Saturday, July 03, 2010

Just taking a moment to apologize to my visitors.

I don't usually apologize for my posts because...well....because I am a very, very selfish and insensitive person.

However I do believe that today I may have overstepped the bounds of good taste.

I posted a very embarrassing YouTube video of a person who was obviously having an uncontrollable physical reaction to an overwhelming emotional experience.

I posted that knowing full well that the person in the video has probably been teased repeatedly for what was captured on camera and that they deeply regret allowing themselves to be filmed in such an incredibly embarrassing state. It was clearly in poor taste.

However in my defense, it IS the one year anniversary!  So how could I NOT post Sarah Palin's crazy ass resignation speech?

What other video?


  1. SME13112:12 PM

    Don't isn't as if the guy didn't know he had a hard on and didn't realize there were cameras. He CHOSE to pose for the pic and didn't seem the least bit embarrassed. If it had phased him he would have stepped out of the photo line.

  2. ManxMamma12:26 PM

    Gryphen - no apology necessary. You didn't film it or release it. It would seem that someone in Palin's camp did. It did indeed have a huge yuck factor though!

  3. Anonymous12:27 PM

    viral video has a life its own anyway

  4. wakeUpAmerica12:51 PM

    Ha! Well done, Gryphen. You had me until the last line. I don't think SME131 got the joke.

  5. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Sarah's got to keep up with the plastic surgery to get that shwing.

  6. Anonymous1:11 PM

    LMFAO!!!! I love your sense of humor, Gryphen.

  7. Ha, thanks for the chuckle...
    Yes the quitter speech, she should hang her head in shame...
    The dude in the video obviously has no shame and seems to be holding his "head" high!

  8. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Gryphen... Posting the video was clear evidence the Palinbots are the ones with a hard on for the Grifter from Wasilla

  9. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Great post, Gryph! Laughed my butt off.


  10. Anonymous1:29 PM

    You are so funny Gryphen (lol).

  11. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Don't apologize! No one made him walk on that stage, he knew what was happening and chose to let everyone see. Personally, I think it's the funniest thing I've seen all day. Yep, I do want another video. Keep up the great work!

  12. Anonymous1:50 PM

    That's OK it is up on several other sites, also too.

    What was that guy thinking?

  13. Anonymous2:10 PM


    (p.s. it seems like some of your readers think you're referring to Mr. Hardon.) :-)

  14. I literally just LOL'd

  15. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Bwahahahaha! You crack me up. Great post! LMAO!!

  16. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Gryph said: What other video?

    ROFLMFAO :-)

    However, all I get is a blank square. Can't see the video.:-(

  17. Anonymous3:15 PM

    this will have me laughing for ions and ions!

  18. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Oh, you're not talking about that other, truly ICONIC representation of $arah cradling her drooling fan?

  19. snickers and snort!

  20. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Yeah, it's hard to decide which video was more embarrassing. Both had unwarranted swollen heads.

    Thanks for the laughs, Gryphen.

  21. WakeUpAmerica3:45 PM

    Geez, Gryphen! I'm guessing that about 3/4 or at least 2/3 of the commentors here didn't get the joke. Ha! LMAO again!! It's about the Tundra Turd, folks, not Mr. Hardon. Thanks for the second laugh. I'll be checking back to see if the ratio improves.

  22. Anonymous4:57 PM

    i love you....THAT was completely brilliant!!!!! you are just the best....keep on, keepin' on:)

  23. wakeUpAmerica5:12 PM

    Unwarranted swollen heads? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Good one!

  24. Anonymous5:34 PM

    "What other video???????" HILARIOUS, Gryph!!!

  25. emrysa5:55 PM

    HA! great job gryphen - I fell for it!

  26. It's just a bit like shooting wolves from planes... Wait. She likes that shit. Oh well.

  27. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Thought we finally got Carrie Prejean's self-pleasuring video's viral.

    Sarah doesn't have enough grace or intelligence to be embarrassed by any of her speechifying performances.

  28. Um. Why are you apologizing? The video was great and did fully and graphically show why some, maybe most, male persons including John McCain are attracted to that woman. The little head more often than not leads the big head.

  29. $arah thought she did a great job with that speech, nothing to be ashamed of on your part. However, $arah's word salad is worthy of her hanging her head in disgust at her own stupidity. We know that will never happen.

    Love "what other video?" comment. Great sense of humor, Gryphen! Too bad $arah doesn't have one since she might then be able to see herself for the fool she is.

  30. Hilarious - you crack me up! This is the one Palin video that needs to be played over & over if she even thinks about running in the primaries. The words "psychotic break" doesn't even begin to cover it.

  31. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Nothing to apologize for.... the video was worth a thousand words! In a few short minutes, it showed the essence of Palin! Yes folks, she walked out on her governorship, 1 year ago, for this.... to be in a bowling alley, charging money for a photo op, looking down at crotches (I noticed that she did this to a guy early in the video), chasing the almighty dollar.... looking very presidential.... hahahahahahahahaha. And remind me again how is that progressing Alaska???

  32. Anonymous6:01 PM

    To me both videos were head bangers and they both got a rise out of people - thanks for the laughs!

  33. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Ha ha ha I have always said, Sarah is viagra to most of her pathetic male followers. Ha ha ha the guy could not hold in. LOL.


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