Sunday, July 25, 2010

Just who are the Sarah Palin supporters?

There is this amazing article from the Mail Online which examines the kind of people who belong to the Tea Party and support Sarah Palin.  It is, in a word, terrifying.

I suggest that you read the entire article by clicking the link above, but here are some of the quotes from the Palin supporters.

'I love Sarah Palin, I just LOVE her. She's bright, she's clever and she thinks like we do, she acts like we do and she lives like we do. She listens to the people, and she has a proven track record. She talks the talk and walks the walk and she'd make a wonderful president.'

'What's more, she's got good old common horse sense, as we call it round here,' chips in his white-haired neighbour. 'She tells it like it is. And she can shoot and skin a moose! Not many world leaders can do that.'

By the way, and I HATE to mess up anybody's fantasy about Sarah Palin, but there is NO evidence that Sarah Palin EVER skinned a moose. None. On page 32 of "Going Rogue" she talks about her father handing her two moose eyeballs to hold, but as gross as that may seem it is also appears to be the extent of her "moose skinning" experiences.

"I just hope she runs for president,' says beautician Dee Saddler, 63, who's organised today's gathering. 'She's the only person who can unite the Tea Party movement and the Republican Party. Sarah Palin is America's last hope!'

'Amen,' chorus the 26 members of the Sharon Tea Party group.

If Sarah Palin were in fact "America's last hope" then America would have absolutely no hope. I am just saying.

'Obama's trampling all over our Constitution and turning America into a socialist state and we feel angry and let down - not just by him, but by our own party. There's no one to vote for. No one to represent us.'

'Which is where Sarah Palin comes in. She's a proper leader,' says a man called Tom in a ten-gallon hat.

It happens with pretty much everyone I talk to. Particularly Shane Hershberger, 42, from Chicago, who's selling 'I Love Sarah' badges and wearing a 'Commies aren't cool' T-shirt.

'Obama is a communist spy and the collapse of the Soviet Union was staged,' he says, leaning in very close. 'This isn't home-grown Marxism we're seeing now. He's trying to destroy America.'

For every bad word the Tea Baggers say about Obama, there are two good ones for Palin. Despite all her gaffes. 'Who cares about her mistakes. It's the media, it's not her,' insists Hazel.

'Yes, she's made some goofs and errors,' says Jody Fronk, 46. 'But so what. We all make mistakes. That's what makes her one of us. And who cares if there's been a bit of scandal.'

And there you have it. These people are never going to let a few things like writing on her hand, being ignorant of how government works, or her famous pettiness, keep them from looking on Sarah Palin as if she were the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Which once again illustrates the importance of revealing the truth behind the birth of Trig Palin. 

The "Wild Ride" story will NEVER have any negative impact on these crazed supporters, hell she even wrote about it in her book, but the idea that she faked having the Down syndrome baby that she trotted out on stage with her throughout the 2008 presidential campaign, and has used to pimp her pro-life credentials, might just be the kryptonite that will strip away much of Sarah Palin's rabid fan base. And it has the added attraction of in fact being the truth.

For those people who believe that talking about this faked pregnancy helps Sarah Palin, I would like for you to show me how it helps her. 

Does it make her seem like a victim?  Well hell EVERYTHING makes her seem like a victim!

Talk about her lies? Poor Sarah! 

Talk about the fact that she quit her job as governor? Poor Sarah! 

Talk about her lack of intelligence and habitual lying?  Poor Sarah! 

Talk about her horrible approach to parenting?  Poor. poor Sarah!

If being worried about allowing Sarah to play the victim kept journalists from covering her, NOBODY would ever write a single word about her!

Does talking about the impossibility of her birth story somehow make EVERYBODY who speaks critically of Sarah Palin look crazy? Fuck no!

If this were a question that had legitimately been addressed by Sarah, and that had been refuted with real evidence of which she must have numerous examples of in her house, then we could be labeled quacks. That would seem fair to me.

But she never did.  Instead she threw her pregnant daughter under the bus to throw people off of the scent, and used a bullshit letter from her doctor, released the NIGHT BEFORE the election, to finally put the issue to rest.

Let me just say for the record that the journalists who  allowed those flimsy bits of "evidence" to dissuade them from pursuing this story are cowards!  They have put their journalistic integrity in a deep freeze while they instead focus on protecting their precious reputations and future job opportunities from attack by the Palin supporters who will attempt to destroy their careers for daring to reveal the most incriminating information about their queen.

And it is not enough that they will themselves hide their head in the sand.  No they have to also reach out to others and beg them to drop the story as well. And sometimes these people are our friends. Friends who have our personal e-mail addresses and have eaten in our homes, who whisper in our ear that we could be a "real journalist" if we walked away from this potential scandal.  Or that "you could have so much more credibility if you just dropped this story." They seem to be only concerned with how WE are perceived when in fact the real issue is how THEY are perceived when outside agitators bring up our friendship, and attempt to use it to undermine them.

I have little doubt those are the same whispers that Andrew Sullivan has been hearing.  The attacks from Palin supporters are easy to dismiss, and actually serve as fuel to energize our pursuit of the truth, but the knife that is driven into your back by your "friends" is the unkindest, and most painful cut of all.

Perhaps the worst is when they will not even stand beside you for a photograph for fear of a Palin supporter getting their hands on it and using it to smear or discredit them.  When in fact the people who want everybody to walk away from this story have convinced them that YOU are the enemy, and the reason that THEY are not getting more national attention. As you can imagine they cannot make the distance between the two of you big enough, nor run away fast enough, once those seeds of doubt are sown.

And then you find yourself alone.

Fortunately for me at least, I am not much of a joiner anyhow and I like it best on my own, so those tactics simply will not work on me.  And let's face it, what reputation would I be protecting?  If I have a reputation at all, it is for my tenacity and refusal to drop a story no matter how much blowback I receive. So sticking with this story only increases that reputation and hopefully provides me with the support from all of you guys.

And hey, as long as I have YOU who else do I need?

So, shall we continue?


  1. Yes, we must continue. My Republican relatives are on my case for starting my anti-Palin blog. I have heard "if you would but your time to better use, you might accomplish something" over and over. I just tell them I am fighting for our country's future and shrug it off. The fight must go on!

  2. OUTSTANDING, Gryphen!! Keep up the good work! As I have mentioned before, both publicly and privately, I am always open to any cooperation I can receive from you or any of your associates. Everyone can see that I cannot be outed because I am already out. I cannot be forced out of my job because I am already retired. Please let me interview you or any of your associates on PB. No one will know the names or locations of the interview subject(s) except you. All I have to know is your e-mail address, and it's right there on your blog. Do you see how this can work for us all? YOU deserve to be the one who should get credit for breaking the Babygate story, not me, not anyone else. Keep it up, Gryphen, keep it up!

  3. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Gryph- After reading yout latest, I've a newfound admiration for you. Keep on my friend , keep on.


  4. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Kudos to you, Gryphen. Keep fighting.

  5. Mickey78:31 AM

    I seriously doubt that even exposing Trig as a convenient political story for Sarah (if that is indeed the case) would budge the opinion of these people. They have been waiting for decades for their personal brand of meanness and bigotry to have a national political face that makes it okay to be a truly awful human being. They now have that in Sarah Palin and they will continue to view her as their savior no matter what she has done. It's very hard to watch the current political climate and realize how significant a problem racism is and how deeply entrenched it is. I knew it was out there, but really thought that just plain common decency and the fear of public exposure as a bigot would keep it under control. Sarah has unleashed a very ugly demon by whipping up bigots and she will one day pay dearly. It never happens soon enough for those of us who see what is going on, but it always happens. Karma is a nasty customer and you poke her at your peril. Every time Sarah opens her mouth, she pokes a little more...

