Monday, July 26, 2010

Well this will keep you occupied for much of the day. Journolist e-mails illustrate how progressive journalists examined, and ultimately passed on, the story of Sarah Palin's fifth pregnancy. Update!

From the Daily Caller:

Kathleen Geier

Aug 30, 2008, 9:13am
Obviously, neither Obama nor any other Democrat should touch this story. At all.

But — and that’s a big but — if it’s true, *of course* it would be an issue. And should be! Forget the issue of whether or not she denied her daughter the choice of ending her pregnancy — that’s not the issue. The issue would be if Palin is lying to the McCain’s people, and voters, and basically the world, by trying to pass off a child as hers, if it really wasn’t. Your kids are as much a part of your basic life story as when and where you were born, who you married, and where you went to school. If she’s trying to pass off a child as her own, when that child is actually her granddaughter — that is a huge freaking deal.

Now, that said, this does sound like a pretty wacky conspiracy theory. If there’s no evidence to it other than the fact that Palin allegedly did not look pregnant, and her daughter was allegedly absent from school, that’s an extremely slim reed to hang a story on.
However, if a reporter investigated this story and came up with compelling evidence that it’s true — such as documents or eyewitness testimony from medical professionals and the like — the media should have no compunctions about running with it.

But it’s such a wild story I seriously doubt there’s much to it. On the other hand, I thought the idea that John Edwards would risk having an affair and a love child in the midst of a campaign for president was preposterous as well. So you never know . . .

Ezra Klein

Aug 30, 2008, 10:15am

Seriously, folks? Best case scenario, what’s your outcome here: Her daughter, hounded by the tabloids, breaks down that it was her child, and her mother heroically took on the burden and welcomed the disabled boy as one of her own? Palin’s relationship with her children — however they may have come to her — strikes me as pretty far out of bounds. By all accounts she’s a wonderful mother, and devoted to her fifth son. Leave this be.

Lindsay Beyerstein

Aug 30, 2008, 11:20am

In the post-Rathergate era, journalists should be on their guard for Republican dirty tricks.
If this story gains traction, regardless of its truth or falsity, the Republicans will take steps to neutralize the meme.

It wouldn’t surprise me if the McCain campaign were to leak doctored evidence for the sole purpose of discrediting it and destroying the journalist who published it. That’s probably what the Killian memos were.

We should also be on guard for “evidence” falling into the lap of an unknown and easily discredited figure. That’s probably what Rove did to neutralize the allegations of cocaine use by George W. Bush, lo these many years ago.

If apparently well-substantiated allegations emerge, we should be alert for the story behind the story, so to speak.


Just speaking for myself I found these e-mails FASCINATING.  They ask many of the same questions that we have covered here and on several other blogs, however in the end they simply decide NOT to take the risk, and as we know left it up to the bloggers to continue the investigation.

Just imagine what could have happened if they had decided to REALLY go after this with all of the resources at their disposal.  The mind reels.

It takes some time to work your way through, but if you are a person who has been following this story since the beginning, you are undoubtedly going to want to take a look.

Update: Andrew Sullivan weighs in on these e-mails as well. He DID say he would not address the Trig parentage issue until there was new evidence.  I guess this qualifies.

Update 2: Sarah's Facebook writer holds up the Special Needs community as a shield to deflect attention away from her insane birth story, and to condemn liberal journalists for their private conversations.

Her post is simply ridiculous but it also misses the point that these "journalists" did her a huge favor by convincing themselves, and each other, NOT to pursue the mystery of Trig's birth to its natural conclusion, the uncovering of a poorly constucted lie.


  1. LisanTX9:39 AM

    Here are some of my favorite quotes from the emails:

    None of this is evidence of anything, of course — but I do relish the idea that if this were true and discovered, Palin would take the crown from Eagleton as the most disastrous veep choice ever.

    A hoax would suggest extreme selfishness and blind ambition, not to mention vanity and a distinctly irrational preoccupation with keeping up appearances.
    (now we know this is absolutely true!)

    I’d lay odds that, come November, her name will not be on the ballot. McCain is going to be wishing he’d chosen Michael Palin instead of Sarah Palin!

    The world is a pretty messed up place right now, thanks to the last 8 years of stellar leadership. Al Qaeda is still out there, Pakistan is falling apart, Iran and Russia are getting very cozy right now, and the economy is in the toilet. A lot of women could have handled the job (from HRC on our side, to Kay Bailey and Liz Dole on the other) a hell of a lot better than the 1 term governor from a state on the periphery (and one that prides itself in being nothing like “the lower 48″) who may have a whole bevy of ethical issues.

    That was great reading; thanks for the link!

  2. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:41 AM

    I read some of these this morning and hope to catch more later today. It didn't occur to me at first that they were from 2008 until I read the dates. Fascinating! Thing is, journalists on both sides wouldn't have devoted that much time and effort "chatting" about this issue if they didn't suspect that something was off kilter about the manufactured mass-media version of the story. Some of the email authors seem genuinely edgy if you read between the lines.

    Seems the curiosity about Trig's origins is heating up these days, no? Keep watching SP to see if the escalation is getting to her more and more.

    Keep going, Gryph, you're doing great!!

  3. Anonymous9:46 AM

    No NICU for a high-risk infant is a FACT. Anyone with average intelligence understands that this single fact indicates that Trig Palin's birth story is a LIE.

    The journalists' e-mails indicate stupidity is well within their comfort zone. A clique of self-satisfied bumblers masquerading as intellectuals. Their egos are sickening.

  4. Ezra Klein: that Palin did not look pregnant and her daughter was absent from school is not enough.

    Much of our efforts have gone into showing Palin did not look pregnant or as pregnant as she should have looked at any particular time.

    What other narrative can we use as well?

    Klein: compelling evidence would be "eyewitness testimony from medical professionals and the like."

    HIPPA pretty well rules that out.

    If we focused on Sarah switching babies, would the media find that compelling? Would they start asking questions about his birth as well?

  5. Anonymous10:07 AM

    I think these journalists never would have believed that two years later she would still be on the national scene front and center.

  6. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Palin twitters:
    Many Special Needs families see today's 20th anniversary of Americans W Disabilities Act as opportunity 2 show respect 4 innocent human life

    Well, Sarah, some mothers knowing they are pregnant with a high-risk special needs infant show respect for innoncent human life by TRYING at least to be in a facility with a neo-natal intensive care unit when the kiddo pops out.

  7. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Thank you for posting on these emails. I'm glad that they're getting circulated on other blogs as well. The more people that can see that this is how "journalists" conduct research the better. These people knew that there was something to the pregnancy hoax, yet they were too chicken-shit to investigate or report on it themselves. They wanted to wait for someone else to drop the bomb, then they could jump on the bandwagon and say see, see, what they said! Pathetic excuses for journalists.

