Saturday, July 31, 2010

The real reason there is no hope for Levi and Bristol's relationship.

Here is a portion of an interview that I did with Mercede back in February of this year.

(If you listen carefully to the video you can hear Sherry in the back ground saying "We all cried" as Sadie starts to well up with tears.)

This was LESS than two months after Bristol gave birth to Tripp.  As you can see she wasted absolutely no time in using the baby to hurt Levi, and to bully his family.

She also essentially admits that she was not being faithful to him when they were dating and suggests that there may have been other potential boys who are in fact Tripp's biological father.  Gee does THAT sound familiar?

My point is that Bristol, much like her mother, has a history of using her child to control people and keep them on the defensive.  The ONLY way that a relationship between Levi and Bristol would have a snowball's chance in hell of surviving is if he did EVERY SINGLE THING that she demanded of him. Now how long do any of us really think that a nice looking guy like Levi can really put up with that?

By the way if you think I an exaggerating in any way, take a look at what Mercede wrote today about her friend Lanesia's pregnancy and the demands put on the Johnston family by Bristol.

Update: Lanesia has also given an interview to Us Magazine in an attempt to clear up the rumors.


  1. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Levi needs to get LEGAL visitation established...

    then WRITE the book that blows the fake Sarah and Bristol world into a million pieces.

    Tell the story of the fake birth, multiple Trigs and other Palin bullshit.

    Levi.. get a grip.. You have NO RELATIONSHIP with anyone in the Palin family to cling on to... they all ended.

  2. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Bristol has been a b-tch for years, suddenly it is news? It is not a news flash that a Palin uses their babies, kids, teens or any youth to manipulate others.

    Poor Mercede and Sherry. If they can't find a way to retroactively castrate Levi this story will play out as Sarah wants. She is looking like a serious candidate for the highest office. Bristol can be a little hormonal as long as Sarah is always "family values" pure.

    Bristol needs to get out in public now and make certain her pregnant rumors are proved to be rumors. Lanesia and her pregnancy were used to save Bristol. She will always be a footnote to history, be it tabloid history or whatnot. Sarah and Bristol's version will be to use her as a scapegoat. "Bristol pure, Lanesia slut." That is unfortunate. I hope Mercede and Lanesia don't just complain about the ruthless. There comes a time for action. Hold the National Enquirer accountable. When you know who the turncoats are don't cover and enable them.

  3. Anonymous7:01 AM


  4. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Mercede's webpage is still unavailable. I don't know if it is something she is doing, the web master's bad, or some nefarious interference by outside parties, but I keep getting "Fedora Test Page".

    Am I correct in assuming that Lanesia absolutely knows who babies father is, or is there some question?

    (Even if SHE is sure, a DNA test is still a good idea, particularly if anyone challenges her word.)

  5. Mickey77:03 AM

    MSNBC is reporting that Bristol broke off her engagement again. I couldn't resist going into the comments section and posting this:

    "This young woman needs some serious guidance from someone who knows better than airing every aspect of their life to the public in order to become rich, famous and powerful (so not her mother, then). Isn't there some stable, mature woman in her life who could help her out? We all know that her mom is too busy on the speaking/raking in bucks circuit to be there for her now, but maybe someone with actual family values could be a surrogate?"

    The Palinista heads are exploding from the well-deserved whacking the Palin family is getting over this.

  6. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Just read Mercedes' blog. Wow. Just Wow. Bristol needs meds or therapy like her mother. Poor Levi & Poor Todd; their women are making their lives miserable. And it isn't going to get better for a very long time, maybe ten or twenty years from now.

  7. Anonymous7:06 AM

    I think the saddest part is Wasilla really is no different from other small towns in America.

    As an adolescent, I attended a church in a town (pop maybe 1000). I always felt extremely out of place, solely because I wasn't related to ANYONE, yet EVERYONE was related to at least one other person.

