Thursday, July 29, 2010

Cover of Sarah Palin's next book.

Can you say photoshop?

I agree with Sarah that you just cannot have too many flags on your person. I mean how else can your demonstrate your super duper God fearin', apple pie eatin', patriotism?


  1. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Is her lip crooked from all the snarling she does?

    This picture could only be more cheezy if she put her thumb on her chin.
    She's trying way too hard with the flag bracelet

  2. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Is it just me, or does her hair look super poofy in this picture? Maybe she's back to having her hair extensions put in?

    'Course, funny thing about this book is she won't have written it either.

  3. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Needz moar crosses, flags, babies, burnin-thighs, moose recipes, troops, exclamation points and capitalization!

  4. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Can you say "wig"?

  5. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Oh, puke. What, no flag decal on her forehead?

    How do the Palinbots not see through this crap?

  6. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. For the hate that emanates from within her, I think she's an extraordinarily ugly person.

  7. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Sarah is unelectable, and she knows it. In this book she makes the transition from political leader to religious leader. She actually writes a small part of it, a part that is near and dear to her heart. It is this prayer:

    ¨I´ve asked my father Chuck
    But he can´t speak
    Why does the wind still blow?
    And blood still leaks?
    So many questions now
    With no reply
    What for do people live until they die?¨

    This IS a good question. And even better is Sarah´s answer:

    ¨Only Mr. God knows why
    (But) His phone is out of range.¨

    (A tip o´ the hat to A. Lane)

  8. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Love the hand placement. Is she suggesting to a certain demographic that you should insert something into the cover?


  9. Anonymous1:29 PM

    For an excellent read on patriotism try Eric Sloan and the "Spirit of '76". Not this tripe.

  10. Anonymous1:47 PM

    bumpit babes will weep at the sight.

  11. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Why is her left cheek implant so much bigger than the right?

  12. Virginia Voter1:52 PM

    Oh, Gawd, this woman is too much. The pageant hair, flag "flair" (as we used to refer to it at Bree's), overdone makeup screams fundie televangelist. Compare the back to back pictures Gryphen has up, it's like two different people.

    Thoughts on FAMILY?? Like how to exploit your children for monetary gain, or how to pawn them off to your already overburdened sisters? Have your husband and daughter do all the cookin, cleanin, and diaper changin? How to hide your pregnancy with scarves? What the fuck?

  13. Anonymous2:05 PM

    The bottom of the neck (which looks older and somewhat wrinkly)does not look like it goes together with the top portion of the neck and face which looks much younger. A LOT of retouching went into this photo.

  14. Anonymous2:10 PM

    that's why she and her hubby support the secessionist party right. because she loves America??? she is so confused.

  15. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Sarah just loves to look at herself. I'll bet she knows the name of Shane Dawson's cat.

  16. Anonymous2:20 PM

    This is the book that is not going to be released?

  17. emrysa2:27 PM

    she's trying to suppress the snarl, but it's there.

    sorry sarah, your vile ugliness shines through no matter how hard the surgeons and photoshoppers try to cover it up.

    and the topic matter? for simpletons. your crowd.

  18. Anonymous2:28 PM

    In her mind, she is the Miss America she has always wanted to be.

    -- Malachi

  19. nswfm2:30 PM

    If I weren't posting from my phone, I'd get pics of those little flags on toothpicks that you see on cupcakes, and stick a few thousand copies on this photo. THEN I think there would be enough flags on this picture. I agree about the eye of the beholder. All the rest of this lying fraud shows through in that pic.

  20. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Don't ya know this is how demented Sarah really sees herself. She wants to believe she is 20 again and still looks soft and pretty. She doesn't realize that her vile talk and revenge makes her hard looking and ugly. I agree a lot of airbrushing to try to make her look younger than Bristol.

  21. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Seriously, when I saw that picture, I thought it was some Wannabe Tea Hag. It doesn't look like Sarah Palin.
    Hasn't Sarah heard that those flag pins won't get you into heaven any more?

  22. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Ha. Ha. Trig would hardly recognize his mother. Oh wait, that's not his mother. ;)

  23. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Who is that supposed to be on the cover?

  24. Anonymous3:21 PM

    She really thinks she is speshul, don't she? She can laugh all the way to the bank with what I think of her.

    They should call her book, "Sarah Palin: Reflections of a Runner-Up."

    On having her baby-- why doesn't the blogosphere quite saying that she had a baby and say that she allegedly gave birth to Tri-G?

  25. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Mike Grimm, a G.O.P challenger for Mike McMahon's Congressional seat, took in over $200,000 in his last filing.

    But in an effort to show that Grimm lacks support among voters in the district, which covers Staten Island and parts of Brooklyn, the McMahon campaign compiled a list of Jewish donors to Grimm and provided it to The Politicker.