    Sarah Palin faked her pregnancy. The sooner we can get people to go on the record with what they know about this coverup (and all the other coverups surrounding $arah) then the sooner we can get her hate-mongering smarmy ass out of the public spotlight.

    Please keep digging. Don't give up!

  8. Anonymous10:25 AM

    How is Maggie Mahar still employed? And as a health expert no less? Mahar really came across as a dippy Palinbot with her bullying tone as she twisted herself in knots trying to explain away Stupid Sarah's nutcake behavior. Sure Mags, your goofy logic might play with the Chumps4Palin crowd, but not with thinking journalists.

    Sure, water breaking isn't an emergency -- why any woman leaking fluid can take her sweet time getting to the hospital, no biggie. Labor and delivery are completely controllable factors ladies!

    Idiot does not even begin to describe Ms. Mahar.

  9. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Exactly Loves@9:41! They knew in their gut that something was very wrong with Palin's bullshit story.

    Most journalists go into the field because they aren't the types of people to take everything someone tells that at face value -- they like to dig and investigate for themselves.

    I guess all that fire goes away though once you get into a job at Newsweek, Time, etc. and get comfortable -- hey, you've put in your dues, why the hell should you have to do any actual work anymore? Sad.

  10. Enjay in E MT10:36 AM

    Guess we have to give the former half governor some credit - The Trig birth story is so wildly convoluted and tied into a Gordian Knot that even questioning such a story ranks one as "a fruitcake". Hardly anyone wants to "go there".

    Regardless of what the truth is, if it ever gets revealed, probably won't effect her hard-core adoring supporters. And those of us that suspect the story.... the truth won't change our minds to support her. I hope the real story does come out, especially by dedicated persons bloggers who have kept at it.

    Theres a line from a movie, "It's not what you know, it's what you can prove (in court)." The proven/documented FACTs are:

    >Bristol Palin was out of school & family home in late 2007-early 2008
    >Sarah Palin announces (7 month)pregnancy the day after McCain wins primary.
    >Sarah Palin was in Texas & flew back to Alaska in mid-April
    >Sarah announces birth of son Trig. Returns to work within days with "a baby".

    Technically, those are "verifiable facts" Personally, her entire story is BS.

  11. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Wow, she looks like such an adoring mother. Cannot wait to pass Trig off to someone else, looks like she is about to drop him in disgust. Karen

  12. FYI, this is the Daily Kos piece that got axed:

    and the clearer version is here:

    The photos on the AK website got scrubbed well before Parnell got on the scene.

    The first time I showed my parents the square pillow of Palin in the blue windbreaker they said no way was she pregnant. Then I showed the photo where she's having a pic taken with a little girl and her stomach area is wrinkled....When Bristol's Tripp pregnancy was announced, my father thought she had what I learned on the East Coast are called "Irish Twins"--two kids born in 12 months because, my father guessed, she didn't think she could get pregnant so quickly after giving birth.

    Then I showed my parents the baby with the hole in front of the ear (the baby shower) and the one with out (ie the convention), and they know there's a big fat lie around this kid business.

    Here's the DKos content:
    Sarah Palin Is NOT The Mother [Photos+Video]
    by ArcXIX
    Sat Aug 30, 2008 at 01:12:31 PM PDT
    Attention! Read The Follow-Up too! BabyGate: Explosive New Details [Photos+Video]
    Yesterday, with the news of Sarah Louise Heath Palin inexplicably being chosen as a Vice-Presidential nominee, the attentive American public was also introduced to her character. Unfortunately for all of us, it was filled with multiple instances of backtracking and outright lies. While Alaskans had been giving her an 80% approval rating, recently 87% of Alaskans polled on the subject of TrooperGate believed she was lying.
    Now, I've known liars in my life. Their single core problem is not with themselves, but those around them. If they're never called out on their twisting of truths and fabrications, they simply continue to make larger lies.
    Well, Sarah, I'm calling you a liar. And not even a good one. Trig Paxson Van Palin is not your son. He is your grandson. The sooner you come forward with this revelation to the public, the better.
    • ArcXIX's diary :: ::

    The story begins on March 6th , when Sarah decided to come forward and announce to the world that she was pregnant, a monumental occasion for an acting Governor. Republican Governor Jane Maria Swift of Massachusetts was the first sitting Governor in United States history to give birth in office just seven years before, and now here we were once again. Yet, no one could believe the news:

  13. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Dr. Cathy Baldwin Johnson would have known full well that Mat-Su Hospital is not certified to handle pre-mature births, in addition to the Down Syndrome issue. Why did she meet Palin at that hospital instead of an Anchorage hospital? Seems that hospital could be in big trouble for not immediately sending Palin back to Anchorage.

  14. Anonymous11:22 AM

    I wonder what Stupid is plotting to do to take people's attention from this...

    Will Track re-enlist(Does he work BTW? How does he spend his time?)

    Will Willow pop up pregnant?

    Will there be a quick (forced) elopement of Brevi?

    Will Stupid Sarah set her hair on fire? Or will she enter rehab for 'exhaustion'?

  15. Git 'er done11:22 AM

    10:09 AM excellent point. I've been musing over the Journolist since "Media Bias? What Media Bias? BOMBSHELL!" They are doing their best to make hay while the sun shines, this is to prove she won except for the evil operatives and MSM. Tammy Bruce, Ziegler and the like know the proof. Forget freedom of speech and freedom of the press if these yahoos ever get their way in America.
    WARNING! Can you say bombshell again?
    The list

    It makes for a nice distraction from the great fart of Breitbart. The good news is that Shirley Sherrod is now able to tell her story and it is amazing. I hope she does sue that wicked fool and there will be more clarity about Acorn.

    This is proof for the mentally unhinged. It is all they need to keep the sacred mother of Trig and cubs branded a Mama Grizzly of the last frontier who they want to dominate the world. Bring it on.

  16. Anonymous11:48 AM

    By Sullivan's telling, and I agree with every word, it was liberal media bias that shielded queen Ester from baby-gate scrutiny. Isn't that ironic. The very people who were out to get her weren't out to get her. Her lies are so big and ridiculous that merely investigating them is a liability for the other side. What a pile of crap our media is.

  17. Thank you for posting this. I never would have wandered over to the Daily Caller and, up until now, had no interest in the Journolist emails.

    Coming on the heels of the Netroots straw poll, this paints a disturbing picture. Even if this list represents more obscure journalists and not the movers and shakers, the emails do seem to represent the consensus of the media as a whole.

    It seems like the least our journalists could have done was to call 'foul' and reject Bristol's 5-month pregnancy as 'proof' that Sarah birthed Trig. Instead, the faulty logic was accepted; the media rolled over. Kate Snow (ABC at the time) stood out as the only one besides Sullivan who wouldn't back off demanding Palin's medical records.