    I'm not criticizing small towns or the people that live in them, but you have to think - the family dymanic (esp in the south) is so much different, bigger families exist, 20 yr olds marry their high school sweetheart and have babies right away, and their mentality really never changes in term of the world.

    I had a high school friend (popular, not beautiful by standard but a cute girl, though she never had a boyfriend until college)

    Her main goal in life was to be a mother. Our 10 yr reunion is approaching. She now has 3 kids under 3, works for her parents (teachers aren't being hired), and could not be happier). My goals and life certainly have molded with the help of circumstances and growing up and away from "home" but there are those people who wish not to stray. And that is not a bad thing.

    There's a town in FL where early 20-somethings get pregnant together just so they can raise babies and live as a community. It's almost like the country is reverting back to another century, when careers took a backseat and babies came as soon as school was completed. Or that's just small town life.

    What gets me is, all these people I've depicted, I met them ALL at church. There's a reason catholics have big families. There's a bigger reason methodists do as well. A sense of community is necessary as it is fundamental. The goal now should be to teach our children to support themselves financially because all my friends who had babies at 18-20 are currently on food stamps and medicaid

  8. Anonymous7:14 AM

    I hope Levi gets a sample of his DNA to a reputable lab and INSISTS on having a sample of "his child's" DNA, with the sample taken BY HIM and not Bristol. Yikes!!

  9. Aussie Blue Sky7:14 AM

    How could she pray the baby wasn't Levi's unless there was another possibility?

    Maybe now Bristol will stop telling lies about other girls. Ya think?

  10. womanwithsardinecan7:20 AM

    There never was any hope for that relationship. We have all known people like this. They are dysfunctional from the bottom up. Bristol is an ignorant, hateful bitch, like her mother, and Levi is a dumb doormat. You could excuse a lot of it because they are still practically teenagers, but since they both went down the road of trying to make money and fame from their dysfunctions and mistakes, they've kind of run out of sympathy from the peanut gallery. They will not be married long if they ever make it that far. They will just grow up to be dysfunctional adults who have no clue how to behave. Let's just hope they put some of that money aside for the future, because otherwise they will just be deadbeats with too many kids, living on food stamps. Bristol doesn't seem to have the one thing that has gotten Sarah so far: a raging, soul-eating ambition to be "better" than everybody else. Bristol seems more comfortable with the jealous, idiotic, brainless bitch role. I just feel sorry for Tripp. The rest of them can have their trashy lives. Waste of good air.

  11. Anonymous7:23 AM

    How exactly does all this jibe with Mercede's assertion that Tripp was planned, and what you've reported in the past about Bristol sneaking out to meet Levi post election.

    I truly believe nothing makes sense to us because we've concocted and read sooo many subjective version that it is complicating this personal matter.

    Honestly, I think Bristol was you average popular teen girl (who happened to be the gov's kid) who slept around, as many other's do of all backgrounds and family types, and voila, she's pregnant and her family does damage control to protect her. Pictures taken and emails sent during mid 2008 depict a supportive Sarah and close family unit.

    so of course they're all going to be defensive when others try to profit off their name. None of this should be tabloid/blog fodder, despite bristol's now public persona.

  12. Anonymous7:30 AM

    I wonder what God said to Bristol when she asked him to make her baby's father be one of many sinful conquests.

  13. Anonymous7:38 AM

    I can't access Mercedes blog anymore either. I wonder if she's been hacked?

  14. Anonymous7:41 AM

    It is no surprise that Bristol is a control freak!

    “How f**king dumb could you be to have Lanesia stop by your house? You will never see your nephew again!” Bristol Palin, date unknown.

    "She then claimed that we had a chaotic f**cked up family and then went on to compare Lanesia, Levi’s teenage middle school girlfriend, to the woman my father had cheated on my mother with." Mercede Johnston

    Bristol is mentally unstable and will not change. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

  15. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Anon 7:23 a.m.- Nice commonsense wrap-up of the "situation."