    The file, labeled "Grimm Jewish Money Q2," for the second quarter fundraising period, shows a list of over 80 names, a half-dozen of which in fact do hail from Staten Island, and a handful of others that list Brooklyn as home.

    "Where is Grimm's money coming from," said Jennifer Nelson, McMahon's campaign spokeman. "There is a lot of Jewish money, a lot of money from people in Florida and Manhattan, retirees."

    As a point of comparison, the campaign also provided in-district and out-of-district fundraising totals from McMahon and Grimm's G.O.P primary opponent, Michael Allegretti. However, they did not provide an out-of-district campaign filing from Grimm, but only a file of Jewish donors to him.

    Nelson said that the list was compiled by the campaign's finance director, Debra Solomon and that she did not know exactly how the finance team knew who was Jewish and who was not.

    "She herself is Jewish so she knows a lot of people in that community," Nelson said.

  26. Let's all try to remember that "beauty is only skin deep but ugly is to the bone".

    I'm afraid Sarah is trying to be Farrah....but what do I know.

  27. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Am lovin that she has used the New York Times as a recommendation! not too hypocritical there...

  28. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Nice wig also, too.

    It is pathetic when middle aged men and women try to pass for 16.

    Nobody, is fooled.

  29. Anonymous3:51 PM

    ok. i HATE her so much. but i have to admit that she looks beautiful in that picture.


    i just had to admit that too!!!:)

  30. Anonymous3:52 PM

    i do agree the flag braclet is WAYYYY over the top. what a douche!!!!

  31. London Bridges3:53 PM

    How could Sarah have started a new book? She hasn't finished coloring the first one, yet!

  32. Anonymous3:58 PM

    She just makes the flag look . . . trite, you know? I can't believe your reducing the symbol of my nation to a WATCH.

    My flag is not an accessory.

  33. AKaurora4:05 PM

    Reflections? Personally I think deflections or rejections would be more appropriate.

    Reflection: serious thought, consideration, contemplation, deliberation, pondering, musing, rumination, cogitation (definitely not Sarah!)

    Reflection: an amount of light, heat, or sound thrown back without absorbing it; an image seen in a mirror or shiny surface (OK, now I get it!)

  34. Grypen you are falling down on the job? What about Levi's prospective 2nd baby mama?

  35. Jennifer4:14 PM

    Am I the only one that thinks she looks like Dick Cheney? The sneer makes her look like his younger sister. Even with the photochop job on this pic, it's still evident. Creepy.

  36. Aussie Blue Sky4:19 PM

    You would have thought that while they were doing all that Photoshopping they would have thought to at least make her good-looking.

  37. Anonymous4:21 PM

    You can criticize her politics but you cant deny she is one helluva good lookin' woman. I predict that that particular wig is going to be a HUGE best seller among follicularly challenged women (and cross dressing men) of ALL political stripes!!

    Palin/Jo Jo The Dogfaced Boy 2012!!!

  38. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Gryphen... do you know if Palin votes in National and Local elections? I'm curious as to whether she's a consistent voter or just a fair weather voter or doesn't vote at all. Is she a registered voter and if so, when did she registered? In Alaska, do you have to register under a party? It would not surprise me if her election voting participation is sporadic and nominal at best. It appears that her 'support' for her community, the military and the country is always politically motivated or it provides her with direct financial enrichment...

  39. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Somewhere in the Murdoch/Fox/Harper Collins Mega-Organization is a very media smart publicity person. Just when the last buzz from Sarah starts to die down, they roll another face book post, tweet, "candid" pictures of fishing for Alaska Reality series, and now this ghost written book. They are really good, and they are aiming their publicity at a lower information voter, the kind who gives money to Sarah for a legal defense, when Sarah has millions and the donor can barely afford to be such a devoted fan.

    Then, we will be treated to another media blitz with Sara promoting her book. Fox will try again for Sarah to do the All American People show that she failed at the first time. She will be making appearances plugging her 8 episodes on TLC. Short break for Thanksgiving and Christmas. (Does Sarah ever really go to church and worship or is that also a photo op?)

    Sarah is busy keeping her name in the media every day in every way. But, is her full force publicity tour a good image for a serious presidential candidate? She is working very hard at being America's Biggest Celebrity. Great, at one time that honor belonged to Paris Hilton or Lindsay Lohan. And, look where they ended up.

  40. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:34 PM

    Photoshopped to pieces and in SOFT FOCUS, just the way they'd photograph an aging actress! Wonder if she kept returning the proofs, saying "No! Younger!! Make me look younger and more innocent!! And add a few more flags, willya???"

  41. Anonymous5:53 PM

    The book that has been put on hold is the Sarah Palin book for children. Gryphen had a post about it earlier today. Scroll down and you should see it.