  18. The picture you used with this post, Gryphen, of the "iconic" mother and child - it is breaking my heart.

    On the rare times that SP HAS to hold Trig (photo ops only), the "vibe" is chilling. Babies CAN tell when the person holding them is nurturing, loving, kind and caring.

    Poor Trig - he just wants to be AWAY from her!
    Nope! PROP must be faced OUT, show the crowd what a heroine I am!

    Just heartbreaking. Say what you will about some of Bristol's bad decisions - at least Bristol knows how to hold/love that little guy.

  19. Anonymous11:55 AM

    This new attention is very good for us.

  20. I have to agree that most of these so called journalists are pathetic. With a few exceptions, they seem a very uncurious lot, especially Maggie Maher. What a dolt! So, keep at it Gryphen. The world needs bloggers like you more than ever.

  21. Anonymous12:07 PM

    What about the two different babies presented as (and photographed as) Trig that appeared on august 29th and on Sept 3rd at the RNC? These babies could not the "ruffled ear" Trig from May (according to the physician specialist reporting previously on this blog).

    The three different Trig's should be concrete evidence enough that a major hoax has been perpetrated.

    I can understand the early reluctance of reporters to accept the possibility of such a hoax early in the 2008 campaign. But that is no excuse for failing to investigate the story now!

  22. Rationalist12:10 PM

    There is no evidence, besides Palin's word, that either Cathy Baldwin-Johnson nor Sarah Palin were ever at Mat-Su on April 18th, 2008. The Heaths were photographed there, and an eyewitness saw Todd in the hallway.

  23. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Why do you suppose this very conservative web site would come out with this hot news just now? They have been obviously building the story like Breitbart did with ACORN, by releasing it bit by bit. But why would they chose this moment to throw Sarah under the bus like this? Well, one, as you pointed out, Netroots just overwhelmingly voted for Palin to be the Rep. candidate, and they want her to just go away. But two, they want to knock the Wikileaks story off the front page...they do love them some war!

    As for the horrible conspiracy of journalists getting together to manipulate the news to favor a partisan agenda. Ha. Like anyone believes the right wing doesn't do this all the time. Difference is, instead to figuring out how to present the news they work on how to create the news with phony stories and misleading editing. Doesn't make it right, it needs to be addressed, but do keep that in mind.

    Final point, I hope you have made permanent record of this site, screenshots and such.

  24. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Amazing lack of journalistic guts. It seems it's all about CYA. No one wants to take a chance.

    I was dismayed at how narrowly they defined the issue and the evidence. They just didn't want to look too hard or too long for fear that they might find something.

    After all, that big, bad bogey-man Rove would fry their cowardly little asses. Gees - are they just playing at being journalists? A real journalist would get out there and dig for evidence, not just take something that's handed to them. They'd triple-check things. What ever has happened to fact-checking - but more importantly, what has happened to old-fashioned integrity, tenacity, and guts?

    We're losing all the real journalists through attrition (death or retirement) and are being left with "news readers" too lazy and too inept to ferret-out the real stories.

  25. We should consider the possibility that all the emails weren't included.

    I also wonder if the DC got Sarah's approval before publishing the Trig emails. It's interesting that this comes the day after c4p had an article bashing Trig Truthers -- normally a verboten subject over there.

    Could something be up? Could Sarah be ready to either prove Trig is her biological child or tell a tear-jerking tale of a fake pregnancy? The mind reels.

    In case it's the latter, we may want to start gathering all the instances of Sarah complaining or otherwise bashing the media for inquiring about Trig's birth.

    I may be getting carried away but the timing is good for Sarah to feel overconfident enough to believe that she can get away with something big.

  26. Anonymous12:42 PM

    I am a registered Republican who voted for McCain. Keep in mind for decades Fox and Talk Radio has proclaimed the MSM is biased. ItÅ› their main marketing tool. The MSM, by their own admission, admitted they were biased to a historical extreme in the ´08 election. This may be one reason they´re backing off this story.

    There could be no denying Palin’s real deficiencies. Nonetheless, Palin was embraced practically without reservation in many conservative circles. The very heat of the Left’s campaign against her made her all the more a darling of the Right. She became the 2008 poster child for the longstanding conservative grudge against the mainstream media. (Perhaps this is what SM mean´t when she said ¨it helps her.¨)

    A lot of conservatives realize, today, that the MSM did not transform Sarah into a nincompoop.

    On July 3rd, 2009, many of us came to understand that Sarah always has been, is, and always will be a nincompoop.

    Btw, I love Floyd´s latest post.

  27. Scarah just posted on her FB notes(or should I say RAM DID) how awful the media is questioning her son's birthmother. The blogs better get moving on this now, she is coordinating with Daily Caller to squash the story

  28. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Re Anonymous 11:11 a.m.

    "Dr. Cathy Baldwin Johnson would have known full well that Mat-Su Hospital is not certified to handle pre-mature births, in addition to the Down Syndrome issue. Why did she meet Palin at that hospital instead of an Anchorage hospital?"

    There are only two possibilities. (1) Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson is an incompetent doctor. (2) Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson is a liar and she did not deliver Trig from Sarah's loins at Mat-Su Regional Hospital.

  29. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Am wondering the female journalists who wrote these e-mails were trying to justify not "going there" because it might look hypocritical.

    These(pro-choice)journalists want to see a woman make her own choice, so they feel it's the kettle calling the pot black if they pursue Sarah's "choice" of making up a pregnancy to cover for her daughter. They feel it's hypocritical to call a woman on what she decides for her own family, and since it isn't illegal, they let it go.

    Yet a fake pregnancy scheme to get into the White House is just plain morally bankrupt. I think Sarah was banking all along on the media not touching her on this because they, the "a woman has a choice over her own body" liberal journalists would be the laughingstock of the conservative right.

  30. My wish was denied. Sarah/RAM has posted a rant on facebook about the horrible treatment she received in the Trig emails -- another reason for her to continue to hide behind facebook and twitter.

    New wish: I hope this backfires on her and the media uses her facebook note to revive babygate.

  31. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Let's just go out on a limb here and say that Palin is actually the biological mother of Trig. By her own account(s) of the Wild Ride:

    1. She put the life of her child in danger
    2. She put her own life in danger.
    3. She put the lives of all the airline passengers, on not one but two flights, in danger.

    These are not the actions of some tough, rugged frontier woman. They are the actions of someone who is mentally unstable and has no business engaging in the public discourse or holding any type of public office.

    That said, for you lawyers out there: Can a civil or other type of lawsuit be filed on behalf of those airline passengers for endangering their lives? Can one be filed for endangering the life of her child?

    Because, quite frankly, if the Wild Ride were true, it really looks like she was *trying* to miscarry Trig.