  6. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Track fought for her right to fake the birth of Trig...

  7. emrysa8:41 AM

    of course gryphen please continue.

    reading these quotes from the palin supporters, all I can think of was that these are the same assholes who voted for reagan. these are the very same people who make decisions based on the irrational/subconscious rather than the rational/conscious. when "she thinks like we do, she acts like we do and she lives like we do" becomes a good enough reason for why someone should be the leader of a country of 300 million people (most of whom DO NOT see themselves reflected in sarah palin) you know something ain't right. leaders should be better than the average person - more intelligent, better educated, and RATIONAL. these people are irrational idiots.

    I highly recommend the documentary "Century of the Self." As someone who has banged their head against the wall for the past 20 years trying to figure out why people do what they do, why they vote and act against their best interests, this documentary provides an answer for that. it all really comes down to the rational conscious and the irrational subconscious. scary but good to know, and somewhat of a relief because now I don't need to bang my head against the wall anymore.

    you can find this one (4 parts) and may others here - free documentaries:

  8. Anonymous8:50 AM



  9. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Keep up the good work Gryphen, your tenacity is one of the reasons that I read your blog every day, every word. I can't say that I do that with all the Alaskan bloggers that I used to read religiously. Your courage and honesty are what keep me coming back for more. I concur with Floyd, if this ever breaks you deserve the credit more than anyone.

    Sue in Kansas

  10. They may be getting a lot of exposure, but it seems to be based more on noise than numbers.

    A CBS poll done in April 2010 finds her favorable/unfavorable numbers with R's to be 43%/16%. But when you go to the country at large, the favorability/unfavorability changes to 24%/38%.

  11. Anonymous9:04 AM

    I think she is a very dangerous woman both for her family life and in politics. She creates turmoil with her divisive discourse then quits when the going gets too rough for her--She now claims the media ultimately got to her. So what does she do next? She has figured out a way to have her entire family scrutinized by media every single day...Is it all part of the victim game?

    However, Gryphen, there IS photographic evidence she helped skin a moose. ;)

    Now if only someone would come forward with more evidence regarding Trig...

    Thanks for not giving up Gryphen.

  12. "So shall we proceed"
    Love you Gryp. Keeo it up. We got your back.

  13. sallyngarland,tx9:08 AM

    Please continue to report this story. The sudden back off by others seemed to coincide with Weigel's little trip to Alaska and makes it questionable. Sarah seems to slowly, but surely, be getting what she wants from the press.

    Palin lied to this country--whether about the "wild ride" or the Trig birth.

    You have friends out here who have followed you for a long time. Ha--you scared Palin and Bill "O'Really" enough to put up your picture on his show! Don't let them rob you of your peace. Keep on with what you are doing.

  14. Bravo, Gryphen!! Thank you for keeping up the fight.

    While they may be the most painful cuts, it's true, perhaps it's a good thing ... and the better to focus on "real" friends.

    With heartfelt thanks and admiration,


  15. Roger9:18 AM

    When I hear of people claiming that their President is some sort of evil being, trying to destroy America, I feel so sad.

    This is the first leader since JFK who I think is holding the country's best interests in front of his own political future.

    Instead of sounding like an ignoramus when he speaks, his speeches are so inspirational...but if you hear him only through a filter of fear and hatred and racism, you'll not catch any of that.

    (That's on the assumption that these Palin supporters have ever taken the time to even listen to their President...I suspect they'd rather turn off the tv when he comes on, and mutter to themselves all the malarkey they've been fed by Fox News, instead.)

  16. emrysa9:20 AM

    gryphen thanks for making a section for important posts in the right column.

  17. :-)

    that needed to be said. now someone needs to step up and spill it.

  18. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Sorry you're coming under pressure and feeling betrayed by those you considered your friend, Gryphen. That has to hurt.

    Put me in the camp of those who believe her lies must not be allowed to stand unchallenged. it's the same thinking that was behind the refusal to look too deeply into MKUlatra and IranConrta, that has swept all the WMD lies and the inconsistencies about the Twin Towers under the rug. Everyone is too afraid to look like a conspiracy nut, too afraid of "tearing the country apart" (funny how that is always used to protect Republicans, not Democrats).

    That said, if she comes out and says she faked the Trig pregnancy to cover for Bristol, her bots will laud her for it. After all, they're not the ones to whom she's been spewing such venom for calling her a liar! I think the only thing that would turn many of them away would be if she were recorded making fun of God. I think many of them would even LIKE a sex tape!

  19. Your investigative pursuits are appreciated! Time will come when all will be revealed! Something like this can not be hidden for ever! Gryph, Keep up the pressure, something is there, we all know it...

  20. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Yep, nuckin' futs as I have always thought followers of this vapid woman were.

    These people have bought into an image, a myth, a 'brand' for whatever their reason, whether it be racism, lack of education or zero critical thinking skills. It really does blow my mind that there are really people in this country who do not want to think for themselves -- it's just too hard! They can't articulate beyond stale talking points why they do not like Pres. Obama, or even why they like Stupid Palin. She has a proven record one dumbfuck says. A proven record of what exactly? Starting shit and running away once things get too hot?

    Part of me almost wishes they could have her as their president -- then they could really see the death panels, work camps, forced birth, trampling of the Constitution, deficits run amok and wars of aggression all over the planet really take form. They think they have a problem with paying taxes now, wait to Pres. Retard really takes the helm!

    Oh and partway through Pres. Retard's dismantlin' of the U.S. of A. she'll get tired and quit but luckily Todd and Dick Cheney will be there to finish us off.

    God help us. These people almost make me embarrassed for them.

  21. Anonymous9:31 AM

    I love you Gryphen!
    I will keep reading and supporting you as long as you keep investigating and writing.

  22. ginny9:38 AM

    Yes, Gryphen you are right: the turning away of friends hurts the most. I'm sorry for you that people you thought you call friends have shunned you, and chosen to lump you (and the rest of us) in with the Orly Taitz crowd. I think you have made some mistakes in your quest to uncover the truth about Trig's birth, but I think your intentions have always been true and sincere.

  23. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Ha ha, love it.

    Sarah, Queen of the rubes!

  24. angela9:43 AM

    Great post Gryphen.

    But on the flip side I have a great anti- Palin story.

    My mom recently started getting physical therapy for a torn muscle. One of the people who gets therapy at the same time was this huge biker with a confederate tattoo who gave off your basic flag waving, slap you in the face with god, love the GOP and Ronald Reagan kind of vibe. It turns out he was that person, except when people started talking politics in the whirlpool and Sarah's name was mentioned he almost had a stroke.

    He said he would be a conservative, anti-choice, against the stimulus and bailouts, hated health care reform -- Republican until he died. But he had voted for Obama and would vote for him again because he loved his country. He thought Sarah Palin was the stupidest and probably the most dangerous person for the Republican party he had ever witnessed in his seventy years on the planet. John McCain had helped destroy the party by picking Palin. He said he thought at first she was planted by Democrats until he found out his party had fallen apart.

    He no longer trusts the GOP and he thinks the Tea baggers are nuts. (He actually still loves Bush.) Then he talked about how those other hardworking Republican women who were in politics were tossed aside by the party for morons like Palin and Bachmann.

    Not everybody is crazy. But we must practice vigilance--always.

  25. Anonymous9:43 AM

    MEGA claps for you, Gryphen!

  26. Anonymous9:43 AM

    "She does dumb things that we are willing to forgive her for, therefore our dumb things can be forgiven."

    These are the same people who may have been blasting Bill Clinton for the Monica Lewinsky scandal. They just choose the battles they want to fight.

