Thursday, July 29, 2010

Litbrit has a must read post up today!

This was contributed by a frequent visitor named Jim (aka Prup):

Ten Questions for Sarah Palin's supporters who are also mothers:

1. If you were a state governor who was eight months pregnant--and remember, Sarah Palin already knew hers was a high-risk pregnancy because of her age (44) and, according to her book, her baby having been diagnosed via amniocentesis as having Down syndrome--and you were scheduled to fly some 4,000 miles from home to give a speech at a conference, would you (a) give your speech from home via teleconferencing, using modern real-time technology, and explain to your hosts that the high-risk nature and advanced stage of your pregnancy made you reluctant to fly; or, alternatively, send the deputy governor to give your speech or (b) dismiss any staff or security slated to fly with you and insist on flying 4,000 miles to the conference yourself?

Sarah Palin chose (b).

2. If, while attending this conference, you experienced leaking amniotic fluid and felt early contractions on the morning before you were scheduled to speak, would you (a) hand the speech to someone else, ask him or her to give it on your behalf, and go straight to the nearest hospital--one that was equipped for handling high-risk mothers, premature births, and special-needs infants--and get yourself checked out by a doctor or (b) continue with your day and give the speech anyway?

Sarah Palin chose (b).

To read the rest of the wonderful post (and I really must insist that you do), please hop on over to Litbrit's site.


  1. This is first rate. Hope it gets picked up by at least B grade press [huffpo, etc.]

  2. sewnup11:16 AM

    And on number 3 he even left out that there was no neonatal care specialist traveling with her; I'd sure as h**l want one aboard if I were going risk my kid's life like that.

  3. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Gryphen, I was just wondering if you've been in contact with Joe McGinniss since he's been there? Maybe you could mosy on over to his house with those great Ruffle/Round ear baby photos you posted a while back. It would be interesting to get his take on that.

  4. Thanks for posting this pic, Gryph. I had not seen it in a while. My my my ... have our Grifter's looks changed or what?? Not quite so fetching without all the magicians, er, surgeons, is she? I say you post the most unattractive shots of her ALL THE TIME. If only to piss off the bots who troll here. They're only interested in winky because "she's hawwwt." Dolts!! Oh, and to piss off $arah (Hi, $arah!).

    Shallow, I know, but hey ... she sooo brings it out in me. Pffft.

    Heading over to Litbrit's latest post.

  5. Anonymous11:28 AM

    In that picture it seems that Sarah, while stretching her neck and head forward into the camera, is trying to be the center of attention and the baby is just a newly acquired accessory that she is showing off.

  6. Anonymous11:33 AM

    OT: Shirley Sherrod to sue Andrew Breitbart


  7. Anonymous12:00 PM

    I have a question re the photo. Why is her head so big in proportion to her body? Just bad perspective because she is leaning forwards? It almost looks like a bad photoshop job, but it could also be an anorexia side-effect.

  8. Even if the whole rest of the story turns out to be true, she is terrible mother to have taken a 3-day old, pre-mature infant, who she claims had jaundice and a hole in his heart, to an office full of people. Poor, poor judgement. But I think the only reasonable explanation for why she took him to work that day is a) she had not given birth 3 days prior and b) he was not just 3 days old.

  9. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Comment on Perez Hilton's post about Levi today:

    feliciag27 says – reply to this
    I know Bristol, and she's pregnant right now with Ben Barber's baby. She was dating him up until recently when she and Levi hooked up again so they could make money from the magazines and stuff. THey still hate each other though. In this town, nobody ever really breaks up. You still hook up with other people until things are right with somebody you really care about.

    Read More: Another Baby On The Way For Levi Johnston?! |
    Celebrity Juice, Not from Concentrate

  10. Anonymous12:36 PM

    This needs to be copied and sent out to as many people as possible. Copy it and forward it to everyone in your address book.