  16. Anonymous7:42 AM

    To anonymous at 7:23
    I couldn't care less if Bristol was a typical wild teenager, sleeping with everyone and their left nut. That really isn't the point. The point is that Sarah has strutted her family and all their dirty laundry out on stage while still extolling family values and Christianity. If ever there was hypocrisy, this is it.

  17. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Mercede and Lanesia are part of the tawdry side of a political campaign. They both must tell their stories to the right people and get the whole truth told. Is the McGinniss book the one that features the 2008 campaign?

  18. womanwithsardinecan8:02 AM

    THEY made it tabloid fodder. They really can't walk it back now. If Sarah and Todd were good parents (yeah, right), they would have tried to help Bristol lead a quiet life. But instead they helped set her up with Candies, her LCC, her photo shoots, etc. Bristol is much to blame too for being a mean idiot instead of just your average teenage idiot.And her poor role models convinced her that the only way to BE anybody is to get yourself famous, and don't worry about WHAT you are famous for. Hell, if Snookie can be famous for bad hair and bad behavior, why in the world would this Wasilla trash stop fighting for their piece of the pie?
    I have no doubt that Bristol will grow up to become an unhappy person who accomplishes very little that matters. I just hope she puts away some of that money for Tripp.
    And the only reason I even bother to read about these trashy people is that my life is boring and this crap makes me laugh. We have totally become a tabloid society, and these folks are the poster children for our descent into a world where nothing actually matters except the next "news" cycle.

  19. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Waiting for Kathy Griffin to tweet...

    I am pregnant and the baby daddy could be one of seven, including Levi...

  20. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Bristol has some pretty serious issues. How embarrassing to be introduced to the United States on a national stage with the announcement that she is pregnant. And, look, here is her boy friend, and they will get married. How embarrassing.

    If Bristol is praying that Tripp isn't Levi's, then she had other sexual contacts while she was trying to get pregnant. Levi should insist on a DNA test. Mercede should save the threatening text messages because Bristol is just like her mother, she is her own worst enemy. Both of them are reactive, jealous, emotionally immature and they lash out before thinking. Evidence of Bristol's instability should qualify Levi for shared custody.

    Levi also needs to get a GED and a decent job. If he really does have provable dirt on the Palins, this would be the time to write the book or cash in, and sell the information to the National Enquirer. (Levi, if you know anything about the baby with the ruffled ear, the one you are photographed with, this would be a good time to tell your story and get enough money to hire a good lawyer).

  21. Anonymous8:21 AM

    You can't get therapy for someone else. When Mercede stopped having her friend over for fear of Bristol, that is when she should have put herself in therapy. It is not easy when you have someone like Bristol in your life but you can get help for yourself. Al-anon is helpful.

    Bristol is unhealthy and not right in the head. If she is pregnant at the same time as Lanesia how will Lanesia's baby effect her? She will be fine with Tripp going to the Johnstons where he may see Lanesia's baby? I hope it is not a girl and they grow up and fall in love. Can you imagine what hell Tripp's life will be with Bristol? Ben and Levi are the father figures we know about. How many others has Tripp known?

    Bristol is carrying around years of Lanesia jealousy, suddenly it will go away and not effect the babies involved? Wasilla is a very small town. Tripp is not going to know about the other baby he can't see? No doubt he witnesses the times Bristol goes off on a temper tantrum and she has put the fear of God in him. These family feuds will only get worse, not better. OBEY! OBEY! OBEY!

    Bristol's latest lie about Brianna Plum as the reason why she called off the second engagement is absurd. Who will ever believe Bristol if she tells whoppers like that? Bristol has her own PR company, she is a tabloid celebrity by her own choice now and she thinks anyone could believe the Brianna Plum lie? I want to see Bristols gut to know she is not lying about that.

  22. Anonymous8:27 AM

    None of this should be tabloid/blog fodder, despite bristol's now public persona. ??????

    Who is the tabloid/blog fodder god that decides what should or shouldn't be? Should Snooki be tabloid/blog fodder?