  32. dancingthroughlife1:15 PM

    Looking over these emails is sad; had they looked into things when the questions first started coming up, they may have come across something that would have helped break this thing wide open. How these people consider themselves "journalists" is beyond me.

    By the way, something that has always bothered me is that people keep claiming they know someone who didn't show at all. Usually, those people are overweight- adding pounds wouldn't necessarily raise any flags. A relative of mine had a baby in late June. She was so ill during her pregnancy that she had to quit her job. She was losing weight early in her pregnancy, and didn't begin to feel better/gain ANY weight until about 6 1/2 mos. BUT she still looked pregnant- even at New Year's, when she was 3 mos. along. I STILL call BS on the Trig pregnancy.

  33. Rationalist1:18 PM

    Palin has responded via facebook. Money quote:

    It’s always darkest before the dawn. My hope, therefore, is that today, marking the anniversary of our nation’s attempt to show respect for our brothers and sisters, sons and daughters with special needs, will also mark the beginning of a new, more respectful discourse among members of our media who at least aspire to be fair and objective.

    - Sarah Palin

    Thanks, Ezra Klein!

  34. More proof that Sarah will NEVER tell the truth:

  35. Correction to my earlier comment: quotes were from journalist other than Klein. Sorry 'bout that.

  36. Anonymous1:26 PM

    I hate to be cynical, but I believe that finding the "truth" is going to require money -- you know, the kind that talks.

    On first read, it appears the Journolist participants missed that opportunity. With Sarah now a private citizen, it may be harder to convince a publication to invest.

    If she runs in 2012, it may be a different story with available money to investigate AND may be incentive for a Deep Throat to emerge.

    I credit the tenacity of Gryphen, Patrick, and a few others for keeping the controversy alive. Surely someone with deep pockets and a little heft could find, for example, if a birth certificate is required by the Alaska benefits division for health coverage, the flight manifests during the Wild Ride, phone call records from Texas to Wasilla, the personnel on duty at Mat-Su on the birth morning, what acquaintances in Wasilla and Anchorage know, and hey, even what the RNC knows!

    Remember also, too, how long it took for Watergate and John Edwards to come to resolution.

  37. curioser,

    I think that may happen. The White House might even help, as they are desperate to get peoples' minds off of Wikileaks. May be the time for TriG to become the bright, shiny object the administration has been saving him up for.

    Personally, Wikileaks is far, far more important than TriG, but....

  38. transparency rocks!1:40 PM

    If anyone noticed Rebecca Mansour's brother, the David All Group or the Tech Republican they pushed the new "e-mail" thing, and the twitter is already history for tech repubs. It's all about e-mail now. Recently someone was posting that screed about a new Obama documentary, it is to expose him yadda, yadda. That is an example. It was an e-mail, it looks good, must be true. Andrew Breitbart is also working the media angle. He goes after people the lamestream media won't touch. So what if he makes it all up? The costumes look impressive and he has a good editor. Just get it out there and do it over and over. It must be true.

    June 25, 2010; 3:10 PM ET Palin ghosts didn't start her journolist act until Tuesday, July 20, 2010 at 11:26am

    The journolist e-mails were great for awhile. The Daily Caller
    Leaked JournoList e-mails
    On Friday, June 25, 2010, The Daily Caller published private e-mails from Washington Post blogger Dave Weigel denigrating conservatives, who he covered for the paper. That same day, Weigel resigned from the Post,[9] and JournoList — the listserv that hosted Weigel's disparaging e-mails — was deleted by creator Ezra Klein of the Washington Post.
    Several weeks later, TheDC published a series of articles based upon JournoList discussions.

  39. Color me surprised about "Sarah's" FB note: NOT.

    The note which I do not think she actually wrote herself, by the way. The angry, snarky screed against Joe McG, complete with mention of mowing Sarah intending to mow the lawn in her tank top and shorts with Trig strapped to her in a backpack is more her style.

    OF COURSE Sarah was going to come out and play the victim here. And she probably figured she had better do it fast, because if people actually read those emails, they raise more questions than they answer. And, gee whiz, I am sure NO ONE at Faux News or at conservative newspapers EVER discussed anything about Obama's background that they thought was not fully explored.

    Sarah must be worried. By getting this note out so fast she's hoping her fans will take her word for it that there was some kind of unseemly discussion about her in these emails.

    In reality, these "liberal" journalists did Sarah a huge favor by not even daring to look into her clearly "out there" birth story any further. Oh, the horrible journalists, they privately discussed suspicions that had circulated in Alaska long before Palin was nominated, with one of the chief pieces of evidence being her bizarre tale of the Wild Ride, which they actually seemed to believe!

    She's also lucky that one of the women on the list, who I am sure some of the male journalists deferred to on matters pregnancy showed herself to be such a complete and utter idiot. Yes, that would be Maggie Mahar, whose emails show her to be woefully ignorant as to what would constitute a high risk pregnancy, much less how flying would figure into the equation.

    Sarah's hoping her FB note will cause her fans to look no further at what she herself claimed, as it doesn't pass the sniff test.

    So, what do the emails show? They show that so-called "liberal journalists" actively helped keep news of Sarah's highly suspicious tale quiet. With "enemies" like these "journalists", who helped keep things quiet for her, she scarcely needed friends.

    Unfortunately, these emails do help illustrate the sad state of journalism today, but not at all the way Sarah seems to think it does. Yes, Sarah, there is a Santa Claus, it's the JournoListers, who kept your secrets for you because they were too chicken to look for the truth. (Not to mention they showed an appalling lack of understanding of high risk pregnancy as well, again, all to the good for Palin).

  40. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Don't be shocked if one day soon, Sarah announces Trig has gone to heaven and in her grief, Sarah had him cremated.

  41. Anonymous2:20 PM

    I hadn't thought of it that way... neither Cathy Baldwin-Johnson nor Sarah Palin were ever at Mat-Su on April 18th, 2008. Did Levi say he saw her or he was just there with Bristol's friends? April Morlock? When was the picture with Levi wearing a hospital bracelet with a baby taken? Mercede could possibly date that, not saying in a blog. She may have more to back up a correct date and she could tell someone in private.

    When I read this I thought it was a mistake. It is probably some slob that didn't make a correction. We know that there are no journalists to ask for a correction so that is that. Seriously, someone should ask for an explanation and why aren't they making a correction?

    Just because she wasn't at the hospital wouldn't mean she would be at a bill signing to help a cause. How weird they placed her in Anchorage on April 19, 2008 and no one cares.

  42. Anonymous2:22 PM

    I think the Journolist email article gets the Palin/Trig story out to a wider range of people. Maybe someone else will get the ball rolling. JMO


  43. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Phil Munger said:

    ...May be the time for TriG to become the bright, shiny object the administration has been saving him up for...

    I agree that someone has been saving the TriG story for their own profit.

