Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I think we hit a nerve. Sarah Palin's latest Facebook post refutes racism within Teabagger movement. Well tries to anyway.

You know rather than spend a lot of time refuting each and every point so painstakingly crafted by Rebecca Mansour, why don't I simply let the images speak for themselves?

Let us begin.

I am saddened by the NAACP’s claim that patriotic Americans who stand up for the United States of America’s Constitutional rights are somehow “racists.” The charge that Tea Party Americans judge people by the color of their skin is false, appalling, and is a regressive and diversionary tactic to change the subject at hand.

President Reagan called America’s past racism “a legacy of evil” against which we have seen the long struggle of minority citizens for equal rights. He condemned any sort of racism, as all good and decent people do today. He also called it a “point of pride for all Americans” that as a nation, we have successfully struggled to overcome this evil. Reagan rightly declared that “there is no room for racism, anti-Semitism, or other forms of ethnic and racial hatred in this country,” and he warned that we must never go back to the racism of our past.

His words rang especially true in the immediate aftermath of the 2008 presidential election. It seemed that with the election of our first black president, our country had become a new “post-racial” society. As one writer in the Washington Post stated: “[Barack Obama’s] election isn’t just about a black president. It’s about a new America. The days of confrontational identity politics have come to an end.”

 We, as a united people, applauded that sentiment. We were proud of that progress. That’s why it is so sad to see that 18 months later, the NAACP is once again using the divisive language of the past to unfairly accuse the Tea Party movement of harboring “racist elements.”

Having been on the receiving end of a similar spurious charge of racism (in a recent frivolous lawsuit which was finally dismissed by a federal judge), I know how Tea Party Americans feel to be falsely accused. To be unjustly accused of association with what Reagan so aptly called that “legacy of evil” is a traumatizing experience, and one of which the honest, freedom-loving patriots of the Tea Party movement are truly undeserving.

On this subject, I can recommend the statement issued by a man I was proud to endorse, Tim Scott, the GOP candidate from South Carolina’s First Congressional District. Tim, poised to become the first African-American Republican Congressman from the former Confederacy since Reconstruction, is himself a sign of a hopeful, truly post-racial future for our country. It gives added meaning to his warning that “the NAACP is making a grave mistake in stereotyping a diverse group of Americans who care deeply about their country and who contribute their time, energy and resources to make a difference.”

The only purpose of such an unfair accusation of racism is to dissuade good Americans from joining the Tea Party movement or listening to the common sense message of Tea Party Americans who simply want government to abide by our Constitution, live within its means, and not borrow and spend away our children’s futures. Red and yellow, black and white, this message is precious in all our sights. All decent Americans abhor racism. No one wants to be associated with any organization that is in any way racist in sentiment or origin. I certainly don’t want to be. Thankfully, the Tea Party movement is not racist or motivated by racism. It is motivated by love of country and all that is good and honest about our proud and diverse nation.

Like President Reagan, Tea Party Americans believe that “the glory of this land has been its capacity for transcending the moral evils of our past.” Isn’t it time we put aside the divisive politics of the past once and for all and celebrate the fact that neither race nor gender is any longer a barrier to achieving success in America – even in achieving the highest office in the land?
I just spent a few beautiful Alaskan days with some beautiful Americans in my husband’s birthplace – they are Todd’s family and they are Yupik Eskimo. In the decades that our families have blended, I have never heard one proud, patriotic member judge another member based on skin color. Both Todd and I were raised to measure a person according to their capacity and willingness to love, work, forgive, contribute, and show good character. We’re joined by the vast majority of Americans in this belief whereby we measure a man by his character, not his color. Because of amazing efforts and accomplishments by those who came before my generation, it is foreign to us to consider condemning or condoning anyone’s actions based on race or gender. Being with our diverse family in a melting pot that is a Native village just days ago reminded me of that.

So to leave that remote village and return back to “modern civilization” only to hear of the NAACP’s resolution today suggesting that we Tea Party Americans don’t respect equality makes me sad for those who choose to divide these great United States. It is time to end the divisive politics.

- Sarah Palin
(Eddie Burke.  Sarah Palin's FAVORITE homophobic racist.  I am sorry "rascist")

Yes Sarah I agree that "It is time to end the divisive politics."  Any idea when you might be willing to start working toward that goal?


  1. Anonymous2:56 AM

    Nicely done, Gryphen. The pictures say it well. While it would be unfair to characterize all tea party members as racist, I have to wonder where the non-racists are when these signs are displayed, and why they aren't asking the racists to leave.