    The realities for them are different than for those who support the Democrats or even those who are moderate Republicans. A comment on my FB page about local politicians has them blasting the President (so they go into 'limited profile' on my friends list because I want to keep the argument LOCAL.)

    I've given up; they aren't even civil and they don't show basic n-etiquette.

  27. Anonymous9:43 AM

    I, for one, find it odd that no journalist will pursue this story.

    If true, and verified, this would be a journalistic nuclear bomb, probably Pulitzer material.

  28. Anonymous9:45 AM

    I agree with all the KUDOS and carry on! I am glad you are saying faked pregnancy and not "babygate." It think faked pregnancy speaks directly to the hoax and crime of it all. You are the MAN and I can't thank you enough!!

    In the Valley this dude is both a supporter and a TeaBag.
    Health, Education & Social Services: 2005 - present * Valley Hospital Board of Trustees * Paramedic/Firefighter: 25 years
    Teabag picnic.
    Bill tries to counter federal health care law
    Story last updated at 4/2/2010 - 10:04 am

  29. Fortunately for me at least, I am not much of a joiner anyhow and I like it best on my own, so those tactics simply will not work on me.

    Same here.

    Do your best, and so will I, and so should any real journalist worth his or her salt. How much longer will this lie stay afloat, will this beast of a hoax remain standing? I predict it will begin sinking to the ground early next year, thanks to the multiple verbal salvos of bloggers and a few well-placed artillery showers courtesy of the national media, including the books by Dunn and McInnis.

  30. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Palin harvests her supporters from a pool of people who've already distinguished themselves in the field of self-deception. It's not surprising that they're so resistant to evidence and logic.

  31. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Gryph- I hope you are keeping a detailed diary and copious notes because one day you will probably be writing a book about all of this. A good title would be "Out of the Ballpark" because in terms of lunacy the babygate scandal hits it out of the ballpark. (lol).

  32. TNbluedot10:13 AM

    WOW! Just wow! $carah fans really are just like her... a truly ignorant group, huh?

    Kudos to Mickey7 - great post!

  33. Anonymous10:15 AM

    We absolutely cannot let this woman and her gang of Wasilla hillbillies move into the White House. Don't give up the fight. What you're doing is important.

  34. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Lives like we do? Don't know about y'all (or her supporters) but I don't live like a multimillionaire.

  35. Irishgirl10:35 AM

    I'm still reading.

  36. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Gryphen, When you get up each day you don't have to make up excuses of why it isn't convenient to search for the truth. Any friend who would distance themselves or try to manipulate you aren't real friends. They would eventually drop you or go their own way.

    I learned years ago that you must be true to yourself and have convictions or life isn't worth the effort.

    I am glad you are proud to search for the truth and willing to take what comes. Would that we had any real journalists who took the first ammendment seriously.

  37. Yes we all know that knowing how to field dress a moose will come in handy as a President. Hitting my forehead!

  38. Anonymous10:42 AM

    I may stand behind you anonymously, but I stand behind you. We may not be a gold or blue star family, or serve in the armed services, but people like you (and I) fight for our freedoms every day - without resorting to patriotic red meat to hide our leadership deficiencies.

    As Alaskans, we have as much right to call her BS as much as the next American. Letting her get away with it all while laughing all the way to the bank and amass supporters and sway public discourse would be on us.

    No. Hell no. There should be consequences for bad behavior, and it comes in the form of the Immoral Majority.

    Love you Gryphen. Keep it up. Give Andrew Sullivan some hope. : )

  39. Facebook Lurker10:48 AM

    Big picture here folks...the people in these interviews have never and will never vote Democratic, much less for a black man. They have been brainwashed into voting against their own self interests, and no one can convince them otherwise. Sarah Palin and the Tea Party gave this minority a voice and a platform to publicly air the paranoia, prejudices, and fear of anything and everyone not like them. Sarah started it on the campaign trail in 2008 and continues to this day, except now she makes millions preying on the uninformed. I don't even think this bunch of loons would believe Sarah faked a pregnancy even with proven DNA results...they'll claim left wing conspiracy or whatever. I want her out of the public consciousness completely, because she and the teabaggers have poisoned rational political discourse in this country to the point of stalling much needed progress. President Obama has done a tremendous amount of what he set out to do when he took office, but there is more to be done.

  40. Enjay in E MT10:52 AM

    Lets face it - a campaign is a job interview (please potential employer) and election (votes) is how to get the job. The president's job is to REPRESENT & run this country.

    With any job interview, you take what the applicant says with a grain of salt, after all, their job is trying to get your vote. You check references and history for accuracy in their actions & statements. Based on former half term govs history:

    > Quits when it gets tough, when criticized, or when feels slighted. Unable to team build or work effectively with others.
    > Does not take responsibility for actions. Blames others. Someone else's fault.
    > Is not financially or fiscally conservative. $150K in clothing for a couple months. Family travel. Promoting corp. Artic Cat.
    > Unable to communicate goals & desires of EMPLOYER (US Citizens) Word salad, made up words. Accurately remember important names (O'Biden)
    > Is not knowledgeable or unable to learn specific job functions. Hiring City Manager as Mayor, History, English & Geography skills lacking w/o attempts to improve. Ethically challenged.
    > Inappropriate behavior while representing in public situations. Blowing kisses, shout out's and winking.
    > Fails to acknowledge varying perspectives. My world view. My way or highway. Mosque location. Constant criticism of President Obama. Christianity is only real religion.

    Now, would any national business hire a person with these kinds of issues to represent them? Step on up, the half-term gov. is available.

  41. Anonymous10:58 AM

    It just goes back to the her being someone that these people can relate to, like Joe the Plumber.

    What these people will never understand is that it takes brains to lead the country. While Sarah Palin can handle being the de facto leader of a loosely organized bunch of "everymen", she could never handle leading the entire country.

    I understand when these people say they want someone "just like them" to run for office and lead the country. There aren't many "just like them" in politics, and there's a reason for it.

    The reason is a lack of brains and education an no general leadership skills. George Bush pretended to be one of them, but under his cowboy facade he was just a blue blood from Connecticut!

    Certainly Bush was rather unprepared for office as well, but he did have a large cadre of shadow POTUS's pulling his strings. This is the only way Sarah could "run the country" as well; she'd have to have damn good help and plenty of it.

  42. Gryphen,

    Without bold bloggers such as yourself, Palin's wouldn't be known as the horrible, vicious and downright stupid woman that she is. Palin would have an easier time destroying the country and the damage would have been greater than it is. I consider you and your fellow Alaskan (and other anti-Palin) bloggers to be THE biggest reason McCain/Palin lost the election. Talk about saving the free world!

    I know that this has come at a price for you and your fellow brave Alaskan bloggers. Watching Palin trying to fight all of you and her other enemies has shown Palin as the vindictive, thin-skinned, narcissistic woman that she is. We have learned, as we have watched her fight you, that she would destroy America if she ever obtained public office again.

    Thank you for your sacrifices!!

    Palin has the respect of a small segment of America. That small segment would be so much larger without those who have worked hard to expose her and keep her accountable for her crimes in Alaska. I sincerely thank you!

    Mickey7 @ 8:31

    Exactly! I couldn't have said it better myself! Sarah is Coulter + Limbaugh + Beck packaged as a conservative superwoman action hero who can give a speech while having contractions, holding that baby in her pro-life womb until she flies home to birth her baby in the wilds of Alaska! (If Trig wasn't such a high-risk baby, I think she would have embellished the story even more. She would have said that Todd had to deliver Trig on the forest floor even though they were just minutes from the hospital. They almost made it!)