  44. emrysa2:34 PM

    journalists? what a f-ing joke. because these so-called "liberal" journalists did not want to go down that road, this f-ing psycho is still running around today stirring shit up.

    after seeing what they knew and when they knew it, I believe the original kos poster ArcXIX must be one of these people. his/her post was thorough and very well written, ie not just some blogger with no writing experience.

    love the list from ryan donmoyer, dated august 30th, especially his notice of THIS on august 30th:

    "2) The state of Alaska yesterday removed official photographs of her the months that coincide with her third trimester."

    there is one reason and only one reason to remove all of those photos - that psycho bitch faked a pregnancy, and she didn't want anyone to see the pictures of her during that time. destruction/removal of evidence that could be used against her.

  45. emrysa2:38 PM

    anon @ 2:17 pm sez:

    "Don't be shocked if one day soon, Sarah announces Trig has gone to heaven and in her grief, Sarah had him cremated."

    yeah that would not surprise me ONE BIT. it may have been the plan since april 18, 2008. that woman is a psycho and I don't put anything past her.

  46. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Sarah, Sarah, you missed a couple of points: the "dark and demented conspiracy regarding my son, Trig" wasn't about Trig since he's an innocent victim - it was about your dark and demented personality; and 2) it's not a conspiracy "theory", it's all legitimate questions about your behavior that are oh so obvious.

    She squeezed in a reason for having to resort to Facebook and Twitter didn't she. Whoever writes those for her is good.

  47. Phil - Your absolutely right about the importance of the Wikileaks story!

    I hope the media could handle both stories. I shudder to imagine the military mess we'd have on our hands with Palin in command.

  48. heidi12:44 PM

    Ah, so...turns out we all haven't been wearing tin foil hats for two years now, have we? The next thing to find out is if these idiot "journalists" had the brains to figure out that "Tri-G" is an out-of-date term for the condition of Down Syndrome.

  49. transparency rocks!2:54 PM

    Opps! That is Rebecca Mansour's nephew. Joe Mansour, Web Strategist | Communicator | Account Manager I work at DAG as the Account Manager, working with my team to help clients use the Internet effectively. ...

    He is also obsessed with beating President Obama. It is all about the internet.

  50. What's the going rate for a RE-FUR-BUSHED VIRGIN {possibly impregnated AGAIN} being pimped by her GRIZZLY MAMA?

    How many times can a PALIN BE A RE-FUR-BUSHED VIRGIN and passed off as a proponent of abstinence?

    How many pregnancies does a Palin have to have before she is no longer a VIRGIN?

    Has anyone considered that Willow may have birthed one of the several Palin babies? Girls as young as 10 and 12 have been known to become pregnant and give birth.
    Google babies having babies.

  51. Lisabeth3:02 PM

    Sarahs stupidity amazes me. Occasionally I think she deseves credit at least for her marketing ability but this makes her look stupid. All these emails show is that these unthinking, lazy, cowardly "journalists" decided to leave this story alone. That is good for her, so why even comment?? Only to play the victim it seems. If she was smart, she would have ignored this and it probably would blow over. But she calls attention to it which I find very very strange.

    I'm really disappointed in these "liberal" journalists. I've Considered myself to be liberal for 30 years now. But lately Im having my doubts.

  52. During the trial about the email hacker this was brought to light by Fox themselves on a Friday night and yet none of the media would talk about it although many of us blogged and posted about it. Really ticks me off that she seems to be protected by the media. this is the story I'm talking about. Did anyone else try to get this noticed?

  53. Lisabeth3:07 PM

    I have also had this same exact thought about Trig disappearing. It saddens me. When is the last time anyone has seen him???? It seems like he has disappeared.

  54. Rationalist3:25 PM

    I just thought of an analogy that's really making me smile (except that this whole sordid drama has such tragic overtones):

    Sarah Palin is an excellent Tetris player, adapt at rotating and moving each shape as it comes at her. But once you get at the upper levels, where the shapes come at you faster and faster, even the best player eventually slips up and the pieces pile up and the game is over. Sooner or later, she's going to blow it. It may be soon - the pieces are coming in pretty fast now.

  55. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Palin's Facebook response to these emails is beyond stupid! Anyone reading the emails can understand that these journalists gave her the benefit of the doubt, and didn't pursue the rumors.

    Even her ignorant fans are beginning to question why she doesn't show some proof. What is she hiding??????

  56. Anonymous3:31 PM

    The "babygate" meme is old hat and now associated with the "fact" the "liberal media bias" wanted to destroy the "sacred iconic" mother. What about a new theme? Like the multi-baby mystery or fake pregnancy hoax?

    Bristol has earned her independence and her place as a fraud. How about a contest to figure out if she had sex with the whole hockey team or only Levi's best friends? I sure do want to know how Track is fighting for his mother's freedom of speech these days? What the hay with the Morlock house and Willow? Coincidence?

    I don't want Wikileaks over shadowed by Trig but stranger things have happened. Wikileaks can shed more light on the atmosphere when soldiers like Jeremy Morlock go to fight for Sarah's freedom of speech. The Morlock story matters because it goes to his up bringing and how he went into the service. Interesting contrast to Track who had similar up bringing but is a hero to his mother. Same hockey clique, two "sacrificial soldiers," two different stories.

  57. Anonymous3:31 PM

    I agree Lisabeth@ 3:02 -- Stupid was given a pass so why is she so indignant about a TWO-YEAR-OLD listserv where the reporters pretty much agreed to leave the story alone? It's not like this is the first she's heard of people questioning her crazy story of Trig's origin.

    No one in the MSM went near this story, but somehow she uses this goofy two-year-old discussion among 'journalists' to prove her persecution complex is justified. Only in SarahWorld I guess.

    Stupid might want to reconsider dancing on this current land mine though -- those journalists didn't know anything about her back when they were biting their nails and deciding to leave the birth fairytale alone. Today there is a ton of information outlining exactly what type of lying mental defect McCain unleashed on the U.S.

  58. Anonymous3:54 PM

    "This JournoList exchange exposes the warped nature of today’s media, thus explaining why many of us are forced, in fairness to the public, to utilize other mediums to communicate until the mainstream media wakes up and begins respecting the public’s intelligence and desire for truth in reporting. There is a sickness and darkness in today’s liberal media. With revelations like the JournoList exchanges, may the light keep shining to expose the problem."
    SarahPacs ghost writer aka Sarah Palin

    Whose spin revelations about JournoList exchanges? They are preemptively taking out Joe McGinniss and Geoffrey Dunn in one big swoop if this works.

    ..forced, in fairness to the public, to utilize other mediums to communicate until the mainstream media wakes up
    That sure lifts up Rebecca Mansour's nephew and the David All Group.