  2. Anonymous2:58 AM


    This has to be one of your best posts ever!!
    You put it all together so well.
    Thank you!
    I have (as usual) posted it on my FB page.

    mary b

  3. Billboard linking Obama, Hitler draws complaints..

    By The Associated Press | AP

    Published: July 13, 2010

    DES MOINES, Iowa - A billboard created by an Iowa tea party group that compares President Barack Obama to Adolf Hitler and Vladimir Lenin is drawing sharp criticism — even from fellow tea party activists who have condemned it as offensive and a waste of money.

    The North Iowa Tea Party began displaying the billboard in downtown Mason City last week. The sign shows large photographs of Obama, Nazi leader Hitler and communist leader Lenin beneath the labels "Democratic Socialism," "National Socialism," and "Marxist Socialism."

    Beneath the photos is the phrase, "Radical leaders prey on the fearful & naive."

    The co-founder of the roughly 200-person group said the billboard was intended to send an anti-socialist message. But Bob Johnson admitted Tuesday that the message may have gotten lost amid the images of fascist and communist leaders.

    "The purpose of the billboard was to draw attention to the socialism. It seems to have been lost in the visuals," Johnson said. "The pictures overwhelmed the message. The message is socialism." He said he didn't know of any plans to remove the sign.

  4. KiheiKat3:51 AM

    Psycho strikes again. Divisive? Racists? Naw - just us Gawd luvin', all people luvin' psycho Pee Bagger bigots. Thanks Gryphen.

    O/T Did you see this about Bristol & Levi getting engaged?

  5. OT, but it's happening just as most of us predicted...US cover..."We're Getting Married!"

  6. Anonymous3:56 AM

    Oh, let me stew on this awhile. Again, her trophy husband is invoked and she 'prolly wishes he were a little darker in the skin tone...." see! I married One, so I'm not racist..."

  7. Pat in MA3:58 AM

    Great post, a picture is worth a thousand words as they say. And there she goes again with invoking Reagan, enough already!

  8. Anonymous4:03 AM

    No one would believe she wants unity and Obama wants division unless they're already firmly in her camp. Another sad and grasping attempt by her paid consultants to make her appear mainstream after the erratic, venom-filled tweets she wrote herself.

  9. GrainneKathleen4:13 AM

    it is idiocy to say that we have entered a post-racial era in this country just because we elected an african american president. obama is more than qualified for the job, a wonderfully intelligent man and a good person, i truly believe. but i don't think this country was necessarily ready for a "black president" - we can thank bush for putting us on such thin ice that many people couldn't see any way around voting obama. the story of a guy who was a self-admitted racist who brought himself down to his local obama campaign office to volunteer comes to mind. he said, "obama is the only candidate that makes sense." understatement of that year, for sure.
    racism is alive, and unfortunately very present in the US today. and as our population demographics shift and we become a predominantly browner and browner nation, caucasians will be outnumbered and outvoted. this is what the teabaggers mean by "i want my country back." i have seen nothing yet that suggests otherwise.

  10. Anonymous4:16 AM

    Thank you Gryphen for making her look like the world's biggest and most hypocritical fool. Not that she needs any help with that since she does such a good job of it all on her own, but your method of poking a stick in her cage to make her growl even louder is just priceless.

    She's not fooling anyone with her happy Eskimo talk. Talk about blatantly obvious political exploitation -- gawd, she's so pathetically transparent when it comes to exposing her true racist colors.

  11. Anonymous4:27 AM

    Speaking of hitting a nerve...|htmlws-main-n|dl1|link5|

    Bristol Palin & Levi Johnston Engaged?

    The couple haven't set a marriage date but told the magazine they now believe in abstinence and will live separately until the wedding.

  12. WakeUpAmerica4:43 AM

    Oh Gryphen, you best wake up to the news today. On MSN is a video of Bristol and Levi coming out to US magazine as being engaged.

  13. So SP has been the truth?!?!?!? Hold onto you seat SP, its going to be a bumpy ride!

  14. WakeUpAmerica4:50 AM

    What a big sack of horse pucky this Facebook rant is!! Wow, just wow! RAM is out of her delusional mind. There are so, so many videos and pictures supporting the racism comments. And is it just me or do you get the feeling that the constant invoking of Reagan's name is becoming similar to putting God's blessing on all things Palin? Reagan and Palin are similar in that they were/are sock puppets for the powers behind the scenes.

