Friday, July 02, 2010

Federal Government has new Health Care Website.

This new website is designed to be a one stop shop for people looking for health insurance.

This video will explain exactly what the website offers.

I did some looking around and did not see anything about "death panels".

Suck it Palin!


  1. Anonymous6:00 AM

    I'm sorry, Gryphen, but I'm sure I saw "death panels" in a drop-down menu directly under the little "demon sheep" icon on the far rigt.

  2. Anonymous6:04 AM

    You seem more cranky than usual.

    Is it because Sarah is dancing circles around your whiny ass and you can't keep up?

    The resolution on the legal defense fund must have felt like a kick in the nuts.


  3. Anonymous7:00 AM

    MSN has a new segment up, "Citizen Palin's life of money and power" . Can't seem to get the URL to paste.

  4. Anonymous7:11 AM

    No death panels- but so happy to see in writing that my 21 year old college grad will be covered under my work policy while he's looking for work.

  5. Polly7:40 AM

    Thanks for posting this and reminding us. There won't be estimates of premiums until October (AK), but there are a lot of choices. I don't have health insurance, it hasn't been a big deal for me (super duper healthy). However, I support healthcare reform 100% for the moral and ethics behind it, and the economic stability it will actually provide for the country. We need to teach prevention in tangent- like better lifestyles. And, if I am "forced" to buy it, that is okay with me too. Not having insurance (due to costs), has prevented me from doing things like downhill skiing. lol. Don't want to break any bones or have other injuries.

  6. Thanks for this info! I'm sharing it ASAP.

  7. The real death panels in this country are the corporations and the regulatory agencies who have allowed them to harm our health for decades. Palin would never even be able to consciously understand that.


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