  23. angela8:28 AM

    Ridiculous really. The idea that we even talk about the tacky drama of two barely educated teenagers says a whole lot about how this country would be run with someone of Sarah's ilk anywhere near Pennsylvania Ave.

    Am I surprised Bristol is emotionally manipulative and spoiled? No. Am I surprised Levi is a doormat? No.
    Do I think Bristol is pregnant? Yes. But it doesn't matter because the Palin's will turn it into an immaculate conception or will disappear the baby altogether to some nice "other" place.

  24. Show us your belly Bristol8:40 AM

    It worked! The wedding is off. Bristol is certifiably insane. They are scared the culprit that fed the lies to The National Enquirer could be revealed. SarahPac now has Bristol's script writers take the focus off of Lanesia. Briana Plum is about as pathetic an excuse as they could come up with but it works for them. The distractions work for SarahPac.
    Bristol and Levi have ended their short engagement because Levi's other ex girlfriend, Briana Plum, said some nasty things about Bristol in an interview.

    It was the middle of May and Bristol looked pregnant. How far along? Four or five months? It is now over two months later. If she is not pregnant as she claims there is no reason to hide. Now that the wedding is off Bristol will be back at work? Public speaking?

  25. Levi needs to have a test done on Tripp, I know he wants to be the father, but I think there is a question as to who is the dad. By all means this new baby (if true) I mean Bristols, needs to be tested, if neither are Levi's the media needs to report. After all they had no problem going after Levi about The Garcia girls baby.

  26. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Mercede (and Levi, too) should contact their cell phone carriers to find out if they can get a log of all past text messages they have received...they might have to pay, but this clearly would be worth it--as proof of the threats from Bristol and others. Worth looking into.

  27. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Hmmm...does the trashy tabloid (US?) that ran the engagement cover story get its $100K back? Or, in the immortal words of Michael Keaton's Night Shift character "is this a great country, or what?" What's the dreck tolerance in this country? This just about hits bottom people.

  28. Well, this must be another example of like mother like daughter...both perfect the quittin' thingy. Jobs, people, relationships, truth, virtue, may add wht is omitted.

  29. Eunice9:34 AM

    Maybe Tripp is a child of God, did anyone ever think of that? I mean THE child of God, you know, the second coming and all that? It's called immaculate conception people, it's in your bible, maybe ya'll should try reading it sometime. No one ever said you had to be some stuffy old goody-two-shoes to get an immaculated conception. Although the whole thing does make abstinence seem sorta pointless.

    I for one won't be satisfied till I've seen Bristol, Levi, and God sitting on Maury Povich's couch.

  30. the facts of life9:46 AM

    Tabloids are the dumb down of America and fodder is disgraceful. Snooki or Bristol. Tabloids are a money making industry and not going to disappear. Legitimate newspapers and journalism, that is another story. Tabloids are here to stay. Ask Murdoch.
    If the public lets it be known they want to know if Bristol is an abstinent-only fraud the tabloids might accomodate or they might be told to do the bidding of the authority that controls them. The only way to stop the bleeding is like when the John McCain campaign terminated selections of the State photos and personal computers were scrubbed in the '08 campaign. Good luck to Lanesia for trying to set the record straight by using the tabloid Us Magazine.

    The campaign selections have begun. Lanesia and baby are collateral damage. They are already history and that is written from the Palin point of view. I doubt many will remember Lanesia trying to set the record straight. Bristol has a brand they must ensure and the Bristol brand matters to SarahPac.

  31. AnonWoman9:57 AM

    I think there are a lot of reasonable posts this time around, including Angela and Anon7:23.

    It's true that Bristol planning the pregnancy yet texting Levi she hopes he's not the father does not seem to jive, and also the rumor about Plum being the reason for the breakup is probably crap. I think they're breaking up because they had no chance to begin with. It was a rash decision and they're wisely backing away from it now. Got some good publicity in the meantime, though, it seems.