    In the eyes of her fans, The Wild Ride story is proof that Palin is more powerful than any man can be and is thus a force to be reckoned with. The "fact" that her baby has Downs shows her fans that she has strong maternal instincts and is a loving, life-embracing woman.

    Palin is far from that. She is weak, and her weakness is continuously exposed by her pathetic narcissistic attacks against bloggers, the Johnstons, and others who have challenged her on any level. Palin isn't the loving, pro-life woman that she so desperately wants to be viewed as. She is a pimp who uses her children as political capital.

    When one's power is vengeance and rage, one demonstrate how weak in character one really is. Palin hasn't learned this and she never will. Even though she has personality disorders, she could become a better person if she worked at it, but why should she? She has earned millions in one year by capitalizing on the racism, bigotry, and hatred for the poor and those in need. She has become a PROFESSIONAL HATER and is making millions doing so. Unfortunately, that says a lot about our country right now.

    For ages these folks could only express their cruel and inhumane Ayn Randian beliefs in small little circles. Along comes Palin, and now they can shout death threats against the uppity-elitist black man at campaign rallies. Now they can beat up those who disagree with them at political speeches.

    Thank doG that we have Alaskans who helped us see Palin for who she is. Had McCain won, she would have poisoned him by now so that she would be POTUS.

  43. By virtue of reading these blogs- we all become SP supporters in one way or another...

  44. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Gryphen, do you know why Mercede's blog has been down for the last few days?

  45. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Gryph-We have your back! DO NOT give up.
    Unfortunately, I don't think ANY truth would sway those freakish folks in the posted article away from supporting her. Hell, if they found out there was incest/rape going on with these babies, they would still be like "She just like us...let's vote for her". Yuk!

    Timing is everything.
    I think there are plenty of people out there that know the truth that have been paid off.

    I think the Rupert Murdock mafia will release the Trig truth and spin it so well that those freaks will still support and feel sorry for her. Adopting a DS child-she'll say she had to lie to protect the mother-and oh poor me, everyone is lashing out at me when all I have done is sacrifice my own needs for the children...

    What will take her down I fear are real charges of her breaking the law and getting caught. Federal charges, tax evasion etc. Then at the same having the tabloids re-hash the Brad Hanson affair: Is Piper a Hanson?, Track being a Manard (not Palin)breaking the law here and in Iraq, some abortions thrown in there for good measure. Bristol being perpetually pregnant since 16...real links to the church fire and the fire that killed that nurse...BTW: Does anyone have any info on that nurse that isn't in the paper?

    Otherwise, she doesn't scare me one bit. Nothing but a two-bit whore from Idaho with a long con going. She will be stopped. She is nothing.

  46. Gryphen, thank you! Without Alaskan and other Palin exposing bloggers, we wouldn't know what a hateful, vindictive, thieving woman Palin is. I know that this work has come at a price. Thank you for continuing your work!

    Bloggers like yourself are THE main reason the country knows what we know about Palin. McCain/Palin would have had a much better chance of winning in 2008 had it not been for those who had the courage to expose Palin for the vindictive and stupid woman that she is. You knew going into this that she would attack you, and you continue your work anyway. Thank you!

    Mickey7@ 8:31
    I couldn't have said it better myself!

    Palin is Coulter + Limbaugh + Beck packaged as a brave Alaskan woman who can restore America to her former self. It's racist, Ayn Randian self (interesting article on Ayn Rand and the Conservative party; Palin made it acceptable to worship capitalism over human decency. Palin made it acceptable to shout death threats at the uppity-elitist black man during campaign speeches. She made it acceptable to show racist, hateful signs at protests. She is the hero of the conspiracy theorist, the racist, the financial gluttons and the Islamophobes.

    Thankfully, the majority of the nation knows Palin for what she is. Thank doG!

  47. Wonderful post, Gryphen. Your best.

    Different bloggers have different motives and approaches. Having been baptized in PD, my motive is the truth about Babygate. I can't see how she can survive that truth as a candidate, but that's up to the voters. I just want them to know the extent of her TriG dishonesty.

    Sure, I follow the Palin personal and political trainwreck, and I'll be more than happy if she goes away as a candidate because of it, whether the last straw is uncovered by you or Patrick or Shannon or Sully or Sadie or others among us.

    So Shannon may feel that as a political reporter she wants to stick to Palin's own words and avoid Babygate. And Andrew may feel that he can best point out the failings of journalists in covering Palin by writing about Palin stories other than Babygate until there's new info there. And Floyd may focus on Babygate as part of a larger picture of a threatening theocracy. And Patrick may want to be all things Palin, Babygate as well as boob jobs and Track's DNA (topics I find irrelevant).

    More power to them all! But can't we all just get along? Can't each do his or her thing without saying that others are hurting the cause?

    I don't know whether the Wild Ride will be the story that eventually gets the MSM's attention. But I do know that despite Jeanne's and Shannon's focus on it for two years, it hasn't done the trick yet. And they started before Audrey began seeking the truth about TriG, before that could have been a distraction.

    I've long felt that Babygate is the key to getting the attention of her base and the MSM. As you state very well, Gryphen, the fake pregnancy story has the benefit of being ***the truth***. We can't just ignore it because someone puts a tin foil hat on us. We want the truth, whatever the consequences.

  48. Anonymous12:02 PM

    We cannot give up.

    This country now faces the possibility of a POTUS candidate (and current pot stirrer extraordinaire) with a sociopathic personality (at a minimum, probably a more serious mental illness) who has that superficial initial charm, who is attractive and uses that "charm", who is not well educated or has much worldly experience, is willfully ignorant, has radical dominionist religious views, operates in an anvironment of controlled MSM who purposefully ignores her for their ratings and a willing group of followers from the dumbed down sectors of the country.

    Its the perfect storm....

  49. The Wild Ride story has become proof to the Palinistas that Palin is stronger than any male candidate. She has become the conservative superwoman action hero who can give a speech while having contractions and can hold that baby in her pro-life womb until she flies home to give birth to her baby in the wilds of Alaska! Does it get more pioneer American than that?!

    I truly believe that if Trig wasn't a high-risk baby, Palin would have embellished the story even more. Todd would have had to deliver the baby on the forest floor as Palin bit a branch to keep from screaming and attracting bears, while just minutes from the hospital. They almost made it!!

    Anytime I tell people about the Wild Ride, they understand that Palin is a liar. When I show them pics of Palin before the "birth", they know that Trig isn't Palin's birth child. They see just how far Palin has gone to get pro-life political capital. They have seen how far Palin has gone and will go to be seen as the ultra superwoman working mom who can run a state while raising 5 children and shooting Moose for dinner.

    Americans have also seen how far Palin will go to get revenge on those she sees as a threat. They have seen how incredibly thin-skinned she is. They have seen just how narcissistic and histrionic she can be. They can see that she loves being the evil conservative victim.

    The Wild Ride works with Palin's followers. They needed a bigger than life female politician who could do the impossible. Palin allows a segment of Americans to believe that they aren't bigots. They can see themselves more positively. They didn't vote against a black man because he was black! They voted for an Alaskan woman because they are embracing diveristy!! Seriously, they can't be racists if they are feminists, can they???

  50. Palin has become a cult leader. Nothing more.

  51. sewnup12:24 PM

    I'm with LMK all the way.