  59. Anonymous3:56 PM

    The comments on Sarah's FB page are hysterical. Here's one:

    Mary Younger-Stilwell
    You use to be able to tell a legitimate newspaper from a gossip rag but now I am more apt to believe the rag than the newspaper. Both are only out for insatialism.

    Insatialism? Someone has been hangin' with Sarah too long. Anyone care to refudiate? lol

  60. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Don't fall for that "liberal bias" bull. Haven't you read about cultural warriors? Who is that Bernie guy that commiserates with Bill O'Reilly? He is always going on about that crap. They have been working on these spins for decades. It is still lies, not based in reality or facts. Journalists are people some good, some bad and all kinds in between. Whether they are liberal or conservative or in between. Our society is broken in many ways. The shit may fly but in time this is going to work out for the good. Regroup and let them have it with the truth.

  61. Anonymous4:09 PM

    I think Trig is spending most of his time in some type of institutional setting. Would Heather or Molly give up so much time to him? Do they work? Are they neglecting their families? He may be better off than being with Sarah, but that does not mean he is getting his needs met.

  62. Anonymous4:20 PM

    WikiLeaks Founder On Afghan War Diary: Evidence Of War Crimes

    Jeremy Morlock is not the only one. Most of them are never reported and no one can talk about that.

  63. Anonymous4:34 PM

    I've been thinking about how there were clearly at least two different babies toted around posing as "Trig" during her book tour. If journalists wanted to start somewhere raising a stink about the fishy business this woman has engaged in regarding this supposedly beloved and adored son, how about asking her about her stunt babies used on her tour?

    Photo evidence shows that elfin looking cutie "Trig" with the very unique slanted ears and dark hair and a very different looking baby at other times. She presented both of them as Trig, had pictures taken with him, etc.

    The whole "Ruffles" issue aside, surely the fact that she used two babies on her book promotion tour shows the obsessive focus she has brought to putting Trig front and center as the core of her media image - and yet nobody has called her on using two clearly different children.

    This isn't conspiracy theory, it's fact. Look at the pictures, "journalists!" C'mon. Shannon Moore, AKM, why are you silent on this particular fact? No complex theories are required to prove what is right in front of everyone. Journalists are supposed to call out public figures on discrepancies like this because the public needs to know when those in power seek to obfuscate, confuse, and lie.

    And if she's willing to play switcheroo with babies one time, doesn't that at least suggest that, given the fishiness of her Wild Ride story, there is clearly a pattern of established WEIRD behavior regarding Trig? And maybe somebody should look into it, since being Trig's mom was such a huge part of the "resume" she was providing as she marketed herself as VP and then as book em, uh, ahem, - "author?"

    I'm just thinking that looking at the two different babies used in her book tour would be a very simple place to start - and for even Andrew Sullivan to be clearly shown, because I don't know if he knows about the stunt babies she brought on tour.

  64. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Not having been a member of the now-defunct JournoList, I do not have any empirical evidence on hand to evaluate, so I am at a loss to be able to say something definitive about it. That said, having followed the various "disclosures" that have emerged about the list, it seems to me that the substance of the indictment against its membership is this:
    read more; JournoList: The Secret Liberal Conspiracy That Wasn't
    First Posted: 07-26-10 02:36 PM

  65. Anonymous4:43 PM

    From the Journo's discussion
    Maggie Mahar
    Aug 30, 2008, 1:31pm
    ...My step-daughter recently waited 3 days to go into labor after her water broke...

    This is the kind of example that drives me bonkers. It's presented as perfectly reasonable. You are NOT supposed to respond ... "so, did your step-daughter fly from Texas to Alaska because she KNEW it would be days before she went into labor?" You are supposed to respond ... "so, Sarah Palin is way more nornal than your step-daughter".

  66. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Say what ya want but look what happened with Joe the plumber and I will always think that was a toal set up by the GOP.Could you immagine if babygate was false and used as a trick to take people in,what would have happened?

  67. The Governor that would not quit5:17 PM

    The following is a good thing for the Department of Justice to do in Alaska when Sarah Palin was irrational and capricious. She was a quitter disgrace and a fake, fraud, charltan, capricious, grifter, sociopath, irrational, destructive robot. Mind controlled by weird parents until she and Todd ended up as BP corporatist.

    “I want to find out what was the basis," Brown said about the Bell salaries. "Because on the face of it, it seems irrational and capricious." Attorney General Jerry Brown
    But Cavuto was curious what happens if Brown finds nothing illegal.

    “If it is [lega] we are going to put a stop to it. When you act as a public official, you have a fiduciary duty to the people. That means you have to act with reason and not capriciously," Brown replied.

  68. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Palin does not walk the walk or talk the talk and she sure does not put her money where her mouth is.She can argue all she wants about children with disabilities but she has done nothing at all towards helping anyone but herself

  69. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Looking at the photo of Sarah's sack of potatoes hold makes me wish I could see how she carried her other children as infants/toddlers. To many parents, that comparison would be very telling.

  70. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Remember climate-gate? Stolen emails selectively released to paint the picture wanted by the leakers, that there's no global warming.

    I see this jourolist theft and leak the same way. Little Tucker Carlson want's to get his new website rolling.

    What's interesting though, is releasing the Trig emails. Yeah, in one way it paints the liberal reporters as "bad" that they even talked about it (SP's victim FB rant) BUT BUT BUT, it is TOTALLY going against her by re-printing the details for all to see. I know many Republicans who have been lapping up the journolist leaks - not a PEEP from them today about the current leak.

  71. "How ironic that on a day when we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the enactment of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, The Daily Caller released 15 pages of JournoListers’ email exchanges about a dark and demented conspiracy regarding my son, Trig."

    First of all, there is no irony here; the passing of the ADA has nothing to do with politically-motivated conspiracies to hide or otherwise obfuscate the truth.

    Secondly, this from someone who, on record, has stated that they "don't believe in coincidences"?

    One way or another... the truth will out.

  72. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Why Sarah hasn't filed suit against any of the Trig "truthers?"

    A possible reason: if she did, the legal paperwork about the child's birth would inevitably be subpoenaed.

  73. Anonymous6:26 PM

    THIS was in the emails. I have never seen another journalist confirm that photos were scrubbed. Maybe he would like to explain how he knows this?

    Ryan Donmoyer
    Aug 30, 2008, 3:58pm

    2) The state of Alaska yesterday removed official photographs of her the months that coincide with her third trimester.

  74. An exceptional parent6:44 PM

    As the biological mother of a disabled child whom I actually personally care for, I deeply resent Palin's exploitation of disability issues to raise money for herself and to promote a political agenda that does nothing but harm our children and families.

    Many other parents of disabled children feel the same way.

    I hope that, individually and through our organizations, we can repudiate this dishonest woman, her harmful demagoguery, and the viciousness of her handlers, who are using her as cynically as she is trying to use us.

