons claim he is tender and sensitive. He wanted a baby (during Tripp) and that is just Levi doing as Bristol says. He was at the hospital at 6:00 AM because Bristol wanted him to be there.

    If the Johnstons are mystified and ruffle Trig is Bristol's baby with another family, where is that family and why not investigate the possibilities? The ruffle family may have evidence. No one is even investigating the weird things that go on with other possible ruffle Trig families?

    Levi says what a nice girl Bristol is but it also appears she may have been having sex with the hockey team. Each one should be examined. She also dated the son of the Anchorage fire department and legislator friend of Sarah. Gabriel Gatto. He had a desperate need to get rid of Bristol and was worried she'd find out about his new love. The legislator is certainly in a position to help or hinder fire investigations. He may have also been working on state business at the hospital with Sarah when she gave birth. Why would the state keep it a secret if Sarah was working at the hospital and who was working with her? No one finds that odd or worth looking into? I think it was in the news about her working at the hospital.

    Thank you for everything.


  54. Anonymous4:47 AM

    Anon 8:56:

    "We need truth, facts & the coup de grace if she emerges with any credibility after the repub primaries. She must be struck in the heart, politically dead."

    "We" don't need anything. If there's any chance that the things talked about on the various Palin-centric blogs is true — faked pregnancies, missing babies, general improprieties — simply talking about it is enough because, insofar as 2012 is concerned, the "right" people will hear it.

    How so? Quite simply, this blog (and others) are essentially doing Mitt Romney's oppo research on Palin.

    If Palin isn't clean as a whistle, she's running a major risk of exposure in two years if she runs. Romney, Gingrich, Huckabee, Santorum, and all the rest wouldn't even need to go to the rumors and speculation — just spelling out (as Andrew Sullivan did a few days ago) the reckless disregard for human life Palin showed in the "Wild Ride" would be enough to damage her by raising questions of her credibility and her fitness to lead the nation.

    If Palin were sane, she wouldn't run at all in 2012. She would know that she's an oppo researcher's dream and she has some pretty major skeletons in her closet. (Just the story of the white-out abortion could sink her with her base.) Palin may think that she can spin enough lies to make things go away, and she may think that she's impervious to negative attacks (either because of her gender or because she believes she has the teabagging base sewn up and they won't desert her).

    If Palin does run, it's going to be hilarious to watch, especially if she does well in early caucuses and primaries, because then the negative slime will start coming out. (I don't expect her to do well in Iowa, New Hampshire is iffy, but South Carolina should be hers.) The GOP establishment is going to have to destroy her, but they can't do it in such a way that drives the teabaggers away, so they're going to have to humiliate and discredit her. That's going to mean opening the door on questions of character — like the "Wild Ride" — and following that where it goes.

    So, no, I don't think "we" will ever know. But if the slime comes out, we might. Palin slinking off the stage may be the most confirmation we'll ever get.

  55. Anonymous4:48 AM

    If there's any chance that the things talked about on the various Palin-centric blogs is true — faked pregnancies, missing babies, general improprieties — simply talking about it is enough because, insofar as 2012 is concerned, the "right" people will hear it.

    How so? Quite simply, this blog (and others) are essentially doing Mitt Romney's oppo research on Palin.

    If Palin isn't clean as a whistle, she's running a major risk of exposure in two years if she runs. Romney, Gingrich, Huckabee, Santorum, and all the rest wouldn't even need to go to the rumors and speculation — just spelling out (as Andrew Sullivan did a few days ago) the reckless disregard for human life Palin showed in the "Wild Ride" would be enough to damage her by raising questions of her credibility and her fitness to lead the nation.

    If Palin were sane, she wouldn't run at all in 2012. She would know that she's an oppo researcher's dream and she has some pretty major skeletons in her closet. (Just the story of the white-out abortion could sink her with her base.) Palin may think that she can spin enough lies to make things go away, and she may think that she's impervious to negative attacks (either because of her gender or because she believes she has the teabagging base sewn up and they won't desert her).

    If Palin does run, it's going to be hilarious to watch, especially if she does well in early caucuses and primaries, because then the negative slime will start coming out. (I don't expect her to do well in Iowa, New Hampshire is iffy, but South Carolina should be hers.) The GOP establishment is going to have to destroy her, but they can't do it in such a way that drives the teabaggers away, so they're going to have to humiliate and discredit her. That's going to mean opening the door on questions of character — like the "Wild Ride" — and following that where it goes.