    It may be that the "planned" comment may be more about undereducated teens nowadays not using protection because they really do want a baby. But that doesn't mean Bristol couldn't sleep around, which apparently she did, because I do completely believe that text message Mercede revealed. Frankly, once teens get a taste of sex, they need it on a regular basis. I am saying this because as a teen back in the day myself, I held out until college, but some others I knew didn't, and believe me once they lost their virginity they were always out at night whether they had a steady bf or not.

    I think we're forgetting they are all too young, short-sighted, spoiled, emotional, reactive, inexperienced, and caught in the constant jealousy/imaturity cycles of preteen, teen and posteen, small town life, magnified of course by devices and aps like blackberries, laptops, facebook, twitter, and blogs. On Last Comic Standing, a show airing recently, one of the comics had a joke about why our grandparents marriages held together - because the wife couldn't read her husbands text messages and wonder who these texters Not far from the truth.

    If you read Mercede's blog today, with her new post up, it just underlines this fact. They're all young with small town mindsets.

    One more comment regarding the text message - if Bristol didn't know he was the father, I imagine they cleared that up with a dna test for Levi right? Otherwise how would either of them be certain who the father was. I imagine Bristol will do it again this time around if she's really pregnant.

  32. Aussie Blue Sky said...

    How could she pray the baby wasn't Levi's unless there was another possibility?


    Oh, I don't know. I think Levi may well be the only possible father for Tripp. Bristol may have just been going for the jugular (possibly without good reason).

    Take a fairly common musing, "Things would be different if I had a different boyfriend/husband and my baby had a different father" and then ratchet it up with cruelty and spew it out with an intent to ignite jealousy and cause the most hurt possible.

    She may have been lashing out from her own state of pain and rage or she may have been consciously trying to manipulate. Either way, this girl needs help and I truly hope someone will help get both Bristol and Levi into counseling.

    I highly recommend reading about the ‘pain body’ in Eckhart Tolle’s “New Earth,”

  33. Anonymous10:03 AM

    People! Please!

    You don't use an apostrophe when making a word plural!!!! For contractions and to show possession. Examples:

    One Palin.

    Many Palins.

    Don't you think the Palin's nasty habits are riveting?

    In addition to a ramped up low-brow news cycle, "teh internets" are destroying the English lanugage!

  34. Anonymous11:10 AM

    I would not take what Bristol texted as an "admission" because Bristol, as a manipulative and controlling personality, revenge seeking, vindictive and a MO of double standards use words as weapons and tools. It is prudent to not believe anything such personalities say. Neverteheless they are masters at using words to inflict unspeakable pain, hurt or suffering sometimes as sadistic punishment(they "feel good" saying cruel things and watching people double over in pain, cry and feel superior to "control" their victims emotions) and punishment if someone did not do what they wanted or when. They use words as tools to craft some false identity they seek to profit from which is pure about themselves. As they use words to build themsselves a pristeen image they make certain they craft an extreme contrast using someone as someone pointed out Latesia is a "slut" and Bristol "pure". Sarah crafts she is pro life intermittantly crafting Obama is anti life..why he seeks to murder babies..organizes death panels to declare infants and parents unfit.....saint versus sinner and the words are not to be believed.
    Words are used to manipulate, control and pull one over on people.

    If people pay close attention to the MO, when a source reports what the controller said, the controller then exerts control to portray the source as the liar, makin stuff up and projects the source is spseaking to 'attack" make them look bad. So they control their lies, con people then con them other people are the liars. It's psycholgical control and often mental torture. For more read The Sociopath Next Door.

    If thee are the patterns don't be fooled any person volunteered as the doormat nor know in advance for these diabolical personalities set people up and they find too late they were tricked, set up, walked into a trap, positioned, used then discarded.
    Standing up to a diabolical person is the worst thing one can do for they esca to assassinate to annihlate others. Alas, their victims find out too late.

