Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sharron Angle runs away from media in Nevada. Ahhh Sarah Palin taught her well!

Courtesy of Andrew Sullivan.

Wow, she could not get out of there fast enough could she?

Good luck during the general election lady!


  1. Anonymous12:34 PM

    She couldn't get out of there fast enough, could she? Grow up, Sharron.

  2. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Hey, Angle! Can you say "I'm toast"?

  3. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Republicans, cowards from the word grift!

  4. It's what any common-sense conservative woman must do: refudiate the lame-stream media, for freedom. Oh, and for the troops. And for Trig, also too.

  5. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Should have seen this comming. In the primaries the candidates run against other Republicans so they can spew all the rhetoric they want. Now that she (they) have to run against the Democrat's record, which may seem weak, they are quickly realizing that rhetoric no longer works. Guess what? They can not come up with any substance. All of a sudden, the Democrat's track record doesn't seem so weak any more.

  6. Pat in MA12:58 PM

    The party of NO questions. All she needs now is a prop / shield in case she gets cornered some day.

  7. Anonymous1:12 PM

    I wouldn't underestimate her. Let's not forget how much clout Palin has amassed without a single press conference.


  8. Anonymous1:13 PM

    She'd even backed her SUV in for a quick getaway! Too funny. Guess Reid has nothing to worry about!

  9. womanwithsardinecan1:22 PM

    Between running from reporters and threatening to sue people who show her old website (before the cleansing), this lady hasn't got a chance. Harry will eat her alive. Go Harry! Kick Angle butt! She may as well put jam in her pockets because she's toast.

  10. Buffalo, NY1:49 PM

    Wow ! If you google this, you get all kinds of stories, this is really taking off.

    Here's one:

    Sharron Angle Runs Away From Reporters, Reporters Retaliate With Hilariously Spiteful Segment

  11. Anne In DC3:40 PM

    This isn't the first time she ran from the media. She ran from a reporter who had the temerity to question her about her off-the-wall positions on abortion and abolishing the Department of Education.

    She's just another fringe fruitcake who has no business in politics, where she could inflict a whole lot of damage. Anyone who still has an across-the-board anti-incumbent sentiment needs to think long and hard about exactly (s)he wants incumbents to be replaced with.

  12. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Gives a new meaning to 'got the runs' ...

  13. Ignia4:18 PM

    Oh; something of note:

    thought you might like!

  14. angela5:24 PM

    She ran away from a pregnant reporter.

    Maybe she was scared the reporter was going to ask her about her stand on women's reproduction rights. Angle's heart probably went into her colon. Of course the reporter could have wanted to know what Angle ate that day and Angle would have run.

    Cowardly idiot.

  15. Anonymous5:29 PM

    "Montezuma's Revenge." clear and simple.

  16. Anonymous7:05 PM

    This is GREAT!!! People have let Palin get away with avoiding reporters. They will not confront her when she hides. However, it's much easier to demand answers from someone with less star-power than Palin.

    THEN, if we again start expecting that candidates answer questions ... it naturally follows that the Queen of "Hands Off" will also have to face the microphones.

  17. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Maybe she can find a prop baby. Seems repub women who have nothing to offer like to hide behind a child.

  18. Randall6:15 AM

    And I wonder--
    I wah-wah-wah-wah-wonder,
    Why, why, why, why, why
    she ran away,
    ...and I wonder,
    A-where she will stay-yay,
    My little runaway,
    Run, run, run, run, runaway

    Run, run, run, run, runaway


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.