  75. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Andrew Sullivan just posted a link to the complete interview SP gave to Charlie Gibson during her VP run, during which she called him "Charlie" about a twenty times. (I do wish we had the full video of that exchange.)

    The main thing that strikes me is her repetitive use of his name and the talking point labels "maverick" and other phrases - a common hypnotists trick.

    Her responses have an oily, slippery feel; she just slides from one tangent to another.

    I was quite surprised to see this fragment of speech from her "It has always been an embarrassment that abuse of the ear form -- earmark process has been accepted in Congress."

    Also I thought it was interesting that when she is talking about the Wasilla sports complex, she first says "people came to local government and said, "We want a sports arena here." And then two sentences later says that the sports arena idea had been talked about for 30 years, but SHE decided to put the issue "before the people".

    I bet Charlie Gibson needed therapy after her interview. I can tell he made a real effort to learn about her background and ask some meaningful questions, but most of what she threw back at him were campaign slogans.

    I can see why Bill Kristol was so excited to draft her; that woman can talk all day, and not stick to a single substantial point.

    Not to mention lie with not the faintest trace of embarrassment - Alaska does not supply the US with 20% of all our energy needs, and Charlie had her dead to right about "The Bridge to Nowhere" and she just slid around and talked in circles.

  76. @Anonymous. "Photo evidence shows that elfin looking cutie "Trig" with the very unique slanted ears and dark hair and a very different looking baby at other times. . . . [S]he used two babies on her book promotion tour . . . "

    Can someone direct me to photos showing two babies on the book tour? Ruffles v. RNC I get, but multiple Trigs after that I don't.

  77. @Anonymous. "I was quite surprised to see this fragment of speech from her "It has always been an embarrassment that abuse of the ear form -- earmark process has been accepted in Congress.""

    Freudian slip? She must have been familiar with EAR FORMS even to repeat the term accidentally.

    Good catch.

  78. Anon 6:57 - I think saying 'ear form' instead of 'earmark reform' may indeed have been a subconscious slip. I imagine Sarah did some research on ear forms/molds although I don't think they would help Ruffles malformation.

  79. Enjay in E MT10:07 PM

    I agree the journalists indeed gave her a pass "not to pursue the story/rumor" If it was lack of credibility or crossing family privacy barriers or just wasn't a viable story.... Palin did get a pass. Even stating the wild ride story was BS.

    I would bet if McCain had won - they would have broke the story BEFORE he took office and half term governor would have had to resign. I think McCain would have done it himself - and put in Liebermann within 24 hrs.

    After reading all the released e-mails - it's highly possible at a critical time - 2012 primary ?? Trig will silently slip away. Unfortunately, what good is a prop unless you can utilize it at the opportune moment. However, no doubt SP will soldier on - because she is a pitbull grizz sow and its "for the country"

    Honestly, I am very saddened by the fact we (Anon @ 2:17 & Lisabeth @ 3:02) even had that thought cross our mind. It shows we believe this woman would do anything to achieve the Oval Office. And that scares me! For blind ambition, she'd sell her soul, just like McCain.

    All the more reason to continue reporting her lies & deciets. She MUST be politically discredited.

  80. OT - John Stewart's back...with a beard.

  81. ""This JournoList exchange exposes the warped nature of today’s media, thus explaining why many of us are forced, in fairness to the public, to utilize other mediums to communicate until the mainstream media wakes up and begins respecting the public’s intelligence and desire for truth in reporting. There is a sickness and darkness in today’s liberal media. With revelations like the JournoList exchanges, may the light keep shining to expose the problem."
    SarahPacs ghost writer aka Sarah Palin"

    What??? This is surreal!
    I mean it's the explains exactly why we need these blogs because the media (who are not dark and sick but bought and sold) can't/won't expose the truth about Sarah.

  82. B said, "HIPPA pretty well rules that out."

    In rural Alaska the rules are often not followed and this includes HIPPA. I have seen staff get a chart of a fellow employee for purposes of gossip and pass it around, until it got to me and I asked them what the hell they were doing. The truth is not much has been done to violators of HIPPA. We have seen leaks of information about celebrities from hosptials and treatment centers often. So, while HIPPA might not stop them from disclosing information an attack from Van Flein and a pay off with a non-disclosure agreement could do it. There are also threats of reporting them to the board of nursing, the director was appointed by Palin and I happen to know she has done some ugly things from my own personal experience. They could easily loose their job and then be black-balled from working at other hospitals in Alaska which is a common occurance. There are many ways to shut people up.

  83. Anonymous4:04 AM

    I've read all 78 comments and wonder why no one mentioned that Trig was supposedly born with mild jaundice and a hole in his heart. Why wouldn't a premature down syndrome baby with a hole in his heart and jaundiced be in a NICU and not in his mother's offce? Circumstantial evidence convicts the guilty.

  84. I'm gonna be a mother here and comment on the way Sarah is pictured holding Trig. Just imagine the damage the little guy could do with drool. She didn't want to get her pretty red jacket stained, let alone have the smell to contend with. So holding the baby in front of her as opposed to on her hip solves the problem of the babys mouth drooling on ones shoulder.

  85. First, as I am reminding myself, discussion and questioning regarding Palin's alleged pregnancy is not an attack nor inappropriate for Palin chose and had great support to roll her out as Veep pick primarily that she was a Hockey Mom. Her greatest credential to the public was motherhood. Palin has made money off motherhood. The Wild Ride was used to promote Palin as a "tough woman". How many magazine covers and photo shoots feature the babies, the kids? Did Going Rogue leave the kids out?

    Truth is coming out that people hesitated to investigate or even ask questions to treat Palin's identity spun with kid gloves. Palin would have the nation believe these same people are predators out to harm and hurt her kids. To date, I have only read and seen Palin using, exploiting to abusing her parent child relationships for her personal gain, ambitions and to make money.

    If anyone can name a politician or actor/actress who has hired people, a lawyer to peddle or pimp out their kids, drag their infant around to gain popularity or profit please inform me.

    I feel angry after reading the facebook post. How dare she write that the emails "disrespect" special needs children? Palin is a conniving master of claiming up is down and black is white.

    Infants are innocent, I agree. They are not for lying about, neglecting their human needs nor are little girls to be used as a prop nor teens to be used for ambition abusing them setting them up for public humiliation, lies or to sell their reincarnate hymen to the highest bidder.

    Sarah Palin and her flying monkey Todd do nothing to protect their children nor their privacy. They don't care if their innocent baby is in harms way nor if he can see or hear to develop to his highest potential. Right now the Palins are making big bucks again going public doing a reality show.

    Palin's true motive is control, to control what people believe and control others not speak nor write exposing how she habitually lies and changes her stories. She needs to control no one sees the photos of her not pregnant nor the insane sudden big baby bump. People don't buy it any female can go from not showing to looking 9 months pregnant a few weeks later.