    I'd bet that Sarah P had McCAin staffers bamboozled how appreciative praising staffers how wonderful they were to provide her wardrobe using flattery to manipulatate more people to shop for her. They did not volunteer to be her doormat, shoved under her bus and run down by Palin lying she "wanted nothing for her self" manipulating people to buy her more and more.

    The worst damage to someone ussed, exploited, manipulated then betrayed (shoved under the bus) is revictimization from people who wrongly believe people intentionally victimized by a diabolical person knew the terms. Pathalogical personalities like Bernie Madoff don't reveal themselves. People find out when it is too late.

    These are humans I believe who will even devour their own young so focused on using and witholding what they know another wants for one purpose: to control what another does. God help you if you do not lay down, roll over, shut up, do as they demand (only one person can win) and you are not even to speak except to say what they order you to say.

    These people don't like like Hannibal Lechter or Charles Manson.
    They are wolves in sheeps clothing.

  35. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Gryphen, Todd is handsome and he dances to Sarah's tune all the time. I don't think good looks makes a couple stay together. Who knows why Levi wants to be abused like that? Maybe that kind of man is maschotistic and digs suffering.

  36. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Please someone help this young girl. I've seen girls with so much drama in their lives, changing their minds constantly and so very confused. Sometimes the story doesn't end well. A young girl can't possibly go through all this last 2 years roller coaster ride, with likely hormonal imbalances and post-partum depression, on top of that emotional upheaval, and being in the public eye. I think she is still too young to realize she shouldn't step into the celebrity route until she gets some consistency in her life.

    Not to mention her traveling and in constant restless mode. A person cannot burn their candle at both ends and expect to be a functional mom to a young child. This crazy carpet ride that we are witnessing of this said Bristol Palin is an atrocity.

    Where are her parents? Guardians?
    I pray caring family members will get her some serious emotional intervention and help.

  37. Anonymous11:38 AM

    I don't think there are any contradictions. This whole family seems to have a morass of agendas and plots and secrets. Maybe Bristol did plan to become pregnant. Levi was her main boyfriend, but, for insurance, she enlisted more than one donor. Who knows what she told Levi. Maybe he was unaware of her other activities at the time and genuinely believed they were trying. Then, she gets angry about Lanesia and she lashes out at Levi.

    I'm curious about WHY Bristol would want to become pregnant. She does seem to have some deeper issues. Didn't Ben say she didn't get along with her mother? What better way to act out than to do the same thing her mother did, ie become pregnant.

  38. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Hey Anon -

    The web address you entered could not be found

    Looks like a good resource though, can you repost?

  39. Show us the belly12:12 PM

    Keep it simple, show us the belly. All Bristol has to do is show us the belly without smoke and mirrors. I am sure they have a good reason for all the distractions. Sarah is going to do the Fox version of Meet the Press or something like that. It is time she amp up the serious candidate act. I still think the bottom line is donations and money. She is the juice, if she can bring more into the GOP they will keep her and later have someone run for President. 100% is bogus about Sarah, GOP bogus 99%.

  40. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Eunice, just so you (and everyone else who confuses these terms with each other) know, "immaculate conception" is not synonymous with "virgin birth."

    "Immaculate conception" refers to the teaching of the Roman Catholic church that the Blessed Virgin Mary was conceived without the stain of original sin on her soul. That is where the term "immaculate" comes from --- Mary's soul was immaculate, or sin-free.

    So the "immaculate conception" term does not refer to the church's teaching that Jesus Christ was non-sexually conceived by his mother, Mary. Again, it relates to a different matter entirely, i.e. the lack of original sin on Mary's soul when *she* was (otherwise normally!) conceived.

    The Catholic church also teaches that Mary was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus, and this is the concept of virgin birth. The virgin birth of a god is not exclusive to the Catholic church or even to Christianity, but I'm willing to bet it excludes Bristol Palin. ;)

  41. Anonymous12:31 PM

    "teh internets" grammar IS important but so is proofreading and spelling.

