Morality is not determined by the church you attend nor the faith you embrace. It is determined by the quality of your character and the positive impact you have on those you meet along your journey
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Not a huge documentary fan, but this one feels like a "must see" to me.
I LOVE the old guy at the end!
To learn more about this documentary just click here.
I really believe that to understand what is happening to our country, and why, we need to stay as well educated about all sides of the debate as we possibly can.
Even though I for one find it a little exhausting at times.
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Thanks, Gryphen. That's definitely not one to miss.
ReplyDeleteI resent the fact that the Right has co-opted Life. More so becuase it's only an illusion: I don't see that they care much about "Life" once it's born.
I am very saddened by the act of abortion; but to make it illegal would likely subject many foolish teens to a horrific DEATH at the hands of back room, unsafe, unsanitary abortion procedures. That's the cold reality that "pro-lifers" don't even think about. It's gonna happen folks. And, if statistics prove right, it's gonna happen to the kids of pro-lifers more than others.
By keeping it legal, and between a woman/girl and the medical professional, we at least have an ability to impose some restrictions and best practices. For example: A baby doesn't just sneak up on you; you know when you've had sex. If we had education and availability of the morning after pill without all the crazy fear tactics, I think this is better than a scared girl waiting until the 11th week to have an abortion.
I abhor the idea of an abortion and I would like to see it restricted to the first month, but we've got to come a long way as a society in terms of acceptance of the issue, education, research into early detection etc. The "fear" and the "crazy" keep us locked in a medieval world.
I lived in Kansas for many years when I was a kid and am still in contact with many friends who live there. I had always loved the basic honesty, independence and no BS attitudes of the people - at least the ones I knew.
ReplyDeleteBut something has happened to KS. I think it's the fundamentalist movement that has hijacked their minds.
I like the guy at the end of the video too. Thanks for this post.
Read the book; it's on the shelf in the Loussac Library. Then read 'Deer Hunting with Jesus'. That's in the library, too.
ReplyDeleteYes, Anonymous 8:10, sex education and contraception are better avenues to to prevent abortion.
ReplyDeleteWhy are people so afraid of science, of truth, of prevention?
Goodness, how much better to avoid the problem of unwanted pregnancy altogether than to struggle with the question of whether or not to abort.
Kids can handle the truth. Kids can make better decisions if we just provide them with the truth and with contraceptives if they do decide to be sexually active.
I remember seeing photos of what sexually transmitted disease can do to the human body and feeling less interested in having casual sex. It wasn't so much that I was scared as that I simply didn't want to take a chance of winding up like that.
Agree wholeheartedly with 8:10. I am a pro-life Christian, but I try and use the life of Jesus as my example and not a man-made pseudo-Christlike political party. I believe abortion is wrong, but outlawing it would be ineffective and result in more needless suffering. I support economic policies that would help any woman who wanted to keep her baby to afford to do so. I support sex education to prevent as many unwanted pregnancies as possible. I support tax credits for child care. I support health care for all Americans to save people's lives AFTER they are born. I support environmental policies that will help all of us lead healthier lives. I am against unnecessary wars, torture and the death penalty, which also result in the death of innocents.
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to Kansas is that people who were bible-believing Christians got duped into thinking that Christian = conservative Republican. They were manipulated by powerful, amoral men who wanted to get even more powerful. It is still their fault though, because how anyone can honestly look at the words and life of Christ and think that his values are reflected in the words and actions of the conservative movement are beyond me. The fall of Sarah Palin is going to be a huge wake up call for these people. I can't wait.
Johnsonś prophecy, as he signed the Civil Rights Act in 1964, that he was ¨signing away the South for 50 years¨ proved accurate. Southern whites certainly rallied to the Republicans, but so did other blue-collar workers annoyed by the Democrats´ lurch to the Left.
ReplyDeleteAnd conservatives are now beginning to be become annoyed by the Republicans´ lurch to the Right. We conservatives are not as popular as we like to think. In 2000 Bush lost the popular vote for POTUS by 500,000 votes. ¨I do not believe a majority of Americans shares our values,¨ Paul Weyrich, the man who invented the Moral Majority, admitted. Jim Dobson of Focus on the Family may be able to remind 8 million Americans about the evils of homosexuality, but Will and Grace, the sitcom with several openly gay characters, was watched by 20 million people a week. Not a single conservative I know views Sarah Palin favorably. Not anymore.
What happened to Kansas? There is far more cohesion to the conservative movement, both locally and nationally, than most Americans realize. And we work 24/7. But we will not work for Sarah. Never again.
I LOVE documentaries and can't wait to see this one. And I'm going to be shameless enough to recommend a couple more.
ReplyDeleteA few posts back, emrysa recommended Century of Self. How masses of people are manipulated into the desired behavior. It's an hour long in six segments on youtube. It was Amazing!!
Also, "For the Bible Tells me So."
Six families dealing with a homosexual child. You will learn alot and definitely be inspired. I cried over this one.
Needs a new title. "Welcome to Dumbassistan."
ReplyDeleteI'll watch for that!
ReplyDeleteCannot help laughing today- while the Clintons are having a top notch high class wedding, the Palin/Johnston clan are all the rage in the tabloids (again) for the canceling of the white trash, baby before wedding, I want Levi to wear camo, damn, now we won't get a reality show hillbilly fiasco.
There's no changin' the totally fucked up!
Support AGTER they are born.
That's what the fruitloops generally miss.
Sorry folks - I made a mistake.
ReplyDeleteThe documentary "For the Bible Tells me So" is about five families - not six.
