Thursday, July 15, 2010

Emily's List and I are certainly in agreement on this point, Sarah Palin must be stopped.


SARAH PALIN is the enemy who must be stopped.

That much is obvious to Stephanie Schriock, the new president of EMILY’s List, the fundraising network committed to electing women who support abortion rights. The former governor of Alaska and unsuccessful Republican vice presidential candidate may or may not run for president. In the meantime, she is a one-woman money machine who can raise millions for Sarah’s List: conservative candidates, male and female, who threaten the liberal agenda.

Palin “represents a set of values that are way out of the mainstream and arguably out of the mainstream of the Republican Party,’’ said Schriock during a recent visit to Boston. The movement Palin represents is “anti-government. Government can do nothing right. They are turning up the anger and it’s very dangerous.’’

“I think it’s time to get the story of the 2010 elections straight — and to call out Palin’s efforts for what they are: an attempt, in the name of ‘feminism’ to turn back the clock on women’s rights and to set American families back,’’ Schriock wrote recently on the Huffington Post. “I think women voters will choose progress, not Palin, this cycle.’’

Of course, EMILY’s List mostly defines feminism and “progress’’ the old-fashioned way — as unyielding commitment to abortion rights. Palin’s anti-abortion stand makes her poison to EMILY’s List. But at the same time, it makes her the queen of Sarah’s List.

This is war.

Yes it is. And it will take dedicated people digging for the truth and calling Sarah Palin out on that truth who will make the difference.

Once people, even supporters, learn the truth about Sarah Palin it will be almost impossible for ANYBODY to support her any longer.  Her influence will dry up and her flaws will be highlighted like never before.

However as long as there are people like Dave Weigel willing to run interference for Sarah Palin, and help to keep her darkest secret under wraps, it just makes that job all the more difficult. (By the way I was going to deconstruct Weigel's Daily Dish post the other day however back to back distractions interfered with that endeavor.  Fortunately Litbrit  did such a great job that I think instead I will simply direct you over to her wonderful blog instead.)


  1. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Thanks for posting this Gryphen. I've never been a huge fan of Emily's List but I will certainly get on board if SP runs.

    Palin's "feminist" organization is called "The New Agenda" and is run by Amy Siskind, PUMA extraordinaire. She is working overtime to cast Palin as a new kind of feminist (the anti-abortion kind). The tagline for The New Agenda is "A Voice for All Women", and they take pains to show that they are a idealogically diverse group; to a point. A woman wrote a blog post recently saying that she was an "Obama-lover" and still felt welcome at TNA, but she also made wink-wink references to "Mama Grizzlies."

    But really--The New Agenda's Agenda is to try to swing moderate women in to Palin's side.

    The New Agenda's blog has about ten regular posters, and some of them are the sourest, angriest people you could imagine.

  2. Anonymous6:31 AM

    "Once people, even supporters, learn the truth about Sarah Palin it will be almost impossible for ANYBODY to support her any longer. Her influence will dry up and her flaws will be highlighted like never before."

    I doubt that. Somehow it will be twisted into martyrdom.

  3. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Floyd Orr's comment on Weigel is hilarious: "that little Weigel twerp who is obviously so backed up that he needs a chainsaw enema!"
    Need one say more?

  4. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Let's go after her Mama Grizzly meme then.

    “Keeping the girl’s basketball team off the court for political reasons? Those are fighting words,” Palin said. Noting the school has allowed student trips to China, Palin questioned whether school officials knew “how they treat women in China.”
    From her Stanislaus speech: What a contrast, by the way, between the ultimate sacrifice, made about a year ago, about a year ago. Made by the beautiful young Iranian woman Naija (sic) Soltan (Neda Agha Soltan). She was shot through the heart and bleeding to death on the streets of Tehran while demonstrating for her FREEDOM! And for women’s rights, for equal rights.

    Other than make tawdry allusions about every critic toward the sexual integrity of her daughters, what does Sarah do for the health, welfare and freedoms for women and children? Institute policies that block medical services for pregnant women and due process for rape victims. . .that is her record.

    Has she even tweeted about Sakineh's adultry ruling and possible stoning sentence in Iran?

    In the first few months as Alaska's Governor, she pretended to care about nine preventable deaths of Yup'ik Eskimo's from her husband's region. She made a big show of bringing Public Saftey Commissioner Walt Monegan out there to address their public safety needs. She even went out to that small village again with his solution, to hire more Village Public Safety Officers (who operate under the Alaska State Troopers since we don't have cops out in most of Western Alaska) and what did she do? Fired him (supposedly) for increasing the budget request for that program.

    Look at today's ADN headline, "Suicides in Y-K Delta take toll among young"

    Read more:

    Suicides in rural Alaska, notably among Eskimo youth has always been a problem, but she did nothing to address it and still does nothing to address it as Alaska's Mama Grizzly who quit her job as our chief leader so she could protect us without a title.