    To whomever addressed the "immaculate conception" in his/her post:
    The meaning of the immaculate conception is so misunderstood by so many. The immaculate conception was NOT the conception of Jesus by Mary, his mother, but rather Mary's conception by her mother Anne. Mary was conceived without sin and therefore her conception was immaculate. You can't have Jesus being born of just any yahoo, now can you? Mary had to be without sin thus the immaculate conception. I think that I know what I'm talking about. It's that whole catholic thing about me.

  42. sme13112:37 PM

    I'm with those that say Levi should get a DNA test. They have do it yourself kits and depending on the results of that test he could then demand one for court purposes. The do it yourself kits are easy, just swab the baby's mouth and his own and send it in. The results don't take all that long.

    Bristol has already proven beyond a doubt that she lies. She told US weekly Sarah was learning of their engagement through that article. Yet the next day she admits she and her mother had talked for hours by phone prior to that article and her mom wasn't happy they were getting back together.

    I still say Sarah is behind the Lenisha story trying to break them up and make Levi look bad in the process.

    As far as Mercedes and Sherry goes the Palin's will bully you as long as you let them. Bristol can't dictate who they have in their home. Sherry should try to sue for grandparent visitation. Maybe Sadie could set up a link for donations to their own legal fund to pay for the legal fees involved.

  43. SME13112:46 PM

    Here's the link where it says Bristol admits she told her mom BEFORE the article came out. It's at the 1:05 mark in the clip.

    They all lie just like SP does.

  44. Eunice1:32 PM

    Dear anonymous at 12:24 PM:

    I don't need no Catholic gobbledygook to know what I know. If God didn't father that baby then let him go on Maury and take the test with all the other dead beat dads.

  45. Anonymous2:04 PM

    11:28 AM ~~~~~~~ Her "caring family members" are manipulating her and all for the sake of SarahPac branding.
    They are no doubt sincere about getting rid of Levi but by all indications they took away her independence. She had to go where they can do the "we care about you" and look what he did kind of caring. The "caring family members" will do only the serious emotional intervention that will keep Sarah rolling in donations. Bristol is a prop and the enablers are not going to help her. That is why the family dynamics of Chuck and Sally matter if you want to understand Bristol, they raised Sarah. They just pass on the dysfunction and are not about to get genuine help for Bristol. They will pray over her and do what they always do.

  46. We need to see those texts, hopefully they were saved on a phone and then transferred to a computer hard drive somewhere by someone. Until those texts are made public then it's all hearsay, she said he said, he texted she texted. Certainly these kids learned the importance of "backup" after all that happened during the campaign.

  47. Anonymous2:17 PM

    I hope Levi takes the DNA test ASAP to see if Tripp is his because if it is negative then he would really be off the hook.

  48. Anonymous2:31 PM

    I don't know why Levi didn't handle the custody like a man. It would be in Tripp's best interest to take care of business. DNA makes sense and should be a first priority. It may be part of the crazy beliefs in those parts of Alaska. Who needs DNA when God can tell you who the father is, just pray and it will be answered. Levi may just be dumb. He can't act in his own best interest and we are to believe he is ready for the best interest of Tripp?

    Will Ben Barber ask for DNA? He is a friend of Track and Todd. They are probably all on the same page as Ben when it comes to DNA. According to the spin masters Track has the same girl friend since high school. They are not married. Track is either a virgin, a re-virgin or practicing sin and sex. If Track does not believe in condoms he may be lucky or no one knows about anyone he knocks up. Track looked loaded in his mothers day pic. If that is the case, he may have no interest in sex and no need for condoms or DNA. I doubt anyone will talk about the attitudes and beliefs about condoms or DNA in Wasilla.

  49. Anonymous2:41 PM

    We need to see those texts.. it is hearsay.

    Matanuska Telephone Association, Inc. must be a dismal phone company because not even a Palin like Bristol has good service. They probably don't keep records either. I don't see teens as text record keepers, but that is possible. If something would go to court we might find out what is available.