  15. Anonymous4:54 AM

    Sarah completely ignored Bristol and Levis engagement announcement, she says she's going hiking on Denali today - AnnaLynne

  16. Anonymous5:01 AM

    This is one of the ploys of their doctrine of fear and disinformation. If you deny it, then it can't be true because you say it isn't true. Just like if you say it is true,... then it is true. They never back their arguments with tangible facts. The Republicans have used this tactic for years. They are masters at disinformation and denial.

    They are also liars !

  17. Anonymous5:01 AM

    OMG, OMG, the NAACP is using divisive language?

    The falafal lady was okay with writing this tripe for the social icon that now tries to push out hundreds of millions of people that don't fit her perception of Real Americans?

    Oh, as usual, this hypocritical whack-job is good for a tongue-in-cheek laugh if she didn't appeal to twenty percent of our loud, angry and voting public.

    If all else fails, hide behind that great bastion of equality, Ronald Reagan. If she invokes his name enough, she sincerely believes the rest of us associate the two together and that Sarah is indeed, a leader and Presidential.

  18. Anonymous5:08 AM

    Levi and Bristol are engaged!

  19. Anonymous5:08 AM

    Bristol & Levi are engaged! And, they've run to US Weekly to announce it. Apparently, they worried about telling Sarah..."scared" was the word on the Today Show. The statement Tawd & Sarah released is interesting.

  20. Anonymous5:15 AM

    OT check headline news

  21. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Race bating is only okay when white folk do it. You have white folks observe the whiteness of GOP and Palin events and white's jump on that white person for being reverse racist.

    When the white's are in control, it's the Real America. When latino's, black's or other are in, we've got advocate judges and radical racist Presidents.

    Rush, Levitt, Beck and Palin make hay out of this fear, they laugh all the way to the bank and encourage less intelligent people to cut initials on their faces and blame it on a black assailant, or get white kids to dress up as Huggy Bear and trump up a controversy against a community organization.

    It must be nice to be a patriotic White American (real in Sarah's eyes) because you get to arm yourself and scream at defenseless people and have Fox News protect you.

    What a goddamned sneering Party.

  22. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Wake up, Gryphen. The nuptials have been announced!!

  23. Anonymous5:28 AM

    "The couple haven't set a marriage date but told the magazine they now believe in abstinence and will live separately until the wedding."

    We know this is pure BS - Levi has been living with Bristol since April at least. His pu truck has been seen there nightly.

    he got a new BMW recently. It's less noticeable than his big red truck. TY SP.

    When is the baby due? This fall? or sooner?

  24. Anonymous5:29 AM

    "The couple haven't set a marriage date but told the magazine they now believe in abstinence and will live separately until the wedding."

    Bwahahahahaha - as if we didn't know Levi has been living with her for months now.

    When is the baby due? September or sooner? If she has a baby this month, she can appear as a virgin again by fall. ROFL

  25. Anonymous5:34 AM

    I'm waiting for MSM to get out to Dillingham and start interviewing Native residents about how much Sarah loves our State's Indigenous people. Thinks they are all smelly and drunk.

    Yep, avoids them like the plague (unless she has to attend a meeting or convention or two for a photo-op) and makes stereotypical jokes about them. She's the kind of person that laughs at Athabascan jokes. . .

    But hide behind Todd, blue-eyed, granite-jawed wooden Eskimo statue Todd and say, "My husband's native, my kids are native, I'm not racist see!"

  26. Anybody who believes Palin wrote that BS is an idiot. I'd be surprised if she could even read and comprehend it.

  27. Anonymous5:39 AM

    Waiting for your comments on Bristol's engagement. Was Sarah really in the dark? How long until another little Palin/Johnston appears?


  28. Anonymous5:47 AM

    I would suggest that anyone who ghost writes for Sarah Palin spend some time studying her natural speech patterns and vocabulary,

    This rant is not characteristic of Sarah's natural style, therefore it rings false. She doesn't seem to have an extensive vocabulary and it is doubtful that she could pronounce let alone understand the meaning of some of the words used in this release.

    If the "writings" on FB, twitter or in a book are supposed be written by Sarah Palin, then they need to sound like Sarah Palin. Otherwise, it is just a tip-off that someone else came up with the message.

    Good grief, you'd think the people she hires would be smarter than she is and know these basics.

    Great post Gryphen. I think when we let her words and photographs of the movement she pretends to represent speak for themselves, we have the greatest impact. She is her own worst enemy.