    As to her idjit followers taking the exposure of her use of the mysteriously acquired Trig, I believe she would lose quite a few people over the Downs issue. I have a disabled son and I hear daily complaints about her behavior in that realm. Also I believe that there is probably a fairly large group of actual Christians who have yet to be exposed to many of her lies (thanks, MSM-who-can't-seem-to-do-the-job)who would run the other way--things like the 'exorcism' or whatever it was, some of her language many would find very offensive, her parenting techniques or the lack thereof, etc, would all be red flags for many. Some already consider her a possibility for the antiChrist

    As to the tea-party group, I do think they are unbudge-able, but then look at how they never "got" Bush. They aren't thinking, at all, apparently. They are also an angry, bigoted, extremely rigid group, seemingly without shame or intent to be otherwise.

  52. Pat in Branson12:29 PM

    OF COURSE you continue. And I am thrilled to have litbrit join the team. When we lost Bree, and Audrey and the lady who did wonders with the pictures I got very worried. Long ago I took Mudflats and Just a Girl from Homer off my daily list. And I don't have any idea what happened to Celtic Diva (or the emails that were supposed to have been sent to her, and paid for with donations from bloggers. So you and Palingates and a couple of others who sometimes write something seemed to be all we had. Now we have others joining the force with wonderful blogs. And I'm SO disappointed in Andrew. I thought he was smarter than this.

  53. Ginny @ 9:38

    I am a birther fighter. I have tracked these folks for 2 years. Being a "Trigger" is nothing like being a Birther.

    Obama has provided proof that he was born in Hawaii. The birthers just don't like that the proof exists, so anything provided to them is written of as part of a greater cover-up. It is an elaborate plan that involves every Judge and government agency in America.

    Birthers use the eligibility issue to try to oust a black POTUS with a funny name. They devise new twists to the story to directly contradict solid and legal proof that Obama is a NBC and is eligible to be POTUS.

    Palin has given us nothing but a letter from a doctor who refuses to speak up and has completely changed her practice. There isn't one shred of proof that Trig is her child. And there is the difference. Proof vs complete lack of proof and unwillingness to provide proof.

    Palin encourages the birthers and then mocks people when asked for proof of her life.

    Finally, birthers use their conspiracy theory to justify racism and Islamophobia, and who are trying to oust an elected official. I am someone that just thinks a political figure is lying about giving birth. If Palin won the election, I would still know she was lying about her child unless given something to show me I am wrong. But would I try to oust Palin using any means necessary based on The Wild Ride? No.

    I don't loathe Palin based on The Wild Ride and Trig. I loathe a woman who uses all 5 of her children as political capital, who has repeatedly tried to steal money from Alaskans, who lies about everything, and who is the most vindictive, thin-skinned and petty politician I have ever met. I loathe her because she is dumb as a rock as celebrates her ignorance.

    Birthers and "Triggers" are not comparable.

  54. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Somebody wrote,
    "Anonymous said...
    Track fought for her right to fake the birth of Trig...
    8:33 AM"

    I say the only thing Track fought was the law and Track won.... Track won because of mummy.

  55. Gryph,I really have a problems with your selection of Palin facial contortions. Might you consider at least drawing in mustaches and sideburns, glasses and warts? Looking at this particular one, I'm reminded of Benito Mussolini, El Deuce'. Can you try?

  56. Anonymous12:48 PM

    1.) Please keep chipping away at exposing the Fraud of Sarah Palin. Do not let her rest or get away with all her deceptions.

    2.) Has anyone investigated why the MatSu hospital released a premie (Trig) with jaundice and a hole in his heart, so shortly after his birth?
    - Shouldn't Trig have been transported to a hospital with a NICU for further evaluation before being released?
    - Releasing a premie baby in Trig's condition sure sounds like
    wreckless behavior on the hospital's part and merits an invesitgation.

    (And why did Palin choose to "birth" her premie, with multiple health challenges, in a hospital that is not equipped to handle high-risk pregnancies?)

  57. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Thank you for your articles and digging of the facts. Keep strong. I enjoy your blog and the honesty you write. Thanks!

  58. Anonymous12:50 PM

    So Andrew Sullivan will join in when there's more evidence, he's not willing to do the work , but he will jump in when someone else exposes Mrs Paylin. . . . .hmmmm, sometimes you gotta help do the work. . . .
    Someone wrote on the last post that someone posing as someones mom when they are actually the grandma would never be able to be pulled is pulled off every day...

    I taught health education(yeh, I'm one of those)in a very rural back woods type of area(very similar to alaska) and kids would always come to me during the teen pregnancy discussion and family discussions"
    I always told my students if anything we discuss made them uncomfortable they should let me know


    there was a lot of incest and teen pregnancy where the actual mom was now called "the sister" and the pregnant teen's mom is now the baby's momma....

    it is pulled off everyday in this great country of ours

    Gryphen you are doing an outstanding job...I think the trail is getting hotter and it will be exposed....possibly Joe McGinniss has gathered some info. . .
    Joe has been awfully quiet

    i think looking at her activities while she was suppossed to be preggers, some said she was running, this is may be okay for competitive athletes to run up to a certain point but the pregnant woman's body temp is not suppossed to get too high or there could be ummm complications......

    I do think it may be wise to hit on what she does admit with the thought that the truth will have to come a christian right to life mom why didn't she celebrate the pregnancy and birth, why did she jeopardize the high risk baby's health and her own on the long distance flight instead of going to one of th equalifies high risk delivery centers all along her flight....

    If she was a spreggers as she looked in the gusty photo why didn't the airlines pick this up...

    One of my clients is a intercontininetal flight attendant said no way that anyone at that stage of pregnancy would be allowed to fly...that one time she had a passenger 5 months pregnant who went into labor and delivered, there was a freakin' mess and everyone was disgusted, the plane had to make an emergency landing, and can you imagine the embarassment of that experience while there are alot of strangers's enough to deliver with a few doctors and nurses

    Virgin you remember how far the Virgin Mary had to go to deliver Jesus.....yeh Paylin probly thinks she's the

    Virgin Mary . . . . . .

    In my opinion looking at her gov schedule, i think they are public documents for her time....when did she go for prenatal care, what else was she doing that a preggers woman usually doesn't do, color hair/highlights/jog/eatin crap that would make any other pregnant woman vomit. . . .

    Also I believe Track was given special military duties through McFail esp to keep him out of trouble during the campaign

    What can we do to further this work.....I think all bloggers and tweeters should keep this message going but we need help....that may come if she thinks she is remotely qualified for the POTUS...she will be knocked down. . . .I believe they(rethugs) are allowing her to make an arse out of herself so they can throw it in her face....
    I'd like to feel tha there is something I can do to progress(as in SP) this search. . . . .
    there is no way she gave birth to little Trigger....

    Where is the little fella????
    The Other Barracuda78NY

  59. Anonymous12:50 PM

    So Andrew Sullivan will join in when there's more evidence, he's not willing to do the work , but he will jump in when someone else exposes Mrs Paylin. . . . .hmmmm, sometimes you gotta help do the work. . . .
    Someone wrote on the last post that someone posing as someones mom when they are actually the grandma would never be able to be pulled is pulled off every day...

    I taught health education(yeh, I'm one of those)in a very rural back woods type of area(very similar to alaska) and kids would always come to me during the teen pregnancy discussion and family discussions"
    I always told my students if anything we discuss made them uncomfortable they should let me know


    there was a lot of incest and teen pregnancy where the actual mom was now called "the sister" and the pregnant teen's mom is now the baby's momma....

    it is pulled off everyday in this great country of ours

    Gryphen you are doing an outstanding job...I think the trail is getting hotter and it will be exposed....possibly Joe McGinniss has gathered some info. . .
    Joe has been awfully quiet

    i think looking at her activities while she was suppossed to be preggers, some said she was running, this is may be okay for competitive athletes to run up to a certain point but the pregnant woman's body temp is not suppossed to get too high or there could be ummm complications......