  50. Anonymous3:10 PM

    SME131, I've not watched the Today interviews before and now I know why--what a bunch of drivel. This is just part of the Media effort to paint this trashy family as People of Substance. Yuk. Now I know why I do not watch this crap.

  51. Anonymous3:23 PM


    "teh internets" is spelled exactly as i intended. if you spend anytime on blogs at all, you'd recognize the phrase. it's spelled that way as a reflection of The Stupid you'll find there.

  52. Anonymous3:25 PM

    anon 12:31, PS - that's why it was in quotes.

  53. Anonymous5:17 PM

    My humble apologies to 10:03. I did note the quotes but I guess it did not compute at the time. I, like you, get very disgusted with all of the grammar and spelling errors on these comments and I do see the "teh" word and just figure rapid typing is to blame.
    Please accept my apology.

  54. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Bristol has a very blond haired, blue eyed, very fair skined baby.
    That means both parents had to contribute as blond hair gene, a blue eyed gene and a fair skined gene. That six genes, becasu all three are recessive characteristics, needed from two brunet parents.
    Bristol and her family is brunet or darker, Levi and his family are brunet.
    So where are the blond grand parents?

  55. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Quote:"Track has the same girl friend since high school. They are not married. Track is either a virgin, a re-virgin or practicing sin and sex."

    Or...last possibility, is gay. It's not uncommon in right wing families. (Look at the Cheneys and Reagans for example, with Ron Jr and Mary.)

    The "same girlfriend" thing out of high school can sometimes mean two gay kids finding solace with each other. I'm not trying to start a rumor here, because it's probably not the case, but I'm just saying it's a possibility to be included along with the other scenarios.

  56. SME1316:39 PM

    @Anon 3:10

    I don't watch the today show either or any of the similar drivel. The clip was sent to me and I did find it interesting she admitted to them she lied and that Sarah did know before the article was released. Just shows how easily they all lie.

  57. Bristol would stay engaged to Levi if o/w she had to give US Mag its money back.

    One theory for why Bristol was trying to get pregnant w/Tripp was that she had just had a baby and Sarah took it.

    Her suggesting that Levi might not be the dad was probably just to be mean, not because it was in doubt.

    Sadie should not want to help Bristol, after the way she has treated Sadie and Sherry, plan her wedding or even want to go to the wedding. Levi and family will be better off if he doesn't marry Bristol.

    The suggestion that Bristol is upset about Brianna is poppycock. Brianna said very little about the Palins in her interview. In fact, she made Levi sound like the heavy, being so cocky and all. Plus, Bristol had broken up with Levi and was dating other men when Levi dated Brianna. Bristol knew all about Brianna when she decided to get re-engaged for $100,000.

    Sadie may see more of Tripp if Levi doesn't marry Bristol but gets joint custody with frequent visitation. If he is married to Bristol, she will control how he spends his time with Tripp. If he doesn't marry Bristol, he'll be able to spend his time with Tripp as he wishes, including being with Sadie and Sherry.

    In fact, I now wonder, was the re-engagement a trick by Bristol to postpone the upcoming child custody hearing, where Levi was likely to get more time with Tripp? Does it now have to be rescheduled for later in the fall because of this delay?

    Could it be that when Bristol found out she couldn't forbid Levi from having Tripp with him around his family or with a Brianna or another girlfriend or even with a family friend like Lanesia, that Bristol decided she needed to marry him to keep control of Tripp? Hmmmm.

  58. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Anon, Palin has german ancestry. And her mother is blonde.

  59. Anonymous10:20 PM

    anon @ 5:17, no apology necessary. i was just being matter-of-fact, not sarcastic. hard to tell in comments, i know. should have used a :-).

    i almost don't mind misspellings, although, even this comment board has a built-in spell-checker and that's nice. i've settled on apostrophes as my life's mission. strangely, i don't find the absence of apostrophes as distressing as their overuse, especially in plural words. however, everyone makes mistakes. even i do. :-)


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