Sunday, July 11, 2010

Palin tweets another twisted tirade to the twits that tag along with her on Twitter.

Palin tweets:

LasVegas RJ editorial recaps Obama lecture 2 Runnin' Rebs: he's got most disconnected, backasswards plan ever imposed on the country we love

That "RJ editorial" that Palin is referring to is this opinion piece written in the Las Vegas Review-Journal by an editor who is certainly no fan of Harry Reid. The editorial was clearly a hit piece written in defense of, the very difficult to defend, Sharron Angle. (The "running rebs" reference was apparently a hat tip to the name of the University of Nevada Las Vegas’ mascot — the Running Rebels. Easiest path to pandering is mentioning a favored hometown sports team.)

But let me get this straight.  Sarah Palin believes that President Obama's attempts to salvage the economy and repair the damage done to this country in the eight years of the Bush administration are "the most disconnected, BACKASSWARDS plan every imposed on the country WE love?"

Just how stupid does she think people are? 

If she truly believes this plan is so...what was the word she used again...Backasswards? Then what would she call the plan of a President to lie to the citizens of this country in order start a second, completely unnecessary war, while already fighting one in Afghanistan? Or the plan to not raise taxes to pay for that war, but instead to drive the country into incredible debt by charging much it on the country's "credit card" and borrowing heavily from the Chinese, which in turn places us in their debt for decades to come?

Or what about a Presidential plan to allow the torture of detainees for the first time in America's history?  Or the plan to spy on it's own citizens?  Or the firing of nine U.S. Attorneys for political reasons?

What about those "plans" Mrs. Palin?  Aren't any ONE of those far worse than what President Obama is trying to do in order to patch this once great country back together?

There are valid reasons to criticize Obama's decisions, but Caribou Barbie's exaggerated condemnations and venomous attacks via Facebook and Twitter do nothing more than show her all consuming hate for the man who bested her, and her grandfather, in the 2008 election.

Spitefulness, they name is Palin.


  1. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Stupid bitch.

    Hey Sarah! You came in LAST in the election, Mrs. Not So Fucking Congeniality! Get over it, already!

  2. Anonymous2:53 PM

    You don't understand. As bat shit crazy as she and those like her seem to reasonable people,... these people are masters at crying foul and stirring controversy by fear and intimidation. If decent people don't wake up,... you will have these fools back for another election cycle. The first thing they will do is undo all the good that has been done.

    They will un-regulate,un-legislate, everything.

    Prime examples of their credos are the two greatest lies ever foisted on the American public.

    1) Trickle down economics benefits the common man.

    2) Un-regulated business is cheaper for the consumer.

    Take them for granted at your own peril !

  3. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Doesn't she get it yet? McCain lost in large part because of her. As soon as the first blush of her being the second woman nominated to VP candidate, people listened and hated what they heard.

    She is a racist idiot, a bad mother, a philandering wife, and a fading beauty (if you define beauty only as skin-deep appearance). She is setting herself up for deep ridicule.

    Shame on Sarah. She is embarrassing the entire country. I feel so sorry that Alaska has been besmirched by being identified with her.

  4. The twit from twitter. She is looking to change the subject as they close in on her concerning the goings on at Sheep Creek Lodge/

  5. Anonymous3:11 PM

    This stuff isn't going to be helpful if she does run. Looks to me like she wants to be the next Rush. Much easier than running the country, and you don't have to watch your language.

  6. AKaurora3:11 PM

    Are we sure that this twit's next book isn't "Tweeting for Idiots"?

  7. Anonymous3:17 PM

    If a twat tweets and no one reads it, will the twat go away?

  8. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Palin pathetic, silla warrior cuda got no scholarship cause no skilz or smartz. Obama hater lucrative livin, progresn bank acct. Pander wks.

  9. Anonymous3:17 PM

    I can just see her campaign buttons: Obama is Backasswards. Vote for me!

  10. angela3:23 PM

    Poor stupid cow. I swear I've never heard such simpering venom and an inability to actually speak english out of anyone who was once purported to speak for the GOP. Ugly and jealous Sarah. Ugly and jealous. Loser.

  11. Good lord, she sounds so presidential - backasswards my foot! Does the religious right/palinbots approve of this language?

  12. WakeUpAmerica3:30 PM

    Palin's grandfather? What am I missing?

  13. Pat in MA3:54 PM

    Her vocabulary astounds - "backassward," now there's presidential material for you. If you think America was hated and viewed as a laughingstock with W, can you imagine? {{shudder}} Never anything constructive. Mean, nasty and shrill, hiding behind twitter and FB.

  14. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Sarah, STFU! You are only trying to distract from your performance on BOR, when even the C4P crowd went into meltdown. I for one, am going to mention that everywhere I comment!