  29. I think the older people have a better view on this than myself: I was a child when bill Clinton was in office. Was te level of vitriol and hate similar in his early presidency? Right wingers cite this and honestly I think it's fair but considering the huge change in media from 1993 or so til now it's difficult to check isn't it? No fox news at that time to destroy Clinton at every move: although they joined the game in 96.

    If we can establish there WAS a big difference in backlash perhaps it is fair to call racism. If we can't we are grasping at straws.

    In honesty I dislike to paint the tea partiers as racist, it simply isn't true to wash them all with a racist brush. I think it's a group of extreme conservatives that come out whenever a democratic president is in office. I do hear often that Clinton got it quite hard particularly early on (and hmmmph late with the sex stuff). To be honest I think the backlash would have come regardless of race, gender, whatnot. Americans hear 'liberal' and the shit hits the fan for some reason lol! I must be honest; Obama would be a right leaning to moderate guy in my parts, to paint him as 'far left' is hilarious to me. I just feel for you sane guys here on the blogs - it must be infuriating that your country is so supportive of corporatism!

    Anyway: my point is this. I think it's movement that perhaps would ahvr happened regardless. After all, didn't hillary's push for universal health care fall through from conservative (and corporate $$) pressure?

    However; in this day and age, racists are not publically socially acceptable. One must keep racism to themselves or similar minded people. Due to these new pc rules, racists DO indeed find great pleasure in joining in legitimate groups like the tea parties, to have a reason for their racism. I think the majority don't care about obama's race, but we'd be stupid to say no one in the tea parties does. Yeah some ppl have used to tea parties as a legitimate cover for their terrible ideas.

    Does this mean we should call them all racists? Absolutely NOT, it only hurts our cause more! Conservatives laugh at us when we cry racism when it's not there.

    But thIs DOES mean the tea party leaders should acknowledge that terrible things have been displayed and said (by the way the 'niggar' sign was a tea party LEADER!!). Yes they should. And they should apologise and recognise it. The absence of recognition makes the allogations even more believable, doesn't it?

  30. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:50 AM

    Sarah, bubelah. It's SO obvious that either you personally read the very insightful comments on Gryph's blog (great post, BTW)-- or some little lackey on your "team" scans it and reports the negatives to your ghostwriter, whomever that is.

    Let's chat. It's clear that you're spinning so viciously lately that I'm surprised you haven't passed out and hit the floor. Take your eyes off the mirror, the teleprompter or your hand and take a good look around at your next TeaPartyLoveFest. See any non-pearly-white faces? See any badly spelled and horribly written signs? See any graphics portraying our intelligent President as a cartoony tribal chieftan, a reverse minstrel show player, or Hitler? Do you need new glasses? Are you desperately trying to clean up your act so's you can make a Presidential run in 2012?

    You DO realize, darlin', that whatever you say, whatever you post, whatever you regurgitate to your faithful masses is being archived for future use? That most of the country ain't buyin' what you're selling? That no matter who you or your masters pay to deflect the negative, THAT STUFF WILL ALWAYS BE OUT THERE?

    Personally, now that Bristol and Levi are back together, I'd leave politix and opt for a family "reality" show--not that cheesy Alaska Travel Docudrama thingy. At least you'd still have a good base of sheeple fans, and the rest of us would probably tune in now and then to watch the oncoming train wreck.

    Oh, and, BTW, was the line "Red and yellow, black and white, this message is precious in all our sights" used in your rant to remind us of the early 70s song "The Child Is Black, The Child Is White"? Nice way to co-opt a sincere thought.

  31. imnofred6:37 AM

    One thing really caught my attention after reading the FB post. Sarah accuses the NAACP of using divisive language when SHE is the one that is divisive and has stirred up racism during her run with McCain.

  32. Anonymous6:45 AM

    did anybody actually see SP at the Alaska Village she just returned from? It was in a story on Alaska dispatch. Was this the same village she tried to starve when she was governor?

  33. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Here's a tweet on SarahPalinUSA.

    "RT @SarahPalinUSA Howcome the NAACP colords get to say theire colord but if us REAL Amerrcans call'em colord, the niggers get all uppity????
    smartasshat Wed 14 Jul 10:34 via web"

    But they are racists

  34. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Here's a tweet on SarahPalinUSA.

    "RT @SarahPalinUSA Howcome the NAACP colords get to say theire colord but if us REAL Amerrcans call'em colord, the niggers get all uppity????
    smartasshat Wed 14 Jul 10:34 via web"

    But they aren't racists are they. I'm sure Sistah Sarah, the non-racist will condemn tweets like that just as soon as she climbs that mountain.

