Monday, July 26, 2010

Teabagger candidate is caught on tape calling supporters "dumbasses." Oops!

From the Denver Post:

On an audio tape obtained by The Denver Post, Buck was caught muttering "will you tell those dumba---s at the Tea Party to stop asking questions about birth certificates while I'm on the camera?" outside a June 11 event in Crowley.

Buck then started laughing as he walked into the event with the Democratic tracker.

"What am I supposed to do?" he asked, rhetorically.

Well I certainly understand his frustration, they are indeed dumbasses.

Of course what do you call a candidate who is dumb enough to allow this statement to be caught on tape?

Update: By the way, this guy was no "Teabagger come lately."  He has been involved with these nutjobs since the beginning.


  1. Well, isn't that funny? If only someone with the same disgust in their voice would call Sarah Palin a "Dumbass" on camera.. That would be a HERO for both sides!

  2. "...what do you call a candidate who is dumb enough to allow this statement to be caught on tape?"

    I call him a truthsayer. They are dumbasses! Since he is one of them, that makes him truly a dumbass.

  3. I guess that would make him King dumbass? Or Leader of the dumbasses?

  4. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Whether teabagger or teabagger candidate, they can't keep from shooting themselves in the foot.

  5. Anonymous6:54 PM

    I was over on the CBS site reading the Journolist story about Trig Palin. Some Palinbot raised the question about the birth certificate of BHO (The H is very important to these tea baggers.) I was able to tell him that Ken Buck thinks he is a dumbass. Stand back and let the Tea bag candidates do all the work calling these people what they are.

  6. Randall5:37 AM

    So are the dumbasses pissed off?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.