    You are pathetic.

  15. Anonymous3:57 PM

    As evidenced by her citing of Reagan yesterday when discussing immigration, she doesn't know JACK about history or anything else. She's been boosted upon her high horse by her blinded brainwashed slaves. She doesn't care to learn anything, because she does fine with stupid.

    She needs to shut her f-ing mouth and go back to what she does best- opening her legs.

  16. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Maybe she likes lemon aide like whats her face going against Reid.

  17. She is a ridiculous excuse for a human being!

  18. Anonymous4:14 PM

    She probably hates the fact that then candidate Obama and now President Obama has only been gracious to her.

    She is a mixed up child. No offense to children, who are adorable and loving.

    What would you compare her to? A hyena, a snake, a rat? A sow?

  19. Anonymous4:15 PM

    What went on a Sheep Creek Lodge? Am I missing something?

  20. mommom4:21 PM

    Why would anyone respect someone who uses the term"backasswards" ?Does she think it is more pc to say it that way?Do her pinhead minions find it more palatable than assbackwards?

    Or does she think its cute,like winking during a debate?

    Frankly,Mrs PAYlin,I find you ass backwards.

  21. Here is a link to Obama's full speech:

    I read the Op Ed. Palin did twist what the writer wrote. Palin also tweeted Obama gave a "lecture" twisting he "lectured" students. Thanks Griffin for explaining who the Running Reb is.

    Obama presented Reid's and his position, their philosophy and contrasted the Repubs and Angle is more extreme.

    Obama gave a good reminder that it does matter to work for a candidate, inform people who do not follow politics so for my two cents people can make an informed decision based on facts after thinking about the issues.

    I am proud to have a POTUS who does not lie, nor terrorize people or tweets twisted truth slandering
    people with malicious lies. It is refreshing to hear the issues, problems, and rationale behind decision making.

    Palin is not leadership material to tweet or on national tv simply utter "backasswards" for lack of facts. Obama's speech was very informative. PS..he did not refer to the audeince as any kind of animal:)

  22. Anonymous4:31 PM

    That picture says it all: pugnacious ex-everything.

  23. Anonymous4:43 PM

    The quitter just seems like she can't get over loosing.

    Cracks me up.

    When my husband and I saw her and one of her "I didn't abort" children, at a Wasilla store, we just laughed and laughed. She got more and more pissed, which made us laugh even more. She didn't like it at all.

    She lost ... Ha ha ha ha ha

  24. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Gryphen-- I know that her Tweets and FB make for good copy. And I know that's her only form of communication, except for speeches that the media can't cover and FOX appearances. So I get why folks like you on our side feel compelled to post them when they happen.

    But I think drawing attention to some of these mindless, pointless things she puts out are a waste of your time. And gives undue attention to her. And brings out heart felt,but basically redundant and shop worn responses from our group.

    Let's stick to the important things and not give her the satisfaction of responding to every brain fart she has.

    Just my thought.

  25. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Such an unthankful person. She should be extremely thankful that she lives in a prosperous nation, at ease, with all the advantages for herself and her family, the best medical care, and, like she has said many times, the greatest nation on earth.

    For someone with the best of the best, she sounds like a spoiled brat. A spoiled over-indulged girl who thinks the universe revolves around her. Her whining and her judgmental twittering nonsense is disgusting, especially to those in the world who live with a fraction of benefits that she has.

    She forgets the pain and suffering that many endure around the world every day. She forgets that 99.9% of people DO NOT collect $100,000 for a 45-minute speech. Many in the world do backbreaking work for so little a day.

    Sarah should realize that she is a very blessed lady. With that blessing, she's commanded to be a good steward and back to the world by respectfully twittering about her President and start growing up.

  26. sewnup5:10 PM

    I don't know about hyenas, snakes, and rats, but as a farm kid I've never seen a sow with morals as low as those of Smeary Sarah.

  27. Anonymous5:22 PM

    I wish I was with you guys laughing at Sarah.

    BTW, the person that noticed the jowls on Ms. Wasilla gets a gold star.

  28. Anonymous5:25 PM

    This is just another backassward attempt by Princess Dumbass to divert the conversation away from her failures this week. The stupid ass Mamma Grizzly video didn’t go over so well nor did her interview with Billo.

    Princess Dumbass will never ever amount to the person President Obama is. She doesn’t have the intelligence, guts, the integrity, and the patience that the President has. President Obama has gotten more things done for the greater good of this country than any other President has.

    Princess Dumbass is a coward and she needs to sit her ass down and STFU.

  29. Aussie Blue Sky5:26 PM

    Is this pathetic tweet the best thing she could think of today to take the focus off the SarahPAC filing????