Someone comments in the film that "we were meant to be a Christian nation." No, we were meant to be a nation of religious FREEDOM. Isn't it one of the main reasons people settled here in the first place? Freedom to CHOOSE. Pick your religious affiliation or have even have none at all. Same with abortion. Freedom to CHOOSE. People who support a woman's right to have an abortion are not Pro-abortion, they are Pro-CHOICE. The people who want 'rill amerka' back are deathly afraid of change and progress. Being different does not equal being wrong.
ReplyDeleteGenieO - even though the link you provide for Century of the Self is 6 segments, it is only part 1 of a 4 part series. the other 3 are very interesting, too. the 4th one deals with "liberals" bill clinton and tony blair and their efforts. clinton was on his way to losing the 96 elections, and his advisors (the same ones that hillary held on to who ruined her campaign - carville and penn) convinced him that the only way he was going to win re-election was to resort to appealing to people through their subconscious desires. hence, clinton campaigning on TAX CUTS - the first time a democrat had ever campaigned on that issue. and why? because appealing to the subconscious selfish desires of people works. unfortunately.
ReplyDeleteI also think that's what is the matter with kansas (and not just kansas). sub-par education combined with people who have been conditioned to act on their subconscious selfish desires. they don't use their rational conscious when making their decisions. also fits the palinbots to a T. a rational person would look at her record and actions and analyze them to conclude that she's a f-ing joke. the palinbots don't bother with that. they "like" sarah, because she's one of them. it's a completely irrational reason to support a politician.
be sure to click the red button on the page that says "watch film now" - the videos that are embedded in the pages are only trailers.
Century of the Self
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
The point of the documentary, according to Wikipedia's entry, is to show how the Republicans use the hot button issues of abortion and homosexuality, as today's version of the was how the Russians were coming to get us, for the longest time, but even the most feebleminded among us don't fall for that anymore.
ReplyDeleteSo, now, the ruling class keeps us in line by scaring us with the new malarkey of how black people, college graduates, Mexicans, gays, abortionists, and most everyone under 30 years old, are the ones coming to destroy the American way of life (for white people, anyway).
Topping that absurdity, is how they are able to con them into voting for the super rich's representatives in government, the Republicans, promising to keep the new Boogeymen at bay...but who have NO INTENTION WHATSOEVER of killing the golden goose that gives them power, the irrational fear they foster; aided by most of the preachers, ministers, and priests across the land, who USED to preach forgiveness, tolerance and love, but who now act like shills for the far right nutjobs.
No, they are given the power to run the government, and all they do with it is make it all the easier for corporations and the super rich, to rape the middle class even more so.
This answers the riddle of: How is it that poor white trash are convinced they should vote Republican, when it is totally against their own interests?
Pat in MA nailed it...
ReplyDeletethe Teabaggers, and especially Sarah the Teabag Queen actually think that our founders meant for the United States of America to be a christian nation.
They actually believe that.
It's kind of an IQ test - one that they fail, miserably.
The founding fathers were educated men and knew the dangers of a theocracy and thus, were very clear that this nation will NOT establish any one religion nor prohibit the free exercise of any other religion. Period.
Bozos like Huckabee and Bozettes like Sarah read the Constitution and somehow miss that. Like I said: it's kind of an IQ test
...that they flunk.
Or maybe they haven't really read it?
I live in Kansas and I can't wait to see the documentary. Whats the matter with Kansas is a question I've been asking myself for years. I think the fundamentalist christian element is a large part of the problem. I deliberately didn't capitalize christian because when you have fundamentalist in front of it capitalization is not warranted. It's an empty phrase as far as I'm concerned. I am a registered Republican but I am pro choice, I am in favor of gay marriage, and I do believe that we should care for our fellow man. I guess I'm a moderate, don't want any part of the tea party crowd.
ReplyDeleteWe are getting robo calls from Sarah Palin for Todd Tiahart who is running for sentate, she endorsed him and even if I didn't dislike him intensely, I wouldn't vote for him because he was endorsed by the tea party and the bitch from Wasilla. Just my two cents.
Sue in Kansas
By the way in my first post I forgot to say that Sarah starts the call by introducing herself as "Gov Sarah Palin". I don't know what she said after that -- I hung up.
ReplyDeleteSue in Kansas
Agree with the comment that wealthy power brokers manipulate the fears of working class whites to maintain the current economic structure that benefits only themselves. This has been going on since the country was founded. During the Civil War most confederate soldiers were poor whites, not slaveholders or their families. The rich paid the poor to fight and die in their place to preserve slavery, where free labor harmed not only blacks but kept poor whites poor. Poor whites might have thought they were fighting for southern pride or to protect their homes and families, but they were really fighting to protect the property and income of rich men.
ReplyDeleteThey used it during the Civil Rights movement to flip the South politically. Even if working class whites never stop falling for it, this tactic is going to stop working because they simply don't have the numbers to win elections this way anymore, plus young people have more moderate views about race and sexuality than their parents.
A longer snip with the older guy at the very end of the clip:
ReplyDelete"And you know, if I piss you off, maybe I'm intending to...."
I love that guy!
Thanks emrysa! I'm off to watch some more videos.
ReplyDeleteIt is curious that so many people are "one issue" voters. At least it seems that way with so many "Right to Lifers"
ReplyDelete"Gay marriage...who gives a shit", I love it. I'll have to find this one.
ReplyDeleteEmrysa's links are much better than mine. I just watched part 2. I'm going to be up late tonight. I'm not going to bed until I've seen 3 & 4.
ReplyDeleteHaving followed politics for quite a while now, and researching the 'new' religious right - particularly dominionism - everything in these videos is resonating quite loudly.
Think you already know how you are being manipulated? There's probably a few surprises here, no matter how much you've already learned.
Thanks again emrysa. This is one of the best learning tools anyone has ever shared with me.
LMK said...
I love that guy!
I cracked up when he said Bush is an asshole. LOL I love talking to older guys like that. No bull straight up talk. You learn a lot from seniors.