    I do think it may be wise to hit on what she does admit with the thought that the truth will have to come a christian right to life mom why didn't she celebrate the pregnancy and birth, why did she jeopardize the high risk baby's health and her own on the long distance flight instead of going to one of th equalifies high risk delivery centers all along her flight....

    If she was a spreggers as she looked in the gusty photo why didn't the airlines pick this up...

    One of my clients is a intercontininetal flight attendant said no way that anyone at that stage of pregnancy would be allowed to fly...that one time she had a passenger 5 months pregnant who went into labor and delivered, there was a freakin' mess and everyone was disgusted, the plane had to make an emergency landing, and can you imagine the embarassment of that experience while there are alot of strangers's enough to deliver with a few doctors and nurses

    Virgin you remember how far the Virgin Mary had to go to deliver Jesus.....yeh Paylin probly thinks she's the

    Virgin Mary . . . . . .

    In my opinion looking at her gov schedule, i think they are public documents for her time....when did she go for prenatal care, what else was she doing that a preggers woman usually doesn't do, color hair/highlights/jog/eatin crap that would make any other pregnant woman vomit. . . .

    Also I believe Track was given special military duties through McFail esp to keep him out of trouble during the campaign

    What can we do to further this work.....I think all bloggers and tweeters should keep this message going but we need help....that may come if she thinks she is remotely qualified for the POTUS...she will be knocked down. . . .I believe they(rethugs) are allowing her to make an arse out of herself so they can throw it in her face....
    I'd like to feel tha there is something I can do to progress(as in SP) this search. . . . .
    there is no way she gave birth to little Trigger....

    Where is the little fella????
    The Other Barracuda78NY

  60. Anonymous12:57 PM

    translating for anon 8:50 AM

    Gryphen, Hang in there!

  61. Anonymous1:02 PM


    You will never be alone no matter how the story ends. And someday "friends" will realize they need you more than you need them.

    Re-read "All the Presidents Men" and keep doing what you are doing.

  62. Anonymous1:11 PM

    The truth about all this will come to light, Gryphen, and you will be vindicated.

    I am sorry some of your friends feel you are whipping a dead horse, but so many pieces of the puzzle have been revealed there is really no doubt at all that she faked a pregnancy.

    And she didn't do it by herself.

    As for her zealot followers, poor things. They don't understand why SP is mocked and made fun of by most of America. And they don't want to know, because the answer would make them look really bad.

    Time is not Quittypant's friend.

  63. ArmchairJane1:13 PM

    Thank you, this is a great post. I agree with you that the faked pregnancy is an essential element of Palin's phony persona that MUST be pursued and exposed. You have shown a huge amount of courage in trying your best to see that the this huge lie becomes known to the American public.

    The details of just exactly how Sarah Palin became the "mother" of Trig, without actually being his biological parent, have yet to be completely revealed, but I think that anyone who looks honestly at the evidence must conclude at the absolute minimum that something very strange was going on with Palin's supposed pregnancy, and that the claimed facts do not add up at all.

    Against the weight of the observable evidence, most people who have looked at the evidence, but still resist the idea that Palin faked her pregnancy, do so on the grounds that they just can't believe someone in her position would do something so crazy, and be so "bold", as Sarah likes to say, as to do it in full public view. But as Sarah continues to pull stunts, more thinking people are wondering about her.

    Palin continues to behave more and more erratically, as she becomes more and more of a tabloid figure. The newest example is Sarah cozying up to Kate Gosselin on her Discovery Show. Gosselin is someone who herself who created a completely fictitious image of happily married Supermom, who does all the cleaning and cooking herself, all of which turned out to be fake and staged. This seems to be a perfect example of Palin's claim that ALL associations are valid for criticism, and so I would like to point out to Sarah that she is now filming with someone who faked a happy marriage and home life, and lied to the public for years before the truth came out about the affairs of both Kate and Jon, the truth that there were many nannies and housekeepers hidden behind the scenes, and that Kate and Jon were living hugely beyond their means using Other People's Money gained through Kate's happy family lies. Hmmm... And the first people who started bringing this to light were concerned members of the extended family, who worried about the children living a fishbowl life, and having to essentially lie by helping to hide the strife from the cameras and the public. These family members blogged about the lie of the Gosselin "perfect life", and at first they were ignored and/or accused of lying in order to try to cash in at the Gosselin's expense. But in the end, they were proven right and vindicated.

    I'm sorry that it was not enough, for others who say they want to see Palin safely away from the levers of power, to just say that the Wild Ride was bad enough, and so they choose not to pursue the fake pregnancy. But to publicly imply at a high profile event that we're tin foil hatters is a disservice to those who are willing to be bold enough to tell the truth.
    Keep on keeping on. The pressure is showing as Sarah looks older by the day.

  64. beandubh1:20 PM

    Gryphen. Excellent post.

    As I see it, your "isolation" at the moment--i.e., Andrew Sullivan's retreat from the field and your fellow AK bloggers' acceptance of the Wild Ride as definitive evidence of Palin's instability--is good news.

    You now have the opportunity to pursue babygate, full speed ahead: You're there in Alaska, and you have sources who can provide evidence of the truth you've been seeking. Go for it. Make your mark as a journalist.

    Although I have no desire to wade into any intra-blog conflicts, I know that you have the support of Patrick, Kathleen, and Regina (emerita) at Palingates, along with most Palingates readers. In fact, notwithstanding events of the past few months, you've always had this support.

    Also too, I'm hoping you'll agree to Floyd M. Orr's offer of a confidential online interview.

  65. Anonymous1:23 PM

    11:43 AM _ Gryphen, do you know why Mercede's blog has been down for the last few days? _

    Mercede is getting her grove on with Johnny Chandler. He is a very popular guy and he steals all the girls hearts. I hope she is having a great time and taking a break from the crap Levi has tossed her way.

  66. Anonymous1:30 PM

    The fairytale image of Palin is as far from the truth as Judy Garland's real life was from her role as 'Dorothy' in 'The Wizard of Oz.'
    Sarah Palin has no 'core' beliefs
    because she has no core - she flies by instinct not personal convictions.
    She knows who will lap-up the snarky
    hokeyness & faux patriotism & that's who she plays to. But this 'cult of
    personality' she's got going, could
    not have gotten off the launching pad
    without some powerful, behind the scenes backers. The Palins' appear to be living beyond even their newly
    accumulated wealth, ie. body guards,
    perpetual traveling to the lower 48,
    attorney fees, personal assistants,
    up-keep of their property, making sure Track has enough $$ in his pocket.
    offers a facinating take on what
    Sarah is about & who is behind her
    rapid rise to power. Their in-depth
    perspective provides a few more pieces of the puzzle, I think.

    OT: I've always wondered just why her father decided to leave Idaho if he
    had a good teaching career there, &
    re-locate to Alaska. If he wasn't a
    member of the treachers' union he'd have lost tenure by moving to
    another state to teach. Teachers I had
    near NYC, & the ones my kids had when
    we lived in western NY, taught at the same school for 30-40 yrs. Any teachers here to comment on this point? Thx.

    Sharon TN

  67. Anonymous1:59 PM

    I'm sorry you are being abandoned by your friends as well as being counseled to drop this story. I too read many of the Alaskan Blogs when Sarah was first nominated, and feel you as well as the others are the main reason Sarah Palin is NOT VP today.
    Please continue your search for the truth. You have many people who stand behind you.

  68. Anonymous2:22 PM

    I haven't read the comments yet but your post is terrific. Put me over in the column labeled "HELL YES CONTINUE". I am not vulnerable to conspiracy theories but all the stories swirling around "underground" about Sarah Palin are not theories, they're the accumulation of what appears to be facts and have the ring of truth which Sarah's versions always lack. The holes in her stories are big enough to drive a bus into. She can't keep it together forever!