    So, no, I don't think "we" will ever know. But if the slime comes out, we might. Palin slinking off the stage may be the most confirmation we'll ever get.

  56. When I read how SArah took her infant, three days old to her office and that Todd was there I also wonder who cared for the children in Wasilla. the Palins claim they are outstanding parents. How does one parent according to their claims they have no babysitters or household help. Sarah stood on the national stage saying she fired the chef at the governor's mansion because she cooks for her family. How in God's name do you cook for children not being in the same city?

    Who watched the children and cared for them when she was at the gov office and Todd on the North Slope?
    Why are people to pretned or play along Sarah did it "all" when we know an absent parent can't do for kids. Michelle Obama is forthright about her mother's support and assistance to their family, even movie stars give credit to their nanny's, average working mom's are honest about the need for child care. Palin needs to lie about things.

    When the time is right I believe it would be ideal to address why people questioned the pregnancy given the physical evidence and implausible wild ride story. The majority of female voters who have born children will be stunned and recognize Sarah the grizzly is not who she professes nor protests she be. For as Sarah said moms know when something is not right and her choices for her infant of the wild ride..aren't right. No loving, protective "mom" would have done what she did.

    My daughter, just 13 weeks pregant knew enough about delivery, dangers and safety to be moved to tears shocked and repulsed by the wild ride. The majority of women are guided by their docs to not drink alcohol, eat cheeses with mold,, not even lunch meats that choices they make do effect their fetus. It is incomprehensible any mom to be do what Sarah did.

    It's unbelievable also Sarah's claims she was pregnant, did not look pregnant then weeks later appeared with a huge belly which is physically impossible.

    IMO the concrete facts, Sarah's own wild ride story are damning enough demonstrating she has serious mental and behavioral issues and horrific judgment.

  57. BAustin5:23 AM

    My thoughts on Sullivans recent comments is that he is throwing down the gauntet to other reporters....basically, "here is what palin said re: the pregnancy, wild ride, and birth. It doesn't add up - investigate it!"

    I also agree with a previous post, that there is probably a coordinated plan to release the 'goods' on palin at a politically advantageous time. Plus mittens peeps are probably chomping at the bit to release what they know. I also think will get a sneak preview of 'palin is a crazy candidate" meme when mccain staffers spill the beans if mccain loses

    A final point: if we take palin (a common sense fundamentalist family values christian) at her word....then we have a lack of concern for the life of an unborn child with the wild ride, we also have a teen daughter that not only doesnt practice abstinence but rather has sex with lots of boys on the hockey team.

  58. Anonymous6:14 AM

    I really hope Palin runs in 2012. She is so currently unstable, it will be fun to watch the GOP slime her out of existence, she won't have to worry about attacks coming from the left..

  59. anon 10:16pm

    Re: hospital administration. Does anyone know if this is true as I know this is a privately owned hospital...what does the church policies have to do with this hospital?:

    Several people were inside the building at the time, but none were injured in the fire; however, there supposedly were local adoption records kept in the portion of the church that sustained heavy damage. In case you are wondering why these would be there, remember that SP, CBJ, and a few others had earlier been instrumental in effecting the takeover of certain operations of the local hospital by the church. For example, all abortions were outlawed from the facility and at least one lawsuit later resulted from this rule. I do not have any evidence that any particular adoption records were destroyed in this fire, or that Sarah Palin or any of her associates have been implicated in any manner whatsoever.

    Coincidental Evidence

  60. Anonymous7:36 AM

    If there really is someone in Alaska who can prove that Sarah did not give birth to Trig, I don't understand why they haven't contacted National Enquirer or any other tabloid with their story. With the money that they would be paid for that kind of information, they could quietly retire and move to a safe place for a little while.

    For the last two years that Sarah and family have been traveling around the country staying in fancy hotels, I can't understand why there hasn't been one person who was clever enough to pay a hotel maid for the Palin family wastebasket stuff for DNA tests.

    For that matter, how secure is their family compound garbage? Surely one person, under cover of darkness (bring an armed guard) could pick up enough stuff for a DNA test.

    Where is Trig anyway? Who takes care of them while Sarah is busy filming with Kate and eight? They must have a garbage pail filled with dirty diapers. (Nobody said that detective work was clean work).

