Thursday, July 15, 2010

Mercede discusses her feelings about Levi and Bristol's surprise engagement.

From her blog:

I looked up to see that my mom was very upset, with tears running down her face, yet still trying to console my other family members who were texting her and sending messages via Facebook saying they were very upset that they had to find out about this engagement from the media and not from Levi himself. I sent a message telling them not to feel too badly since even his own mother and sister had to find out that way.

Sadie does not hold back her feelings of disappointment with how Levi has allowed this very important event in his life to be turned into a media circus.  And like us she also has suspicions there might be more to this than just the flames of passion having been reignited.

By the way for those who do not believe that Sarah had anything to do with this engagement announcement remember this, Sadie and her family found out about this engagement from the media, which is EXACTLY how Sarah's family found about her fifth "pregnancy".

Hmm and WHO is it that does not believe in coincidences?

P.S. By the way inquiring minds would like to know how Ben Barber got his new job working on the North Slope? That was a rather sudden lucky break now wasn't it?


  1. Anonymous5:11 AM

    Considering some of Bristol's friends work on the slope, I don't find it surprising at all that he is too - if he is

  2. I figured that friend that was living with Bristol was male. Sarah probably engineered the two of them getting back together because Bristol is pregnant and the scandal needed to be covered up. Having Levi be the father and marry her is less slutty than a second pregnancy by a second father. She wants to put a nice tidy package together before her presidential run. Levi probably has stars and dollar signs in his eyes.

  3. Anonymous5:24 AM

    Just caught some more released video on the Today Show where Us Weekly interviewed the couple about the proposal and being a family again.

    Bristol's face is much rounder than her Yo-Yo Ma appearance. Her arms in the footage are also larger. Her weight yo-yo's with her pregnancies.

    Teenage sex happens, they are already a couple, engaged again and have a son - if she's pregnant again, fine. But the Palin's need to quit telling American Families how to live since they do want they want, when they want and hide behind 'privacy' when it blows up in their face.

    LOL, the Reporter was addressing Sarah's statement that thus was a private matter - but she pointed out that Bristol and Levi invited Us Weekly in for this announcement.

    As usual, Sarah tries to shame the MSM when she and her protege shove their business in our face.

  4. Anonymous5:35 AM

    I think the usweekly thing is all Bristol. PEoplemag was all Sarah. It's actually pretty ingenius if you think about it. A couple using the LSM as revenge and an outlet. I hope the couple and the Palins can be a nice happy family.

  5. Aussie Blue Sky5:40 AM

    One of the nicest - and most ancient - aspects of marriage is that it unites two families.

    Part of being mature enough to marry is being able to make that part work.

  6. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Levi is thinking .. why bust my ass working the slope for 50K a year, when I can make that much in a couple hour photo shoot.

    Levi sold out to suck up the easy money.

  7. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Since SP seems like she is making a push to tie up loose ends, first with this engagement (Levi threat is neutralized, Bristol marries her baby daddy and has him around for any current/future pregnancies, etc), I worry about how she will deal with the Trig(s) dilemma. Since I believe the fake pregnancy will eventually be exposed, she has two options: somehow come clean, but spin it in a way that makes her seem like a mama grizzly, or dispose of the evidence. I really worry that Trig will have "health issues" and "die" (ie be given to someone else). This latter option would serve the additional purpose of getting SP the sympathy vote - can't you just see it now? Who would dare question someone whose baby died?? Gryphen, is there any way you could make a post that addresses these possibilities (hopefully the exposure would curtail any nefarious plots), especially since the heat is again back on questioning Trig's origins, and at some point, she will have to hatch a plan to deal with it?!

  8. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Might be a good idea to do a photo montage of Bristol over the last few months--the ugly floral dress with Dr. Drew, the Candies PSA, the TIME dinner, the Oscar swag thing, the FL Candies speech, the taping of her horrible TV show episode (along with dates).

    She was so huge in FL in April, she must be really huge now. But would be good to see the progression.....

  9. KiheiKat5:56 AM

    Ben probably wisely said "Thanks but no thanks" and was promptly shipped off to the North Slope & Levi was quickly grabbed & seduced.

    All I can say is "get a DNA test Levi." She's pulling a Sarah.

    I know Levi's happy to get to be with Tripp again but it makes me sick that he thinks it's ok to throw Sherry & Mercede under the bus again & is groveling & apologizing to the Falins.

    He's going to be in a world of hurt before he knows it - when Sow-ah loses the dash to the White House.

  10. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Mercede can't change the fact that even if her brother doesn't marry or ends up leaving the Palin family in separation or divorce, they'll always have a blood line connecting the Johnstons and Palin's.