  30. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Anonymous @ 4.15 asked
    "What went on a Sheep Creek Lodge? Am I missing something?"

    No, you're not missing anything - you just have the story bass ackwards. ;-)

  31. laprofesora5:55 PM

    I love it! She's getting stupider and meaner by the minute. Keep it comin' Scarah; how do you REALLY feel??? She's just a few tweets away from actually calling the President names. At this rate she'll be in a straight jacket by the November elections.

  32. majii5:55 PM

    Palin sure has a way of showing how much she adheres to her "c"hristian values. Tsk, tsk, such language coming from a "c"hristian.

  33. emrysa6:31 PM

    hey I've got questions for palin's pussy:


    if this is so embarrassing and such a big deal then why the hell have people not brought it out before? why the hell have people waited until this bitch has done her damage BEFORE THEY GET OFF THEIR LAZY FUCKING ASSES and SPEAK THE FUCK UP???? I'm fucking sick of the slack mutherfuckers who have remained silent and have enabled this bitch to fan the flames of serious discord in this country. fucking sick of these irresponsible "citizens."

  34. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Palin thinks thinks twitter talk gets mens' dicks up. Given the video of her rampant fan, it does seem to have the desired effect.

    Are there enough low-information voters to fund the Palin circus another year? Probably not.

    If the soft-underbelly of Palin's indiscretions doesn't sink her before the November elections, her puppet masters will dump her after the elections.

  35. majii6:35 PM

    The Las Vegas Sun has some excellent editorials covering President Obama's visit and other issues such as who is to blame for the unemployment extension not being taken care of before Congress recessed. The Sun editorial board does a good job of providing push back on false claims "conservatives" have been making against the president. John Ralston is an example of a reporter who actually tries to inform voters of candidates' positions on very important issues. His interview with Angle a few weeks ago was excellent in exposing how extremist her views are. Based on some of the comments to these editorials, some of the residents have problems facing the fact that the "conservatives" in Congress are lying through their teeth. Thanks to blogs like The Immoral Minority, maybe we can persuade voters not to back any candidate that Palin endorses.

  36. emrysa6:42 PM

    you know what, pp - it's TOO FUCKING LATE. those who worship palin are not going to believe any story about sheeps creek lodge. THE DAMAGE HAS ALREADY BEEN DONE because people didn't get off their lazy asses and tell the truth when it could have made a difference.

  37. womanwithsardinecan7:07 PM

    I know nothing about Sheep Creek Lodge, but after looking at the picture I realize I've BEEN THERE! I was watching the start of the Iditarod in Willow one year (I think 1982) when I was in Alaska. We went into that lodge for some reason. I think my uncle Bill used to play music there.
    Anyway, nothing to do with Palin, but it was funny to look at the picture and go OMG.

  38. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Robert Ebert responds to the Palin's tweet.

    Roger Ebert - tweet assforwards

  39. She's just pissed that she failed miserably on The Factor with BOR the other night.

    Palin projects everything onto other people. Read the transcript over at the Mudflats of the interview - she is the one who would have an "backassward" plan that would destroy this country when it comes to Immigration Reform.

    She knows she bombed BIG TIME and now she's taking it out on the President cuz in the end, it's ALL about how he defeated her in 2008. And it always will be.

  40. Lynne8:09 PM

    Hey Gryphen: I really love reading the comments on your blog, but really, do you think the kind of stuff emrysa is putting out...well, I sure find it revolting to come across stuff like that. It's not exactly an improvement on the ranting that Sarah does.

  41. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Emrysa, Take a deep breath. We are all frustrated, but we've got to stay
    classy. We lose credibility using
    gutter language. It's not at all about censorship of ideas/opinions,
    it's just being mindful of others' -
    possibly young people who may be
    visiting this blog. Yeah, they hear
    worse than that in school every day, but that doesn't mean we need to stoop
    to that type of speech. Please don't be offended. And of course, Gryphen
    has the last word, so it's up to him
    to decide.

    Sharon TN

  42. Anonymous11:57 PM

    Palin is badassbackwards! Twisted twitter tweeter. I wish somebody has the balls to set the record straight about all her lies and get her to shut the fuck up!

  43. Anonymous4:03 AM

    I'm lost on the "Sheep Creek Lodge" story. Did you blog about it? If there is a link, please post it for me.

  44. Anonymous5:36 AM

    To WakeUpAmerica @ 3:30 pm
    Grandfather = McCain

    And Palin, you just can't get the simplest things right, can you? It's "bassackward". But then backassward does describe YOU perfectly, to a T.

  45. I grew up in southcentral and the only time I ever heard that term it was "bassackwards". Maybe she thinks she "progressed" the word?


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