    Is there a state law that requires kids like Trig to get therapy? How is it enforced? So many questions, so few answers. Hey, Joe, what do you know?

  61. Anonymous7:48 AM

    I still think that Trig was fathered by Toad but that Sarah is not the mother. Toad actually looks as though he loves that baby whenever you see pics of Trig and Toad together. Sarah, not so much. Just the way that they hold Trig shows such a difference in their feelings for the little guy. Sarah is never shown hugging him whereas Toad does seem to have affection for Trig. Who knows, maybe Sherry is the mother. It would explain the hate shown towards her by Sarah.

  62. Anonymous7:50 AM

    The Gatto family must speak out about what they know. Gabe knows all the rumors and when he heard them. Why was he afraid to tell Bristol he had a new girlfriend? His father goes to the Church that burned. He could elaborate about the investigations. They may not have the whole story but their pieces of the puzzle would be significant evidence. Who was the state employee that worked with Sarah at the hospital.

    When Van Flein talked about why he believed Sarah gave birth to Trig he said something about why he believed her. It was something about because of the people who visited her at the hospital. He may have been talking about Rep. Gatto. They need to clear that up. Why would it be a secret if she did work for the state at the hospital and who was the state employee that was there?

  63. MadCityKaren8:01 AM

    A thought about HIPAA law and hopsital workers at Mat-Su Hospital: if Sarah wasn't an admitted patient at the time of "Trig's birth" (which a majority of us do not believe she was), but rather was a VISITOR, I don't believe that it is in violation of HIPAA for any hospital worker to state that she was seen at the hospital. I believe that for her to be covered by HIPAA laws for that particular date/incident, she would have had to be an admitted inpatient to the hospital.

    The downside to this is that there are likely a number of hospital workers, even if knowing her function at that event was as a visitor, would be afraid to speak out for fear of retaliation. Or simply not knowing for certain whether she was a patient or a "visitor" on that date (workers such as housekeeping or dietary likely wouldn't know for certain what her status there was, if they were witness to anything to begin with).

    On the flipside, I do not know if HIPAA would protect the "adopting parents" in such a case (although there would not be a case of exposing her medical records, which HIPAA is designed to do, in this particular scenario either).

    Hoping that by throwing this notion about HIPAA and visitor status out there, that someone who was working at Mat-Su Hospital that evening might be encouraged to speak up/contact Gryphen if they *know for a fact* that she was not a patient at that event.

  64. Anonymous8:14 AM

    "It's a bit of the shock because the building is not yet finished, and we've already had the sadness of seeing physical damage,"Rep. Carl Gatto, R-Palmer, said.
    Lawmakers and the state's first family -- minus Gov. Sarah Palin, who had traveled to Juneau -- prayed in church this morning.

    The ADN archives and others have more articles and video of Rep. Gatto and the Wasilla Church arson.
    Representative Carl Gatto
    GATTO: The 24th Alaska State Legislature
    Rep. Carl Gatto, R-Palmer:
    State Capitol, Room 411
    Juneau, AK 99801-1182
    Phone: (907) 465-3743
    Fax: (907) 465-2381
    Toll Free: (800) 565-3743
    Session and Interim:
    600 E. Railroad Ave.
    Wasilla, AK 99654
    Phone: (907) 376-3725
    Fax: (907) 376-4768

    Residency in Alaska:
    Palmer: 1968 - present

    Paramedic/Fire Officer, Anchorage Fire Department

    Alaska State House of Representatives:
    2003 - present
    Co-Chair: Transportation Committee: 2005 - present
    Vice-Chair: State Affairs Committee: 2005 - present
    Education Committee: 2005 - present
    Health, Education & Social Services: 2005 - present
    Legislative Council Committee: 2005 - present
    Resources Committee: 2003 - present

    Other Political and Government Positions:
    Alaska Commission on Post Secondary Education
    NCSL Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development
    NCSL Committee on Education
    Vice-President Matanuska-Susitna School Board
    Valley Hospital Board of Trustees
    Matanuska-Susitna Parks & Recreation Board
    Road Service Area Supervisor

    Paramedic/Firefighter: 25 years

  65. Anonymous8:26 AM

    "Corrcet me if I'm wrong, but the Palins never presented the baby with the ruffled ear as their son, did they?"

    Ruffles is pictured in the Van Palin birth announcement. So yes, he was publicly presented as her son by herself.