  35. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Does Sarah Palin really think people believe that she won this?

    Sarah Palin's own Father told the press, "Asians make Sarah uncomfortable."

    Sarah Palin never denounced any racist signs carried at her events now or when she was running with McCain.

    Sarah Palin is a racist divider she always will be.

    But, she serves herself and her interest first and will say anything if she thinks it will get her A VOTE!


  36. Anonymous7:19 AM


    I've seen a lot of folks from the "old" south and some from other places as well, that will NEVER get over or work thru being a bigot and/or a racist.. Unfortunately, it can't be done. It's something that starts at birth.

    When you are born into the place and into an environment where bigotry and racism are a part of everyday life; school, church, local theater, billboards, school texts, teacher bias, community priorities, etc.. the constant bombardment never stops...

    So when you reach your teens or even your early twenties the mold that fostered you has been set. Another completely trained full-blown hater. SOME, a few, reject this bombardment but it's rare and they get as far away from the people/places/things that were used to try to indoctrinate the 'new' generation member. Getting out is hard.. rejecting this complete immersion into the culture takes a bit of forward thinking (which is NOT encourage in the hate environment) and it can be done. Folks that are struggling with getting out need our support so if you know of such a person help them if you can...

  37. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Even though I'm African American it shouldn't be up to me to teach white people what it means to respect other races. This job should rest solely with Caucasians. I had hoped that Obama's election signaled racial progress, but it's only given racists permission to go public. I know racists believe that we're all on welfare and that we're EVERYWHERE taking their jobs and ruining their pristine view, but the fact remains that we are just 13 percent of the population. Most of us can trace our ancestry back 100 to 200 years in this country. Some of our ancestors look a lot like white folks carrying Obama-Hitler signs. In fact, African Americans have a longer history in the U.S. than the average teabaggers.

    That said, here are some tips for addressing racism.
    1. Accept that black people comprise many different individuals. Not all whites are alike. Not all blacks are alike.
    2. Speak up. If a family member or friend uses racist language, ask them to refrain in your presence or in the presence of your children.
    3. Expose children to books by black authors and books about notable blacks. Most whites and black live separately, which breeds ignorance. Books can help bridge the racial gap.
    4. Discuss stereotypical images you and your children may observe on TV. For instance, I'm horrified and offended by the Kia Soul hamster commercials, and I've let the car company know it. Do the same. You don't have to be black to be offended by racial stereotypes.
    5. Get to know a black person as an individual first. Set aside your assumptions about where they grew up, whether they have a father, where they went to school, or whether they're educated. If you meet a black person in the workplace, someone who has the same job and responsibilities as you, chances are that black person is not poor, nor on welfare, nor uneducated.
    6. Try to recognize blacks that you've already met if you run into them in other venues. I've passed my next-door neighbor in the grocery store and she didn't recognize me. Another neighbor asked if she could help me when I rang her doorbell to give her mail that we'd mistakenly received. These folks wave and talk to me at a distance, from across the street, but have no clue who I am up close.

    Yes. The Tea Party is exceedingly racist. That's the reason it was founded. Sarah knows it and all her followers know it. She and her followers are disingenuous liars and I appreciate that the NAACP has called them out.

  38. lwtjb9:49 AM

    @ 5:50 am
    I was launched from college straight into the turmoil of the 60s so I can speak from experience. There was nothing like this when Clinton took office. Nothing. I don't remember seeing this level of vitriol since the Civil Rights movement of the '60s.

  39. Gee I don't see any racism said the blind man. Do they think that pictures go away?

  40. Sorry I wanted to comment on one more thing. WHAT? Sherry accepted her son back into her home with love and this is what he does? He is either the biggest fool or he is being seriously abused by Bristol. It happens to woman so can't say it doesn't happen to men. The first thing an abuser does is takes you away from family and friends. I know from personal experience.

  41. Randall10:38 AM

    Something everyone seems to keep overlooking: the GOP and teabaggers like to exhume Reagan's corpse and parade it around as if he were a great president. He wasn't.

    Everytime they invoke Saint Ronnie someone needs to point out:

    Following his massive tax-cut, from September, 1982 to June, 1983 unemployment was over 10%


    The Reagan administration was among the most corrupt administrations in our history, with 61 indictments and 31 convictions and 14 of those convicted serving prison terms. More would be but they were pardoned by GHW Bush.

    Under Reagan, the number of families living below the poverty line increased by one-third.