    It's a bitter pill to swallow, it's easy for us to say she needs to make peace with it - but if she hopes to have a prayer to having access to her nephew, and her brother even, she needs to go through an emotional tete-a-tete with Levi to mend fences the Palin's are famous for.

    Their is no reasoning, winning or shaming against the Palin's. Even if they are ruled against, they issue a statement that they've been absolved of any wrongdoing. They like to kick people and issues when they are down. They make fun of clothes, weight and poverty. Whatever.

    Molly Heath-McCann-Wooten married her own Todd, a 'Native' guy from Dillingham with light coloring and blue eyes and they divorced - but he is still very much involved with the Palin clan. Kind of creepy how much he kisses their butts, but he still has a son with them.

    Emotional compatibility aside, Mercede and her mother will just have to swallow past that lump in their throat and make do with what is beyond their control.

    My sympathies to the Johnstons, and congratulations to the couple 'meant to be together.' Good luck, they'll need it if their relationship is as volatile and immature as Sarah's and Todd's.

  11. Mama Duck5:57 AM

    Whoa -
    Ben Barber now has a job on the slope?
    Bristol's looked porky and prego since March when Ben was schtupping her.
    This is better than "The Young and The Restless".

  12. Anonymous6:11 AM

    I understand Levi's desire to be with his son. But Sarah owns him now. By apologizing to her (for saying things that were mostly true) he will be under her thumb from here on.

    Sarah is using him to make an honest woman out of Bristol. When Sarah announces her presidential intentions, she doesn't want her unwed, pregnant daughter, who was promoting abstinence while having sex, thrown in her face by the media. Levi was the best candidate because Bristol and Levi already had Tripp together, so Ben was banished to the North Slope.

    And if later on, Sarah decides Levi is no longer needed, she will get rid of him as well.

  13. bri$tol learned well on how to make $$$ being a celeb-u-spawn.

    $arah must be pleased!

  14. Anonymous6:35 AM

    NY Times Op-Ed by Gail Collins today hits the nail on the head about Palin and Levi/Bristol drama:

  15. Anonymous6:56 AM

    ** I understand Levi's desire to be with his son. **

    Desire to be with a child and the best interest of the child does not mean Levi had to be an immature idiot.

    Young people are faced with challenges everyday and they don't have sex as a remedy. Acting in the best interest of Tripp would have been to go through DNA tests and resolve those questions and doubts. The 'walk in the woods', fulfilling sexual tensions would have been put on the back burner. Many couples can control themselves and put children first. They jumped into this too fast and that says everything about them.

    I don't have all the inside details but I don't think two immature adults posing as what they are not is best for Tripp. Levi's desire to be with his son may have been part of this but it is a crap excuse for their mistakes. STOP USING TODDLERS AS PROPS AND EXCUSES. Levi is now parenting like a Palin. Not good for poor Tripp or the next one.

  16. How did Keith Johnston learn about his new daughter-in-law? The wedding is to be within 6 weeks, isn't it about time for the invites?

    I saw more of a neck up interview with the new celeb couple. Her head was huge and they say she is not pregnant. If this was meant to make them appealing and cute it was an EPIC FAIL. This is a couple that should be in hiding. I almost feel sorry for Sarah whether or not she is orchestrating part or all of this train wreck.

  17. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Obviously part of the money deal with US was that no rumors of the engagement leaked out before the magazine hit the stands. That tells us that Bristol and Levi and Sarah cooked the engagement between them, because any normal person's first reaction to getting engaged is to tell their nearest and dearest. No way Bristol was smart enough to keep it quiet and set up the deal on her own. Actually, I doubt Sarah is either; probably Sarah's handlers--you know, the ones Chuck told us make all the decisions.

    I hope Levi got a huge paycheck and lots of legal protections in place, because if you're selling your soul to the devil, you really ought to make sure you at least get a good deal.

  18. Anonymous7:11 AM

    I can't fathom how she could allow herself to get knocked up again.

  19. Anonymous7:23 AM


    I don't know how this particular marriage is uniting anything except $arah and campaign contributions.

    The Johnston's are being treated like dirt.

  20. Anonymous7:24 AM

    FWIW, found this tweet - may or may not be bogus. Registry is at Wal-Mart. He provides link for registry. Says wedding date is October 30, 2010.

    "Look what I found kiddies... The Bristol #Palin Wedding Registry ... guess where?!? #bristolpalin
    anthonyderico Thu 15 Jul 10:40 via web"

  21. Anonymous7:27 AM

    I guess this is what Sharon Angle means about making lemonade.

  22. Anonymous7:29 AM

    I don't believe Bristol is pregnant. I base this on the fact that the whole family appears to be liars and hypocrites and Bristol would have no problem getting an abortion.

