Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The REAL Christians have finally had enough of Glenn Beck's twisted version of their religion.

From Faithful America:

Glenn Beck is going on tour. He’ll be spreading his false messages about faith and social justice in UT, SC, DC, NJ and NY this summer. For too long, Beck’s presented his own political agenda as “Gospel truth”. We can’t let him get away with it anymore.

Since Glenn Beck claims to speak for Christianity, we’ve created a thought-provoking radio ad to air on Christian stations in cities on his tour route on the days leading up to, during, and after his events. But we need to raise $10,000 to cover the cost of the radio placements and our other efforts to show America we can be Driven By Faith, Not By Fear.

To hear their wonderful radio ad, just click the link at the beginning of this post.

It is very satisfying to finally hear Christians standing up for their faith.


  1. Anonymous3:09 AM

    Apparently the Mormon Church is quite comfortable with Beck's message of hate and stupidity. 10% of his millions is too lucrative to mess with?

  2. Anonymous3:53 AM

    Glen Beck speaks for the Mormon's.....not the Christian's. They LOVE, LOVE, LOVE him in Utah because he is the most popular Mormon spreading the Gospel of Joseph Smith.

    Yet, it seems the "Christian's" haven't caught on to this yet. They are too excited about his message of hate to figure out that they are being taken for a wild ride.

    Oh well...............

  3. Anonymous4:33 AM


    I hope their next ad is about Sarah Palin.

  4. Anonymous5:19 AM


  5. Lynne5:32 AM

    That's a great website, Gryphen. It's encouraging to know that there are aware Christians standing up for what Jesus preached and lived. I too would like to see them take on the vicious Palin version.

  6. Apparently Beck has announced he's going blind. That's what happens when you pleasure yourself to too many Palin speeches. If God really was just he'd strike Beck deaf as well.

  7. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Anyone see ABC's expose about Goldline last night? Beck's name was torched at every opportunity.

    T'was a beautiful thing.

  8. Anonymous6:46 AM

    First Palin had us pray away the stain. Now, I am waiting for her to organizer prayers for Beck. If I had any choice in the matter, I would be praying that his vocal cords freeze up; he has been blind to reality for a long time.

  9. Anonymous8:11 AM

    be nice. he's going blind, did you hear

  10. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Yes...we've all been calling for the "peaceful, god-fearing, mankind loving" Muslims to step forth, and "refudiate" all the hatred and acts of terrorism and murder which their more noticeable members have done, to make a mockery of their "religion."

    How sad is it, that through wingnuts like Beck, preachers who urge prayers for Obama's demise, and the killing of doctors who perform abortions, the very same call to Christians, needs to be made?

  11. akbright9:34 AM

    And anyone lucky enough to be in Anchorage on 9-11, will have a chance to see him speak. (aka rant)

  12. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Since Beck all but kissed SP's shoes the last time she was on his show, I will be interested in seeing if she comes to his defense.

    Probably not - his ratings and sponsors are falling off, and she wants to be associated with "winners" not "losers".

    I am very glad you posted this information, G-Man. It's nice to see a slice of christianity that has not fallen to "teh crazy".

    To Anon 3:09 AM, yes, Beck's 10% tithe of his millions pretty much buys off any criticism from the Mormon church. I expect his tour through Utah to be well-attended.

  13. AKaurora10:42 AM

    My signs are ready for his 9/11 appearance here (if he shows).

    Nominee for the CBC !

    Fleecing America one sheep at a time!

  14. Anonymous2:22 PM

    he was doing everything but lick her leg the last time she was on his show.....

    Karma is a bitch isn't it Beck? Too bad your throat doesn't seize and your hearing go too.....

  15. Anne In DC1:26 AM

    Christianity is just one of many things Beck twists. In opposition to the message of love Jesus spread, he spreads hatred, ignorance, and fear for money. It's sickening how he and his ilk hide behind a cloak of sanctimony like the wolves in sheep clothing that they are.

    But his intention to come to D.C. and hold a rally on 8-28, the 47th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King's famous "I Have A Dream" speech at the same site is a travesty. King was for inclusion and the embracing of each other in spite of differences, while this bozo incites hatred and division.
    It's a mockery of everything King
    stood for and even made the ultimate sacrifice upholding.

    Beck also twists history to fit into his reactionary agenda, as he has illustrated with remarks about women's rights and slavery. He has no credibility whatsoever, and judging how he can make himself cry, he missed his true calling as an actor. He's as phony as a 3-dollar bill, and he is a significant part of FOX Noise's
    24/7 conveyance of stupidity.


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