  66. Anonymous8:34 AM

    I can't find the press report that said Sarah was conducting state business at the hospital and which employee was there.
    If it is true that a state employee was doing business the state should have records. If no one asks, don't look for anyone to volunteer. If someone lied to the press about Sarah doing business after giving birth that is curious on it's own. Are there any state records that she signed anything during the time she was to be in the hospital? Has Phil Munger asked Carl Gatto if he was at the hospital or what could Gatto tell him about the state business Sarah attended to while in the hospital?

    Gatto can answer that there is a state record or not of business conducted by the Governor while at Mat-Su Regional April 2008. There is no reason for that to be TOP SECRET or HIPPA protected.

  67. Anonymous8:41 AM

    "Kristan Cole was in a running accident earlier in the summer. She is not close to Sarah."

    she's not close....that's why she hired Bristol to do housekeeping at her office. Gotta' keep that girl employed somehow. The $30K speech gig didn't work out...however, a couple hundred thousand for the wedding announcement is good work for a high school drop out with an online GED (if she has one).

  68. Anonymous8:44 AM

    "Levi was at the hospital at 6:00 AM because Bristol wanted him to be there."

    and he was wearing the hospital bracelet because??????

  69. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Kristan (The Hammer) Cole

    Aliases: Kristan Tanner, Kristan Moseley, KC Moseley

    Known For: Phony Fundraising, Covering Tracks

    Last Seen: Suffering from enormous stress

    She's sole trustee of the Alaska Fund Trust, the personal slush fund for the Palin family, which was found by the investigator hired by the personnel board to be unethical and/or illegal, yet still continues to solicit donations. Appointed to head the Board of Agriculture and Conservation by Palin, a farm regulatory position that by state law must go to someone with strong agricultural and business experience. She continues to run this position with an iron fist, removing anyone who would question her authority, even though her appointment expired in '09. Appointed herself Chair of the Matanuska Creamery, a private dairy that sprung up after the hostile takeover of Mat Maid by the Corrupt Bitches Club, that continues to drain state and federal money at an alarming rate.

  70. Anonymous9:44 AM

    I understand Andrew Sullivan wants to take a break from Babygate and I'm OK with that. He threw the glove in SP's face, and her silence is the answer.

    As for knowing the whole story, "the truth will prevail". I'm thinking CBJ is a major player in this drama, but you never know what crumbs an unknown nurse or orderly might have picked up on.

    I very much hope this is a straight-forward "he's really Bristol & Levi's kid" kind of story. Another tell-all is DNA.

    If Love and Knishes is right about this being the tip of some kind of baby-swaping ring, or a cover-up of gross (sexual) behavior by those with money and influence (with babies being the by-product of taboo unions)... well, it might be time for federal child protection services to step in.

  71. Anonymous12:23 PM

    The Governor did sign a bill 4/18/08 4/18/08 Wasilla interviews with KTVA & ADN, eye glass bill signing
    4/19 - 4/20 Wasilla

    Friends and supporters: Rep. Carl Gatto, Rep. Jay Ramras, Ricky Reese, Shooter's Billiards
    The briefing was sought by state Rep. Jay Ramras, R-Fairbanks. He chairs the Judiciary Committee, was the prime sponsor of the 2006 law and is a candidate for lieutenant governor. He turned the meeting over to Rep. Carl Gatto, R-Palmer, "in the interest of not politicizing this event."
    Gatto, the Palmer legislator, questioned whether treatment works well enough to justify continued state support. Melissa Witzler Stone, director of the state Division of Behavioral Health, said treatment agencies are well trained in how to best reach addicts, but treatment is expensive

    There is no discussion in the article about the military transportation of drugs into Alaska. Is that because Alaska is different in that respect or do they cover up what is going on with drugs in the military?

    Menard backs Gatto's opponent in primary
    The Mat-Su Narcotics Unit assisted by Alaska State Troopers and a drug-sniffing dog on July 2 seized a package from a commercial courier that contained a large number of OxyContin pills

    This is all I found so far. Apr 10, 2007 7:38 PM Gabriel James Gatto: going to jump into traffic...i dunno how im gonna tell bristol im going with lacey now ....

    Gatto bffs in Wasilla are interesting. Sarah may not be close to anyone but many are close to Kristan's mixed up family. Sapp, Tanner, Cole. Her mother coincidentally is a convicted felon. Embezzling from trusts or something. Apple not falling far from tree?
    Kristan was the one that had the shower for Sarah and the ruffle ear baby. She posted the ruffle ear baby photos on the internet. Was there was one with Sarah holding him?