  23. Anonymous7:29 AM

    The really sad thing I'd that these kids heve no talent ,no careers or accomplishments of their own.
    In a few years, Sarah will be a nobody and then what will these kids do for money. It's pathetic.

  24. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Correction to my prior comment; Bristol finding a baby daddy stand-in is what Sharon Angle would call makin lemonade.

  25. Anonymous7:41 AM

    "The Johnston's are being treated like dirt."

    should read: The Johnstons are being treated like dirt.

    I see how easy it is to make a grammar mistake as I have made it myself! People, OT here, but I hate to see the degradation of our language. A language we love so much we expect all immigrants to learn post-haste! So, let's show some love for the English language. :-)

    No apostrophe is used when the "s" is added to make a word plural. I must add that the spell checker on this site is incorrectly highlighting "Johnstons" above and the suggestions when I right-click include adding an apostrophe. That is wrong. Apostrophes are used for 1) contractions: He will = He'll.
    2) to show possession.

    The cats are playing with the dog's toys.

    If there is more than one dog:

    The cats playing with the dogs' toys.

    [stepping off the soapbox]

  26. Anonymous7:43 AM

    anon @ 5:56, there is much wisdom in your comment.

  27. Anonymous7:45 AM

    anon @ 6:56, i like your comment too.

    thank you guys for all the thoughtful comments!

  28. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Just as I suspected. Ben is the father but didn't want any part of being married to Bri$tol...Sowaa buys him off, gets him a job on the North Slope and then cons Levi...the circus is in town! Levi...are you sure Tripp is even your son?

  29. Anonymous7:55 AM

    This is the Palin family values we've been talking about? Let's not forget that Sarah made sure Sherry was demonized and marginalized, either by actually setting her up or by ensuring she would get harsh treatment from the courts. At the very least, she has never said a public word of sympathy or support about the other grandmother of Tripp.

    How many times have I hear or read people say that Tripp is better off not spending time with his druggie Grandma Sherry? And now those same people will say that Levi is right to limit his contact with his mother and sister for the sake of his new family.

    This whole thing is making the Palins look like the Spears family (as in Britney and Jamie Lynn) rather than the future First Family *shudder*. Of course, Jamie Lynn went home to take care of her child without alerting the media every step of the way and, although Britney has two boys with her loser ex and publicly went crazy, her family is actually taking care of her and doing their best to protect her from exposure to the tabloids.

    I guess the good news from all of this is that the more Sarah and her family's life is actual tabloid fodder, the less people will see her as a viable candidate for anything.

    Levi will find out soon enough that, unlike Bristol, he can actually count on his mother to love and support him no matter what he does.

  30. Anonymous8:09 AM


    Hey, girls! Take a tip from Bristol. Pause before you play!

    Then have unprotected sex with your high school on-again, off-again boyfriend, make as much money as you can from the little bundle of joy/mistake/gold mine, call the daddy a loser and a dead beat, get yourself a live-in boyfriend (but don't tell the media about don't want to lose any lucrative spokesperson or speaker opportunities), then strong arm your high school boyfriend into getting back together for appearance sake and a big payoff as the tabloids cover your engagement, wedding, and "co parenting."

    Is there another baby on the way? SWEET! Just make sure to fake the due date so as not to cause suspicion about any premarital sex with either your former live in boyfriend or your current ex-boyfriend/fiance (and possible father of your children).

    See? Teen sex and motherhood isn't so bad. Look what it got Bristol. New car! New house! The cover of People, US Weekly! Acting gigs! Money, money, and more money!!!

    So, pause before you play, girls, but only to count your future earnings when nine months later you pop out little miss or mister bundle of joy/mistake/gold mine.

    (This message has been implicitly endorsed by Candies and Dr. Drew who says: "I'm too old and the wrong sex to be a teen mom, so I'll just exploit Bristol along with all those celebrity addicts on on my road to fame and fortune.").

  31. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Whether B&L are getting married in 6 weeks or whether the wedding is planned for Oct. 30, there's plenty of time for impulsive kids to be

    If Bristol isn't pregnant, her weight balloons up faster than anything I've ever seen before.

  32. emrysa9:38 AM

    I watched that US video that someone posted somewhere.

    the look on levi's face during the last 15 seconds of the video SAYS IT ALL. he knows this is fraud, he knows he's bullshitting.

    bristol's face looks larger than it did during the convention.

    as for the dna tests - I don't think levi cares if she is pregnant by someone else. at this point he can be with his son, and he'll probably cover for everything. he'll act like he's the father. welcome to todd's world, sucker.

  33. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Hmmmmm, now how is Sarah going to explain having a porn star in the family? Isn't that what she called him when he posed in Playgirl? And what about all the other bad things she called him? Evidently she doesn't see the hypocracy of all this.


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