    How about two winter's ago when her women and children were cold and hungry because energy prices were so high they made the State coffers full but raised the price of heating fuel to staggering prices as high as $10 a gallon?

    How about when she let the only special needs service center in Wasilla get shuddered due to lack of funding? No, her answer is to use private family services like her brood, or the church. Be beholden to non-secular services instead.

    Most of Alaska live at or under the poverty line, we have antiquated energy sources and very few industry other than oil to keep the State functioning. If it weren't for the Federal Government, we wouldn't have much of any investment in our communities.

    Sarah doesn't recognize that standard of living for most of Alaska villages don't even provide the foundation of her civic lesson to us all, that we are all entitled life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. She looks down on us and sneers that we need to pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps, when the playing field is not even level and there are no bootstraps to be had in the first place.

    The State of Alaska benefits off of oil royalties which she taxed at an unsustainable 400%. The urban and favored areas of the State are given inordinate amounts to maintain infrastures rural parts don't even have. And they look down on us. For things they have because of government and industry largess, not for their own investments.

    Sarah Palin is no leader, she has no record of accomplishment other than to cash in on yet another extraordinary coat-tail success she did not even deserve.

  5. The closer we get to the midterms, the more psychotic the GOP and right wingers seem to be. I can't tell if what's coming out of their mouths is funny or sad ... but I do hope that voters see through their desperation.

    My video response:

    Link: Desperately Seeking Sanity

  6. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Personally, I think Stepahanie of Emily's List gives Palin way too much credit and way too much power.

    For one, I'm not sure that abortion rights are the number one top priority of all women. I think equal pay and flexibility to take care of their families (children/boomer parents) while holding down a job are greater concerns.

    That said, Palin doesn't even strike me as overly concerned with abortion. She actually considered it herself, at least once that we know of (her own words during a speech last year for a pro-life group. Further, what actions, during her short tenure as governor did she actually take that were anti-abortion? From where I sit, Palin uses the pro-life agenda more as a talking point, her schtick, her means of herding the pro-life voters. I'm not saying she doesn't feel strongly about "life," but I am saying that she isn't a martyr for the cause. She recently threw her support behind a pro-choice woman (another who is trying to toss a pro-life cover over her not-so-pro-life record) and I'll bet she did it because it might further her own career.

    What scares me more about Palin is that she just doesn't have the ability or stamina to take on the job of POTUS. I'll agree that she is tenacious about her own career, but she isn't as tenacious when it comes to the work of a government official, or even an executive. She was a part-time mayor, barely showed up for work as gov (who else's legislature wore Where's Sarah? type buttons?), then came home after the election and languished until 15 or so ordinary citizens (most her own party) made her cut and run. And what kind of "executive" was she in private life? Failed car wash, watching her husband fish? Please. I understand they never had a business with a payroll. You don't understand real issues until you have a workforce to content with. Forget the myth, nothing in her record shows that she is up to the challenge. What she is lacking in experience, she doesn't even begin to make up for in intellect and a capacity to really understand the complexities of the issues we face.

    I think it is a HUGE mistake to hang our hats on the pro-life/pro-choice meme.

  7. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Time for the truth about Palin to be told.

    I am so very, very tired of the Tea Party and the Republican Party saying one thing and doing another. Just like Sarah, they have a racist, sexist, and wealth-based agenda.

    We all to make a choice. Do we let these liars and self-absorbed politicians like Sarah take hold, or do we banish them back to shadows where they belong?

  8. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Sarah needs to be stopped for a myriad of reasons; our reproductive rights is only one of them. Add religious freedom (and freedom from religion), the environment, world peace, the economy, etc, etc. This woman is a walking Armageddon.

    The problem is, Sarah is just a face, a puppet, the creation of some very powerful, smart people. The Republicans have long been masters of the art of public manipulation. We see their wizzardy in the spin being put on the whole Bristol-is-knocked-up-again story; what could have been political poison has even people who dislike Sarah swallowing the whole lie about Sarah not knowing, and going, "Oh, isn't that sweet; I hope they make it."

    Sarah isn't smart enough to have done this. There are people who's business is manipulation, and those are the people they have working the Sarah Story. And when the time comes and it's obvious that the Truth about Trig is going to break, the spinmasters will craft a new, heartwarming tale that will suck in a lot of people. The only way Trig will bring Sarah down is if someone can get the story out there BEFORE the machine behind Sarah has a chance to spin it to her credit.

  9. Anonymous7:19 AM

    I feel certain that pic you have, G, wasn't approved by Palin's personal photographer. LOL.

  10. Anonymous7:24 AM

    litbrit delivered a serious smackdown to Weigel's tripe:

    Where did you get that godawful picture of Palin? Is it pre-plastic surgery?

  11. Anonymous7:53 AM

    anon at 6:40, that's what i'm talking about. the media needs to be discussing $arah's actual RECORD.


  12. emrysa9:57 AM

    I think the author of this piece needs to read the article that was in the nation.

    but perhaps that doesn't matter, perhaps this is just a fundraising strategy for emily's list.


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