    The Reagan financial policies and blind passion for deregulation created the S&L scandal that cost taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars - the greatest financial scandal and taxpayer-funded bailout in US history... (until GW Bush, that is.)

    Reagan made major cuts to Medicare, food stamps, aid to families with dependent children, and school lunch programs.

    Reagan hated Social Security and wanted to do away with it completely.

    Reagan ignored the AIDS crisis until over 20,000 people died - and then he famously said "...maybe the Lord brought down this plague..." because of "illicit sex."

    HE SOLD MISSILES TO IRAN. Iran was considered by the USA to be a supporter of terrorism at the time.

    ...know how, in 2003, we knew Saddam Hussein used to have WMD's? Because Reagan sold them to him in the 80's!

    Desmond Tutu excoriated Reagan for his indifference to apartheid in South Africa, saying "the Reagan administration's support and collaboration with it is equally immoral, evil, and is un-Christian without remainder."

    When confronted with some of these failures, Reagan famously blurted "facts are stupid things."

    He's the perfect hero for Sarah Palin: his legacy is a myth, a lie, and underneath it all he was a stupid, and mean, bigot.

    ...and Sarah - as well as every other conservative liar - need to be reminded of that every time they crack his coffin open to sing his praises.

  42. Randall10:40 AM

    Reagan ignored the AIDS crisis until over 20,000 people died - and then he famously said "...maybe the Lord brought down this plague..." because of "illicit sex."

    HE SOLD MISSILES TO IRAN. Iran was considered by the USA to be a supporter of terrorism at the time.

    ...know how, in 2003, we knew Saddam Hussein used to have WMD's? Because Reagan sold them to him in the 80's!

    Desmond Tutu excoriated Reagan for his indifference to apartheid in South Africa, saying "the Reagan administration's support and collaboration with it is equally immoral, evil, and is un-Christian without remainder."

    When confronted with some of these failures, Reagan famously blurted "facts are stupid things."

    He's the perfect hero for Sarah Palin: his legacy is a myth, a lie, and underneath it all he was a stupid, and mean, bigot.

    ...and Sarah - as well as every other conservative liar - need to be reminded of that every time they crack his coffin open to sing his praises.

  43. Randall10:40 AM

    Something everyone seems to keep overlooking: the GOP and teabaggers like to exhume Reagan's corpse and parade it around as if he were a great president. He wasn't.

    Everytime they invoke Saint Ronnie someone needs to point out:

    Following his massive tax-cut, from September, 1982 to June, 1983 unemployment was over 10%


    The Reagan administration was among the most corrupt administrations in our history, with 61 indictments and 31 convictions and 14 of those convicted serving prison terms. More would be but they were pardoned by GHW Bush.

    Under Reagan, the number of families living below the poverty line increased by one-third.

    The Reagan financial policies and blind passion for deregulation created the S&L scandal that cost taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars - the greatest financial scandal and taxpayer-funded bailout in US history... (until GW Bush, that is.)

    Reagan made major cuts to Medicare, food stamps, aid to families with dependent children, and school lunch programs.

    Reagan hated Social Security and wanted to do away with it completely.

  44. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Didn't she try to pick up smoked meat in early 80's? The guy was playing jazz there. Freaked when other band members came to table and fled.

  45. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Wasn't Sarah heard to say, after the Primaries - "So Sambo beat the Bitch"

  46. GrainneKathleen6:26 AM

    do i have my facts straight, that todd is 1/8 native? if so, so is my mother - she is 1/8 cherokee. we are proud of our cherokee ancestors, whoever they are - sadly, we don't know much at all about them. but if i or my mom were to go amongst the native communities calling myself a naitve, it would be an insult to everyone who has lived that life and learned the traditions that native people's have managed to keep through so many years of genocide. and i certainly wouldn't get free healthcare here in maine for being 1/16 native.
    todd should be proud of his native roots, as should their children - i hope they are closer to them them than i have been able to get to mine. but having todd - who i would never guess was native by his appearance alone - as a husband certainly is not proof that sarah is not a racist. that's even worse than saying, "see, i'm not a racist; look at my black friend!" sarah is trying to kill at least three birds with one stupid stone here: lash out at the naacp (a favorite gop punching bag; what do they have to lose when most people of color don't vote for them anyway?); try to prove that she and the teabaggers are not racists because her husband, like many americans, has some native ancestry; and advertise for her stupid, insulting adventurin' in alska sweetheart dill show all at once. i'll add would add two or three more brain cells to my estimation of her intellignece, except that i know full well that she didn't even write this post.


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