  42. I cannot see the CROSS! Where is the CROSS scarah? You MUST identify as a christian prayer warrior - my fundie sister-in-law saw the book cover picture and she is weeping!

    It is supposed to be JESUS first!

  43. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Gryphen you are so right!

    Her tweets are funny until you realize she actually believes she knows more about complex problems than our very intelligent and well-informed president.

    She just can't stand it when the president gets more media attention than she does. The woman truly has serious mental health issues!

  44. Ratfish5:58 PM

    "Author" of Going Rogue?

    No credit to the real writer, I guess.

  45. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Oh my... Is her photo on this cover actually a subtle message that she's giving her male readers a handjob?

  46. I wonder if that Flag Bracelet is made with rubies, diamonds, and sapphires from all the money she made from her speeches.

  47. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Oh, yeah, they've softened all the mean, ugly spots. she doesn't look that good anymore. i don't deny that she's a pretty woman, even with the man-jaw, but all the bitterness and envy has really started to show on her face. every time she makes a fox news appearance i almost don't recognize her. very sad.

  48. Anonymous12:15 AM

    'America' gets second billing to 'Sarah Palin'. I guess the picture is for people who can't read.

  49. www.sarahpalincitizenarrest.com3:53 AM

    Sarah Scamalicious is at it again!

    Is SarahPac going to turn it into another instant best seller by buying up every copy to give out as gifts to donors to her SarahPac while she collects the royalities into her private bank account again?


  50. Anonymous4:33 AM

    Why couldn't they fix her crossed eye? She is so stupid I guess she thinks that having one is a sign of beauty.

  51. Anonymous5:02 AM

    Her book "Going Rogue" was in the Library bookstore for $2.00. I passed!

  52. Her 'smile' definitely shows the snarl that has developed through the years by screeching her childish, mean-girl, snarly remarks. She's a bitter woman whose contempt towards others cannot be hidden, no matter how much makeup, airbrushing, or plastic surgery she has.

    Of course, the bots will buy 'her' book, although she didn't write it.
    "A fool and his (her) money are soon parted."

  53. Anonymous6:54 AM

    In an attempt to reduce the wrinkles in her neck, they chopped the hell out of it. She looks like a frigging giraffe. Her head is way bigger than it should be given the size of her shoulders and neck. I know it looks like her hair is covering her neck, but it isn't. That is some piss poor photo shopping.

  54. Anonymous7:30 AM

    As a professional woman who knows how to dress well, I want to know who is advising Palin on her wardrobe. Every time I see her she is a hot mess. We know you're patriotic, $arah, since you never fail to mention a dozen times or more with every word-salad toss up you spew. However, a flag pin and bracelet with both being seen in the pic?? That is something a four year old would wear, not a grown woman. No wonder the McCain campaign had to dress you. We've seen the ugly purple fuzzy jacket, the one adorned with red roses--my great grandmother had one like that, I saw it in a picture of her taken during World War II, or that long black wrinkled "crushed velvet" excuse for a coat, the one you pair up with the purple suede hooker boots?? Lordy, woman, you need a makeover from head to toe, however, no more plastic surgery as the stretching on the side is clearly visible.

    I'm sure your 'bots are talking about how great you look but the fact that they believe in you shows you what their approval is worth-zilch, nothing, nada-just like you!

    They must have worked on that cover for hours with photoshop. This book will be in the bargain bin even faster than the last work of fiction you "wrote".

  55. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Maybe it is this simple: The good folk at Zondervan decided that Sarah is not, after all, a Christian, of any credible sort or stripe.

    And are therefore reluctant to associate themselves with any word coming out of her PieSky mouth.


  56. The HAND! For the love og doG, the HAND!

    Every time I see this pic, I think that an 8 year old photoshopped it. It is a really, really bad photoshop job. Every book cover gets photoshopped. But whomever did this cover did a seriously poor job. Parts of her faces are different colors. Some parts look ironed out but swollen. Someone mentioned that one cheekbone is higher than the other, which is true. It looks like the left side of her face is inflated. She is missing her entire upper lip. Her jaw has been lengthened and has a point.

    I don't understand why the publisher would do what they did to that pic. I find $arah to be physically attractive (the evil oozes though). But this pic is badly photoshopped.

    Everyone knows Palin's age. We know that she doesn't look like that.

    I need to remember that Palin's fan base is mostly super-conservative men who will be masturbating to this pic. That is why the photoshopped the pic the way they did. Gotta keep the fan base happy!

    As a feminist, this pisses me off. Any 50ish woman who is photoshopped like that comes out looking ridiculous. The publisher comes off looking as desperate, which I think they are. They need to pimp Palin on this cover to rack in the $$$ they pissed away on this book. Folks bought Going Rogue for the juicy soap opera. This book isn't even a book. It is plagiarism with Palin pimped out as conservative porn.

  57. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Thank God for wigs and Photoshop!


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