Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Doonesbury continues to have a little fun with Wasilla resident Joe McGinniss.


  1. Anonymous5:32 AM


  2. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Excellent opinion piece about the proposed mosque in NYC (which is not "at" Ground Zero like the Palin and the other crazies are saying):

  3. Anonymous6:26 AM

    I'm glad to see Gary Trudeau is noticing the Palin antics.

    SP's attempt to portray Joe McGinnis as a deranged, possibly criminal stalker is a trick she has used successfully in the past. Shame on her - she just can't fight fair, can she?

    I had a good chuckle imaging Geoffery Dunn's book "Lies" of having a brief overview of SP's life from Nov 2007 to Nov 2008 with a passage written "for a more detailed analysis of this year, please take a look at "Year of Living Dangerously" by Mr. McGinniss.

    Also, Mr. Dunn's book need to have as it's last sentence "to be continued in Volume Two".

    While that woman is alive and breathing she is simply unable to stop herself from conning others, lying for no reason whatever, and grasping for power over others that she exploits for her own benefit.

  4. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Jimmy Kimmel called Sarah Palin the Alaskan Don King. I think that it has to do with the fact that Don King makes up words, too. And then, Don King is know for his big hair.

    Sarah's first rule of publicity: Keep your name in the media every day, no matter how stupid you sound. At least they know your name.

  5. Anonymous9:31 AM

    I love calling her the "Alaskan Don King".

    Wasn't there a comedian who's whole presentation was based on using big words inappropriately with a straight face??? What was his name?

  6. womanwithsardinecan11:32 AM

    I'm cracking up that attempts to prove that "refudiate" is a VALID made-up word (lol) have found a dumbass arcade owner, a couple of stoners, and some stupid senator. Great company Sarah keeps. Dumb people using nonsense words and then defending them because other dumb people used them. And accidentally combining two different words to create a nonsense word is not the same thing as "coining" a word. Stupidity upon stupidity, justified by stupidity. The truth is that Sarah has always had extremely sloppy word usage and wouldn't know good grammar, punctuation, or word meanings if they bit her on her skinny cottage cheese ass. Got to celebrate it! I say everybody should send Sarah a copy of that classic Strunk and White book, The Elements of Style. If she had actually bothered to show up for any of her college classes, she would already have a well-worn copy.

  7. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Anon 9:31 - You are thinking or Norm Crosby who was the master of the malaprop.


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