  72. Anonymous1:14 PM

    @anonymous 9:44:

    I think we'll see nothing more than a "modified limited hang-out" when/if the Tri-G hoax is revealed -- too many people in high positions were/are involved for full disclosure.

    And I suspect the implications are not only national but international.

  73. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Here is another one of Sarah's classic partial truths statements with regard to the church fire. I always thought it was a very suspicious statement.

    The newspaper said Palin released a statement after the fire in which she said she stopped by the church Saturday morning and offered an apology to the assistant pastor "if the incident is in any way connected to the undeserved negative attention the church has received since she became a vice presidential candidate."

  74. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Roseanne Hughes may be the aid that went to the hospital April 18, 2010 for the Governor to sign SB149. Has anyone interviewed her about the bill, the signing or being with the Governor on a special day? What would be secret about that? Isn't that the image they want to promote, Sarah was working the day she delivers a baby at 6:30 AM?

    Palin changes players at halftime by Bill McAllister Thursday, May 1, 2008
    ANCHORAGE, Alaska -- The top staffer in the Palin administration has left his job, and several other personnel changes are being made as the governor heads into what she calls the halftime of her term.
    Palin's chief of staff, Mike Tibbles, is out the door.
    While Palin looks for a new top staffer, she already has welcomed other new people on-board.

    Rosanne Hughes, a former congressional aide, has filled the long vacant position of communications director and press secretary.
    "It's a wonderful opportunity, a wonderful and blessing and a privilege to be able to work in this administration," Hughes said. "To advance the governor's priorities, and to get to work, we've got a lot to do, as we're getting ready to into special session on AGIA, working to get a gas pipeline for Alaska."
    Meanwhile, longtime legislative aide Kelly Goode started Wednesday as Palin's legislative liaison, trying to build bridges between the administration and lawmakers.

    Senate Bill 149 Alaska Signing Presentation Ceremony Lions Club International in Achorage
    Roseanne Hughes (Anchorage) April 19, 2010

  75. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Alaska Governor Sarah Palin SB149 Signing
    Lions Clubs International, Coast International Inn, Anchorage, Alaska, April 19, 2008 (5pm)
    [DRAFT] Speaker: Lion Howard Rixie (Salcha, AK): Good afternoon. Today, we are here amongst the Lions of Alaska and Western Canada, and incoming President of Lions Clubs International, Al Brandel. We are also joined by Alaska’s most favorite governor, Governor Sarah Palin.
    Closing by Howard Rixie
    Ladies and gentlemen; We thank Governor Palin for taking time out of her busy schedule to make the signing of SB149 something very special. This concludes our signing ceremony. Thank you

    They need to correct that page.

  76. Anonymous3:57 PM

    CORRECTIONS!!!! April 18, 2008 NOT 2010

    Roseanne Hughes may be the aid that went to the hospital April 18, 2008 for the Governor to sign SB149.
    Senate Bill 149 Alaska Signing Presentation Ceremony Lions Club International in Achorage
    Roseanne Hughes (Anchorage) April 19, 2008

    By Thursday, May 1, 2008 an interesting coincidence, Rosanne Hughes was promoted. "Rosanne Hughes, a former congressional aide, has filled the long vacant position of communications director and press secretary."
    Palin changes players at halftime by Bill McAllister

  77. Anon 12:23
    On the Link to the Oxycontin arrest.
    Note that the last comment in this article is a slam on Sherry. 10 people recommended it.
    Me thinks Sherry needs to get her story out there pronto.

  78. Anonymous6:09 PM

    I don't know if this will help, follow the money!

    Maybe Sarah is paying hush money through SarahPac? Look up the companies receiving money and are they tied to Alaska? These companies receiving money when did they start up? These people receiving money were they in business when they received money? Do they have other clients besides SarahPac?

  79. Anonymous7:49 PM

    8:41 AM

    They are close like partners in crime, not close like friends. Both are driven and have weird family backgrounds. Probably both running away from something. In Kristan's case there is no disputing the character of her mother. No telling what scars she has.