    Rarely a day passes that I don't come here and find out some little tidbit that I didn't know before. Yesterday your post directed me to Floyd's blog. I had never known the dates of the fires before - incredible sequence of "coincidences" in Dec. 2008! A lot of loose ends were coincidentally tied up in just 24 days from Dec. 12 until Jan. 5. Fascinating.

    I get impatient for the truth to come out but it's not going to surface all at once. It's too complicated, too crazy.

    Sarah's strongest organizational skill - maybe only skill - is being able to manipulate people into situations where she's in control and where she's involved the other person/s to the point where they can't tell the story without implicating themselves or someone they care about.When all else fails, there's the fear factor of what she or her mafia might do. When her needs are met and deeds are accomplished, that's when she drops people and moves on to her next project. She is a master at manipulation.

    Keep chipping away Gryphen. You're not alone although I know it's tough to hear the negative remarks from your friends. One person who may not be on your side but who insists on "helping" you is Sarah herself - she's her own worst enemy.

  69. Anonymous2:25 PM

    My sister's ex husband adores Palin because she is "hot". He also believes every word from Fox news is gospel. I think if Peiper scraped her knee, the exH would say "Obama sent someone to do it".
    This "ex" remains incapable of accepting any responsibility or accountability for his life. According to him he is a "victim of bad luck". When his girlfriend lies to an agency she has no bed for the purpose to get free goods then sells the bed on Craigslist, this ex gushes praise for her con game. He denies reality e.g. his son in a REhab program according to him is "not" an alcoholic.

    People who are like Palin do share her lack of ehics and other personality traits.

    Women I know who were dazzled by the "strong, tough woman" hearing her RNC speech abandoned their love of her learning truths revealing they loved a persona that did not exist.

    IMO, Palin's..stupidity and her bashing people who sesek to be educated wheteher or not they attend any a college alleviates shame people have giving them a sense of worth for not going on to higher learning. Palin demonstrates in her smug, mean girl nasty comments by words and her deeds she doesn't need to learn anything and horse sense is what counts.

    I truly believe her fan base, like my sister's ex would not care if she stole babies and fed them to wolves.

    Whipping people into a froth by lying to scare the bejesus out of people, saying outrageous lies to incite the worst in people to murderous rage, manipulating people with BS and lies tocontrol them to do whacko things is not true leadership nor what the world needs.

    I anticipate Palin may lose some fans when her reality show airs for reality show stars are not serious presidential candidates.

    Some people won't ever grasp the POTUS casn't get by compulsively lying, being a grizzly bear in name only, or shooting animals, parading truant kids around the globe, tabloid seeking for money or their spouse emailing senators and congressman as the go to person. She can't charge per diem spending half her time in Wasilla or Hollywood nor run the country via twitter and defintely not making up words and having celebtations that she is the most unqualified and ignorant persons on the planet. there will be no monies to feature the Palins and Gosseslins having 4th of July on the White House lawn either. Ethics have not ever stopped nor rules either. Our country would be the laughing stock of the world and we'd sink so low our great great grandchildren will still be there.

    I wonder if the GOP were so blinded of how she maybe could get them back in power they were too foolish to realize they unleashed a political monster and train wreck?

  70. womanwithsardinecan2:33 PM

    First Lady Carter once said something during an interview that has stuck with me for many years now. She was talking about Reagan, but it is even more true about Sarah. She said that Reagan made people comfortable with their prejudices. The "one of us" meme that the bots constantly spew is exactly coming from the idea that she makes people comfortable with their narrow ignorance and prejudice. They want a leader who espouses their tiny, black and white world view.

  71. phoebes in santa fe2:42 PM

    Palin's supporters frighten me more than she does. Their ignorance and paranoia and out-right racism is something astounding. I particularly liked the fellow who said the fall of Communism (which happened 20 years ago) was "fake".

    Actually, I feel that it is ALL racism. We have a black president and that scares the hell out of these people. As much as I deplore racism, I sort of think it's good that these people's racism is out in the open. We can finally talk about it.

    Oh, and to Angela@9.43a - your story was very interesting. I, too, have met former big-time Republicans - like my sister and brother-in-law - who were so turned off by Palin's nomination that they voted for Obama and will not vote Republican on a national level "ever again".

    I also liked your point about all the smart Republican women, hard-working politicians who had worked their way up the political ladder. Women like Snowe and Collins of Maine, Whitman of New Jersey, and Hutchison of Texas. I might not agree with their political views, but I certainly admire them as politicians. They must be pretty mad to have been passed over by a fly-by-night woman like Sarah Palin.

  72. Anonymous2:51 PM

    I admire you for your determination to find the truth. However, based on what has happened every time a Palin lie has been exposed, her supporters will twist and fold it to make it become a positive thing. If they can't, they will dismiss it as an 'innocent mistake' and forgive her for it.

    There is a core of people in her camp who will continue to think she's the second coming, regardless of what is revealed about her. You could provide incontrovertible proof of the most heinous crime and they will somehow see it as proof that she's a gutsy, down-home, out-of-the-mainstream maverick. Fortunately, that core of people is extremely small.

    It seems as though more moderate, reasonable people are already being turned off by her ignorance and hate. As much as I'd like the truth about Trig, regardless of what it is, to be revealed, I suspect it will make little difference to many of her diehard supporters.

  73. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Great post!!

    I have been following your blog and other blogs regarding babygate since the very beginning. I wish sometimes I lived in Alaska just to be able to put in some shoe leather time in pursuit of the truth.
    Just looking at all the people working on this, and the people in support of it, it seems to me that if we collectively pooled into a fund we could hire a P.I. to track down some of these leads. In essence some of the players on the edges such as CBJ and others who have a stake in this. If the MSM won't do its job lets pay someone to do the leg work. If enough doors are knocked on the truth will come out. I for one would be willing to give up a few lattes a month to have this happen. Anyone else? Are you up to overseeing the fund Gryph? A small price to pay for expediting the bitches downfall.

  74. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Thanks to emrysa for the free documentary link. I know I will be exploring that list for quite a while!

  75. It's dismaying that certain prominent liberal voices in AK refuse to acknowledge the reality of the pregnancy hoax. Apparently they've decided (much like Andrew Sullivan has) that focusing on Palin's most obvious fraud is not in their own best interests.

    The teabagging morons who support Palin are irrelevant in this regard; they will never abandon her no matter what is revealed. However, there are some Republicans and Independents whose opinion of her will turn "unfavorable" when the true story about Trig is ultimately exposed, and her political options will approach zero.

    So, yes, we shall continue! And thank you, Gryphen, for your courage and persistence. Someday -- not soon enough, of course -- Palin's tangled skein of lies will unwind.

  76. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Now THAT is the face of a know-it-all-fascist.

    Pretty face.
    Pretty words.

    and a liar.

    ffs - password captcha is pissing me off.

  77. When SP was put up as the VP choice, I knew nothing about her. I googled, yahooed, and firefoxed every possible combinations of words in order to find ANY info on her. Many articles in AK newspapers eventually provided names, which led to finding blogs. IM was one of them. While when first read, I realized there was something not fully expressed about this soon to be failed candidate VP. I so believe in this mission, I have twice made donations to this blog. Let us hope that this a bit of darkness before the light shines on the truth and we can all exhale again. Thank you Mr. Gryphen. I do hope you find that there is more interest and passion about what you blog and will continue your difficult and important work on all of our behalf. For you are our eyes when we can not see, you are our ears when we do not hear, you are our voice when we fail to speak, you are our brain when we are struck stupid. Keep on keeping on! (PLEASE) When the bills are paid, I will budget for another contribution.

