Thursday, July 01, 2010

President Obama shows us what it looks like when a grownup talks about the immigration issue.

What the President says about immigration in this country: "By appealing not to people’s fears but to their hopes and ideals, we can put politics aside for an immigration system that is accountable."

What the Republicans say about immigration in this country: BOO!

Any questions?


  1. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Here's a thought on babygate: didn't Sarah write in Going Rogue that her driver in New Orleans dropped her off at a walgreens so she could buy a pregnancy test? Wouldn't it be worth somehow finding the driver and interviewing him on the DL? Is that even legal? Some many passersby are involved in this story. If it weren't factual, don't you think one of them would let soemthing slip?

  2. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Now that was a speech!That speech was over 30 minutes. If you were like me, you listened to every word spoken in silence and in awe. There was no hate spoken. You learned something about America and hopefully you were inspired. Pray this speech does not fall on deaf ears.

  3. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Gryphen, I love your posts! President Obama was great and he also reminded us all that we all are the offspring of immigrants. That was the best for me. I wonder how Angle, Palin, McCain et al took that one. Better yet, how can they defend their crazy stances knowing that.

  4. Unca Roggie9:16 PM

    As usual, a Kennedy like speech from the Prez, which so few will bother to listen to, as they've already made up their mind that this guy is the Antichrist, rather than the best, smartest, most eloquent president in decades. So sad.

    Maybe in their old age, people will finally watch a retrospective on Obama, and think, "Oh...boy, he DID have a way with words, now, didn't he?"

  5. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Great speech by PO. Mature, intelligent, visionary, and in the best interests of the country.

    Therefore, I predict the GOP will fight tooth and nail to oppose his policies (and I was a life long Republican who's now ashamed of what the GOP has become in the 21st Century).

  6. Anonymous9:30 PM

    We have one of the best presidents in history. Truly. And I've been around for a long time.

  7. Anne In DC10:50 PM

    The president appealed to the best in us, and his speech was a timely reminder that almost everyone now living in the United States is a direct descendant of immigrants. In their arrogance and self-righteousness, the Sharon Angles, Rush Limbaughs, and Glenn Becks--as well as the Party of No--conveniently forget that immigrants have enriched this country enormously.

  8. Anonymous10:56 PM

    I have seen many presidents because I am 61 and I love this one. The best ever. What a wonderful speech. I listened/watched every word of it. He cares deeply and it shows in his words and expressions--especially his eyes.

  9. angela2:48 AM

    Amazing. An insightful beautiful speech about who we are . . . . .
    And you're right Gryphen--no snarky hate contained therein. President Obama is a brilliant statesman who is trying to do a job at a horrific moment in time---with nothing but hysterical rhetoric from the GOP.
    He just needs to keep doing what he's doing.

  10. Anonymous2:57 AM

    No question...I support this man 100%. He's tackling each problem one at a time, carefully and pragmatically. I would NOT want his job, and am SO thankful that...the other, uh, "choice"...didn't happen...((shudder))

    Meanwhile, the rethugs continue to whine and stomp their feet like 6-year-olds who didn't get a pony for Christmas. I was listening to a progressive show yesterday (forget which one) wherein the host imagined this country's future if the Neocons got back into power, and found themselves having to deliver on the extreme issues they've been preaching to their rabid, tea-partyin', take-OUR-America-back followers.

    We may not always agree with Pres. O, but we HAVE to stand behind him...or face some scary shit ahead.

    Love and knishes...

  11. When the American voter dissed the McCain/Palin ticket and elected this man, I, as an outsider, applauded the fact that perhaps our southern neighbours had finally come to their senses and that after enduring the hellish rule of GWB for eight years would support their new President and his goals for a better America.

    Sadly, this has not been the case. Today, when political idiots are given credence and their lies are accepted as truth, it is disheartening & disappointing, the say the very least. I fear for y'all.


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