    I think it is fair to address the alleged conspiracy theory for the demonstrable facts are apparent it is reasonable toquestion and doubt Palin given her contradicting lies, claims shse is tough, was in active labor, then changing the sstory she was not in labor..shse can't have it both or many ways all to her advantage and each time she tells a different lie screams shse is being attacked when she is actually caught in yet another lie.

    Her pattern is for each lie she tells, repeated or presented in the face of yet another lie she tells, Palin projects, spews smoke and mirrors others are makin stuff up. FB and twitter are her control tools. I noted she blames the media.

    More truths will be revealed like the Charlie Gibson transcript unedited. Hopefully the Katie Couric interview will be released too. If Palin says they edited it to make her look stupid, the opposite is true.

    I wish journalists had backbone to address facts with purpose and intention not backing off lest Sarah, queen of personality disorders uses that to scream she is a victim. she is a control freak who will use, abuse, even her own children, lie about them which is disrepsect and even precious innocencse of a fetus or newborn can not spare them trapped in her webs of lies.

    Palin is unfit for office and unqualified. No, seeing Russia from land in AK is not a qualification as a foreign policy expert nor experience. It's ok to not have experience. It is insane to claim you do telling a pathalogical lie. Then she blames SNL for their parody of her ludicrous answer. Then she blames Couric, CbBS for her apparent incompetence and ineptitude..blame the campaign.

    That she is still spewing her nonsense is what we need to be concerned about.

  86. mocha5:24 AM

    I wrote this rather clumsily over at PG, and I'm writing it here too so maybe someone smarter than me can do something with this idea. Palin has always said "I didn't show much." But on April 13th, she posed for a picture with Gusty where she shows very much. This is the pciture they hold up as the proof she was pregnant. It convinced the journalists she did look pregnant. And if I recall correctly, there are also pictures of her onstage at the Governors conference on April 18th where she also looks like she has a big pregnant belly. How did she go from that big round belly on April 13th and early on April 18th, to getting on a plane later on April 18th and have no flight crew notice? To explain that, she claims " I didn't show very much." She can't have it both ways. She can't be round as ball early in the day and then "not showing very much" to pass to get on a plane a few hours later without something very hinky going on. I think this is the smoking gun. It's not the pictures that show her looking relatively slim, then whammo, the Gusty picture that expose her lie. It's going from the round belly in the Gusty picture and at the Governor's conference back to "I didn't show very much." to get on a plane that proves she faked it.I don't think it's ever been expressed that way to journalists and it might pique their curiosity. She might not have shown much up to April 13th, but her own picture proves from April 13th, she showed big time. She can't have it both ways.

  87. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Bob "Robert" Mackay of the New York Times just posted this in the comments section at Huffingtonpost beneath the Journolist story:

    I was on Journolist for about a year or so. I think you hit the main points on the head--it was a place people could discuss things. I dont recall any grand strategy or media planning. Of course, if you get a lot of people together who have the same basic beliefs, you are going to get some level of agreement (and a lot of disagreement). What is the larger issue is how all this is taken out of context. Example: the rumor that spread about Palin's son Trigg (either being her son or that of her daughter, etc.). At the time of the emails on J-List, this was being blogged about; Jlisters, in general, thought it was 1) just stupid, 2) none of anyone's business, and 3) had nothing to do with the campaign. I was not a wall flower on my opinions about Palin--she was then, and is now, completely unqualified to be in a position of senior leadership in the US government. As the father of a disabled child, the last thing I would have done is 'make fun of' her son's disability--however, those email responses, somehow, were 'edited' out of the Daily Caller's postings."

    It was posted at 9:04 am today, July 27, and the link is here:

    Pretty much shows you how disinterested major journalists were in the biggest story of the decade - just because they seem to be skittish of dealing with pregnancy/women's body issues. Disheartening, because this story has never been about that. It's about using fraud at the most fundamental levels to establish legitimacy for an entirely unsuitable candidate - who could have easily been the world's most important leader, should McCain, with his history of cancer and other health problems, have died in office while she was VP. Why weren't people interested in this story again? I just don't get it!

  88. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Maybe many of these jounalists felt that the act of strapping on a chair cushion and declaring oneself pregnant doesn't necessarily suggest mental instability and therefore tried to rationalize it away.

  89. Anonymous6:41 AM

    I think Sarah just has a hard time remembering sequence of events regarding anything. She had trouble regurgitating to greta how the Meeting with Mccain went down. It s not a bad thing, some people remember specifics well and some are big picture people.

  90. During this 7 month time period before Sarah announced her pregnancy, was she driven back and forth to work by security? If so, being the gentlemen/women that I suppose they are, wouldn't they be opening the door and closing for her?
    There would be a time where it would be difficult getting in and out of a vehicle if one was increasingly preggers.

  91. This is totally OT...but I thought it interesting: but I just saw this on New play called 'Picking Palin' "which concerns "the story of how and why a certain first-term, little-known governor from Alaska became the 2008 Republican Vice Presidential candidate," will make its world premiere as part of the 14th annual New York International Fringe Festival."

    Picking Palin the Play

    I can't believe there's going to be a play about her...If anyone's in NY at the time this is being performed, please see it & review it. I certainly would be curious about it

  92. Anonymous9:27 AM

    you know everytime I see that picture of S'cerror holding Trigger I can't help but think the look on her face is that she is absolutely disgusted to even be holding him.... Have I ever seen one photo of her holding that child in a loving manor?

  93. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Gles- when you have a drooling baby the common sense thing to do is put a small blanket on your shoulder, but Sarah has no common sense so she hold him like a puppy she wants to get rid of...cause he might pee on her.

  94. Anonymous1:51 PM

    A smart journalist would do an article on the bloggers and their writing about Palin/Bristol/Baby/baby/baby?/Wildride...etc.

    With full pictures of their evidence, timeline, etc. and do it in such a way that the 'journalist' can claim to be impartial but just 'reporting a story' on why it is so fascinating.

    Thereby, saving his/her cowardly self and yet getting the story out there.

  95. Just reinforcing Mocha -- "she can't have it both ways." Maybe this will be the "hook" that catches people's attention. Even though it is biologically impossible for a thin woman like SP not to "show" at seven months, if she claims she wasn't "showing" she can't explain the Gusty photo, and if she claims she was "showing" she can't explain the other photographs. I still don't understand why the photographs are not taken as proof that she lied. What are people waiting for, a confession?

  96. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Speaking of Trig...where did the Governut's favorite prop and shield go? Is the little dude in hiding after the ruffle ear story?

  97. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Reading the discussions of these journalists/opinion writers makes it painfully clear why Rolling Stone is breaking the big stories, not Time, Newsweek, etc.


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