  80. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Gles -
    That is an awesome blog. Wasilla has an arson problem. It is not only the church and the nurse. Those two fires need answers, the sooner the better. Something is very wrong with the secrecy and how things are handled. Carl Gatto is both connected to the church and he has a history with the fire dept of Anchorage. Not to mention he is a Tea Bagger and old friend of the Palins. His son is another baby daddy possibility? What a Peyton Place the Mat-Su is. If they did a reality show that was reality some of the twisted dark mysteries might see the light of day.

  81. Anonymous10:03 PM

    You might think this is OT--but I think not. Take a look at Krugman in the NYT today -- he's talking about global warming, but it is the exact same thing as McCain's picking SP for his VP. Krugman says (at the end):

    "There are a number of such climate cowards, but let me single out one in particular: Senator John McCain.

    There was a time when Mr. McCain was considered a friend of the environment. Back in 2003 he burnished his maverick image by co-sponsoring legislation that would have created a cap-and-trade system for greenhouse gas emissions. He reaffirmed support for such a system during his presidential campaign, and things might look very different now if he had continued to back climate action once his opponent was in the White House. But he didn’t — and it’s hard to see his switch as anything other than the act of a man willing to sacrifice his principles, and humanity’s future, for the sake of a few years added to his political career.

    Alas, Mr. McCain wasn’t alone; and there will be no climate bill. Greed, aided by cowardice, has triumphed. And the whole world will pay the price.

    Sound familiar? And SP is being kept viable (by the fat cats, by keeping babygate out of the MSM) so she can mobilize the ignorant to stand firm on the wrong side of this issue and other issues. Geez. --Amy1

  82. Anonymous11:41 PM

    Enough already! Sarah hardly ever attends church. Even though she calls Wasilla Bible her "home church," people I know who attend that church say the last time they saw her there was a couple Sundays before she was tapped to run as VP - and that she showed up because Trig was being "dedicated". That before that they hadn't seen her there for over a year. Others who know her say she hardly attends church at all - and that she for sure hasn't raised her kids in church - so unlike the image she sells of herself and her family to the rest of the country.

    Also, according to numerous sources, Cathy B Johnson does not attend Wasilla Bible. It is not her home church. She doesn't go there.

    Sarah scooted herself right across the highway (she lives less than 1/2 mile from the church) the morning after the fire to play the drama/ victim card of "I hope this didn't happen because of me".

    Please, Sarah. Everyone out here knows that you are still much more connected to Wasilla Assembly than Wasilla Bible. At Wasilla Assembly they treat you like the Queen Esther you think you are. Numerous sources that attend Wasilla Bible say it is about God - not about people, and certainly not about you - it's about God, which I'm pretty sure church is supposed to be about.

  83. Evidentally there were six people inside the Wasilla Church when someone tried to burn it down..there were vehicles in the parking lot. I read the reports.....I can't find the names of the ladies & juvenile inside the church. Would be nice to at least check the names out for connections.

    Seems to me Sarah just grabbed the opportunity for some headlines via apology.

  84. Anonymous9:31 AM

    After reading some of the comments in this blog, I believe people need to get a grip and stop letting your imagination from going wild. As I stated earlier, this whole affair could be easily put to a rest if someone would only do a DNA test on Trigg and someone else such as Bristol, or another female child of Sarah. A sample is very easy to get, a dirty diper from Trigg, something he put in his mouth and discarded, or even a hair. The child is not that isolated a sample can't be had. Since DNA is sampled from the mitochondria in the cell, any female child of Sarah, or Sarah herself could be used for verification.

    Get over the conspiracy theories and get ahold of yourselves. Approach it from a scientific standpoint and get rid of these unfounded murder theories. Some people have taken this completely too far.

  85. Anonymous5:59 AM

    27 Jul 2010 08:42 am Palin's Chances, Ctd

    Re: Mat-Su Arson
    Another fire considered suspicious hits Valley
    The latest blazes add to what has already been a busy year for fire investigators in Mat-Su. Since December, there have been three fires deemed suspicious and two fatal fires.
    By ZAZ HOLLANDER Last Modified: April 7th, 2009 09:29 PM


    Bristol and Levi: Poster children for the dumbing down of America

    Although the children of politicians are generally off-limits, Bristol is an exception for two reasons.
    First, she has made herself into a public figure not only by sharing her personal life with the world but by her loopy performance as a spokesperson against teen pregnancy.
    Second, Bristol was used by her mother as an asset to placate the religious right-wing base of the Republican Party during the 2008 campaign.
    Which Mother of the Bride Is Worse?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.