  78. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Great post, Gryphen.

    While friendships can wax and wane, your integrity and principles should not.

    Keep up your excellent work on exposing Palin and her lies!

  79. emrysa4:31 PM

    please note that link I gave out earlier for

    when you go to the page of the doc you want to watch, you need to click on the "watch film now" button to view the films. the videos that they embed in the pages are only trailers. sorry for not pointing that out earlier.

  80. Anonymous5:02 PM

    They don't worship Sarah, they worship themselves. They love her only because she mirrors back an image of themselves. The Trig scandal will end all that. Keep it up! Your career is going to skyrocket once the evidence is out. I hope you and Andrew will go on every show that will have you. Why it took so long for the story to get out is a story in itself.

  81. Anonymous5:03 PM

    1:23 PM _ "Mercede is getting her grove on with Johnny Chandler. He is a very popular guy and he steals all the girls hearts. I hope she is having a great time and taking a break from the crap Levi has tossed her way." _

    Good, it's great to see her taking a break! Now, I don't have to be concerned about her safety.

    While that explains no new posts, it does not explain why the whole blog is down. No one can read what she has written in the past.

  82. Sadie's blog is not down. It is just fine.

    As for when she will post next, well Sadie is not as prolific as some people, but she should have a post up relatively soon.

    Check back tomorrow.

  83. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Please reassure us that Sadie hasn't stopped blogging.

  84. Reading those comments from Palinbots was, as always, depressing. Palin is not receiving any more scrutiny and/or criticism than any other politician in this country.

    Palin supporters are delusional - nothing will crack the delusion until Jesus Christ Himself points it out and even then they would accuse Him of lying. I am not even remotely kidding.

    Sarah Palin is using her evangelical Christian cred to sell herself as an authentic believer and Trig is the central part of that deception. Prove that Trig is a political prop and NOTHING else, and Palin is toast.

    Trust me on this - even if she has supporters left after the truth about Trig comes out (IF it ever does.....) they will be pariahs, just as she is.

    I hope we all live to see the day this fraudulent person is exposed.

  85. Anon @ 5.02pm

    "They don't worship Sarah, they worship themselves. They love her only because she mirrors back an image of themselves."

    Brilliant, you are so right!

  86. beandubh6:41 PM

    Postscript to my post @ 1:20 PM:

    Please know your true friends--they are here, and they are elsewhere as well (I'll guarantee that).

    Just sayin'....

    Keep on keepin' on.

  87. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Sadie mentioned interviewing before. It was before Bristol and she was to interview Levi. Johnny Chandler may know much more than Levi. He was a boyfriend before Levi. They remained friends and his sis and Bristol get along. She is also an unwed young mother.

    It would be interesting if Johnny can speak. May be going to jail for that assault cleared his head. Does anyone know what that was about? I tried to look it up and had no luck. He is friends with the Palins, does he have the same privledges as Willow and Track? He is famous for drunken parties with young girls. One of Bristol's friends, the inner circle, was Johnny's personal photographer or something. They could do a book, she took so many photos of what it is like in that little part of the world. Sadie shound interview Johnny and elaborate on life around Sarah's Wasilla from Bristol's peer group.

    With Johnny's connections and all he would know who the rats were that turned in Sherry. I was curious as to the date of the assault and did it have anything to do with the Willow vandal. There were other friends who went through some mess, I know the approximate dates with that. I don't know the date of the Willow vandal. I don't know the date of Johnny's assault arrest.

    What a small town and more coincidence that the house Willow damaged may have been Bristol's bff April Morlock family. Also, too, Jeremy Morlock.

  88. Anonymous7:27 PM

    When I tell my friends and family that Palin faked her pregnancy, they tell me that it sounds too outlandish to be true. Why? They don't base it on any real facts but instead on a "feeling" they have that it just cannot be true. Wiegel's belief seems to be based on this. So does Jeanne's and Shannon's. But as a woman and a mother, I find it hard to believe that they would think Palin did not show because she had "tight abs". Hilarious and insulting. Or that his name being Trig would be a coincidence to the name of his condition. When I wanted to name my daughter Katherine, at least a dozen people told me why the name was inappropriate - because it reminded the of an ex-girlfriend, a mean boss, etc. You mean to tell me that no one objected to Sarah's choice of a name for her youngest son? Bullshit!

    You once said that in the quest for the truth we had to be open to what it could be, otherwise would we know it if we saw it? Those words always stuck with me.

    I really don't think that Palin just pretended to be pregnant to hide her daughter's pregnancy. Another blog quoted a friend as saying that the truth is much more heartbreaking. Bristol loves Tripp. She does not show the same level of love or devotion to Trigg. That's just a fact. It is clear to anyone who looks. Trigg is now supposedly with aunt Heather. If that was truly Bristol's baby, it would be with her. Either her Trigg has already died, or this Trigg is adopted.

    You have a world of supporters, Gryphen. And together we will go on. We will "reload," and we will win. In America today, we are lacking real leaders. You are a real leader. You never backed down, you are loyal and trustworthy. In these troubled times, WE need you.

  89. angela8:22 PM

    Just a thought, probably voiced before.
    Is a Down Syndrome baby more politically palatable than a FAS baby for a fundie who plays her family off as morally just, chaste and sober?

  90. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Anybody see the new Globe Magazine cover? Another dumbass story claiming Obama was born in Africa and mentioning "proof"--another manufactured birth certificate from a right wing loon. Why is it they can do all of these fake stories about Obama and NOT ONE about the real Trig scandal? BTW, I didn't buy the rag, just saw the cover. I wouldn't give them my money and reward their extreme irresponsibility.

  91. Anonymous9:36 PM

    I just tried Sadie's blog at the same address as I've always used:

    Again (as the past few days), I got "Fedora Test Page."

    After that, I tried from links that you posted in Immoral Minority. I got:

    "Forbidden -- You don't have permission to access /2010/07/15/who-needs-coffee-when-you-wake-up-to-news-this-shocking/ on this server.
    Apache/2.2.8 (Fedora) Server at Port 80"

    Do you get her actual blog, Gryphen?

  92. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Thanks for keeping up the good fight, Gryphen.

    IM has become my daily pitstop, along with the Wonkette and the BBC (and yes, PG). You are in very good company. The rest, meh.

    I knew the first time I heard the story of the wild ride that something wasn't quite right. i saw the pics and i knew.

    It's one thing for your friends to make their own choices, but the make to feel ashamed of yours is unforgivable. from one loner to another - if having them in your life makes you feel bad, why bother? reach out to us, and we'll reach out to you.

  93. Anonymous10:37 PM

    emrysa - thanks for the tip about Century of Self. I watched all the videos. Amazing! I encourage everyone to watch.

    As for Sadie's blog, I use Firefox and I haven't had any trouble. I checked earlier today and just tried it again and it worked fine both times.

  94. Anonymous1:03 AM


    Sorry for shouting--it's just that I can't believe the ignorant, hateful, divisive grifter $P hasn't been shamed off the stage yet.

    It seems so obvious that she faked the pregnancy and did not give birth to Trig. Why can't/won't most people see that?

    So, Gryphen, thanks for the hard work that you do--it IS appreciated. I'm sorry for the personal toll and hurt it's costing you. If it's any consolation, I think you deserve to lay your head down each night with a sense of satisfaction...and a clear conscience.

  95. Anonymous6:10 AM

    it's one thing for your friends to make their own choices, but TO make YOU feel ashamed of yours is unforgivable.

    (i was tired last night!)


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