  11. I'll say this again, regarding the wild ride and subsequent neglect.

    You're all assuming Mama Gizzley wanted the best for her cub.

    I maintain that it was all designed to put Trig in danger so she wouldn't have to raise a down's syndrome baby, plus she'd get all this sympathy for losing a baby. It was the perfect victim scheme.

    Unfortunately, Trig survived his birth, his jaundice, he hasn't caught pneumonia from having no sock and shoes, etc.

    Poor Sarah. At least she can pawn him off on Bristol to raise. And Piper. I guess Piper is being tasked with his care and upbringing now. That's probably why she's being dragged on all of the road trips. Too young to rebel, refuse or talk back to Mommy.

  12. Anonymous1:17 PM

    I have been reading your blog for some time now, this is the first time for a comment. The baby in this picture is not the some baby shown from the hospital w/ grandparents (Sarah's Parents)The face is completely different, not as chubby faced etc.

  13. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Remember folks, though I doubt she was pregnant, it was irresponsible for this fertile-Myrtle 40-something to not practice abstinence or family planning while the Chief Executive of Alaska.

    Mocha @ 12:12 - you got it, she didn't have the baby, she commondeered a weeks to months old preemie-born Special Needs child. It was a family job, which explains the family looks.

  14. Anonymous1:19 PM

    feliciag27 ? Send reliable tips to Perez or someone who will scruntinize all the crazy stories.
    The mixed messages only help Sarah. Bristol is a leader of teens who believe her and want to be abstinent like Bristol. This is an important story if it was not connected to Sarah Palin and the other pregnancy hoax. It is fraud to be the leader of abstinence and not step down after numerous re-virgin attempts.

    No one will care about the Bristol hoax if it gets to complicated and crazy. I keep thinking that no matter what Sarah just needs to be a super Mama Grizzly after all is said and done. If she can't use Bristol she can throw her under another bus. Bristol does need to be protected from Sarah, how is that possible? Do we forget the Brevi schemes and only focus on Sarah fake pregnant hoax? I hate feeling so confused and I want to avoid the off and on lunatics.

  15. Anonymous1:49 PM

  16. ENOGUwiththetrainwreck1:53 PM

    it is amazing that after she 'birthed' Trig that in this photo she has absolutely no chin fat.

    seriously - did her body forget it was supposed to be pregnant?

    she looks very different than the person on the cover of the new pay-lin book.

  17. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Anon@1:17 PM, as soon as I looked at photo I thought the same as you.

  18. Anon:1:17

    You are so right! It is not the same baby that the Heath grandparents were holding.

    Sarah does not look like she just gave birth to a baby. Her figure is back to normal. Check out the suit.

  19. Is it possible to get the hospital pic of Heaths w/Trig for reference
    posted below this current pic of Sarah holding Trig?

  20. Thanks, Gryphen. The story is getting more traction, little by little. Have faith, everyone--if you want to keep liars and hypocrites away from the levers of power, you must focus on facts, keep the pressure on, and be willing, at times, to stick your neck out, even if people call you names (as they have me).

    Truth is not only an absolute defense, it is a potent weapon in itself, one which is unmatched in its effectiveness in purging evil people from positions of power. That said, its deployment usually takes frustratingly large quantities of time--more time than many in our instant-gratification world are willing to wait.

    For my part, I happen to think keeping dangerous, lying, dominionist demagogues far away from positions of power is well worth the effort and patience (and the heat I've taken from fellow progressives and feminists). So do Gryphen, Patrick and Kathleen, Andrew Sullivan, and others.

  21. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Wow! I can see why she got all that plastic surgery now. She was sure homely before she entered the national stage and started using her grifter money to improve her looks.

  22. Anonymous5:55 PM

    The picture is such a nice one of Sarah holding her grandson.

  23. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Jim has done an outstanding job on this list of questions, to get Palin supporters to think. Sadly, we've seen the that to be a Palin supporter, one must lack critical thinking skills.

    - Sandipants


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