Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Doonesbury's take on Joe McGinniss and his proximity to Sarah Palin.

Okay well this just makes me green with envy.

I am such a HUGE fan of Garry Trudeau and his Doonesbury strip that I would LOVE for them to parody something that I did.

I remember when I flew off to college back in 1980, with my carry-on packed full of brand new Doonesbury pocket books.  I laughed all the way to Hilo, Hawaii. I have been purchasing collections of that strip ever since.

Go here to see more Doonesbury strips.


  1. Anonymous5:15 AM

    Doonesbury....Bloom County....Calvin and Hobbes. The only one of the three great ones still going strong and staying fresh too.

  2. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Doonesbury is a natural because Sarah Palin and her life really do belong in the comic strips.

  3. nswfm8:05 AM

    "Reporter Joe McGuinnis is reportedly planning to build a mosque next to Sarah Palin's backyard.
    He plans to install a 24/7 webcam on the minuet and hold four prayer sessions daily. "this is freedom of religion, not reporting" said the Palintologist."

    From www.WilliamBanzai7.blogspot.com has some great fun and satire with Shakespeare and Palin.

  4. It seems that you attended college at the same school SP visited without enrolling in only two years later.

  5. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Way to go Floyd. Same for other 5 or so.

  6. Heidi112:30 PM

    In Monday's Doonesbury strip, he referred to her as "Governor Palin". I emailed Trudeau about that post haste! Told him that we sure would appreciate it if in the future he would simply assign her the correct title of "Ex half-term Governor".

  7. I think a new request of the Ex 1/2TG should be put forth...that her royal pain-ness may refudiate....show me the transcripts...ALL of them. Employers often ask for employees to produce legitimate transcripts of their "progressing" through college...seems the decent thing to do. It is a question most reporters would ask....if they give a hoot.

  8. Anonymous4:59 PM

    I was a Far Side fan myself. I have a warped sense of humor. :-)



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